[Reprinted] Software list affected by Windows XP SP2

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  142

Some new features used to improve system security and performance in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2). But these updates also affect the normal features of some applications on the operating system. Official recently provides a list of affected procedures.

When you upgrade to Windows XP SP2, you may have the following software issues, you may not pay attention to certain problems. In addition, some software developers may have solved some of these problems through patch or upgrade programs, please contact the developers or sellers of these software in detail.

You can also search for an article that upgraded to Windows XP SP2 to improve the specific problems caused by upgrading to Windows XP SP2 to improve security performance. Please use the WinXPSP2 keyword when searching.

Most of these software is mostly affected by the Windows firewall. Of course, affected procedures are not limited to listed in the table.

The following is a list of applications that may be affected in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), and even include Microsoft MSN 9/9/9 / 9.1, Office System 2003, Visual Studio .Net Enterprise 2003 and so on:

Program / AppVersionVendor / ISVStar Trek StarFleet Command III v1.0 Activision Medieval Total War 1 Activision Pagemaker 7 Adobe PageMaker (German) 6.5 Adobe Photoshop Elements 2 Adobe Ad-Shield 3 Ad-sheild ERDisk for AD Nero 6 Ultra 6 Ahead Nero Bruning ROM 5.5.6 Ahead Al Mawrad (Arabic) 2003 Al Ariss PhotoClick --- Al Maalin AOL 9 AOL AOL Toolkit 1.13.2 AOL Uno 1 Aris Buenaventura Dead Man's Hand 1 Atari MotoRacer 3 Atari Scrabble v3.0 Atari Unreal II 1 ! Atari Unreal Tournament 2003 1 Atari Unreal Tournament Game of the Year Edition 1 Atari Extra Enterprise 2000 2000 --- Attachmate Extra Personal Client 6.5 --- Attachmate Extra Bundle for TCP / IP 6.6 --- Attachmate KEA 340 v5.1! - - Attachmate Command Antivirus 4.9 authentium AutoCAD 2004 2004 --- Autodesk bv-Admin Mobile 7 --- Bind View StarCraft 1.05 Blizzard BitDefender 7.2 Blizzard Starcraft v1.11 Blizzard Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Collector's Edition v 1.0 Blizzard Patrol for Windows 2000 --- BMC Word Per fect Family Pack 5 - Encyclopedia Britannica Ready Reference 2003 Britannica WISO Sparbuch 2004 Buhl InnoculateIT --- CA MpegCraft DVD x Caropus Citrix ICA client 7.1 Citrix FileMaker Pro (German) 5 Claris ArcServe 6.61 Computer Associates ArcServe 7.0 --- Computer Associates BrightStor ArcServe Backup 9.0 --- Computer Associates eTrust 7 Computer Associates eTrust 6.0.100 --- Computer Associates etrust EZArmor AE Test Computer Associates Corel Draw 9 - PhotoPaint (German) 9 Corel WordPerfect Office 11 Corel 1st nd Grade Excelerator Curious George Studio 1 --- Countertop Software Serious Sam: The Second Encounter 1 Croteam Retrospect Client X Dantz Dave '

s Quick Search Toolbar 3.16 Dave Bau http://notesbydave.com/toolbar/doc.htmDiet KaZaa 2.52 Diet KaZaa The Lion King Animated Storybook 1 Disney DivxPlayer 2.5.3 Divx Command & Conquer Generals --- EA Games Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour --- EA Games Earth & Beyond v.1 EA Games Need for Speed ​​Hot Pursuit 2 1 EA Games SimCity 4 v1.0 EA Games Freedom Force 1 Electronic Arts NBA Live 2000 1 Electronic Arts CheckSoft Home and Business 2004 Eliibrium EDM File System Agent 3.1 --- EMC Chess Advantage III: Lego Chess --- Encore High School Advantage 2003 --- Encore Software Encyclopedia Britannica 2000 Deluxe 1 Encyclopedia Britannica Smarterm Office 10 --- Esker.com Smarterm Office 11 --- Esker.com Diskeeper 8 Executive Software Der Brockhaus Multimedia (German) 2004 FA Brockhaus JAWS 5.0 5 Freedom Scientific F-Secure 5.52 F-Secure Drivers & Utilities CD --- Fujitsu-Siemmens Cute FTP 5.0 --- GlobalScape Conflict: Desert Storm --- Gothamgames Window-Eyes Professional 4.2 GW Micro HP QU Ick launch buttons --- HP HP SJ 6350 --- HP HPSetup 42naheblu1 SW Build --- HP Exceed 8 --- Hummingbird Host Explorer 8 --- Hummingbird Rational '

