Kundera Interview (February 1984)

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The novel is a blurry of things

- a Kundera Interview (February 1984>

Tan Lide translation

Anto Wan. German. Goldmar (hereinafter referred to as A · G): When you still live in the cloth

The initial work written by Prague, there is no unmenered gas in the country under the Soviet Union.

atmosphere. Since your exile and in France settled, your novels have splendid through the east, Western

It's often, your pen is left and left, between forgetting and memory,

Here and there. With a day, you will write a Czechoslovakia.

Do you have a book?

: Table trajectory  サ  ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ 虺芃 · K): I don't know. Everything

Consciousness, his imagination of the world, his tube, is formed in his first half.

And remain always. Therefore, all the themes I have focused on doing so or like this.

, With Prague and all I have experienced all. On the other hand, I am increasingly

Less Prague as Prague, but more and more regard it as representative of Europe

A fictional city. Prague becomes the imagination of European fate. I thank

I have been a long time. In "living in some", I have already put young poems.

The fate of people Jeromeier is more than the fate of European poetry, especially for him. Correct

Let me, Rominal is the history of European poetry history? When I talk about Bra

I am talking about Europe. Here, in Paris, I think this Prague is clearer.

Clear. In addition, in my book, the narrator is not from Prague, but a certain from Europe.

Local speech. His idea from Paris to Di, from Prague to Geneva, from Ni

Take it from Tolste to Palmnide from Tolstet. Prague this

It is increasingly an imaginary city. To prove this, that is, I started to forget

The city's terrain, the name of the street ...

A. G: What kind of case is you leaving Czechoslovakia?

. Stop-playing Hanobu? 8 years, after Russia invaded, I lost the Prague movie higher.

At the study of the college, I have taught literature and movies there. At that time, I have published it.

"Jishers" and "ridiculous love", but people prohibit me from eating anything in Czech Republic.

Therefore, I have to publish my book abroad. In 1973, when I accepted "life"

When the Medici Award, I was won, I was coming to Paris. In 1975, Rene

Learn to present a teaching position. We, my wife and me, with four hands

Box and several carton books, take the bus. This is what we take away.

In Renne, the years is very happy, making it easier to find France through other provinces. We are faster

Learn language and habits. In 1978, we settled in Paris, now I am in higher research.

Practical school work.

A. G: What is your connection with France and French culture before you?

. Stop K: Czechlovakia traditionally is a friendly country in France. I am in the law

The national cultural breath is educated, for me, Paris is the capital of European art, but

French literature is one of the literature that produces a huge impact. On the one hand, there is a pull

Brray (I have a fortunate to study outstanding modern Czech translation), Montene and Didero. another

On the one hand, there is a poet with Podlais, Laolbo and all the realism. along with

Russian occupation, we were isolated, just like most intellectuals. however,

In that dark age, I have been fortunate to receive many friends from Paris, which have a deep connection between me and France, so the exile period is reached.

The idea is gradually, it is logically more and more intense.

A. G: Your novel is popular in France. We still remember Allah

The enthusiastic preamble written for your first novel "joke". Such

Are you surprised by your child?

. Stop K: It is completely like this. It should be said that changes are sharp. Until 1968

So, I am a work of unrelated Czech writers. Later, my work began to be

People translate, however, I am no longer as a writer in my country. then,

I chose to put France as a country I as a writer, because it was first published in Paris.

Book, I cherish this symbol.

A · G: People often speak France to the ground. Whether such a statement is reasonable


. Stop K: From Dry Malro, people know the American novels in the 1930s, thanks

The card is the card, people discover the South American literature, is France, especially Morris Na

More 2 makes Gibbrovitz 2 enjoys the world's reputation, or, for example, make Muzil,

Re-attach importance today. As for me, my work is the most wisdom of smart.

France is conducted, here, these reading is the most literary and most politicized.

After the long-term Paris as the central European, it is still a more than France today.

The capital of things. Unfortunately, I think it is a world that is disappearing.

Lost capital.

A. G: In 1979, after the "Laughing" published, you lost the Czech nationality.

Then, 1981, France New President, Francisco. Mitram awards you and writers

Hilio. Collatar 5 French nationality ...

. Stop: Yes, I am still surprised. However, my surprise is

There is no ingredient that is not worried.

