IBM Workplace Technology Summary

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  150

IBM Workplace Technology Summary

On May 26, 2004, Boston took a major event that promoted human productivity innovation, IBM launched a new IBM Workplace product family to customers. IBM Workplace refers to a product family in all IBM's software brands, including IBM Lotus Notes / Domino software, WebSphere Portal software, Lotus Workplace software, and WebSphere Everyplace software, each product is a unique in the entire IBM Workplace model. character of. The task of Lotus Workplace is to provide an integrated collaboration product that can be linked to the business process with client software managed by the server. In the announcement of IBM Workparact, there are many news for Notes / Domino administrators and developers. The announcement details the details of new versions, new features and new products. If the IBM Workplace announcement runs through a common topic, that is: the product components of their different departments, which can be re-combined with the vision of the vicinating results in a new way. The technology and its rapid development in IBM Workplace have proven that IBM software departments have a variety of different capabilities, including Lotus, Tivoli, and mergers such as Aptrix, can build powerful software. In Boston's festival, Jean-Marc Favenne, the "Lotus Market and Partner" Vice President, focused on the characteristics of Workplace Rich Client Technology (WorkPlace Rich Client Technologies). But this client is not the only news in this declaration: l Managers will undoubtedly hear all Lotus applications through the current Domino 6.5.1 and WebSphere Portal 5.02 version of Version. All Lotus products are finally able to run on the same version of Domino and WebSphere Portal. l Domino developers will also be happy, Notes / Domino 7 will be released next year, and the support of Lotus Workplace to Notes / Domino will also come. NOTES applications will naturally run in Workplace Client Technology - previously expected to be implemented in Notes / Domino 8. l Rederating Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook Connector, use Notes to copy synchronous desktop Outlook PST files and Domino to manage messages, schedules, and address books.

The middleware has become a big topic today. IBM has long been very concerned about middleware - connection, communication, and combination software, IBM Workplace as the value of the middleware is over again. Favennac pointed out that the new server managed device represents "Strong Intermediate Subsidavurization" Traditional Client Technologies.

IBM Workplace Rich Client Technology TECHNOLOGYFAVENNAC emphasizes the characteristics and techniques of supporting replication programs and servers managed client devices when introducing IBM Workplace Client Technology Technologies. He also cited new or improved Lotus Workplace products: new Lotus Workplace Documents 2.0 and Workplace Builder, as well as the updated Lotus Workplace Messaging 2.0, Lotus Workplace Team Collaboration 2.0, Lotus Workplace Web Content Management 2.0, Lotus Workplace for Business Controls And Reporting 2.0, and Lotus Workplace Collaborative Learning 2.0. Understand the WorkPlace client architecture, need to briefly review the Lotus Workplace Server. Lotus Workplace simultaneously supports browser and rich clients. For browser users, Lotus Workplace is like a portal that enables it to access applications and downloads you need to use. The Lotus Workplace environment includes WebSphere Application Server, SQL Data Storage (supporting DB2, MS SQL Server, Oracle, and Cloudscape), HTTP servers (supporting multiple), LDAP (supporting multiple, including Domino) and WebSphere Portal. Workplace Client Technology uses a substantially identical structure. But it is only meaningful if you support application replication and offline usage. Client technology is based on public standards and open source software, thereby having sufficient flexibility and scalability. The following figure shows the client structure: From the top: l Operating system supports Workplace Client Technology running in Windows 2000, XP and two Linux release: SUSE Linux Desktop (SLD) V1.0 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS V3.0 Update11. The client version for Mac OS will be introduced in the second half of the year. l Eclipse 3.0ECLIPSE platform was originally created as an open source project, with a development tool that supported its own creation as a GUI platform. IBM creates Workplace Client Technology in its open architecture to provide UI and execution environments with its capabilities for plug-in modules. The Eclipse plug-in operates files in the workspace and provides a UI of a specific tool. When the platform is started, the user will see a set of integrated plugins - and a desktop similar to the server-based portal. l Local Application Server In order to offline Java-based applications, Workplace Client Technology includes its own transaction containers. l Local Database Cloudscape Data Storage and Workplace Client Technology together. This is a Java-based lightweight SQL database derived from DB2, supporting data offline processing, full-text search, and encrypted storage. l Copy Workplace Client Technology Use Syncml from Lotus Workplace Server to replicate applications and data, SYNCML is an XML-based technology, which was originally developed as a general synchronization protocol for wireless applications. l Configuration The Agent Workplace Client Technology includes dynamic configurations from IBM Tivoli technology and contactless deployment features. You can install, update, and uninstall your customer code and application by deploying a policy on the server.

