[GBA ROM list] continuously completed ...

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  141

Source: http://www.ezflash.cn/vbb/showthread.php? S = 3A42901B8C2AACB56A02E61F690B8A05 & ThreadID = 14 & perpage = 15 & PageNumber = 1

0001 - f-zero (j) (max speed) (J) RCG 32 0002 - Super Mario Advance (J) (Super Mario A) (J) ACT 32 0003 - Rockman EXE (J) (Lock EXE) (J) RPG 64 0004 - Kuru Kuru Kururin (J) (Rolling Bar) (J) PUZ 32 0005 - Mr Driller 2 (J) (Mr. Digling 2) (J) PUZ 32 0006 - Chu CHU Rocket (J) (咻咻 Rocket ) (M) PUZ 32 0007 - Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (J) (Devil City - Return of Month) (J) A · RPG 64 0008 - Advance GTA (j) (GTA Racing a) (E) RCG 64 0009 - Wai Wai Racing (J) (Kano Wow) (J) RCG 32 0010 - Super Dodgeball Advance (J) (Super Hide A) (J) SPG 32 0011 - Pinobee - Quest Of Heart (J) (Pinoc Prior to adventure) (J) ACT 64 0012 - Powerful Pro Baseball 3 (J) (Strength Baseball 3) (J) TCG 64 0013 - Napoleon (J) (Napoleon) (J) RTS 64 0014 - TOP Gear All- JAPAN GT Championship (J) (All Japan Top GT Championships) (E) RCG 32 0015 - Fire Pro Wrestling A (J) (火 职 职 a a) (J) SPG 64 0016 - Tweety and the MAGICAL JEWEL (J) (Totti And incredible gems) (J) PUZ 32 0017 - Golf Master (J) (Golf Master) (J) SPG 64 0018 - Winning Post (J) (Championships) (J) SLG 32 0019 - Silent Hill Play Novel (J (Silent Hill) (J) AVG 64 0020 - YU-GI-OH! Dungeondice Monsters (J) (Game King - Dungeon Submuna) (J) RPG 64 0021 - I am An air traffic controller (J) (I am aviation Control officer) (J) ECT 64 0022 - J-League Pocket (J) (J Alliance Pocket Edition) (J) (J) (J) (J) (J) (J) (J) (J)

RPG 32 0024 - MONSTER Guardians (j) (Monster Guardian) (J) SLG 64 0025 - Super Mario Advance (U) (Super Mario A) (E) ACT 32 0026 - Final Fight One (j) (Cyclone One) (J) ACT 32 0027 - Bomberman Story (J) (Bomb Man Legend) (J) A · RPG 32 0028 - Iridion 3D (U) (E) STG 32 0029 - Pinobee - Wings of Adventure (U) (Pinocial Adventure Badge) (E) ACT 64 0030 - Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - Round 2 (U) (Violence Boxing 2) (E) SPG 32 0031 - Konami Krazy Racers (U) (Coak Racer) (E) RCG 32 0032 - Castlevania Circle of The Moon (e) (Evil City - Return of Month) (E) A · RPG 64 0033 - Tony Hawk ''s Pro Skater 2 (U) (Tony Huo Key Skaten 2) (e) SPG 64 0034 - GT Championship Racing (U) (GT Racing Championship) (E) RCG 64 0035 - Namco Museum Advanced (U) (Nan Dream Palace Museum) (E) ECT 32 0036 - Chu Chu Rocket (u) (咻咻 Rocket) (M) PUZ 32 0037 - EarthWorm Jim (u) (蚓 Jim) (E) ACT 64 0038 - Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (U) (Max Adventure) (E) ACT 32 0039 - ARMY MEN ADVANCE (U) (Toy Military) (M) ACT 32 0040 - Super Dodgeball Advance (U) (Super Hide A) (E) SPG 32 0041 - F-ZERO - Maximum Velocity (U) (highest Time Speed) (e) RCG 32 0042 - Fire Pro Wrestling W (U) (火 职 职) (E) SPG 64 0043 - Konami Krazy Racers (E) (Kozi Rice Crazy Rider) (E) RCG 3 2 0044 - Ready 2 Rumble - ROUND 2 (E) (Violence Boxing 2) (M) SPG 32 0045 - Castlevania - Circle of The Moon (U) (Demon City - Return of Month) (E)

A · RPG 64 0046 - Rayman Advance (U) (Lehman a) (M) ACT 64 0047 - Tactics Ogre - KNight of Lodis (J) (Royal Knights) (J) SLG 64 0048 - Kuru Kuru Kururin (E (Rolling Bar) (E) PUZ 32 0049 - TOP Gear GT Championship (e) (All Japan GT Player) (E) RCG 32 0050 - Super Mario Advance (E) (Super Mario A) (E) ACT 32 0051 - Rayman Advance (E) (Rehman a) (M) ACT 64 0052 - Tweety & The Magic Gems (e) (Totti's Happy Party) (E) PUZ 32 0053 - Tony Hawk ''s Pro Skater 2 (g (Tony Hawker Professional Skateboard 2) (G) SPG 64 0054 - Yushun Rhapsody (J) (优 俊 赛) (J) SLG 64 0055 - Choro Q Advance (J) (Q version of the car A) (J) RCG 32 0056 - Toy Robot Force (J) (Toy Robot) (J) S · RPG 32 0057 - Hot Potato (U) (Hot Potato) (E) ACT 32 0058 - Bomberman Tournament (U) (Bomb Man Competition) E) A · RPG 32 0059 - Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 (f) (Tony Hawker Career Skaten 2) (f) SPG 64 0060 - Breath of Fire (J) (Dragon Warrior) (J) RPG 32 0061 - Yu -Gi-oh! Duel Monsters 5 Expert 1 (J) (Game King 5-Double Devil) (J) CAG 64 0062 - Super Street Fighter II X Revival (J) (Street Prusted II X Resuscity) (J) FTG 64 0063 - Mahjong Detective (J) (Sparrow Criminal) (J) Tab 32 0064 - PAC - Man Collection (U) (Elf Collection) (E) ECT 32 0065 - Tweety & The Magic Gems (f) (Totti's Happy Party (F) TAB 32 0066 - EX Monopoly (J) (Master EX Monopoly) (J) Tab 32 0067 - Our Breeding Series - My Beetle (j) (everyone raised together - my beetle) (J)

Tab 32 0068 - Get Backers - J) (J) (灵 二 人) (J) RPG 32 0069 - Space HEXCite X (J) (Cosmic Battleship EX) (J) Tab 32 0070 - Klonoa - Empire of Dreams (J) (Feng Zhixia - Dream Empire) (J) ACT 32 0071 - Mario Kart Advance (J) (Mario Sky A) (J) RCG 32 0072 - Doraemon Midori No Wakusei (J) (machine Cat - Green Confreshing Salvation War) (J) ACT 64 0073 - Jurassic Park 3 - DNA Factor (U) (Jurassic Park 3-DNA Gene) (E) ACT 32 0074 - Muscular Ranking (J) (番 付 付 肉- King Kong's big adventure) (J) ECT 64 0075 - JGTO GOLF MASTER Mobile (J) (Golf Daren) (J) SPG 64 0076 - Zero Tours (J) (J) (J) RPG 32 0077 - STAR Communicator (J) (Star Communication War) (J) TCG 32 0078 - Mobile Pro Baseball (J) (Professional Baseball - Action Edition) (J) SPG 64 0079 - Ougon No Taiyo (J) (Gold Sun " - Opened seal) (J) RPG 64 0080 - Dokapon Q Monster Hunter (j) (DABang Q Monster Hunter) (J) RPG 64 0081 - Our Breeding Series - My Ameba (J) (Everyone raises the series - I Decentral insects) (J) TCG 32 0082 - Jurassic Park 3 - Park Builder (J) (Jurassic Park - Park Construction Man) (J) SLG 32 0083 - Final Fight One (J) (Cyclone ONE) E) ACT 32 0088 - Super Black Bass Advance (J) (Super Black Bas Fishing) (J) ECT 32 0085 - Meine Liebe (Angel League) (J) (美 梦想) (J) AVG 64 0086 - Mario Kart SuperCircuit (U) (Malio Tour Super Tour) (E) RCG 32 0087 - Extreme Mahjong Deluxe - Terminator 21 (J) (Grade Major - Future Warrior 21 Cups) (J) Tab 64 0088 - Fortress (u) Fortress) (E)