A · G: Do you want to have a day back to Czechoslovakia?

M. K: Even if I gave me the opportunity, I will hesitate for a long time. I am afraid there will be too many

Disappointment and pain. I often think of Gibbrovi from Argentina in 1962.

He has already had a chance, however, he always refuses to return to Poland. Besides, no matter what

This problem has not yet mentioned the schedule! Today, my real problem is that I am in France.

Solution is not enough ...

A · G: Your new work "can not bear the light" with a couple of special

Sha and Thomas are centered on them, and they have encountered accidents from them. Do you first want to think

Write a love novel?

. Stop K: Through Trishe and Tust's Story, I want to write one about love.

Love, accident, jealousy, loyalty, rash, betrayal novel. . . . Around Trisa and

Thomas's central image has the same number of different themes. I used to be a few book names.

I am too hesitant, I have chosen "Inexperive Planet". Once, Timma

Said: Everything creates the essence of human life, it is to make this life event only

A life. "Never have repetitions, whether it is still after an event, and it is impossible

It is confirmed that the decision made by the life itself is correct. People's life is just a sketch, it

Shows a natural non-experience and immature. But this is a kind of people who are too inclined.

It forgets the mediocrity. Thomas people are constructed around such a theme: he never knows that he is doing well, because he only has a life.

Moreover, he is impossible to retreat. I am, but I finally chose this "existence

Can't endure the light "One-one novels about Thomas, especially his mistress Sapi

Another central theme of Na. Sabina is an artist who has lived from abandonment.

Abandon, drift from one place to another, from betrayal to betrayed life, straight

To absolute lonely until she has always been a complete light. Even her death

It will also occur in a light atmosphere, and her ashes will also dissipate in the wind ...

A · G: "Cannot endure" What does this adjective mean?

M, K: This is not a declaration. I am not said, "There is a light of existence.

Inthele ", I am talking about" I can't stand it, "we are in ambiguous two

. If you say, a novel has a certain function, that is, it is ambiguity of things that people discover.

I namely the whole part of the book is "the word unbearable", which explains the same

Words on how these people or those people cover up completely different reality, even if they

It is like Triba and Thomas, or Franz and Sabina is close. Novel should

Destroy certainty. Moreover, this is also the root source that causes misunderstanding between the author and the reader. read

When you ask: "What are you thinking? What are you talking about? What is your worldview?"

Some questions are very embarrassed to the novelist. It is exactly that the talents of the novelist are

Determinative lack (l'absence de ceertude), they are purple in brain

Thunder, it is to transform everything in doubt. The novelist should depict the world's original

Face, 即 谜 and paradox.

A. G: The enemy of blurred and doubt is what you call "kitsch)

The world, namely the aesthetics, the results of the old kingdom, it is the result

The kid of the right. In your novel, you propose this kits several times, you wrote,

It "All exclusions that are substantially unacceptable in human existence is outside its field of vision."

. Stop K: Kitsch is a word that produces in Germany in the 19th century, its meaning

It has gradually changed, today, in France, only aesthetic style, low

Inferior art. However, far more than this; this is a view of some kind of view

The aesthetics supported, this is almost a philosophy. This is the beauty outside the knowledge, it is beautified

Things, pleased the people's will, it is full of old. I am again reabled in that book.

Helman. The famous argument of Brooch 1, in "literary creation and understanding",

Calculate the spirit of marriage customs from German romanticism, according to him, this kitsch

Continued to Wagner. I think it is better to say, to Coovsky: An a

Causes excitement, and to successful valid music, but very traditional, it is

Artistic lyrics, this kind of confusion is in the West, also exists in the east. of course,

Very powerful countries have developed this kind of kiss, because these countries cannot tolerate personalism.

Skeptical and laughing. Socialist realism is the victory of kitsch. After the war

The Soviet Union, people's minds explained to the students of art colleges, and the Soviet society has

This is so advanced, so the basic conflict is no longer a good and bad conflict, but it is good.

Better conflict! In the West, this kind of kits is especially the political factions as a media, see the US election sports ...

A. G: Do you mean that politics have a kiss?

. Stop K: Politics does not have a kitcale, but it needs to be kitsch. Any political exercise

They are based on kitsch to confuse others' wishes. From a political perspective, the world

It is white or black. Ambiguous, contradictions and paradoxs are not available. Every

The politician who is self-respect will not be said: "I think ... but I can't be sure right.