s Clearcase 2003 IBM ViaVoice for Windows Personal Edition 10 10 IBM SmartSuite Millennium Edition ScreenCam (German) 9.5 IBM Lotus ICQ Pro 3916 ICQ iMesh 3.1 iMesh TurboCAD Professional 9 IMSI Installshield 8 Installshield Quicken 2003 Premier Home and Business 2003 Intuit Quicken Deluxe 2001 2001 Intuit Kazaa 2.52 Kazaa Kerio Personal Firewall 4 Kerio WinRoute 4.25 Kerio Playzone Preschool - Kindergarten - Jump Start Spelling 1 Knowledge Adventure Live Journal Semagic Live Journal SmartSuite Millennium Edition - Fast Site --- Lotus Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic --- Lucas Arts Merriam Webster '

s Reference Library 2003 - Journey to the Planets 2003 M-2K ColdFusion MX for J2EE 6 --- Macromedia Freehand 8 (German) 8 Macromedia MapSend Direct Route --- Magellan McAfee Internet Security Suite 2004 6 McAfee McAfee Parental Controls 1 McAfee McAfee VirusScan 4.51 McAfee Netshield 4.5 --- McAfee VisursScan 7 McAfee Encarta Enzyklopädie 2002 Microsoft Age of Empires II: Age of Kings --- Microsoft Application Center 2000 SP2 --- Microsoft BizTalk 2004 --- Microsoft CMS 2001 Microsoft Comabt Flight Simulator 3 1 Microsoft Excel 2003 Microsoft Halo Combat Evolved (Arabic and Hebrew) Trial Microsoft MapPoint Europe 2004 Microsoft Microsoft Operations Manager 2000 SP1 Microsoft MS License 3.7 Microsoft MSBN --- Microsoft MSN 7.02 Microsoft MSN 9 qFE1 and 9.1 beta 9 Microsoft Office 11 Microsoft Office - Power Point 2002 (German) 2002 Microsoft Office Access 2002 2002 Microsoft Office System - Power Point 2003 Microsoft Office XP Access 10 Microsoft Office XP Professional Excel 10.0 SP2 - - Microsoft Office XP SP2 - PowerPoint 11 Microsoft Office XP Standard 10 Microsoft Outlook 2000 9 Microsoft Outlook 2002 10 Microsoft Outlook 2003 11 Microsoft Outlook Web Access x Microsoft Revenge of Arcade v1.0 Microsoft Server Administrator Tools --- Microsoft SMS 2.0 SP5 Microsoft SMS 2.0 SP5 Microsoft SMS 2003 RC2 Microsoft SMS 2003 RTM Microsoft SMS --- Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 SP4 --- Microsoft SQL --- Microsoft SQL 7 Microsoft SQL 2000a 2000a SP3 --- Microsoft TaxSaver 1999 Microsoft Virutal PC 2004 Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Microsoft Visual C

(16-bit) 2 Microsoft Visual Studio 7 Microsoft Visual Studio 97 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Enterprise 2003 --- Microsoft Visual Studio 98 6 Microsoft Windows Sharepoint Services 2 Microsoft Windows Sharepoint Services --- Microsoft Word XP Microsoft Works Suite 2004 2004 Microsoft WSS 2 Microsoft Musicmatch Jukebox 8.20.0107 Musicmatch StyleSelector x NEC Veritas --- NEC AppManager 5.01 NetIQ End2End 4.1 --- NetIQ File and Storage Administrator 2.1 (191067) --- NetIQ VewNow 1.05 1.05 NetManage.com View Now 1.0 1 NetManage. com ViewNow 1.05 1.05 NetManage.com McAfee Remote Desktop 32 --- Network Associates ESET NOD32 for windows --- Nod32 Norman Personal Firewall 1.40 AETEST Norman Norman Personla Firewall 4 Norman Becky 12.09.01 KaZaa Media Desktop 2.6.3 PhotoImpact 7 (Traditional Chinese 7 SONY: PCV-W510G 510G Super Collapse (Demo ONLY) 2 UX Theme Multipatcher 1.5.1 PhotoExPlosion Deluxe 1 Nova Development Novanet Web 3.6 Novastor Pinnacle Studio Beta NX - Pinnacle Studio 9 Cause DA TA EXECUTION Prevention Errors Instant CD / DVD 7 Pinnacle Real Player (Free Version) 10 Real Networks Tom CLANCY '


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