Tab 32 0089 - Jurassic Park 3 - Dna Factor (E) (Jurassic Park 3-DNA Gene) (M) ACT 64 0090 - Wario Land 4 (J) (World 4) (J) ACT 64 0091 - Tweety & The Magic Gems (G) (Totti's Happy Party) (G) PUZ 32 0092 - Jurassic Park 3 - Advanced Action (J) (Jurassic Park 3 - Advanced Action) (J) ACT 64 0093 - ESPN Final Round Golf 2002 (U) (ESPN Golf Satisfaction 2002) (E) SPG 64 0094 - Tang Tang (U) (Bombing Solomon) (E) ACT 32 0095 - Advance Wars (U) (Senior War) (E) SLG 32 0096 - F-14 Tomcat (U) (F-14 male cat) (E) STG 32 0097 - Love Hina Advance (J) (Surface East Qiferator - Blessing Bell) (J) AVG 64 0098 - Men in Black - The Series (E) (Black Super Special Police Group) (E) ACT 32 0099 - ESPN Final Round Golf (E) (ESPN Golf Satisfaction) (E) SPG 64 0100 - Medarot Navi - Kuwagata Version (J) (Metal Robot Battle - Version) (J) S · RPG 64 0101 - Medarot Navi - Kabuto Version (J) (Metal Robot Wars - 胄 胄) (J) S · RPG 640102 - Atlantis - The Lost Empire (U) Atlanti - lost Empire) (E) ACT 320103 - Jurassic Park 3 - Park Builder (e) (Jurassic Park 3 - Park Construction Man) (E) SLG 320104 - TETRIS WorldS (U) (Russia) (E) Tab 320105 - Mario Kart Super Circuit (E) (Mario Tour "(E) RCG 320106 - Robot Ponkotto 2 - Ring Version (j) (J) (J) (J) (J) S · RPG 320107 - Robot P Onkotto 2 - Cross Version (J) (Body Baby 2- Cross Edition) (J) S · RPG 320108 - NFL Blitz 2002 (U) (NFL Rugby Lightning Battle 2002) (E) SPG 320109 - Gensou Suikoden Card Stories (J) (Fantasy Water Margin - Card Legend) (J)

CAG 320110 - ESPN X-Games Skateboarding (U) (ESPN X Athletic Skating) (E) SPG 64011 - Super Robot Taisen A (J) (Super Robot Wars a) (J) SLG 640112 - Rocket Power Dream Scheme (U) Rapid - Dream Plan) (E) ACT 320113 - Klonoa - Empire Of Dreams (U) (Wind Croiya - Dream Empire) (E) ACT 320114 - Jurassic Park 3 - Park Builder (u) Luo Ji Park 3-Park Builder) (e) SLG 320115 - Spiderman - Mysterio ''s Menace (U) (Spider - unknown threat) (E) ACT 640116 - Caesar''s Palace Advance (U) (Caesar Palace a) (e) Tab 640117 - Field of Nine Digital Edition 2001 (J) (Nine Baturing Battlefield - Number 2001) (J) SPG SLG 640118 - Backtrack (U) (Retreat) (E) FPS 320119 - Morita SHOGI ADVANCE (J) (田 将棋) (J) Tab 320120 - Rugrats - Castle Capers (U) (Small Naughty - Jumping Castle) (E) ACT 320121 - Power Rangers Time Force (U) (Power Assault) (E) ACT 320122 - ZOE2173 Testament (J) (Star Works 2173 - Will) (J) SLG 640123 - Lady Sia (e) (Goddess Warrior - Sea) (M) ACT 320124 - High Heat Baseball 2002 (U) (U) Baseball 2002) (e) SPG 320125 - X-MEN - Reign of apocalypse (X - Database & Sql Blood) (E) ACT 640126 - DEESASTER STRIKES (Deddy Laboratory) M) ACT 320127 - MX 2K2 Featuring Ricky Carmichael (U) (MX2002 Future Route) (E) RCG 320128 - Final Fig HT One (U) (fast cyclone one) (E) ACT 320129 - Nobunaga no yabou (j) (Wild Walk of Socage) (J) SLG 320130 - Lego Bionicle (U) (Le High Desk Exploration) (M)

ACT 640131 - Lego Island 2 (U) (Le Gaochu Island 2) (M) ACT 640132 - Kiki Kaikai Advance (J) (奇奇 怪) (J) ACT 320133 - SNOOD (U) (Monster) (E) Puz 320134 - Sports Illustrate for Kids - Baseball (U) (Children's Sports - Baseball) (E) SPG 320135 - Hatena Satena (J) (Wi - wit) (J) Tab 320136 - The Wild thornrrys - chimp chase (Wild Rhinin - Hunter Chimpanzee) (E) ACT 320137 - Scooby-Doo and The Cyber ​​Chase (U) (Sportball Residence) (E) ACT 320138 - Sports Illustrate for Kids - Football (U) (U) Children's Sports Pictures - Footballs) (E) SPG 320139 - Boxing Fever (U) (Fan Hot Boxing) (E) SPG 640140 - Gyakuten Saiban (J) (Reverse Referee) (J) AVG 640141 - Lego Island 2 (e) Lego Street 2) (M) ACT 640142 - LADY SIA (U) (Goddess Warrior - Sea) (M) ACT 320143 - Minna de Puyo Puyo (J) (Magic Bubble General Countertime) (M) Tab 640144 - Steven Gerrard '' S Total Soccer 2002 (E) (Steven Brend Football 2002) (M) SPG 320145 - Denki Blocks (E) (Electric Square) (M) Tab 640146 - Prehistorik Man (E) (Modern Primitive ) (M) ACT 320147 - Hello Kitty Collection Miracle (J) (Kati Cat Game Collection - Pop Creator) (J) ECT 640148 - European Super League (E) (European Super League) (M) SPG 320149 - Phalanx (J) (Galaxy fighter) (J) STG 320150 - Nakayoshi Mahjan Kaburiichi (J) (Friendship Mahjong) (J) Tab 32 0151 - Hamster Monog Atari 2 (J) (Hamster 2) (J) TCG 640152 - ESPN XGames Skateboarding (J) (ESPN X Game Skate) (E) SPG 640153 - Lego Bionicle (e)

Le High Desk Adventure) (M) ACT 640154 - Monsters Inc. (U) (Monster Company) (E) ACT 320155 - Doom (U) (Destruction Warrior) (E) FPS 640156 - Dokodemo Taikyoku Yakuman Advance (j) Full of bureau) (J) ACT 640157 - Tang Tang (e) (Bombing Solomon) (M) ACT320158 - LUCKY Luke - Wanted! (E) (lucky gunman Lec - Wanted) (M) ACT 320159 - Spyro - Season of Ice (e) (Spyro-Frozen Season) (M) ACT 640160 - Spyro - Season of Ice (U) (Spyro-SPYRO Frozen season) (e) ACT 640161 - BATMAN VENGEANCE (U) (Batman - Revenge) (M) ACT 640162 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival (e) (Street Priority II Resurrection) (E) FTG 640163 - Kao The Kangaroo (u) (small kangari) (M) ACT 320164 - WWF - Road to Wrestlemania (U) (WWF Wrestling Road) (E) SPG 320165 - Megaman Battle Network (U) (Lock - Network Battle ) (E) RPG 640166 - Gadget racers (U) (mini) (E) RCG 320167 - Gradius Advance (E) STG 320168 - M & M ''s Blast! (U) (M & M '' s chocolate whirlwind) (e) ACT 640169 - Wario Land 4 (E) (Mario World 4) (E) ACT 640170 - Hikaru No Go (J) (Chess King) (J) Tab 640171 - Golden Sun U) (Golden Sun) (E) RPG 640172 - Donald Duck Advance (E) (Tang Lao Duck Adventure) (M) ACT 640173 - Harry Potter and The Sorcerer ''s Stone (U) (Harry Potter Mysterious Magic Stone) (M) A · RPG 640174 - Batman Vengeance (E) (Batman - Revenge) (M) ACT 640175 - Jackie Chan Adventures - Legend of The Dark Hand (U) (Chenglong Adventure - Mass Legend) (

E) ACT 320176 - Alienators - Evolution Continues (U) (Evolutionary SAR) (E) ACT 320177 - SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS - SuperSponge (U) (Super Sponge - I) (E) ACT 320178 - JIMMY Neutron - Boy Genius (U (Genius boy - Jimmy) (E) 320179 - Inspector gadget - Advance Mission (e) (Dynasty Jiajiete - Advanced Task) (M) ACT 320180 - Tweety & The Magic Gems (u) (Totti's Happy Party) (E) Puz 320181 - Star Wars - JEDI POWER BATTLES (U) (Star Wars Strong - Jedi) (E) ACT 640182 - Midnight Club Street Racing (U) (Harbor Destiny - Street Mania) (E) RCG 320183 - Mat Hoffman ''s PRO BMX (U) (Matt Hoffman - Bicycle Cross Country) (E) SPG 320184 - Razor FreeStyle Scooter (U) (Maddenk Single Scooter) (E) SPG 320185 - Super Bust -A-Move (E) (M) PUZ 320186 - Dokapon Monster Hunter (U) (DAB Star Hunter) (E) RPG 640187 - International SuperStar Soccer (E) (International Super Football) E) SPG 640188 - Atlantis - The Lost Empire (E) (Atlanti - lost Empire) (M) ACT 320189 - 4V4 ARASHI GET The Goal (J) (Friendship Football - 4V4) (J) SPG 640190 - Nancy Drew - Message In a Haunted Mansion (U) (NASTN) (E) AVG 320191 - The PowerPuff Girls - Mojo Jojo A-Go-Go (U) (Jet Girl - Witch GO - GO) (M) ACT 320192 - Madden 2002 (U) (Mattutton Football 2002) (E) SPG 320193 - Froggers Adventures - Temple of the Frog (U) (Frog Adventure - Fog Temple) (M) ACT 320194 - NO Rules Get Phat (u) (Rule - Street Skate Brake) (M) ACT 640195 - Adventure of Tokyo Disney SEA (j) (Tokyo Disney Attack - Ocean Pavilion) (