One ... "or:" Although we can do that, but you should do this. "He can

Said: "I recognize the way of the future, I know that I am right," and so on.

A · G: You describe Franz with fifty by very Voltaic technique.

:  知 知 知 旅 旅 旅 旅 边 边 边 边 边 边 边 边 边 边 边 边 边

South occupying army accepted humanitarian medical examination. In that paragraph, Langz, a

Swiss scientist, he is in love with Sabina, like Tian Zhenhan, finally participated

It can be said that it is the Long March of Europe: the US movie star led, a large group of photographs

Walking in front of a contingent, fluting to the communist occupation army ...

. Stop K: In this description of Puzhai episode, I talked about the history of the history.

It's just a huge progress, it is the left and kiss that is endless. In Cambodia border, Eph

Ranz and others suddenly realized that our great paradox in this era: is

It is always necessary to move forward, and human beings go to the end. This is exactly in Europe and left wing today.

What is encountered is a European-style thought, this kind of thought is only to press it.

It is a world history, however, today's Europe is surrounded by all aspects, the world

The history is formed without Europe and even eliminates Europe. European left-wing

I think that I have been destroyed, and the import of Pohai is the fact that this fact is ridiculed.

Performance. On the one hand, the Western media and advertising machines put each behavior, no matter how much

Brave, it has become a play, it has become kitsch, on the other hand, this kind of performance

Go to the final paradox: no longer fleeing, no progress, only

There is a hostile border, which will close, quietly close.

A · G: All this is very controversial ...

. Stop K: Not completely. I have no intention to fight with anyone, but so

The novel can appear to be arguing, because its deepest ambition is to reveal

Treatment and show something hidden in our determinism and description.

A · G: Thomas and his son Simon, after the Soviet Union invaded, both

The Czech authorities are bored. Thomas, a famous surgeon became a

Lost intellectuals in social status, like a lot of knowledge points in Czech after 1968

Like his son, his son will settle in the countryside and convert to the radical Catholic. This

Do you have a typical religious phenomenon of Poland in Czechoslovakia?

. Why think of this, even in Czechoslovakia has a truly

Religious reaction. In Poland, Catholicism is part of the identity of the nation, while Czech

The identity of the nation is associated with a certain religious doubt. My country in the 17th century

He was forced to "Catholicization", leaving a mental trauma. Today, the church is a bit

Urgent, and, a part of the Czech anti-tutorial response disappeared. Establishing mutual understanding between non-tugura and monks because of the extinct organs of communism.

Think both European rationalism and doubtful unsythistical traditions, while also threatening

Christian tradition. Replay Yang, Barto 1 is very good: people who are shaking

Friendly love is produced.

A · G: The hostess you wrote Tereha is a cafe female hospitality, in her

After hiring, she became a photographer before she was recently entertaining. (She took too much

Russian invasive photo). In your previous novel, the hostess Tama is a coffee.

Woman enclosure. Is this an accident?

. Stop K: I don't intend to write this at all, what you let me find this

point. This may contribute to confirming that the image of the cafe female enclosure is plaguing me. Regardless of

What is it, this is an example in the novel creation. Even in us

When we don't want to talk about yourself, we have to expose yourself sooner or later. However, I personally

The definition of the family is a person who is disgusted to depicting himself and is ashamed. However, the most

Terminally surround your brain, but you will not be peaceful, and get some malicious


A · G: Generally, do you think that in the novel creation, accidentally


. Stop 谂 谂 谂 第 部分 部分 部分. We often

Visiting a farmer, in his garden, there are two pigs. These two pigs always come to me

Let me pay attention to me very happy. The final part of the novel is in a foreign peach source

In this way, in this part, I have a pig's role, I am very happy.

Love this role. Due to the walk in Norman, when I wandered, I met.

This farmer is. Casually become inevitable, so I can't imagine the end of the novel, special

There is no such pig in the village of Sha and Thomas. This animal produced this village

theme. You know, don't let yourself be immersed in reality, but to describe in a novel

The reality is very difficult. However, I believe that I can use very economical techniques to create one

Novel world. Sometimes, a one or two have enough, for example, this pig. but,

In order to answer questions without a piece of interest, I think, in writing, the author's mind

It is awakened to the condensation of the condensation. Moreover, always, each writer makes accidental

this problem. Because, there is no accident, survival is unimaginable, survival is accidental.

