Softice for Win95 Chinese Command Donation (2)

zhaozj2021-02-08  337

Softice for Win95 Chinese Command (2) Copyright (c) 1999 command: BC role: Clear one or more breakpoint syntax: BC List | * Usage: After clearing the breakpoint, you can not see the breakpoint list with the BL command, and the breakpoint being cleared is no longer played. Parameters: List: It can be a series of breakpoints that will be cleared, the intermediate space or comma is separated. *: Clear all breakpoints. Reviews: BC == BreakPoint clearing command: BD effect: Make one or more breakpoints Differential syntax: BD list | * Usage: Make a breakpoint failure different from the BC command, temporary invalid The breakpoint can be recovered with a be command. The BC command is completely cleared. Parameters: List: can be single or a series of breakpoints, separated by spaces or commas in the middle. *: All breakpoints. Review: BD == BREAKPOINT DISABLLING Command: BE Role: Behind a Distot Restore Syntax: Be List | * Usage: Use the breakpoint for the failure of the previous BD command to make it. (Whenever new definition points or When editing breakpoints, the system automatically places it as a valid) parameter: list: can be a single, or a series of breakpoints, the intermediate space or comma is separated. *: Restore all breakpoints. Review: BE == BREAKPOINT Enablling Command: BH Role: Show in the Softice History Database or Select Overpot Syntax: BH Usage: After using the BH command, Softice will display a table, each line is a breakpoint, all the user Once the breakpoint, you can locate it with the upper and down sponsor, select it with the INSERT key, then use the Enter key to determine. Use the ESC button to cancel the. Softice only records the nearest 32 breakpoint. And only exit normal in Win95 After the record (recorded in Winice.brk), there is a problem. If you are bootgui = 1 in the msdos.sys configuration (that is, the most normal startup method), when your SHUT DOWN machine, the control does not return In the hands of Softice, I can't record the breakpoints just now. At this time, only change to bootgui = 0. Reviews: Softice is only recorded when Shut Down, if you use "restart and switch ...", it is not At least in my V3.20 is not. And if you "restart and switch ...", use the exit command to return to Win95, it is easy to show the VXD connection error. Because In order to so Winice does not completely exit memory, you can see this with Mem.exe. So, Softice users are best placed in MSDOS.sys to 0. If you are afraid to use multiple configurations If you want to turn a WIN every time, you can change in Autoexec.bat, add (Don't add! After you will add!) If you use Softic, there are not many times, you can After starting Windows, restart and switch to the MS-DOS mode, then play Winice.exe, which can also. The advantage of BH is, you can save the paper pen, then re-debug this program, no need to dig holistic ideas Breakpoint. Command: BL effect: Displays the currently setup syntax: BL usage: The BL command displays the current number of all breakpoints (this serial number is used by the BC BEBD, etc.), the type, whether it is disabled, etc. If It is a banned breakpoint will follow one "*" after the serial number. For example, the BD command mentioned above will generate this effect) Review: BL == BreakPoint Listing command: BMSG effect: Up to the win95 message Syntax: BMSG WINDOW-HANDLE [L] [Begin-MSG [end-msg]] [if expression] [do "command1; command2; ..."


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