Mono download

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  116


Source Code

Mono runtime 1.0.1 mono class libraries and c # compiler 1.0.1 libgdiplus 1.0.1 monodoc 1.0.1 apache mono module 1.0.1 (MOD_MONO)

XSP Web Server 1.0.1 Red Hat 9.0 / x86

Packages Fedora Core 1 / x86

Packages for yum repository, please use: Fedora Core 2 / x86

PLEASE USE: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 for x86

Packages SUSE Linux 9.0for x86

Packages SUSE Linux 9.1for x86

Packages Windows InstallerWindows 2000 and Above

Mono Setup (include Gtk # and xsp) Mac OS X

Monoframework-1.0.1.dmg in / library / framework, for macos x 10.3 (PANTHER) ONLY

1.0Release Notes June 30th, 2004 Source Code

Mono Runtime 1.0 Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler 1.0 Libgdiplus 1.0

Monodoc 1.0 XSP Web Server 1.0 Apache Mono Module 1.0 (MOD_MONO)


GTK # 1.0 Gecko # 0.5 gtksourceview # 0.5 monodevelop 0.5 red Hat 9.0 / x86

Packages Fedora Core 1 / x86

Packages for yum repository, please use: 1-i386/ Fedora Core 2 / x86

PLEASE: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 for x86

Packages SUSE Linux 9.0for x86

Packages SUSE Linux 9.1for x86

Packages Slackware 10

Packages (External) Windows InstallerWindows 2000 and Above

Mono setup Mac OS X

Monoframework-1.0.dmg In / Library / Framework, for Macos X 10.3 (PANTHER) ONLY

Beta 3june 15th, 2004 Source Code

Mono runtime 0.96 mono class libraries and c # compiler 0.96 libgdiplus 0.9 monodoc 0.17 xsp Web server 0.15 apache mono module 0.11 gtk # 0.98 gecko # 0.5 red Hat 9.0 / x86

Packages Fedora Core 1 / X86Packages for yum repository, please use: 1-i386/ Fedora Core 2 / x86

PLEASE: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 for x86

Packages SUSE Linux 9.0for x86

Packages SUSE Linux 9.1for x86

Packages Windows InstallerWindows 2000 and Above

Mono setup Mac OS X

Mono-0.96.dmg In / Opt Monoframework-0.96.dmg in / library / framework

Beta 2Release Notes June 1st, 2004 Source Code

Mono runtime 0.95 mono class libraries and c # compiler 0.95 libgdiplus 0.8 WINELIB 0.3 Monodoc 0.16 XSP Web Server 0.14 Apache Mono Mono Module 0.10 Red Hat 9.0 / x86

Packages Fedora Core 1 / x86

Packages for yum repository, please use: 1-i386/ SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 for x86

Packages SUSE Linux 9.0for x86

Packages SUSE Linux 9.1for x86

Packages Windows Installer

Mono setup Mac OS X

Macos x disk image file

* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Beta 1Release Notes May 5th, 2004 Source Code

Mono runtime 0.91 mono class libraries and c # compiler 0.31 libgdiplus 0.5 WINELIB 0.2 Monodoc 0.15 XSP Web Server 0.13 Apache Mono Mono Module 0.9 Red Hat 9.0 / x86

Packages Fedora Core 1 / x86

Packages for yum repository, please use: 1-i386/ SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 for x86

Packages SUSE Linux 9.0for x86

Packages SUSE Linux 9.1for x86

Packages Windows Installer

Mono setup Mac OS X


* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.31Release notes Mar 18th, 2004 Source CodeMono Class Libraries and C # Compiler 0.31 Mono Runtime 0.31 libgdiplus 0.2 winelib 0.1 MonoDoc 0.13 XSP web server 0.12 Apache Mono module 0.8 Red Hat 9.0 / x86

Packages Fedora Core 1 / x86

Packages SUSE Linux 9.0for x86

Packages Debian Packages

Packages (Third Party Provider) Windows Installer

Mono setup

* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.30.2release Notes Feb 27th, 2004 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # compiler 0.30.2 mono runtime 0.30.2 monodoc 0.11 Red Hat 9.0 / x86

Packages Fedora Core 1 / x86

Packages SUSE Linux 9.0for x86

Packages Debian Packages

Packages (Third Party Provider) Windows Installer No Windows Installer for 0.30.2 Exist Yet, You Can Download Version 0.30.0 for now:

* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.30.1Release Notes Feb 13th, 2004 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler 0.30. Mono Runtime 0.30 XSP Web Server 0.9 Apache Mono Module 0.7 Monodoc 0.11 Libgdiplus 0.1 Red Hat 9.0 / x86

Packages Fedora Core 1 / x86

Packages SUSE Linux 9.0for x86

Packages Debian Packages

Packages (Third Party Provider) Windows Installer No Windows Installer for 0.30.1 Exist Yet, You Can Download Version 0.30.0 for now:

* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.30Release Notes Feb 2nd, 2004 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler 0.30. Mono Runtime 0.30 XSP Web Server 0.9 Apache Mono Module 0.7 Monodoc 0.10 Red Hat 9.0 / x86

Packages Fedora Core 1 / x86

Packages SUSE Linux 9.0for x86

Packages Debian Packages

Packages (Third Party Provider) Windows Installermono Setup GTK # setup

* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.29Release Notes Dec 2nd, 2003 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler. Mono Runtime XSP web server (0.8) Apache Mono module 0.6 (mod_mono) MonoDoc 0.9 Red Hat 8.0, 9.0 / x86 Mandrake 9.1 / x86 SuSE 8.2 Packages are available on Red Carpet's Mono channel. Windows Installer


* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.28Release Notes Oct 1st, 2003 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler. Mono Runtime XSP Web Server (0.6) Apache Mono Module (MOD_MONO) Monodoc 0.7 Source RPMS

Mono-0.28-1.src.rpm (RH9) MONO-0.28-1.SRC.RPM (RH8) Red Hat 9.0 / x86

Mono-0.28-1.ximian.6.1.i386.rpm mono-devel-0.28-1.ximian.6.1.i386.rpm mono-debuginfo-0.28-1.i386.rpm mono-Wine-20030318-1.ximian.6.4 .i386.rpm mono-wine-debuginfo-20030318-1.ximian.6.4.i386.rpm red Hat 8.0 / x86

Mono-0.28-1.ximian.5.1.i386.rpm mono-deb-0.28-1.ximian.5.1.i386.rpm mono-Wine-20030318-1.Ximian.5.3.i386.rpm mandrake 9.1 / x86

Mono-0.28-1.ximian.6.1.i586.rpm mono-wevel-0.28-1.ximian.6.1.i586.rpm Linux S390

LIBGC-6.1-1.S390.RPM libgc-debg-wevel-6.1-1.s390.rpm mono-0.28-1.s390.rpm mono-wevel-0.28-1.s390.rpm SUSE 8.2

Mono-0.28-1.ximian.7.1.i586.rpm mono-wevel-0.28-1.ximian.7.1.i586.rpm Windows Installer


* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.26Release Notes Aug 14, 2003 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler. Mono Runtime XSP Web Server (0.5) Apache Mono Module (MOD_MONO) MonoDoc 0.6 Source RPMSMONO-0.26-1.Src.rpm (RH9) MONO-0.26-1.SRC.RPM (RH8) Red Hat 9.0 / x86

Mono-0.26-1.ximian.6.1.i386.rpm mono-devel-0.26-1.ximian.6.1.i386.rpm mono-debuginfo-0.26-1.i386.rpm libpixregion-0.1.0-1.ximian.6.1 .i386.rpm libpixregion-debuginfo-0.1.0-1.ximian.6.1.i386.0-1.xImian. I386.RPM XC-0.1.0-1.Ximian.6.1.i386.0-1.ximian.6.1.0-1.rpm xr-0.1.0-1.ximian.6.1.i386.rpm XR-Debuginfo-0.1.0-1.ximian.6.1.i386.rpm monodoc-0.6-1.ximian.6.1.i386.rpm (to be used only with cvs gtk-sharpe) monodoc-debuginfo-0.5-1.ximian .6.1.i386.rpm mono-wine-20030318-1.ximian.6.3.i386.rpm mono-Wine-debuginfo-20030318-1.ximian.6.3.i386.rpm red Hat 8.0 / x86

Mono-0.26-2.ximian.5.1.i386.rpm mono-devel-0.26-2.ximian.5.1.i386.rpm monodoc-0.5-1.ximian.5.1.i386.rpm (to be used Only with CVS GTK- Sharp) mono-wine-20030318-1.ximian.5.3.i386.rpm Debian

Debian packages here. Mandrake 9.1 / x86

Mono-0.26-1.ximian.6.1.i586.rpm mono-wevel-0.26-1.ximian.6.1.i586.rpm

SUSE 8.2

Mono-0.26-2.ximian.7.1.i586.rpm mono-wevel-0.26-2.ximian.7.1.i586.rpm Windows Installer


* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.25Release Notes Jun 26, 2003 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler. Mono Runtime XSP Web Server (0.4) Monodoc 0.5 GTK # 0.11 Source RPMS

Mono-0.25-1.src.rpm Red Hat 9.0 / x86

Mono-0.25-1.ximian.6.1.i386.rpm mono-devel-0.25-1.xim mono-debuginfo-0.25-1.i386.rpm libpixregion-0.1.0-1.ximian.6.1 .i386.rpm libpixregion-debuginfo-0.1.0-1.ximian.6.1.i386.0-1.xImian. I386.RPM XC-0.1.0-1.Ximian.6.1.i386.0-1.ximian.6.1.0-1.rpm xr-0.1.0-1.ximian.6.1.i386.rpm XR-debuginfo-0.1.0-1.ximian.6.1.i386.rpm gtk-sharp-0.10-1.ximian.6.1.i386.rpm gtk-sharp-gapi-0.10-1.ximian.6.1.i386.rpm gtk -Sharp-debuginfo-0.10-1.ximian.6.1.i386.rpm monodoc-0.5-1.ximian.6.1.i386.5-1.ximian.6.1.i386.rpm mono-Wine-20030318- 1.ximian.6.2.i386.rpm mono-wine-debuginfo-20030318-1.ximian.6.2.i386.rpm Red Hat 8.0 / x86mono-0.25-1.ximian.5.1.i386.rpm mono-devel-0.25-1 .ximian.5.1.i386.rpm gtk-sharp-0.10-1.ximian.5.1.i386.rpm gtk-sharp-gapi-0.10-1.ximian.5.1.i386.rpm monodoc-0.5-1.xImian.5.1. I386.RPM mono-Wine-20030318-1.ximian.5.2.i386.rpm Red Hat 7.3 / x86

Mono-0.25-1.ximian.4.1.i386.rpm mono-wevel-0.25-1.ximian.4.1.i386.rpm debian

Debian packages here. Windows Installer

Setup program. Mandrake 9.1 / x86

Mono-0.25-1.ximian.6.1.i586.rpm mono-wevel-0.25-1.ximian.6.1.i586.rpm gtk-sharp-0.10-1.ximian.6.1.i586.rpm gtk-sharp-gapi-0.10 -1.ximian.6.1.i586.rpm monodoc-0.5-1.ximian.6.1.i586.rpm

* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Older Releases

WE ProvIde Binaries for Older Releases UnTil We Have Packages for the New Release.

Release 0.24Release Notes May 6, 2003 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler. Mono Runtime Boehm GC 6.1 XSP Web Server (0.4) Monodoc 0.4 GTK # 0.9 Source RPMS

Libgc-6.1-1.src.rpm mono-0.24-1.src.rpm Red Hat 9.0 / x86

Libgc-6.1-1.i386.rpm libgc-devel-6.1-1.i386.rpm mono-0.24-1.i386.rpm mono-wevel-0.24-1.i386.rpm mono-debuginfo-0.24-1.i386. RPM gtk-sharp-0.9-1.i386.rpm gtk-sharp-debuginfo-0.9-1.i386.rpm monodoc-0.4-1.i386.rpm red Hat 8.0 / x86libgc-6.1-1.i386.rpm libgc-debg-wevo -6.1-1.I386.rpm mono-0.24-2.i386.rpm mono-devel-0.24-2.i386.rpm gtk-sharp-0.9-1.i386.rpm monodoc-0.4-1.i386.rpm red Hat 7.3 / x86

LIBGC-6.1-1.i386.rpm libgc-devel-6.1-1.i386.rpm mono-0.24-1.i386.rpm mono-wevel-0.24-1.i386.rpm debi

Debian packages here. Windows Installer

Setup program. Mandrake 8.2 / x86

LIBGC-6.1-1.i586.rpm libgc-debg-limited - 6.1-1.i586.rpm mono-0.24-1.i586.rpm mono-wevel-0.24-1.i586.rpm suse 8.0 / x86

LIBGC-6.1-1.i386.rpm libgc-devel-6.1-1.i386.rpm mono-0.24-1.i386.rpm mono-debg-0.24-1.i386.rpm Linux S / 390

LIBGC-6.1-1.S390.RPM libgc-debg-devel-6.1-1.s390.rpm mono-0.24-1.s390.rpm mono-wevel-0.24-1.s390.rpm

* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.23Release Notes March 5, 2003 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler. Mono Runtime Boehm GC 6.1 XSP Web Server (0.3) Mono Debugger 0.2.2 Source RPMS

Libgc-6.1-1.src.rpm mono-0.23-1.src.rpm red Hat 8.0 / x86

LIBGC-6.1-1.i386.rpm libgc-debg-devel-6.1-1.i386.rpm mono-0.23-1.i386.rpm mono-debg-0.23-1.i386.rpm red Hat 7.3 / x86

LIBGC-6.1-1.i386.rpm libgc-devel-6.1-1.i386.rpm mono-0.23-1.i386.rpm mono-debg-0.23-1.i386.rpm red Hat 7.2 / x86

LIBGC-6.1-1.i386.rpm libgc-debg-devel-6.1-1.i386.rpm mono-0.23-1.i386.rpm mono-debg-0.23-1.i386.rpm red Hat 7.1 / x86

LIBGC-6.1-1.i386.rpm libgc-debg-devel-6.1-1.i386.rpm mono-0.23-1.i386.rpm mono-debm mandrake 8.2 / x86

LIBGC-6.1-1.i586.rpm libgc-debg-devel-6.1-1.i586.rpm mono-0.23-1.i586.rpm mono-debg-0.23-1.i586.rpm suse 8.0 / x86libgc-6.1-1.i386 . rpm libgc-devel-6.1-1.i386.rpm mono-0.23-1.i386.rpm mono-wevel-0.23-1.i386.rpm Windows Installer

Mono-setup Linux S / 390

LIBGC-6.1-1.S390.RPM libgc-devel-6.1-1.s390.rpm mono-0.23-1.s390.rpm mono-debg-0.23-1.s390.rpm

* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.22release Notes March 5, 2003 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler. Mono Runtime Boehm GC 6.1 XSP Web Server (0.3) Source RPMS

LIBGC-6.1-1.Src.rpm mono-0.22-1.src.rpm Windows Installer


* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.21release Notes Feb 27th, 2003 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler. Mono Runtime Boehm GC 6.1 XSP Web Server (0.3) Source RPMS

Libgc-6.1-1.src.rpm mono-0.21-1.src.rpm Debian Packages

Alp's Web Site

* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.20reese Notes Feb 20th, 2003 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler. Mono Runtime Boehm GC 6.1 XSP Web Server (0.3) Source RPMS

Libgc-6.1-1.src.rpm mono-0.20-1.src.rpm Red Hat 8.0 / x86

LIBGC-6.1-1.i386.rpm libgc-debg-devel-6.1-1.i386.rpm mono-0.20-1.i386.rpm mono-wevel-0.20-1.i386.rpm debian packages

Alp's Web Site Windows Installer


* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.19Release Notes Jan 20th, 2003 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler. Mono Runtime Source RPMS

Libgc-6.1-1.src.rpm mono-0.19-1.src.rpm

* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.18Release Notes Jan 12th, 2003 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler. Mono Runtime Boehm GC 6.1 XSP Web Server New! Source RPMS

LIBGC-6.1-1.SRC.rpm mono-0.18-1.src.rpm

* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.17Release Notes Dec 9th, 2002 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler. Mono Runtime Boehm GC 6.1 Source RPMS

LIBGC-6.1-1.Src.rpm mono-0.17-2.src.rpm Windows Installer

Mono-setup debian packages

Alp's Web Site

* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.16Release Notes Oct 1st, 2002 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler. Mono Runtime Boehm GC 6.1 Source RPMS

Libgc-6.1-1.src.rpm mono-0.16-1.src.rpm Linux S390

Glib2-2.0.6-13.S390.6-13.S390.RPM libgc-6.1alpha5-1.s390.rpm libgc-devel-6.1alpha5-1.s390.rpm mono-0.16- 1.390.rpm mono-wevel-0.16-1.s390.rpm

* The Debian and Gentoo Distributions Provide Their Own Packaging of Mono.

Release 0.15Release Notes Aug 23rd, 2002 Source Code

Mono Class Libraries and C # Compiler. Mono Runtime Boehm GC 6.1alpha5 Source RPMS

Libgc-6.1alpha5-1.src.rpm mono-0.15-1.src.rpm Windows Installer

MONO-W32 (Win95 Friendly) Red Hat NULL-8.0 / X86

Libgc-6.1alpha5-1.i386.rpm libgc-devel-6.1alpha5-1.i386.rpm mono-0.15-1.i386.rpm mono-debg-0.15-1.i386.rpm


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