Sixth episode
Xu many friends asked me an interesting question: How to use mouse to follow the two files together. Based on three methods can achieve this function. The first method is to make a button, allowing the employer to press and start a letter that can be loaded into two files into the Frames or new window. If you have seen this simple document, I believe you can easily write this kind of language:
We made three frames, and the first Frame included a button. Please note that the first HTML file is just used to open Frame and give each Frame a name. If you still don't know the relationship between JavaScript and Frame, you can read the third chapter. However, here is still as usual, let you look at the original code (I don't know if you encounter the same trouble in many computer books, that is, the author often has some simple things that you have confirmed, and the things are the readers. Unknown place! So, if you have a very good thing about what I mention, please play your patience :-) frames2.html