About multiple refreshing web pages (this web page call COM) appears in COM error

zhaozj2021-02-16  101

l About multiple refresh web pages (this web call COM) appears in the COM error _Variant_t and variant differences (Supplement: Note Whether the method of the method in the MIDL file and the parameters declared in the class declaration, most It is caused by this reason!)

This method is declared as follows: stdmethod (TEST) ([in] bstr bin, [out] variant * Vout)



* Vout = _variant_t ("Just A Test"); // Note that this error must be changed

// * Vout = (variant) _variant_t ("Just a Joke");

/ / Otherwise the following error will occur


} The following is called as follows: in = "Value" com.test (in, out) response.write out // There is a problem later, saying that OUT is not initialized or type does not match, you must know in the EXE This COM is completely correct! No matter a few times


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