J) ACT 320196 - David Beckham Soccer (E) (David Baker Sago Football) (M) SPG 320197 - TETRIS WorldS (E) (M) Tab 320198 - Rampage Puzzle Attack (U) (Destroying King Kong Square) (e) Puz 320199 - Midways Greatest Arcade Hits (U) (Midwe Boutique Electric Plant 4 in 1) (E) ECT 320200 - JurasSic Park III - Island Attack (U) (Jurassic Park 3-Island Attack ) (E) ACT 64 0201 - Super Dodge Ball Advance (E) (Super Hide Sorps A) (E) SPG 32 0202 - Lego Racers 2 (U) (Le Gao Racing 2) (M) RCG 64 0203 - ESPN GREAT OUTDOOR Games Bass 2002 (U) (ESPN Very Outdoor Sports Bath Fishing 2002) (E) ECT 64 0204 - ECKS VS Sever (U) (Ax VS Wax) (M) FPS 64 0205 - Hot Wheels Burnin Rubber (U ) (E) RCG 64 0206 - Mech Platoon (E) (Mechanized Forces) (M) RTS 64 0207 - Phalanx (e) (Galaxy Fighter) (M) STG 32 0208 - ET The Extra- Terrestrial (U) (Outside the Lands of Alien) (E) ACT 32 0209 - Dave Mirra FreeStyle BMX 2 (U) (米 米 自式 自车 2) (e) SPG 64 0210 - Shaun Palmers PRO SNOWBOARDER (U) (Maxist's Professional Snowboard) (E) SPG 64 0211 - Power Rangers - Time Force (G) (King Kong Warrior - Time and Space Battle) (G) ACT 32 0212 - San Goku Shi (J ) (Three Kingdoms) (J) SLG 64 0213 - Planet of the Apes (E) (M) ACT 32 0214 - Robot Wars - Advanced Destruction (E) (Robot Wars - Evolutionary Destruction) M) ACT 32 0215 - Cruis'n Velocity (U) (Survival Mania) (E) RCG 32 0216 - Tom and Jerry - The Magic Ring (U) (Tom and Jerry - Magic Bell) (M)

ACT 64 0217 - MONSTER RANCHER ADVANCE (U) (Monster Farm A) (E) TCG 64 0218 - International Karate Advanced (E) (International Karate Contest) (E) FTG 32 0219 - DAISENRYAKU (J) (GM) (J) ) SLG 64 0220 - Gradius Galaxies (U) (SAR Roman Snake War) (E) STG 32 0221 - EZ - Talk 1 (J) (J) English 1) (J) ECT 64 0222 - EZ - TALK 2 ( J) (J) ECT 64 0223 - ARMY MEN - OPERATION GREEN (U) (Toy Military - Green Military Action) (M) ACT 32 0224 - Driven (U) (Life and Death Speed) (M) RCG 32 0225 - Mat Hoffman ''s PRO BMX (E) (Matt Hoffman's Bicycle Cross Country) (M) SPG 32 0226 - Super Bust-a-Move (U) (Super Bubble Dragon) (M) Puz 32 0227 - Action Replay GBX (E) (GBA Gold Finger Tool) (M) ECT 2 0228 - Column Crown (E) (Gem Square) (E) PUZ 64 0229 - Les Aventures de Jackie Chan (f) (Chenglong Adventure ) (F) ACT 21 0230 - MAGICAL VACATION (J) (Magic Holiday) (J) RPG 64 0231 - Advance Rally (J) (Advanced Car Rally) (E) RCG 64 0232 - GAKKOU O TSUKUROU !! Advance (j) (School Legend) (J) S · RPG 64 0233 - Monster Farm Advance (J) (Monster Farm A) (J) TCG 64 0234 - Thunderbirds - International Rescue (e) (Thunderbird - International Rescue Organization) (E) STG 64 0235 - Action Replay GBX (E) (GBA Gold Finger Tools) (E) ECT 2 0236 - Game Shark (U) (Shark Gold Finger) (E) ECT 2 0237 - XPLODER ADVANCE (E) (GBA Gold Finger Password Tool ) ( E) ECT 1 0238 - Shaun Palmers Pro Snowboarder (G) (Chanzale Professional Snowboard) (G) SPG 64 0239 - World Advance Soccer - Road to Win (J) (

World Football - Towards Wizard Road) (J) SPG 64 0240 - Namco Museum (j) (Nan Dream Palace Boutique Game Collection) (E) ECT 32 0241 - Planet Monsters (U) (Planet Monster) (M) ACT 32 0242 - Super Mario Advance (J) (Super Mario A) (J) ACT 32 0243 - Battle Network Rockman EXE 2 (J) (Locke Wars EX 2) (J) RPG 64 0244 - Action Replay GBX (E) (GBA Golden Finger Tool) (f) ECT 2 0245 - BREATH OF FIRE (U) (Dragon Warrior) (E) RPG 32 0246 - Column Crown (J) (J) (J) (J) PUZ 64 0247 - Mortal Kombat Advance U) (Reality Quick A) (E) FTG 64 0248 - Jikkyou World Soccer Pocket (J) (Live World Football Pocket Edition) (J) SPG 64 0249 - Megaman Battle Network (E) (Lock Network Wars) (E ) RPG 64 0250 - American Bass Challenge (U) (USA Bath Fishing Challenge) (E) ECT 32 0251 - Code Breaker (U) (GBA Golden Finger Code Tool) (E) ECT 0 0252 - Sonic Advance (J) (Sonic A) (M) ACT 64 0253 - Kinniku Banduke - Muscle Ranking 2 (J) (J) ECT 64 0254 - Bakuten Shoot Beyblade - Gekitou! Saikyou Blade (j) (explosive Gyro King - Fighter (J) S · RPG 32 0255 - The FlintStones - Big Trouble in Bedrock (U) (Stone Paradise - Suspended in the Trip Trouble) (E) ACT 32 0256 - Tekken Advance (J) (Tie Boxia) (E) FTG 64 0257 - BREATH OF FIR 2 - Shimei NO KO (J) (Dragon Warrior 2- Mission) (J) RPG 32 0258 - Dragon Quest - Torneko ''s A DVENTURE 2 Advance (J) (Trunek Adventure 2- Magic Maze) (J) A RPG 64 0259 - Zoids Saga (J) (Mechanic New Century) (J) RPG 64 0260 - Flame of Recca (j ) (Fire of fire) (J)

FTG 64 0261 - ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2002 (ESPN Winter Games - Ski 2002) (E) SPG 32 0262 - YU-GI-OH! Duel Monsters 6 Expert 2 (J) (Joh 6) (J) ) CAG 128 0263 - Advanced Wars (E) (Senior War) (M) SLG 64 0264 - Kao The Kangaroo (E) (small kangaroo) (M) ACT 32 0265 - KING OF FIGHTERS EX - Neo Blood ( J) () (e) FTG 64 0266 - Angelic Layer (J) (Angel Sports) (J) RPG 64 0267 - Sansara Saga 1x2 (J) (Ji Dragon War 1X2) (J) RPG 64 0268 - EZ - Talk 3 (J) (English 3) (J) ECT 64 0269 - EZ - Talk 4 (J) (Simple Specific English 4) (J) ECT 64 0270 - Game Shark GBA (U) Game Shark Gold Finger) (E) ECT 2 0271 - XPLODER ADVANCE (E) (GBA Gold Finger Password Tool) (E) ECT 1 0272 - Mech Platoon (U) (Mechanized Forces) (E) RTS 64 0273 - Dark Arena U) (Diabliki) (e) FPS 64 0274 - Creatures (e) (Create Plan) (M) TCG 32 0275 - Pac-Man Collection (j) (Elf Collection) (E) ECT 32 0276 - The flintstones - BIG TROUBLE IN BEDROCK (E) (Stone Paradise - Sundage in the Try Bed) (M) ACT 32 0277 - Snap Kids (J) (Photos Kid) (J) ECT 128 0278 - Asterix & Obelix Paf! Them all! E) (Beautiful New World) (M) ACT 64 0279 - ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2002 (ESPN Winter Games - Ski 2002) (e) SPG 32 0280 - Guilty Gear X (j) (Sin Qox X) (E) FTG 64 0281 - Gradius Generation (J) STG 32 0282 - Tomato Adventure (J) (Tomato Adventure) (J)

