Website color mystery

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  147

Description: Because it is seen in other forums, I don't know the source. Website Color Mystery Great Public Open Permanent Thoughts Replace the Site Design Set of Eyes Characterless Color combination? Or you have always been able to use the bank, the company's line number or financial institution's website always use the blue system? Then you come to the place. Although most of the website developers are very clear about the color disks used by the network and the 16-carry system of computational colors, but the principles behind color and effective color combinations are still understandable. Since the century, the color itself is a difficult puzzle. For example, Socrates have assumed the source of "fire", which is the color generated by the "Whiteness" that combines the object itself. After that, Newton more explores the relationship between light and color; after many scientific research, the absolute relationship between optical wave and color sensing is finally confirmed in the 20th century. Today, color adjustment and color adjustment research information directly affects artists, designers and advertising AE staff. This article regarding color theory, it is designed to explore how to use color on the website, and also provide many colors and techniques, so that you can use color to control website design. Color we can see that the color is interacting by three elements: the reflection characteristics of the light, the object, and the method of processing of the optical wave in the human retinal and brain visual cortex. Regardless of which media we use - painting, printing or network - we have to rely on the above process to effectively use colors. Coloring - Rainbow Seventeenth Century, Newton proves that color is not present in the object itself, but the result of light effect, and as long as the long short light wave on the visual spectrum can form white light. These visible light can correspond to seven different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple. Newton's visual spectrum separated in the experimentally accounted for a small portion of all electromagnetic spectroscopy, the entire spectrum range from "short frequency, long wave zone" (such as radio frequency) to "high frequency, short wave zone" ( For example, X-light). The area of ​​the visible spectrum is between the infrared rays and ultraviolet rays, and the wavelength is about 400 nm (purple) to 700 nm (red). Although Newton proves that these optical waves are combined to form white light, it is actually red, green, and blue three-shot can produce white light. The absorption of light and the reflection When the optical wave is projected on the object, the substance transmits, absorbs or reflects light waves of different portions. According to the characteristics of different objects and its own atomic structure, it may reflect green light but absorb other wavelengths. At this time, people's retina and brain vision cortex processing this reflected light and then form the color we see. When the artist and designer copies the color to the canvas or paper, they simulate this process, using the pigment to absorb some part of the optical wave, reflect other optical waves. For example, you want to generate green, we can use pigments that will absorb red and blue light waves. This process is the color pattern foundation of all paintings and print media. Of course, everything rely on eyes, whether it is reflected from objects or transmits from the light source itself, we handle the ability of the optical wave is the visual cortical area of ​​the retina and brain. Three receivers in the retina (or cone cells) can respond to frequencies of certain optical waves. Red cone cells can induce wavelengths of low frequencies, and the green cone cells reacts with the wavelength of the medium frequency, and the blue cone cells reacts the wavelength of high frequencies. These cone cells are not binary, but similar to channels, stimulation can be conveyed to the visual cortico area of ​​the brain, and then the color we see is produced. In order to output a particular color, the artist / designers must rely on the visual receiver within the human body to some optical waves by reacting the visual receiver in the human body. As regards the principle of addition or subtraction, you should see what material you use to express your work. Methods of color mode and color management designers typically have two: one, mezza, mixed different colors of light wave to form white light; two, decay, use pigments to reduce optical waves. The color discs and CMYK systems used by traditional artists are reduced color method.

On the website, we face the projection of light, rather than reflecting light from the object, so it is used in the mean mode, we call it RGB. In nature, the optical wave we see is reflected in the object to enter our retina, but the color of the color is not only this. For example, the stage light is to produce different color light by using white light through a colored filter. The computer screen is also a manner that uses projected light waves, but in different, it produces color light by allowing the electronic ballast to emit to the phosphorus screen. These electronic light guns can emit three colors: red, green, blue. By these three color light, the computer screen can make a complete spectrum. This is the RGB color system well known. In the RGB system, the designer can also make a spectrum through the mixed three primary colors. Mix two primary colors, will result in three primary colors: blue, magenta, yellow. As mentioned earlier, you can make white light together with the three original color of the light. Therefore, if a RGB value is 255, 255, 255, is expressed as white. If the three primary colors of light (RGB: 0, 0, 0) are completely taken completely. The reverse mode of the reduction method RGB mode is the CMYK mode, that is, the use of the way to reduce the optical wave is generated. Since the color of the object comes from the reflected light wave, this system is used to absorb red, green or blue light of the object using three primary colors. For example, if you reduce red light, then excess green waves and blue waves will produce cyan. The pigments used to remove red light, reflect green, and blue are blue. Similarly, the plane printing designer will use magenta to absorb part of the green light, and use yellow light to absorb part of the blue light. In this way, we can clearly know that the three primary colors used in Cymk mode is the second color in the RGB mode, and the other is also true. Furthermore, if red, green, blue light is mixed together to form white light, then it will be mixed with the pigment of green, magenta, and yellow, because the optical wave of the three original colors will be absorbed by the pigment. However, it is limited to the factors of pigments and printing systems, mixing green, magenta, and yellow and can't completely absorb all of the optical waves. Therefore, it is actually a black to complete, so there is a K element in CMYK. Due to these two sets of different replication color methods, the designer must be hurt if the designer must create numbers and print images. In addition to the difficulties between the corresponding plum color and the reduction, the color range of RGB and CMYK can be used is quite large. Therefore, for cross-media designers, there is a set of color management systems that can be converted according to the output device can reduce a lot of headache problems. The color management system can be included in the operating system, some application software. One of the biggest challenges in color adjustment and visual design is to identify effective tuning colors, which makes the color system or monotonous, but also exaggerated. To understand the relationship between color balance, you can start from understanding the color ring. Color circulation presents all possible color modes in a color mode all contains a set of three primary colors, and then different colors are generated via this group of three primary colors. In traditional color, the three primary color refers to blue, red, yellow; and in RGB color mode, the three original color of the color is red, green, blue. Any combination of two color light will produce a set of colors. The three color is mixed with the primary color, or it is produced by mixing two primary colors. We use color rings to present color logic. As you can see from the figure below, RGB's color loop and the color loop used by traditional artists are very different. Color tone and: single color, just shades, hue and brightness. Approximate tones and: use adjacent colors or colors close to color circles. Complementation tonal and: use two opposite colors on the color ring to do. Such color combinations typically provide maximum comparison sensation, but if excessive use is exaggerated. Comparative hue and: use a color, plus two colors next to its complementary colors. Comparative hue and can provide comparison than complementary tones and more soft comparison. Triangle and: Use three equality colors on color loops.

