Eclipse3.0 + LOMBOZ3.01 + TOMCAT5.027 Installation and adjustment problem Summary

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  153

1. How to install Eclipse3.0 LOMBOZ3.01 TOMCAT5.027?

A: See the following article

1) Develop EJB (1) using Eclipse3.0 Lomboz3.0 JBoss3.2.3

2) Eclipse 3 Lomboz 3 Tomcat 5 Development Website

2. When installing Lomboz, subset the required files to the plugin directory as required, but open Eclipse and not find the relevant options?


The first method: this is Because of Cached Eclipse Plugin / Feature Information. The Solution IS Simple - Start Eclipse with: Eclipse-Clean Option

Second method: Delete the configuration / org.eclipse.Update directory, restart Eclipse

The third method: Having Troubles with installation Lomboz 3.0? Just Follow The Steps Below:

1. Remove your Eclipse folder completely 2. Unzip Eclipse 3. Do not run Eclipse at this stage !!!! 4. Unzip EMF 2.0 runtime 5. Unzip Lomboz 3.0 6. Run Eclipse for the first time, and you will be able to Configure your Lomboz 3.0

It is very important to note, after you unzip Eclipse, you can not run it after you unzip EMF and lomboz. If you have run Eclipse for the first time before you unzip EMF and lomboz, they will not appear in the 'Customize Perspective '

3. After the configuration is completed, start Tomcat is unsuccessful, and bootstrap: class loader create threw exception java.lang.exceptioninInitializerError, how to solve?


I edited the file "tomcat50x.server" under C: /eclipse/plugins/com.objectlearn.jdt.j2ee_3.0.1/servers and changed -Djava.endorsed.dirs = "$ {serverRootDirectory} / bin; $ {serverRootDirectory} / common / endorsed "to -Djava.endorsed.dirs =" $ {serverRootDirectory} / common / endorsed "in the following 'tags': -DJAVA_HOME =" $ {jrePath} "-Dcatalina.base =" $ {serverRootDirectory } "-Dcatalina.home =" $ {serverRootDirectory} " =" $ {serverRootDirectory} / temp "-Djava.endorsed.dirs =" $ {serverRootDirectory} / bin; $ {serverRootDirectory} / common / endorsed " and -DJAVA_HOME =" $ {jrePath} "-Dcatalina.base =" $ {serverRootDirectory} "-Dcatalina.home =" $ {serverRootDirectory} " =" $ {serverRootDirectory} / temp "-Djava.endorsed.dirs =" $ {serverRootDirectory} / bin; $ {serverRootDirectory} / common / endorsed " This matches the value used in my catalina.bat file when lauched from the command PROMPT.

PS: I don't know how the author knows. Anyway, I really make it good, I checked setclasspath.bat, but it is Rem Set the default -djava.endorsed.dirs argumentset java_endorsed_dirs =% basedir% / common / endorsed without / bin that, who knows why?

4. After the configuration is successful, Tomcat can start, how do I adjust JSP?

A: See the following article

1) Eclipse, Lomboz and Tomcat JSP debugging

2) Debugging JSPS

PS: Note Debugging JSPS has an Important Note in this article, as follows:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Lomboz only supports JSP debugging for application servers that can keep a copy of the servlet source code (.java) files in a folder that is identified as an eclipse source folder If you can change your application servers settings to do this,. You can debug your jsps. This is very important. This will answer why you want to set Workdir in J2SRC, not other directories AA, BB, because J2SR is the default Eclipse Source Folder, of course, you want to set it out Directory, you can also, just point WorkDir to your custom directory such as Workdir = "WebApps / Test / AA", and be sure to set AA to Source Folder in Eclipse!

5. When the adjustment, I set up a breakpoint, then returned to IE, refresh the page, but didn't stop at the breakpoint, what should I do?

A: Handmade modification, if you add a return, then remove the carriage return, then break the point, then save, then refresh the page. This is easy to use, after this, no matter how you add a reduction point, you can take effect directly!

PS: This problem tosss me for a long time. Forge also has a similar problem, but no one is back, I started to have doubtful to set it wrong ..... Later Anguo, is it broken .java did not reciprocute .class, so no matter how I brush IE. JSP, it is just the .class. Class. So there is the above solution; but why only the first time is this, and it is normal after the second time? Don't understand! If there is any other method or explain, please share it, thank you!

Well .. So much better


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