Example of TOEFL

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  139

5 words frequent words, at least the calf! !


2 conspicuous


4 Depredation

The following terms and examples are extracted from the "Senior Senior English Test Words" (Shanghai Far East Publishing House, 2003):

CONSPICUOUS adj. (Con-Together Spic- To Look; Look At - Tune TENDING TO ® TENDING TO BE LOOKED AT TOGETHER ®) Obvious or Noticeable; Striking In A Way That Attracts Attention is obvious; NOON AFTER THE Shooting, "No Trespassing" Signs Appeared in Conspicuous Colors At Conspicuous Locations Around The Preserve. Soon after the hunting incident, the eye-catching "incompetence" surrounded by the hunting situation The sign of the inner ".

2. Depredation n. Plundering Genthes After The Depredations of the Invaders, the people there are unamed to those who suffer from invaders.

3. Discrete adj. Separate; Unconnected is separated; the unrelated the universe is composed of discrete bodies. The universe is composed of mutually separated celestial body.

4. Discreet Adj. (From erroRRORS) ® Careful Not to Do Or Say The Wrong Thing; Prudent (Word) Careful; Careful He Maintained A Discreet Silence. He is carefully silent.

5. Disseminate v. (In Disseminate, The Prefix Dis- Keeps Its Original Latin Sense "Apart." This prefix Was attached in latin to sow, "Which itself WAS Derived from the noun semen," seed. ") to distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds) spread; propagate;. sow (seeds) by their use of the internet, propagandists have been able to disseminate their pet doctrines to new audiences around the globe advocates use of the Internet to its The favorite creed propagates to a new audience around the world.

6. Elicit v. (L, To Draw Out ®) To Draw Out by Discussion; induction; to reveal the detectives Tried to ElicitswhereShe Had Hidden His loot. Detective tried to seduce him to talk about his hiding place.

. 7. elusive adj evasive; baffling; hard to grasp escape; confusing; elusive Trying to pin down exactly when the contractors would be done remodeling the house, Nancy was frustrated by their elusive replies Nancy trying to make. The contractor clearly states when to complete the renovation of the house, but these contractors' answer flashes their words, so that Nancy is frustrated. 8. Epidermis n. (GR, UPPER SKIN ®) The Outer, Protective Layer of The Skin [Solution] Epita

9. EXEMPT V. (To Take Out ®) To Free from a Rule Obligation Which Applies To Others; Excuse Exemption; Exfolition Students WHO Get Very High Marks Will Be Exempted from The final Examination. Get high scores can free of the final exam . Exemption n. exemption n. not Subject to a duty or obligation (responsibility, etc.), exempted Because of His Flat Feet, Foster Was Exempt from Serving In The Armed Forces. Foster has a flat-deficient defect, so it is exempted join the army.

10. fauna n. (Faunus and fauna were the Roman nature god and goddess, part goat and part human, who were in charge of animals. Their helpers, who look just like them, are called fauns.) Animals of a period or region (A certain period or in a certain area) Animal group The scientist could visualize the foota of the period by Examining The SkeleTal Remains and The Fossils. Scientists learn the image of the animal groups in that period by studying the remains of the bones and fossils. .

11. Genre n. PARTICULAR VARIETY OF ART or LITERATURE (Art or Literature) Genre, Style Both A Short Story Writer And a Poet, Langston Hughes Proved Himself Equally Skilled in Either Genre. Randon Hughes is both a short story. The poet, the fact that two genre, he was relieved.

12. hierarchy n. (1) a system of church government by priests or other clergy in graded ranks monk rule (2) thesgroupsof officials, esp. The highest officials, in such a system monk ruling (3) arrangement by rank or standing Authoritarian Body Dividedsintosranks rating system; hierarchical organization To Be low man on the Totem Pole Is to Have An Inferior Place in The Hierarchy. Located in the Totem column is located in the lower layer in the hierarchy system. Hierarchical adj.

. 13. imperative adj absolutely necessary; critically important imperative; a very important It is imperative that you be extremely agreeable to Great-Aunt Maud when she comes to tea: otherwise she may not leave you that million dollars in her will mo. When Derber Grandmother is going to the tea, you must be very attentive: Otherwise she may not give you the million dollars in the will. Also n.14. Penetrable;, POROUS; Allowing Liquids or Gas to Passage THROUGH can pass; penetrated, water, breathable if Your Jogging Clothes, you't Made of Permeable Fabric, You'D Drown in Your OWN SWEAT (Figure If your jogging) is not made of breathable fabric, then you will drown in your own sweat (metaphor). IMPERMEABLE ADJ. ImperMeable; Not Permitting Passage Through ITS Substance cannot penetrate; unable to pass through the New Material IS impermeable to liquids. This new material is inseparable from liquid penetration. Impermeability n.

15. INCESSANT Adj. (Not Ceasing ®) Uninterrupted Continuous The crickets Kept Up An INCESSANT CHIRPING WHICH DISTURBED OUR Attempts to Fall Asleep. 蟋蟀 唧 唧 个 不 个 个 蟀 地 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 不 个 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 个 不 不 个 个 个 不 不 不 不 不 不 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 个Cessation n. Stoppage Stop The Airline's Employees Threatened a Cessation of All Activities IF Their Demands Were Not Met. The aviation employee must stop all operations, if their requirements are not satisfied. Cease v.

. 16. intrinsic adj (intra- within secus following ®) essential; inherent; natural nature; inherent; natural Although my grandmother's china has little intrinsic value, I shall always cherish it for the memories it evokes though grandmother. The porcelain itself is worthless, but I will always cherish it because it reminds me of all kinds of past events. CF EXTRINSIC adj. external; not essential; extraneous outside; non-essential; foreign the Judge Would Not Admit The Testimony, RULING THAT That. Judge does not accept this certificate, ruled it to review Nothing.

17. JuxTapose v. (Juxta- = Beside; Near) to place side by Side put ... stripped, make the Cocheon CoMParison Will Be Easier if you juxtapose the two Objects. Take these two objects. Completed comparison. Juxtaposition


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