I often talk about "Anna. Coincidental role in Camino, for example: in the book

When she met Wenncensky in the St. Petersburg Railway Station, at the time, a railway employee

Suicide, just being killed by the train; when the end of the novel, the surname pounced to a train.

With this, she has desperate life. This echo looks very created, but

If you pay attention to life, you will find that in your own life, there is the same

Echo, the same coincidence. Something is not lost due to its casual characteristics

Nature, in contrast, this persistence gives it with beauty and poetic. However, people no longer note

It is intended to this, and they will not see their lives. They live during the day, at night

Forgot. We are more and more in the forgotten forgotten. To restore this survival

Sensitive, pay attention to coincidence, this is also the meaning of novel.

A · G: In "Existing can't bear the light", you re-use you.

A book "Laughing" is finally developed. At the same time, surround some kind of same theme

The tricks and the skills combined together, just like a few kinds of eyes are placed in the same story ...

. Stop K: This skill is there is unconscious use, and later, as you said,

I have experimented it in "Laughing". The principle is as follows, in a novel, you

Tell a few stories, these stories do neither contact each other through causal relationships, and

They have their own different literary species (essays, narrative, autobiography, fables,

dream). Together all of these factors, you need a real alchemy to make

All these inconsistent factors, ultimately as completely dealt with completely

Overall is understood. From the shape, it is almost always through the subject and cycle.

Question. In me, such a writing method is rooted. from me

It started from the initial written prose. It has germinated.

A · G: The game between the same reality, the game between different talks, for some

Review of the event, the novelist in its novel came, through the narrator's

Is there anything that is not easy? This narrator is present, and

You can also make a narrative.

. Stop K: It is completely like this. Starting from the first page, the narrator is there.

The book begins with the thoughts of philosophical nature. Grosso modo can be said, there are three

Fiction: Narrative novels (such as Balzak, Zhongma), depicted novels (such as Fu Hall)

And thoughtful novels. In the last case, the narrator is thoughtful, asking

The people of the question, the entire narrative service from this thinking. In the work of Fu Building, the narrator

It is invisible, you can hear someone's voice when reading. Here, it is involved

Combine the novel and philosophy. Of course, others understand me: I don't want to

Philosophers' way to engage in philosophy, but in the way of novelists, philosophical thinking

test. Moreover, I don't like the philosophical novel. This is a dangerous word,

Because it must be premised on some arguments, frame boxes, some arguments. I don't have a well

I want to prove what, I only study questions: What is there? What is 嫉嫉? light

What is it? What is dizzy? What is weak? What is the impunity?

A · G: Your novel consists of short chapters, the longest chapter is never

Beyond ten pages. why?

. Stop K: I? Happy Each chapter is a whole, there is a poem, there is a loud,

There is a wonderful end. I hope, each chapter has its own meaning, not just narrative

The link in the chain is more. Moreover, this choice is in line with my novel aesthetics. I think

The short chapter has formed a whole, which prompted the reader to stop, thinking, not being narrative

The arrow is about. There are too many suspense in a novel, then it gradually fail,

Gradually consume light. The novel is the enemy of the speed, reading should be slow, read

Should stay in each page, each paragraph, or even each sentence.

A · G: At 280 pages, you talked about the novels and autobiography, the author and his pen

The relationship, you wrote this: "The characters in my novel are I have failed.

possibility. It is this to make me love all the characters, at the same time, they all make me

Scared. All of them crossed the boundary of me. Attracting me,

This line they have already (my "I" disappeared outside it). On the other side of it, the novel is not the author's confession, but the exploration is in the world.

Human life in the trap. "

M · K: There are so many novels that are changed or autobiography, I feel

Need to pull away from such novels. Others always say to me: "You have experienced this

Or such incident ... "But, no, I will answer, not this!" No, yes, "

At that time, someone refuted me, "You can't experience it, because you are in your book.

In the above, these things ... "First, I am in this kind of troublesome, I see it.