RPG 64 0283 - HYPER SPORTS 2002 Winter (J) (Super Sports 2002 Winter Edition) (E) SPG 32 0284 - Tekken Advance (U) (I) (I) FTG 64 0285 - ESPN International Winter Sports 2002 (U) (ESPN International Winter Games) (E) SPG 32 0286 - Salt Lake 2002 (U) (Salt Lake City 2002) (M) SPG 32 0287 - Pac-Man Collection (E) (Elf Collection) (E) ECT 32 0288 - Wizardry Summoner (J) (Evil Deich - Summon) (J) RPG 32 0289 - Shanghai Advance (J) (Shanghai) (J) TAB 32 0290 - Sonic Advance (U) (Sonic A) (M) ACT 64 0291 - Granbo (J) (Grandbao) (J) RPG 64 0292 - Jonny Moseley Mad Trix (U) (Strong Ni Mosi Crazy Ski) (M) SPG 64 0293 - Puyo Pop (U) (Magic Bubble conference war) (M) PUZ 64 0294 - Okuman Chouja Game (j) (100 million elder game) (J) PUZ 32 0295 - Pinky Monkey Town (J) (Pink Monkey Villa) (J) PUZ 32 0296 - Harry Potter to Kenja No Ishi (J) (Harry Potter - Mysterious Magic Stone) (J) A · RPG 64 0297 - Super Mario World (U) (Super Mario World) (E) ACT 32 0298 - JURASSIC Park 3 - Dino Attack (E) (Jurassic Park 3-Action Edition) (M) ACT 64 0299 ​​- Advance Wars (U) (Senior War) (E) SLG 32 0300 - Column Crown (u) (gem square) (E) Puz 64 0301 - WTA Tour Tennis Pocket (J) (Super Real Woman Tennis Touri - Pocket Edition) (J) SPG 64 0302 - Dave Mirra FreeStyle BMX 2 (E) (米拉特 技 自 2) (M) SPG 64 0303 - Peter Pan - Return to Neverland (U) (Xiaofei - Back to Dream Innovation Empire) (E) ACT 64 0304 - Golden Sun (U) (Gold Sun) (F)

RPG 64 0305 - ESPN Great Outdoor Games - BASS TOURNAMENT (E) (ESPN Outdoor Sports - Bath Fishing 2002) (E) ECT 64 0306 - EZ - Talk 5 (J) (J) ECT 64 0307 - EZ - TALK 6 (J) (Simple Specific English 6) (J) ECT 64 0308 - NBA Jam 2002 (U) (Madden NBA2002) (E) SPG 32 0309 - Captain Tsubasa - Eikou No Kiseki (J) (Angel Wings - glory trajectory) (J) CAG 64 0310 - Pocket Music (e) (Pocket Music) (M) ECT 64 0311 - Virtual Kasparov (E) (Virtual Western Player) (M) Tab 32 0312 - Hot Wheels - HOT WHEELS - Burnin Rubber (e) (Evil-invincible wind turbine) (M) RCG 64 0313 - Tom and Jerry - Magic Ring (E) (Tom and Jerry - Magic Bell) (M) ACT 64 0314 - Planet Monsters (e) Planet monster) (M) ACT32 0315 - Jimmy Neutron - Boy Genius (e) (genius boy - Jimmy) (M) ACT 32 0316 - Chu Chu Rocket (e) (咕咕 火) (M) PUZ 32 0317 - MOTO GP (E) (E) (GP Motorcycle Race) (M) SPG 32 0318 - Bomberman Max 2 - Bomberman Version (J) (Bomb Man Marx 2 - Bomb Man Edition) (J) ACT 64 0319 - Crash Bandicoot XS (E) (ancient Wolf XS) (M) ACT 64 0320 - Goemon New Age Shutsudou! (J) (Pirate Wu Youwei's new era!) (J) ACT 32 0321 - J-League Pocket 2 (J) (J Alliance Pocket Edition 2) (J) TCG 64 0322 - The Land Before Time (E) (Prehistoric Island) (M) ACT 32 0323 - Mike Tysons Boxing (E) (Mike Tyson Boxing) (M) SPG 32 0324 - Inspector Gadget - AD Vance Mission (U) (Dynasty Jiajiete - Advanced Task) (E) ACT 32 0325 - Phalanx (U) (Galaxy Fighter) (E) STG 32 0326 - Zone of The Enders - The Fist of Mars (U) (Star Domain 4073-Mars collision) (

E) SLG 64 0327 - An American Tail - Fievels Gold Rush (e) (American Mouse Pool) (M) ACT 32 0328 - Black Black (J) (Taganda Legend) (J) RPG 64 0329 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival (U) (Super Street Birth II- Recovery) (E) FTG 64 0330 - yuure Yashiki no nijuuyon jikan (j) (24 hours of ghosts) (J) AVG 32 0331 - Domo-kun no fushigi terebi J) (Tama Jun's incredible adventure) (J) PUZ 64 0332 - Mail de Cute (J) (Cute Postter) (J) ECT 64 0333 - Bomberman Max 2 - Max Version (J) (Bomb Man Marx 2- Marx Edition) (J) ACT 64 0334 - Planet of the Apes (U) (M) ACT 32 0335 - Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 (U) (Tony Hawker Skating 3) (E) SPG 64 0336 - High Heat Major League Baseball 2003 (U) (Hot Professional Baseball League 2003) (E) SPG 32 0337 - NHL 2002 (U) (American Ice Hockey 2002) (E) SPG 32 0338 - CASPER (E) (E) Elf) (M) ACT 32 0339 - Sonic Advance (e) (Sonic A) (M) ACT 64 0340 - MEN in Black - The Series (U) (Black Super Special Police Group - Continued) (E) ACT 32 0341 - STAR WARS - JEDI POWER BATTLES (E) (Star Wars Square - Jedi) (M) ACT 64 0342 - Top Gear GT Championship (U) (Top GT Championships) (E) RCG 32 0343 - Donald Duck Advance J) (Tang Duck) (J) ACT 64 0344 - Estopolis densetsu (j) (Siki gods) (Silent Lord) (J) RPG 64 0345 - Crash Bandicoot - The huge Adventure (Polymour - Endless Adventure) (E) ACT 64 0346 - MIKE TYSONS Boxing (U) (Mike Tyson Boxing) (M) SPG 32 0347 - MOTO GP (U) (GP Motorcycle Race) (M )

SPG 32 0348 - Rainbow Six Rogue Spear (U) (Rainbow 6) (M) FPS 64 0349 - Space Invaders (U) (Space Aggressor) (E) STG 32 0350 - Super Robot Taisen A? (Super Robot Wars A (C) SLG 64 0351 - Driven (E) (M) (M) RCG 32 0352 - Mary Kate and Ashley Girls Night Out (U) (Mary Kate and Ashley - Out of Night) (E) ECT 32 0353 - Guloz Chang Poo (J) (Filling Square) (J) PUZ 32 0354 - Donald Duck Advance (U) (Tang Duck A) (E) ACT 64 0355 - Angelique (j) (Angeli Queen College) (J) TCG 32 0356 - Power Pro Kun Pocket 4 (J) (Live Pocket Wildlla 4) (J) TCG 64 0357 - Baseball Advance (U) (Baseball A) (E) SPG 64 0358 - Rainbow Six Rogue Spear (e) (Rainbow 6) (M) FPS 64 0359 - Konami Collectors Series - Arcade Advanced (U) (Koai Boutique Game Collection 6 in 1) (E) ECT 32 0360 - Motocross Maniacs Advance (U) Crazy off-road motorcycle) (e) SPG 32 0361 - AKUMAJOU Dracula - Circle of the moon? (Demon City - Return of Month) (C) A · RPG 64 0362 - Broken Sword - The Shadow of The TemPlars (E) (broken Sword - Sword Samurai's fans) (M) AVG 64 0363 - Groove Adventure Rave (J) (San Shi Xiaozi Light and Dark Battle) (J) FTG 64 0364 - Ice Age (u) (Ice Century) (M) ) ACT 32 0365 - SHREK - SWAMP KART Speedway (U) (Srik Swamp Racing) (M) RCG 64 0366 - Chessmaster (e) (Western Chess Master) (E) Tab 32 0367 - Golden Sun (g) (Golden Sun) (G) RPG 64 0368 - K-1 Pocket Grand Prix (J) (K-1 Pocket Fighting Grand Prix) (J) FTG 32 0369 - Super Puzzle Bobble Advance (J) (Super Bubble dragon a) (e)

