JavaScript Universal Library

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  144

JavaScript can play a big role in web programming, write some common functions into a JavaScript class library.

Save the following code as common.js

Class library function:

Trim (STR) - Remove the space between the strings

2.Xmlencode (STR) - XML ​​encoding for strings

3.Showlabel (STR, STR) - Mouse prompt function (display character, prompt character)

You can set the font, color, size, and prompt background color, border, etc.

4. IISEMPTY (OBJ) - Verify that the input box is empty

5. InterInt (Objstr, Sign, Zero) - Verify that it is an integer, positive integer, negative integer, and whether to include zero

6.isfloat (Objstr, Sign, Zero) - Verify that it is a floating point number, positive floating point, diverted point, and whether to include zero

7. Iisenletter (Objstr, size) - Verify that it is 26 letters, uppercase small


The source code is as follows:

/ *

?????? name: common.js

?????? Function: General JavaScript scripting function library

?????? includes:

????????????????????? 1.trim (STR)-removes spaces on both sides of the string

????????????????????? 2.Xmlencode (STR)-XML encoding

??????????? 3.ShowLabel (STR, STR) - mouse prompt function (display character, prompt character)

????????????????????? 4.isempty (obj)-verify that the input box is empty

?????????????????????? 5.Isint (Objstr, Sign, Zero) - Verify whether it is an integer


?????????????????????? 7.enletter (objstr, size) - Verify that it is 26 letters


??? Author: Shen Wang

??? Date:


* /


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String operation

Trim (String): Removes spaces between strings

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/ *

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Ltrim (String): Remove the left space

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Function LTRIM (STR)


??? Var Whitespace = new string ("/ t / n / r");

??? Var s = new string (STR);


??? f (whitespace.indexof (s.charat (0))! = -1)

??? {

??????? var j = 0, i = S.LENGTH;

??? ???? While (j

??????? {

??????????? j ;


??????? s = s.substring (j, i);


??? Return S;



/ *

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ================= r r (string): Remove the space on the right

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Function RTRIM (STR)


??? Var Whitespace = new string ("/ t / n / r");

??? Var s = new string (STR);


??? i (whitespace.indexof (s.Charat (s.Length-1))! = -1)

??? {

??????? var i = s.length - 1;

??????? while (i> = 0 && Whitespace.indexof (S.Charat (i))! = -1)

??????? {

??????????? I -;


??????? s = s.Substring (0, i 1);


??? Return S;



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Trim (String): Remove the front and rear spaces

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Function TRIM (STR)


??? RTURN RTRIM (Ltrim (STR));





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XMLENCode (string): XML encoding for strings

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Function Xmlencode (STR)


?????? str = trim (STR);

?????? Str = str.replace ("&", "&");

?????? Str = str.replace ("<", "<");

?????? Str = str.replace (">", ">");

?????? Str = str.replace ("'", "'");

?????? str = str.replace ("/", "" ");

?????? Return Str;



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============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================== verifiable class function

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Function ISempty (OBJ)


??? Obj = document.getlementsByName (obj) .Item (0);

??? IF (Trim (obj.value) == "" "

??? {

??????? alert ("field can't be empty."); ???????

??????? IF (obj.disabled == false && obj.readonly == false)

??????? {

??????????? Obj.focus ();





/ *

Isint (string, string, int or string): (Test string, or - or 0)

Function: Decision is an integer, positive integer, negative integer, positive integer 0, negative integer 0

* /

Function isint (Objstr, Sign, ZERO)


??? var back; ???

??? var bolzero; ???


??? IF (TRIM (OBJSTR) == "")

??? {

??????? Return False;


??? ELSE

??? {

??????? objstr = objstr.tostring ();



??? IF ((SIGN == Null) || (TRIM (Sign) == ""))

??? {

??????? SIGN = " -";



??? IF ((zero == null) || (TRIM (ZERO) == ""))

??? {

??????? bolzero = false;


??? ELSE

??? {

??????? ZERO = ZERO.TOSTRING (); ??????? IF (ZERO == "0")

??????? {

??????????? bolzero = true;


??????? ELSE

??????? {

??????????? alert ("checks if it contains 0 parameters, only (empty, 0)");




??? Switch (SIGN)

??? {

?????? case " -":

??????????? // integer

??????????? rag = / (^ -? | ^ / ?) / d $ /; ???????????