It is innocent performance, but again, I know, here involve a contemporary

Very stylish reading, understanding, and even writing novels. Autobiography spread to the novel

The field, and all people want to write pen. Any human fashionable passion is

Let you know yourself. People put this kind of book. However, according to me,

This is related to the ridiculism of the will of the right today: put "I" strong

Others. All this is not close to the novel. Of course, everything you have written is with you.

Lottery is connected. The novel produces the passion of your personal personal personal, but only when you cut off

The umbilical cord of your life is connected and starts to explore the life itself instead of your own life.

Time, the novel can really develop. A novelist describes the embarrassment, it should

It is as an existing problem, not as a personal problem, ie

Make him live in the atmosphere of the knife. For writing, I need to imagine me?

The situation, you need to summon some people who are experimentally to me. therefore,

A novel, although it is not autobiography, but it is always very personal, you are

Your figure, see what you may happen, see you may or you may become

A person. This involves women's characters, also involves male characters, but with autobiography

Not coherent.

A · G: So, do you recognize that the world of our lives is

What is a threat?

M · K: We all hit the huge impact of the mass media. early

In 50 years ago, the most wake up writer, such as Robert. Muzil, you know,

The voice of cultural disappears in the mess of news. They are right. Mass media

The spirit is the spirit of cultural cultures known to at least modern Europe: culture

On the basis of individuals, the media leads to the sameity; cultural clarification of the complexity of things

Sex, the media simplifies things; culture is just a long question, the media is

Everything has a rapid answer; culture is the guardian of memory, the media is news

Hunter. Today, if you want to make a novelist happy, he said to him: "Your book, you can

It is a sensation. "But what is a sensation? So important news, attracting communication

Media's attention. However, we write the novel is not to make a sensation, but

It is to do something "continuous surname". However, this is so special

Can anything still exist in the world of news? Take a look at those reports

Paper, Week, Even Magazines! It is impossible to publish a close phase without this or that news.

Deduction article. You interviewed a writer because his book will come here in this week. Until

Next week, he is no longer "visited", he is outside the news, except news,

No more. By news control, it is forgotten control. This creates a "forgotten system". In this system, the continuity of culture is transformed into a series of instantaneous, each

Separate events, such as holding robbery or ingress games.

A · G: You are very pessimistic as all the characters in this novel recently.


M. K: No, I am neither a pessimistic sound, nor an optimist. I

Everything is assumed. I am a novelist, and the novelist doesn't like too certain.

attitude. He fully understands, he doesn't know anything. He wants to convince with one

However, it is true that the "relative" of his pen. But he and

Do not assimilate with these. He is fictional, some stories, in the story, he asked the world.

The stupidness is that there is a question. The wisdom of the novel is to ask all questions.

When I got the world to go to the world, the world became a pile of problems in front of him.

This is the enlightenment of the successors left by Sevantis: Novelist teaches his readers to take the world

The boundary is as a problem. In a certain world based on sacred inviolability

In that, the novel died. Alternatively, the novel is forced to be these certain descriptions, this

It is a betrayal of the novel spirit and is betrayal of Sevantis. Extremely powerful world, regardless of

What is it based on what is the world of answers, not proposed

Doubtful world. It is completely disseminated by the public, hey, he is an answer

The world of the case, not the world, in such a world, novel, and wanders

The legacy, it is likely no longer there.

[Translation map] Milan. Kundera (1929-) Czech French writer. In the 1950s, literary creation,

. Focus on the creation of novels. In the early 1980s, he added to French.

Kundera published a long novel "There is no reliable light", in February 1984, France

The reporter interviewed the idea of ​​the idea of ​​writing this novel and the idea of ​​the novel world. This article

Published in the "Reading" magazine in the Year of France, the title system is plus.

1 Palmnide (about 544 BC 450), Greek philosopher. - a translation note

1 Raveshi. Cardin (19131 1978). French writers, critics, translated a large number of Spanish

works. - Translation

works. - Translation

, 谀  锲 锲  啵 啵 ┓ ┓   骷 骷    摇 r r r 骷?

3 Gibbrovitz (1904-1969), Poland writer. - Translation

4 Muzil (1880-1942), Austrian writer. - Translation

诤   锇? 914-1984), Argentina novelist, poet, playwright, translation

Haierman. Broch (1886-1951), Austrian novelist. - Translation

1 Yang, Barto, unknown. ---- Translation

1 Grosso Modo, Italian, meaning: roughly. ---- Translation


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