Puz 32 0370 - Slot-Pro Advance - TakaraFune & Oedoshima Fubuki 2 (J) (Professional Bai Qing Dynasty Game - Bao Shi & Great House Sakan Blowing Snow 2) (J) Puz 64 0371 - Nishihara Rieko No Tendou Maajan (J) (Xiji Huizi Temple sparrow) (J) Tab 32 0372 - Kikaika Gunta - Mech Platoon (J) (mechanized army) (J) RTS 64 0373 - Diadroids World (J) (Danger World) (J) S · RPG 64 0374 - JITSUTOU Pachislo Hisshouhou - JUUOH Advance (J) (actual combat Bai Qing Wei) - Beast King A) (J) PUZ 32 0375 - Daimaajan (J) (J) Tab 32 0376 - Broken Sword - The Shadow of the Templars (U) (broken sword - Sword Samurai) (M) AVG 64 0377 - Maya the Bee (E) (Maya Bee - Great Adventure) (M) ACT32 0378 - Fire Emblem - Sealed Sword (J) (火 炎Isolated - Seal Sword) (J) SLG 64 0379 - SHINING SOUL (J) (Bright Soul) (J) A · RPG 64 0380 - Atari Anniversary Advance (U) (Yadi anniversary game) ) ECT 32 0381 - BRITNEYS DANCE BEAT (U) (Small Sweet Brandi Dance Festival) (e) ECT 64 0382 - Scrabble (e) (Scrabble) (M) PUZ 64 0383 - Golden Sun (s) (Golden Sun) (S) RPG 64 0384 - Monster Jam Maximum Destruction (U) (Monster Truck Great) (E) ACT RCG 64 0385 - Fila Decathlon (E) (Ten Almighty) (M) SPG 32 0386 - MAGICAL FENGSHEN (J) (Magic Sealing God) (J) RPG 64 0387 - Extreme Ghostbusters - Code Ecto-1 (E) (Ultimate Demon Star - Number ECTO-1) (M) ACT 32 0 388 - The Scorpion King - Sword of Osiris (U) (Scorpion King - Sword of the Earth) (E) ACT 32 0389 - IKKOKU HATTORI - KORE 1 HON DE 8 Shurui! (J) (a stone eight bird) (J)

Puz 32 0390 - Peter Pan - Return to Neverland (E) (Little Fei Xia - Back to Dream Innovation Empire) (M) ACT 64 0391 - Super Black Bass Advance (E) (Super Black Bas Fishing) (E) ECT 32 0392 - Breath of fire (e) (Dragon Warrior) (M) RPG 32 0393 - Tiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Stackers (E) (Bini Rabbit Adventure - Ancient Eggs) (M) PUZ 32 0394 - Klonoa - Empire of Dreams (e) (Wind Croatia - Dream Empire) (E) ACT 32 0395 - Three Stoose (U) (three helpers) (E) ECT 32 0396 - X-Bladez - Inline Skater (e) X Cyclone Direct Wheel Skating) (e) SPG 32 0397 - Virtual Kasparov (U) (Virtual Western Player) (M) Tab 32 0398 - EIGO KUBunhen (J) (College Experiment Strengthening Series - English Writing) J) ECT 64 0399 - Wolfenstein 3D (U) (3D German Headquarters) (E) FPS 64 0400 - Card E Reader (J) (Card Reader) (E) ECT 320401 - Lunar Legend (J) (Galaxy Star - Luna Legend) (J) RPG 64 0402 - Super Mario World (E) (Super Mario World) (M) ACT 32 0403 - BRETH OF Fire 2 (U) (Dragon Warrior 2- Mission) (E) RPG 32 0404 - SPIDER-MAN - THE MOVIE (U) (Spider - Movie Edition) (E) ACT 64 0405 - Star x (U) (Planet Fighting X) (M) STG 64 0406 - The Scorpion King - Sword of Osiris (E) (scorpion king - Sword of the earth) (M) ACT 32 0407 - TETRIS WorldS (J) (Square World) (J) PUZ 32 0408 - Spiderman - Mysterio ''s Menace (J) (Spider - unknown Threat) (J) ACT 64 0409 - BLENDER Bros. (U) (Connected Brothers) (E) ACT 6 4 0410 - Rockman Zero (J) (Locke Zero) (J) ACT 64 0411 - Advance GT2 (J) (GT Racing 2) (E) RCG 64 0412 - Winning Eleven World Soccer (J)

Victory 11 people world football) (J) NO oji Sama (J) (Tennis Prince) (J) SPG 64 0414 - Kashiramoji D - Another Story (J) (J) (Head text D- another story) (J) ) S · RCG 64 0415 - Penny Racers (E) (Mini Cute Racing) (E) RCG 32 0416 - Sweet Cookie Pie (J) (Delicious Cake) (J) AVG 32 0417 - Dinotopia - The Timestone Pirates (U) Time and Space Overhao) (M) ACT 64 0418 - Koro Koro Puzzle Happy Panechu! (J) (Happy Turntable) (J) Puz 64 0419 - Kurohang No Golf Shiyouyo (J) (Black Beard Everyone to Place Golf) (J) SPG 64 0420 - Keitai Denjuu Telefang 2 - Power Version (j) (carry electricity Beast 2-power version) (J) RPG 64 0421 - Keitai Denjuu Telefang 2 - Speed ​​Version (j) (Carrying the beast 2 - Speed ​​Edition) (J) RPG 64 0422 - Kaeru B Back (j) (Frog Home) (J) RPG 64 0423 - Desert Strike Advance (U) (Desert Storm) (E) STG 32 0424 - All-Star Baseball 2003 (U) (All US Star Baseball 2003) (E) SPG 32 0425 - Nascar Heat 2002 (U (Yunston Racing 2002) (E) RCG 32 0426 - Formation Soccer 2002 (J) (Stereo Football 2002) (J) SPG 64 0427 - Doraemon Board Game (j) (machine cat game) (J) PUZ 64 0428 - Animal Mania (J) (Animal Cute Ombragetting) (J) TCG 64 0429 - Kami No Kijutsu - Illusion of The Evil Eyes (J) (God's Description - The Phantom of Evil Eye) (J) CAG 64 0430 - Kawa No Nushi Tsuri 5 (J) (Sichuan Fishing Taro 5) (J) RPG 64 0431 - Gekitou! Card Battler GO! (J) (Fighting Remote Cherker GO!) (J) RPG 64 0432 - Tactics Ogre - The Knight Of Lodis (U) (Royal Knights) (E) SLG 64 0433 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf (U) (

Tiger Woods PGA Golf Tour) (e) SPG 64 0434 - Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku (U) (Heritage of Z-Goku) (E) A · RPG 64 0435 - Hitsuji No Kimochi (J) ( Sheep's heart) (J) PUZ 64 0436 - JINSEI GAME ADVANCE (J) (Life Game) (J) PUZ 64 0437 - Spy Hunter (U) (Spy Hunter) (M) ACT 64 0438 - Davis Cup (e) Davis Cup Tennis Open) (M) SPG 32 0439 - Total Soccer Manager (e) (Champion Football Manager) (M) TCG SPG 32 0440 - DOWNFORCE (U) (F1 Reissue Racing) (M) RCG 32 0441 - Youkaidou (j) (monster) (J) RPG 64 0442 - Backyard Baseball (U) (Child Backyard Baseball) (E) SPG 32 0443 - Golden Sun (i) (Gold Sun) (I) RPG 64 0444 GT ChampionshipShip (e) (GT Championship) (E) RCG 32 0445 - Sheep (e) (Mi) (M) PUZ 32 0446 - Roland Garros 2002 - Next Generation Tennis (e) (Roland Open 2002- Tennis) (M) SPG 32 0447 - Dragon Ball Z - The Collectible Card Game (U) (Seven Dragon Ball Z-Card Collection Game) (E) CAG 64 0448 - Tottoko Ham Tarou 3 (J) (Ham Taro 3 - Love Adventure) (J) ACT 64 0449 - Star Wars Episode II - Attack of The Clones (U) (Star Wars Prequel II- Cloning Attack) (E) ACT 64 0450 - Spirit - Stallion of The Cimarron (U) (Small马王) (e) AVG 32 0451 - EarthWorm Jim 2 (U) (蚓 warrior Jim 2) (e) ACT 64 0452 - Bomberman Max 2 Blue (U) (Bomb Man Marx 2-Blue Edition) (E) ACT 64 0453 - Bomberman Max 2 Red (U) (Bomb Man Marx 2- Red Edition) (E) ACT 64 0454 - Frogger Advance - The Great Quest (U) (Frog Cross Street - Great Adventure) (E)

ACT 64 0455 - Muppet Pinball Mayhem (u) (Neg) Tab 64 0456 - Hey Arnold! The Movie (U) (! Arnold - Movie Edition) (E) ACT 32 0457 - Spider-Man - The Movie (f) (Spiderman - Movie Edition) (f) ACT 64 0458 - Punch King (U) (Fallow King) (E) SPG 64 0459 - GREMLINS - STRIPE VS GIZMO (E) (Magic Elf) (M ACT 32 0460 - Castlevania - White Night Concerto (J) (Demon City - White Night Concerto) (J) A · RPG 64 0461 - ZOOCUBE (U) (Stereo Square) (E) PUZ 32 0462 - Disneys Lilo & Stitch U) (Star Baby) (E) ACT 64 0463 - Scooby Doo - The Motion Picture (U) (Sino Ghost House Insicure - Reality Photo Edition) (E) AVG 32 0464 - Zone of the Enders - The Fist of Mars E) (Star Works 2173 - Mars Collision) (M) SLG 64 0465 - Scooby-Doo and The Cyber ​​Chase (e) (Sino Ghost House Insurance) (M) ACT 32 0466 - The Ripping Friends (e) (Top Friends) (e) ACT 32 0467 - Tony Hawk ''s Pro Skater 3 (f) (Tony Hawker Skating 3) (f) SPG 64 0468 - Megaman Battle Network 2 (U) (Locke Fighting 2) (E) RPG 64 0469 - Konami Collectors Series - Arcade Advanced (J) (J) (J) ECT 32 0470 - Motocross Maniacs Advance (J) (Crazy Cross-country Motorcycle) (J) SPG 32 0471 - ICE AGE (E) (Ice Century) (M) ACT 32 0472 - NickToons Racing (U) (Nick Cartoon) (E) RCG 32 0473 - V - Rally 3 (E) (V Tension 3) (M) RCG 32 0474 - BRITNEYS DANCE BEAT (E) (Small Sweet Brandi Dance Festival) (M) ECT 64 0475 - Robopon 2 - Ring Version (U) (Machine Baby 2 - Bell Edition) (E)