??????????? breaf;

??????? case " ":

??????????? ife (! bolzero) ??????????

??????????? {

??????????????? // positive integer

??????????????? REG = / ^ / ? [0-9] * [1-9] [0-9] * $ /;


??????????? ELSE

??????????? {

??????????????? / 正 整 0

???????????????? // reg = / ^ / ? / d $ /;

??????????????? REG = / ^ / ? [0-9] * [0-9] [0-9] * $ /;


??????????? breaf;

??????? case "-":

??????? ???? ife (! bolzero)

??????????? {

??????????????? // negative integer

??????????????? REG = / ^ - [0-9] * [1-9] [0-9] * $ /;


??????????? ELSE

??????????? {

??????????????? // negative integer 0

???????????????? // REG = / ^ - / d $ /;

??????????????? REG = / ^ - [0-9] * [0-9] [0-9] * $ /;

???????????} ???????????

??????????? breaf;

??????? Default:

??????????? alert ("check the symbol parameters, only (empty, , -)");

??????????? Return False;

??????????? breaf;



??? Var r = objstr.match (reg);

??? if (r == null)

??? {

??????? Return False;


??? ELSE

??? {???????

??????? return true; ????




/ *

Isfloat (string, string, int or string): (test string, or)) osty

Function: Is it judged whether it is a floating point number, a positive floating point, a positive floating point, a positive floating point 0, and the number of positive floats is 0

* /

Function isfloat (Objstr, Sign, ZERO)


??? var back; ???

??? var bolzero; ???


??? IF (TRIM (OBJSTR) == "")

??? {

????? ?? Return False;


??? ELSE

??? {

??????? Objstr = objstr.tostring (); ???}???


??? IF ((SIGN == Null) || (TRIM (Sign) == ""))

??? {

??????? SIGN = " -";



??? IF ((zero == null) || (TRIM (ZERO) == ""))

??? {

??????? bolzero = false;


??? ELSE

??? {

????? ?? ZERO = zero.toString ();

??????? IF (zero == "0")

??????? {

??????????? bolzero = true;


??????? ELSE

??????? {

??????????? alert ("checks if it contains 0 parameters, only (empty, 0)");




??? Switch (SIGN)

??? {

?????? case " -":

??????????? // floating point number

??????????? REG = / ^ ((-? | / ?) / d ) (/./ d )? $ /;

??????????? breaf;

??????? case " ":

??????????? ife (! bolzero) ??????????

??????????? {

??????????????? // positive floating point number

??????????????? REG = / ^ / ? (([0-9] /. [0-9] * [1-9] [0-9] *) ([0-9] * [1-9] * /. [0-9] ) | ([0-9] * [1-9] [0-9] *)) $ /;


??????????? ELSE

??????????? {

??????????????? / positive floating point 0

??????????????? REG = / ^ / ? / d (/./ d )? $ /;


??????????? breaf;

????? ?? case "-":

??????????? ife (! bolzero)

??????????? {

??????????????? // negative floating point number

??????????????? REG = / ^ - (([0-9] /. [0-9] * [1-9] [0-9] *) | [0-9] * [1-9] * /. [0-9] ) | ([0-9] * [1-9] [0-9] *)) $ /;


??????????? ELSE

??????????? {

??????????????? // negative floating point number 0

??????? ???????? reg = / ^ (((- / D (/. D )?) | (0 (/. 0 )?)) $ /;

???????????} ???????????

??????????? breaf;

??????? Default:

??????????? alert ("check the symbol parameters, only (empty, , -)");

??????????? Return False;

??????????? breaf;



??? Var r = objstr.match (reg);

??? if (r == null)

??? {

??????? Return False;


??? ELSE

??? {???????

??????? Return True; ???????}



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