Double mutual adjustment and: use two groups (total four colors) complementary colors. When exploring the color, usually it is best to start from solid color, then try to different degrees of rendering, hue, and darkness. Then you can use the website simulation map to test the visual effects of a color combination. Remember, the importance of contrast is not only designed to be attractive; it may also help or hinder the reading of the website. The meaning of color conveying When we examine the scientific nature of color and color tuning, we found that the senses play a very important role in color use. In addition to sensory reactions and identification and color, humans have a deeper side of the reaction. Color can trigger a strong physiological / psychological resonance, whether it is a front or negative. When you select a color combination, make sure that the color you choose can cause an appropriate echo. Although the color of the color does not directly evidence that the color can trigger a specific reaction, it is studied that some colors can indeed cause some physiological response. For example, red is a very exciting color, often speeding up, breathing. Therefore, red is very suitable for use in need to pay attention and emphasis, but if you use it in the background color, it may be too strong. In the same manner, yellow can also be paid attention, but because of the extreme reflexibility, it is easy to cause fatigue and uncomfortable eyes. On the other hand, the blue is relaxed to the nervous system, and according to some studies, production is also increased in blue as a background. However, if your product is related to food, don't use blue as a background color, because blue will suppress people's appetite. The symbolic color of the color is sometimes related to things in nature. For example, the Lenovo generated by the color of the sky and the sun is great. However, most of the color meaning is related to national culture, such as political, religious, myths or social structures - these factors may have different differences over time and geographical. If your designed website is for foreign regions, you can be careful, the same color may have the effect of South-China in different cultures. In addition, most of the colors have both positive and negative associations. You can use the color quality and saturation of the color, or use a mixed two colors to emphasize a particular meaning. Generally in the culture of the West, the meaning conveyed by: red: enthusiasm, romance, flame, violence, aggression. Red in many cultures is a stopped signal for warning or disabling some actions. Purple: creation, mystery, loyalty, mystery, rare. Purple is related to death in certain cultures. Blue: loyalty, safe, conservative, quiet, indifference, sadness. Green: nature, stable, grow, taboo. In North American culture, the green represents "line", related to environmental awareness, and often links to things about fiscal. Yellow: bright, glory, disease, weakness. Black: ability, exquisite, modern, death, morbid, evil. White: pure, naive, clean, truth, peace, cold, poor. White also represents the color of death in Chinese culture. Choosing the most appropriate color combination replacing the color of the website is not an easy task; many companies also hire professional consultants to make their color combination can match, strengthen the overall brand image. However, if you have colors, you have colors, and you can learn what you can cause, you only need to do with your method, develop a valid color combination. Before you start looking for the corresponding color, you must first know the messages and goals you have to convey your site. One, after you understand the message you want to convey, you can start toning. In the process, you can't help but test the mixed colors, this is a very creative process. Don't be afraid to use bold color combinations, but before you make your product public, remember to get full test! Color Usage Tips and Pointers 1. Learn about the messages and brands you want to convey your site. Select the color of these messages to enhance these messages.

For example, if you design a stable financial institution, then choose a cool color, soft colors, like blue, gray or green. In this case, if the warm color or lively color, the website brand may be destroyed. 2. Learn your reader group. Cultural differences may cause color to produce non-expected reactions. At the same time, the reactions of different regions and different age layers will also be different. Young ethnic groups generally prefer to saturate, but such colors can't afford the interest of high age. 3. Do not use too much color. In addition to black and white, it is enough to choose four to five colors. Too many colors can cause confusion and pull away the attention of the reader. 4. Use the contrast color in the part of the reading. The color is too close to can't produce enough comparison, and it will also hinder the audience reading. The black word in white is best. 5. Test comparison with grayscale. When you are processing black, white and gray, sometimes it is difficult to determine the relative value of each color. In order to confirm that your color disc can provide enough comparison, you can build a simulation website and convert it into an ash. 6. Select color to pay attention to timeliness. The same color is easy to flood the entire market, and the consumer is very fast, and it is numb to the popular color. But in another point of view, you can use the popular color for decades ago, causing people's nostalgia. 7. Consider the functionality color when selecting a color disk. Don't forget to build a key information section, such as title and hyperlink. 8. Pay attention to the problem of the website. Every website developer knows that even the network universal color is different when crossing the platform is displayed. Remember to correct your gamma value and test your color disc on a different job platform. Author Blog:


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