S · RPG 64 0476 - Robopon 2 - Cross Version (U) (Machine Baby 2- Cross) (E) S · RPG 64 0477 - Family Tennis Advance (J) (Home Tennis) (J) SPG 32 0478 - Droopys Tennis Open (e) (Du Peak Tennis Open) (M) SPG 32 0479 - CT SPECIAL FORCES (E) (CT Special Forces) (M) FPS 32 0480 - Pinball of The Dead (U) (Death Needles Taiwan) (e) PUZ 64 0481 - GT Advance 2 Rally Racing (U) (GT Raili Racing) (E) RCG 64 0482 - Star x (e) (Planet Fighting X) (M) STG 64 0483 - Lego Soccer Mania E) (Lego Crazy Football) (M) SPG 64 0484 - Maniac Racer Advance (e) (Crazy Cross-country Motorcycle) (M) SPG 32 0485 - Star Wars Episode II - Attack of The Clones (E) (Star Wars Prequel II - Cloning human attack) (M) ACT 64 0486 - Dokapon Monster Hunter (E) (DABang Monster Hunter) (M) RPG 64 0487 - Pro Tennis WTA Tour (E) (Super Real Woman Tennis - Pocket Edition) E) SPG 32 0488 - Disneys Lilo & Stitch (E) (Star Baby) (M) ACT 64 0489 - Golden Sun 2 (J) (Gold Sun 2) (J) RPG 128 0490 - Aero The Acrobat (U) (Bat Man) (E) ACT 32 0491 - Medabots AX - Rokusho Version (U) (Metal Robot Wars AX-Six Books) (E) FTG 64 0492 - Medabots AX - Metabee Version (U) (Metal Robot Wars AX-Blue (E) FTG 64 0493 - YU-GI-OH! Duel Monsters 7: Kettou Toshi Densetsu (J) (Game King 7 - Duel Urban Legend) (J) CAG 128 0494 - Pinball of the Dead (J) (Death Needles - Ikuze! Gekitou! Chou Jiryoku Battle! (J) (转 王) (J) RPG 64 0496 - Pinball Challenge Deluxe (E) (Challenge Neighborhood - Deluxe Edition) (E)

PUZ 32 0497 - CHESSMASTER (E) (Western Chess Master) (F) Tab 32 0498 - Stuart Little 2 (U) (Rat 2) (E) ACT 64 0499 - MONSTER GATE (J) (Gate of Monster) J) ARPG 64 0500 - KONG - The Animated Series (E) (King Kong) (M) ACT 64 0501 - TOP Gun FireStorm Advance (U) (Defending Warrior) (M) STG 32 0502 - Disney All-Star Sports Soccer (J) (Disney Star Football Competition) (J) SPG 128 0503 - Choh Makai-Mura R (J) (Super Magic Village R) (E) ACT 32 0504 - Final Fire Pro Wrestling (J) (Ultimate Wrestling Dream group operation) (J) SLG 128 0505 - Bubble Bobble - Old & New (J) (Bubble Dragon New & Old Edition) (J) PUZ 32 0506 - Hikaru No Go 2 (J) (Chess King 2) J) TAB 128 0507 - Tiny Toon Adventures - Busters Bad Dream (e) (Binny Bad Adventure - Poor Dream) (M) ACT 32 0508 - Moorhen 3 Chicken Chase (E) (Thunderbird 3 - Hunter) (M) STG 32 0509 - Custom Robo GX (J) (Combination Robot GX) (J) FTG 64 0510 - Breath Of Fire 2 (E) (Dragon Warrior 2- Mission) (E) RPG 32 0511 - Shaman King 2 (J) (super · 2) (J) RPG 64 0512 - GHOST TRAP (J) (Ghost Trap) (J) AVG 64 0513 - Antz Extreme Racing (E) (Ant Z Racing) (M) RCG 32 0514 - Super Robot Taisen R (J) (Super Robot R) (J) SLG 64 0515 - ETTHE Extra-Terrestrial (e) (Alien - Landing) (M) ACT 32 0516 - Konami Collectors Series - Arcade Advanced(E) (科 米 游 游戏) (M) ECT 32 0517 - XXX (U) (X Legend) (E) ACT 32 0518 - LA FAMILLE de la Jungle - a La Poursuite de Darwin (f) (wild jungle - Hunting chimpanzee) (f)

ACT 32 0519 - Hot Potato (E) (Fiery Potato) (M) PUZ 32 0520 - ESPN X - Games Skateboarding (E) (ESPN X-Skate Board Game) (M) SPG 64 0521 - PinobeE & Phoebee (j) (Pinocial Adventure) (J) ACT 64 0522 - Fushigi No Kuni Angelique (J) (Angel Yue Queen) (J) TCG 32 0523 - Hot Wheels Advance (J) (Invincible Storage Racing) E) RCG 64 0524 - Kurohang No Kurutto Jintori (J) (Black Beard Transferring Ball) (J) SPG 32 0525 - Kaze No Klonoa 2 G2: Dream Champ Tournament (风 帝 2 2) (J ACT 32 0526 - Space Invaders EX (j) (space invader EX) (E) STG 32 0527 - Medabots AX - Rokusho Version (e) (Metal Robot Wars AX-Six Books) (M) S · RPG 64 0528 - Manic Miner (E) (Mad Miner) (M) PUZ 64 0529 - Kamaitachi No Yoru Advance (J) (Horror Soul Night) (J) AVG 128 0530 - San GOKU SHI? (Three Kingdoms) (C) SLG 64 0531 - Greatest Nine (J) (Strongest 9 Baseball) (J) SPG 64 0532 - V - Master Cross (J) (V - Monster Cards) (J) CAG 128 0533 - The King of Fighters EX - Neo Blood (U (皇 EX-new blood) (E) FTG 64 0534 - Cubix - Robots for Everyone - Cash '' N Bash (U) (Mechanic Wars - Crazy Crush) (E) FTG 64 0535 - Disney ''s Magical Quest STARRING Mickey and Minnie (J) (Miqi Mouse in Disney) (J) ACT 32 0536 - Rockman & Forte (J) (Lockens and Fur) (J) ACT 64 0537 - Hey ARN Old! The Movie (e) (Arnover! Movie) (M) ACT 32 0538 - ZOOCUBE (E) (Stereo Rotation) (M) PUZ 32 0539 - URban Yeti (U) (Snowman Urban Snowman) (E )

ACT 32 0540 - MADDEN NFL 2003 (U) (NFL Football 2003) (E) SPG 32 0541 - Disney ''s Magical Quest Starring Mickey and Minnie (J) (Disney Mickey Mouse) (E) ACT 32 0542 - Spy Kids Challenger (U) (Emy Child Challenger) (E) ACT 32 0543 - NFL BLITZ 20-03 (U) (NFL Football 2003) (E) SPG 32 0544 - Combat Choro Q - Advance Battle (J) (Q version tank Big battle) (J) SLG 32 0545 - Crash Bandicoot Advance (J) (Poly Wolves a) (J) ACT 64 0546 - Famista Advance (J) (Baseball A) (J) SPG 32 0547 - Duke Nukem Advance (U (Duke of Destruction) (E) FPS 64 0548 - Mat Hoffman '' $ PRO BMX 2 (U) (Matt Hoffman Biking 2) (E) SPG 64 0549 - VIP (e) (member) (M) ACT 32 0550 - MONSTER Force (U) (Monster) (M) ACT 64 0551 - Mini Moni - Mika No Happy Morning Chatty (j) (Mini Mike - Mike Unhappy Row) (J) ECT 64 0552 - Power Rangers - Wild Force (U) (Electricity Association - Wilderness) (E) ACT 32 0553 - Tetsuya Yomigaeru Densetsu (j) (负 师 传 传 - 说 说)) (J) Tab 64 0554 - ATV - Quad Power Racing (U) (off-road vehicle power contest) (E) RCG 32 0555 - Mr. Driller Ace - Strange bacteria (j) (Drilling Mr. - Unfamiliar bacteria) (J) PUZ 64 0556 - YAKYUTUKU Advance (j) (Baseball) (J) TCG 64 0557 - Turok Evolution (e) (Dinosaur Hunter Evolution) (M) ACT 64 0558 - MONSTERS INC. (J) (Monster Company) (J) A CT 32 0559 - MUTSU Water Looper Mutsu (j) (Pet in the Water Ring) (J) TCG 32 0560 - V - Rally 3 (J) (V - Pull 3) (E) RCG 32 0561 - Medarot G - Kuwagata Version (J)