Dynamic configuration enables administrators to deploy, update, recover customer feature and applications, and user permissions and licenses in these applications. The Workplace Client Technology UI provides users with an application with a collaboration context. The example in the figure below is a centralized application panel, smaller panel represents open applications, where there is a schedule, message information, and navigation to other applications: Workplace applications You can access Workplace applications from your browser Program, or install it in Workplace Client Technology, as shown above. If you expect, the rich client provides a more rich working environment for the application users. The new editor installed with the client allows the user to use Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files and save these files in the original format, and do not need to install Microsoft Office on the machine. (Of course, according to personal preferences, you can continue to use Microsoft Office applications.) All applications offer enhanced features through Workplace Client Technology: l Lopleus Workplace Messaging 2.0 despite Messaging (Displayed in the application pane shown above) Middle) is still in order to serve the needs of users who do not have special workstations, but add some features in version 2.0 to make it a more useful application in the Workplace Client Technology environment. These features include nested folders and integration with Lotus Workplace Documents 2.0, making it more convenient for user archiving and management messages and accessories. l Lotus Workplace Documents 2.0 This new application provides a centralized document management feature for collaborative users. It allows users to create, import, edit, and save rich documents, presentations, and worksheets. This product promotes document audit and approval, version, search, and personal draft. l Lotus Workplace Team Collaboration 2.0Lotus Workplace Team Collaboration is integrated with instant messaging for Lotus Workplace, web conference, customizable team space. This Lotus Workplace product combines elements of Lotus Instant Messaging, Web Conferencing (Sametime), and Lotus Team Workplace (Quickplace). After installation, it provides a perceived function of WorkPlace Client Technology.

In addition, IBM Workplace announcements include Lotus Workplace Web Content Management 2.0, Lotus Workplace for Business Controls and Reporting 2.0, Lotus Workplace Collaborative Learning 2.0, and applications that provide more specific task features for Lotus Workplace users.

Workplace Deployment Tool Announces more emphasizes client technology and applications instead of developer tools, but also provides some clues for how to develop using Lotus Workplace. A new tool Workplace Builder is released in the announcement, which is included in Lotus Workplace Team Collaboration 2.0 and Lotus Workplace Documents 2.0. It allows users to specify access control and create new forms with the Lotus Workplace template included in the product. Favennac's speech also introduces Workplace Client Technology Rich Edition and Workplace Client Technology Micro Edition. Although Favennac has not explained in detail, it is specifically emphasized that the Lotus Workplace application can be used for a variety of different operating systems and devices. Favennac describes tool strategies to each platform optimization tool, allowing platforms and tools to better collaborate to support different types of users with different skills. Here, the role of developers is divided into three categories: L business line users and administrators, requires easy to use, task-oriented tools, such as Workplace Builder. l Business line developers require high productivity visual tools such as Domino Designer and Lotus Enterprise Integrator or expected Workplace Designer. l J2EE developers, using the power of this platform such as Web-Sphere Studio and their toolkits. One picture in the presentation shows the relationship between these tools: I can find some clues from here for developers who feel the future of the middleware driver. First, Domino Designer is still included, IBM Workplace announcement continues to ensure that Notes and Domino will not disappear, and will not give up the Domino application and its tools and techniques. Another clue is the box of Rich Portlet Builder: One of the announcements related to Domino in Favennac's speech is: IBM is re-studying the Domino Portlet family in order to make it compliant with IBM Workplace. The portal is gradually become an important middleware to learn how to move the Domino application to a new location will benefit developers, which is another message from IBM Workplace.


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