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C: / Documents and Settings / Administrator> Exp Help = Y

Export: Release - Production on Wednesday, July 28 17:04:43 2004

CopyRight (C) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

By entering the exp command and username / password, you can post the username / password command:

Roller: Exp Scott / Tiger

Alternatively, you can also control the "export" according to different parameters by entering the EXP command with various parameters. To specify parameters, you can use keywords:

Format: exp keyword = value or keyword = (value1, value2, ..., value) routine: Exp Scott / Tiger GRANTS = y Tables = (EMP, DEPT, MGR) or TABLES = (T1: P1, T1: P2 ), If T1 is a partition table

UserID must be the first parameter in the command line.

Keyword description (default) keyword description (default) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buffer Size OWNER Owner User User List File Output File (Expdat.dmp) TABLES Table Name List COMPRESS Imports to a Zone (Y) Recordlength IO Location Length GRANTS Export Permission (Y) IncType Increment Export Type Indexes Export Index (Y ) RECORD Tracking Incremental Export (Y) Direct Direct Path (N) Triggers Export Trigger (Y) Log Screen Output Log File Statistics Analysis Object (ESTIMATE) ROWS Export Data Row (Y) PARFILE Parameter File Name Consistent Sexual (N) Constraints Export Constraint Conditions (Y)

Object_constent is only set to a transaction (n) Feedback per X row during the object export (0) FileSize Each dump file is used to set the session snapshot back to the previous state SCNFLASHBACK_TIME for obtaining the most Time Query of the SCN of the Specified Time Query SELECT clause to export tables Resumable hangs (n) Resumable_name for identifying recoverable statements for text string for logo Recovered statements RESUMABLE_FULL_CHECK Perform a complete or part of the relevant table space list to be exported to TTS TableSpaces To export Template Name Data (N) Template Template Name Exported Template

The export is successfully terminated without warning. ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= C: / Documents and Settings / Administrator> IMP Help = Y

Import: Release - Production on Wednesday, July 28 17:06:54 2004

CopyRight (C) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

You can pass the user name / password by entering the Imp command and your username / password:

Routine: IMP Scott / Tiger

Alternatively, "Import" can be controlled by inputting the IMP command and various parameters. To specify parameters, you can use keywords:

Format: IMP keyword = value or keyword = (value1, value2, ..., vlauen) routine: IMP Scott / Tiger ignore = y Tables = (EMP, DEPT) full = n or TABLES = (T1: P1, T1: P2) If T1 is a partition table

UserID must be the first parameter in the command line.

Keyword description (default) keyword description (default) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Userid username / password FULL Import the entire file (n) Buffer data Buffer Size fromUser Owner User User List File Enter File (Expdat.dmp) Touser Username List SHOW Only List of File Content (N) Tables Table Name List Ignore ignores Creating Errors (N) Recordlength IO Record Length GRANTS Import Permissions ( Y) IncType Increment Import Type Indexes Import Index (Y) CommT Submit Array Insert (N) ROWS Import Data Row (Y) PARFILE Parameter File Name Log Screen Output Log File Constraints Import Limit (Y) Destroy Overwrite Table Space Data File ( N) indexfile writes the specified file Skip_unusable_indexes Skip_Unusable_indexes Skip Unsterer (N) FeedBack Dependently, the maximum size of the specified type ID per X line display schedule (0) toid_novalidate Statistics always imports the pre-cruised statistics Resumole hangs (n) resumable_name to identify the recoverable statement for the recoverable statement, the Waiting time compile compilation process, Package and Function (Y) streams_configuration Importing Streams General Metadata (Y) Streams_Instanitation Implementation of Street STREAMS Data (n) The following keywords are only available for transferable tablespace TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE Importing Transfer Table Space Metadata (N) TableSpaces Table space to transfer to the database DataFiles will transfer to the database TTS_OWNERS has a transportable table space Data user

Successfully terminated, but a warning appears.


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