Metal robot G-锹 版 Version) (J) FTG 64 0562 - Rocket Power - Le Cauchemar D''Otto (f) (Ms. Dynamic D' 'Otto) (F) ACT 32 0563 - MONSTERS Inc. (e ) (M) ACT 32 0564 - Black Matrix Zero (J) (Zhengxie Fantasy Zero) (J) SLG 64 0565 - Sabrina The Teenage Witch - Potion Commotion (U) (Young Witch Ceresina) (M) ACT 32 0566 - Sakura Momoko No Ukiuki Carnival (J) (Carnival) (J) RPG 64 0567 - Hamepane Tokyo Myunu (j) (Tokyo Cat Puzzle) (J) Puz 32 0568 - Les Razmoket Vole N ' 'EST PAS JOUER (F) (Little Naughty - Castle Adventure) (f) ACT 32 0569 - Aggressive Inline (U) (Treat Skating) (E) SPG 64 0570 - Pinky and The Brain - The Master Plan (U) (mouse Consultation plan) (M) ACT 32 0571 - GO! GO! Beckham! Adventure On Soccer Island (e) (Beck Shanm Foot Island Adventure) (M) ACT 32 0572 - Nobunaga Ibun (J) (Sochang Nothing Record) (J) S · RPG 64 0573 - Gachasute! Dino Device Red (J) (Monster Egg Red Edition) (J) S · RPG 64 0574 - JurasSic Park 3 - Dna Factor (J) (Jurassic Park 3- DNA Factors) (J) ACT 64 0575 - Tony Hawk ''s Pro Skater 2 (J) (Tony Hawker Skating 2) (J) SPG 64 0576 - Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (E) (Demon City - White Night Concerto) (e) A · RPG 64 0577 - J League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou Advance (J) (J Alliance Occupation Creation Ball) (J) TCG 64 0578 - NickToons RAC ING (E) (Nickvan Sale) (M) RCG 32 0579 - Densetsu No Stafy (J) (Legendary Staisa) (J) ACT 64 0580 - Disney All-Star Football (J) (Disney All Star Rugby) (J)

SPG 128 0581 - Disney Sports Skateboarding (J) (Disney Sports Series Skateboard) (J) SPG 128 0582 - Aggressive Inline (E) (Mikkkkk) (M) SPG 64 0583 - BMX Trick Racer (U) (BMX Fancy Crossing Car contest) (E) SPG 128 0584 - Matchbox Crosstown Heroes (U) (Fire Heroes) (E) ECT 32 0585 - Silent Scope (U) (Silent Sniper) (E) STG 64 0586 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf (E) (e) (Tiger Woods Golf) (M) SPG 32 0587 - Speedball 2 (E) (Speed ​​Ball 2) (M) SPG 64 0588 - Megaman Zero (U) (Lock Zero) (E) ACT 64 0589 - COMIX ZONE (E) (Comic Taste) (M) FTG 32 0590 - Natural 2 Duo (J) (Double Love) (J) AVG 64 0591 - Sabrina The Teenage Witch - Potion Commotion (E) (Young Witch Seri Na) (M) ACT 32 0592 - SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS - REVENGEBOB SQUARE PANTS - Revenge of the Flying Dutchman (U) (Super Sponge Heart - Dutch Ghost Revenge) (E) ACT 64 0593 - Yoshi ''s Island - Super Mario Advance 3 (U (Super Mario - Yaoqi Island) (E) ACT 32 0594 - The Sum of All Feurs (E) (Fear Summer) (M) FPS 64 0595 - Yossy Island - Super Mario Advance 3 (J) (Super Mali Austrian-Yaoqi Island) (J) ACT 32 0596 - Airforce Delta Storm (U) (Delta Air Force Storm) (M) STG 32 0597 - Boulder Dash EX (U) (Push Stone Kid EX) (E) PUZ 32 0598 - Backyard Football (U) (Children's Backyard Football) (E) SPG 32 0599 - Barbie Groovy Games (U) (Barbie - Puzzle Small Games) (e) puz 32 0600 - GT Advance 2 - Rally Racing (e) (GTA Racing 2) (E) RCG 32 0601 - Hanafuda Trump Mahjong Depachika Wayouchuu (j) (J) (China National Table Game Collection) (J)

PUZ 32 0602 - EGG MANIA (U) (M) Tab 32 0603 - Super GHOULS N GHOSTS (U) (Super Domeway Village R) (E) ACT 32 0604 - Kelly Slaters Pro Surfer (U) (Kelly · Sperat Tu Professional Surf) (E) SPG 64 0605 - Smuggler's Run (U) (Escape Smuggling Venus) (E) RCG 64 0606 - Duke Nukem Advance (E) (Duke of Destruction A) (M) FPS 64 0607 - Colin McRAE Rally 2.0 (E) (Colin Mcrae Pull 2) (M) RCG 32 0608 - Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper (J) (Juvenile Street Man 3) (J) FTG 64 0609 - Samurai Evolution - Okoku Gaist (J) Soul of Sakura Soul) (J) RPG 32 0610 - Sega Smash Pack (U) (Sega Arcade Game Collection) (E) ECT 64 0611 - Driver 2 Advance (E) (Life and Death Time Speed ​​2A) (M) RCG 64 0612 - Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance (U) (Devil City - White Night Concerto) (E) A · RPG 64 0613 - The Lord of The Rings - The Fellowship of The Ring (U) (Northern King - Mode Rings) (E) RPG 64 0614 - Tennis Masters Series 2003 (E) (Tennis Conquer Series 2003) (M) SPG 32 0615 - Spyro 2 - Season Of Flame (U) (SPYRO 2 - Fire Season) (E) ACT 64 0616 - Jimmy Neutron VS Jimmy Negatron (U) (Jimmy Zhongzi VS Ji Micro) (E) A · RPG 32 0617 - Disney ''s Magical Quest Starring Mickey and Minnie (E) (Disney Mickey Mouse) (M) ACT 32 0618 - Ohanaya- San Ni Narou! (J) (Heartbeat Series - Operating Flower Shop) (J) SLG 32 0619 - Card E - Reader U) (e - book browser) (e) ECT 64 0620 - Groove Adventure Rave - Hikari to Yami No Daikessen 2 (J) (Light and Dark Battle 2) (J) FTG 64 0621 - HUGO - The Evil Mirror E) (Hugo - Evil Mirror) (M)

PUZ 32 0622 - WORMS World Party (E) (Hundred Wattle Cascades) (M) PUZ 32 0623 - Chobits (J) (Personal Computer Angel Heart) (J) TCG 64 0624 - Yoshi ''s Island - Super Mario Advance 3 (E) (super Mario 3-Yaqi Island) (M) ACT 64 0625 - Daisuki Teddy (J) (I Love Teddy Bear) (J) TCG 64 0626 - Scooby Doo - The Motion Picture (f) (History Nobi's animated picture) (f) AVG 32 0627 - Frogger Advance The Great Quest (e) (Great Exploration of Frog) (M) ACT 64 0628 - Gachasute! Dyna Device Blue (j) (J) (J) (J) (J) ) S · rpg 64 0629 - Harukanaru jikuu no naka de (j) (in distant time and space) (J) AVG 64 0630 - Butt Ugly Martians Bkm Battles (U) (against ugly Mars) (J) ACT 64 0631 - Nakayoshi PET Advance Series 1 - Kawaii Hamst (J) (Animal Companion Series - Cute Mouse) (J) TCG 32 0632 - Nakayoshi Pet Advance Series 2 - Kawaii Koinu (J) (Animal Partner Series 2 - Cute Puppy) ( J) TCG 32 0633 - Nakayoshi Pet Advance Series 3 - Kawaii Konek (J) (Animal Companion Series Three - Cute Kitten) (J) TCG 32 0634 - Medarot G - Kabuto Version (J) (Metal Robot G - 1 胄 胄) (J) FTG 64 0635 - Hime Kishi Monogatari - Princess Blue (J) (Ji Kashiography - Blue Princess) (J) AVG 64 0636 - Guilty Gear X (E) (Sin Dove X) (E) FTG 64 0637 - Soccer Kid (U) (E) ACT 32 0638 - Ballistic - ECKS VS. Sever (U) (Ax VS Saf) (E) FPS 64 0639 - Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku (e) (龙 珠 悟 传 传) (M) A · RPG 64 0640 - ECKS VS. Sever (E) (Ax VS Shot) (M) FPS 64 0641 - Fire Pro Wrestling 2 (U) (Hot Wrestling 2) (E) SPG 64 0642 - Invader (e)

Aggressor) (e) STG 64 0643 - Motoracer Advance (E) (off-road motorcycle a) (M) SPG 32 0644 - ARMY MEN TURF WARS (U) (War of Toy Military War) (E) ACT 32 0645 - Metalun Slinger (j) (alloy shooter) (J) ACT 64 0646 - Airforce Delta II (J) (Delta Air Force II) (M) STG 32 0647 - Turbo Turtle Adventure (U) (Turtle Adventure) (E) ACT 32 0648 - THE KING OF FIGHTERS EX - Neo Blood (e) (King EX- New Blood) (E) FTG 64 0649 - Harobots - Robo Hero Battling (J) (Harr Robot - Robot Heroes War) (J) RPG 32 0650 - MONSTER Force (e) (Monster Power) (M) ACT 64 0651 - Barbie Groovy Games (E) (Barbie Puzzle Game) (M) ECT 32 0652 - The Revenge of The Smurfs (e) (Blue Spirit Revenge of Smurfs) (M) ACT 32 0653 - Defender of the Crown (U) (Crown Guardian) (E) SLG 32 0654 - Dual Blades (U) (Twiller) (E) FTG 32 0655 - Ice Age J-League Winning Eleven Advance 2002 (J) (J) (J) (J) (J) SPG 64 0657 - Pinball Advance (E) (Bouver Table A) ) (M) PUZ 64 0658 - Virtua Tennis (U) SPG 64 0659 - Game and Watch Gallery Advance (E) (Nintendo Game Collection a) (E) ECT 32 0660 - OSHARE PRINCESS (J ) (Princess Aozal) (J) PUZ 32 0061 - Shrek Hass At The Castle (U) (Srik in Castle Guild) (M) ACT 32 0662 - Galaxy Angel (J) (Galaxy Angel) (J) puz 128 0663 - High Heat Major League Baseball 2003 (J) (Hot American Professional Baseball League 2003) (J) SPG 32 0664 - ZOOCUBE (J) (Stereo Rotation) (J)

Puz 32 0665 - Hamster Paradise Advance (J) (Hamster Paradise A) (J) TCG 64 0666 - Denki Blocks (J) (Electric Square) (J) PUZ 32 0667 - Pukupuku Tennen Kairanban (j) (Dog Town) (J) AVG 32 0668 - GACHINKO PRO YAKYUU (J) (Q version of the occupational baseball) (J) SPG 64 0669 - Black Belt Challenge (e) (Black Belt Challenge) (E) FTG 64 0670 - YU-GI-OH - The Eternal Duelist Soul (U) (Game King - Eternal Fighter Soul) (E) CAG 64 0671 - Robotech - The Macross Saga (U) (Space Fort) (E) STG 64 0672 - XXX (f) (X Legend ) (F) ACT 64 0673 - WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? (E) (Who wants to do millions of people?) (E) Puz 32 0674 - Gyakuten Saiban 2 (J) (reverse referee 2) (J) AVG 64 0675 - OSHABERI INCO Club (J) (Parrot Club) (J) TCG 64 0676 - Crazy Chase (e) (Crazy Pursuit) (M) ACT 32 0677 - Spirit: L''ETALON DES Plaines (f) (Pony King) (f) AVG 32 0678 - Nakayoshi Youchien (J) (Child Kindergarten) (J) TCG 32 0679 - Robot Wars Extreme Destruction (E) (Endless Destruction of Remote Robot) (E) FTG 32 0680 - ACE Lightning (E) (e) (Tie Light) (e) ACT 32 0681 - SSX Tricky (U) (Mind Ski) (M) SPG 64 0682 - Hoshi No Kirby - Yume No Izumi Deluxe (J) (Star Kati - Dream Springs Rock Wire) (J) ACT 64 0683 - Tarzan Return To The Jungle (U) (Mountaushan Return to Jungle) (E) ACT 64 0684 - WWE Road to Wrestlemania X8 (U) (WWE Crazy Wrestling Road X8) (e) SPG 32 0685 - Lego Bionicle Matoan Adventures (e) (Le Gaowing cattle adventure) (M) ACT 32 0686 - Doom II (U) (Destruction Warrior 2) (E)

FPS 128 0687 - Spyro 2 - Season of Flame (E) (Spyro 2 - Fire Season) (M) ACT 64 0688 - Bomberman Jetters (J) (Bomb Man Jets) (J) A · RPG 64 0689 - TALES OF The World - Narikiri Dungeon 2 (J) (Legend of World - Demoning Maze 2) (J) A · RPG 64 0690 - Metroid Fusion (U) (Galaxy Warrior) (E) ACT 64 0691 - Santa Claus JR (e) Santa Claus) (e) ACT 32 0692 - Barbie Secret Agent (U) (Barbie Secret Spy) (E) ACT 32 0693 - Stuart Little 2 (f) (A Rat 2) (f) ACT 64 0694 - Megaman Battle Network 2 (e) (Rock Network Battle 2) (E) RPG 64 0695 - NHL Hitz 20-03 (U) (Hockey 2003) (E) SPG 32 0696 - GEKIDO Advance - Kintaros Revenge (E) (Grade Boxing) (M) ACT 64 0697 - Car Battler Joe (U) (Fighting! Remote control car warrior Joe) (E) RPG 64 0698 - Deadly Skies (e) (fatal sky) (M) STG 32 0699 - beast Shooter - Mezase Beast King (J) (King) (J) ECT 32 0700 - Silk to Cotton (J) (Silk to Cotton?) (J) RPG 64 0701 - Best Play Pro Yakyuu (J) (Best Career Baseball ) (J) SPG 32 0702 - Nan no umi no odyssey (J) (Odyssey of South Zhihai) (J) AVG 32 0703 - Monster Farm Advance 2 (J) (Monster Farm A 2) (J) TCG 64 0704 - Digi Charat Digicommunication (J) (Convenience Store) (J) SLG 64 0705 - Masters of The Universe Heman - Power of Grayskull (U) (Cosman Hi Man - Gray Skull Power) (E) ACT 64 0706 - Dungeons and Dragons - Eye of The Beholder (U) (Dragon and Dungeon - Magic Machine) (E) RPG 32 0707 - Tony Hawk ''s Pro Skater 4 (U) (Tony Huo Key Skating 4) (E)

SPG 64 0708 - Reign Of Fire (M) (M) FPS 64 0709 - Pocky & Rocky with Becky (u) (奇 界) (E) ACT 32 0710 - The PowerPuff Girls - Him and Seek (U (Jet Girl HIM and SEEK) (E) ACT 64 0711 - DEXTER ''s Lab - Chess Challenge (U) (Lucky Lab - Chess Challenge) (E) Tab 32 0712 - Disney''s Treasure Planet (U) (I) (I) (E) A · RPG 64 0713 - Crazy Chase (U) (Crazy Pursuit) (E) ACT 32 0714 - Godzilla Domination (E) (Monster Rule) (M) FTG 32 0715 - Lord of the Ring - Fellowship of the Ring (E) (Refers to the Rings - Mode Rings) (M) RPG 64 0716 - Davis CUP (U) (Davis Cup Tennis Open) (M) SPG 32 0717 - Lord of the rings - The Two Towers (U) (Non-bunk Tower) (M) A · RPG 128 0718 - Justice League - Injustice For All (U) (Superman Justice League) (E) ACT 128 0719 - WER Wird Millionaer (G) (Who wants to do millions of people?) (G) Tab 32 0720 - Fairly ODD PARENTS ENTER THE CLEFT (U) (Justice Double Parents) (E) ACT 32 0721 - Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (U) (Harry Potter - Disappearance Secret Room) (M) A · RPG 64 0722 - Contra Advance - The Alien Wars EX (U) (Contra 罗 - Shaped War EX) (E) ACT 32 0723 - Frogger Adventure 2 - The Lost Wand (U) (Frog Adventure 2 - Lost Scepter) (M) ACT 64 0724 - Kawaii Pet Shop Monogatari 3 (J) (Kawaii Pet Store Item 3) (J RPG 32 0725 - Smuggler's Run (e) (Escape smugglers) (M) RCG 64 0726 - PowerPuff Girls - Him and Seek (e) (Jet Girl HIM and SEEK) (M) ACT 64 0727 - Agassi Tennis Generation 2002 ( E) (Aga Tennis Generation 2002) (

M) SPG 32 0728 - Zidane Football Generation 2002 (E) (Zidane Football Generation 2002) (M) SPG 32 0729 - Defender (U) (Defense) (E) STG 32 0730 - Star Wars - The New Droid Army (U) (Star Wars - New Imperial Army) (E) ACT 64 0731 - Disney All-Star Sports Soccer (U) (Disney Star Football) (E) SPG 128 0732 - Dan Doh xi (J) (Golf Kid) (J) SPG 64 0733 - TOMB RAIDER THECEY (E) (Tomb Raider - Prophecy) (M) AVG 64 0734 - The Mummy (E) (God Ghost Legend) (M) AVG 32 0735 - Contra Hard Spirits J) (Tria Luo) (J) ACT 32 0736 - FIFA 2003 (U) (FIFA Football 2003) (M) SPG 32 0737 - Shin Megami TENSEI - Devil Children Yami No Sho (J) (true goddess - Dark Book) (J) RPG 64 0738 - One Piece - Nanatsu Shima No Daihihou (J) (One Piece - Seven Island's Capital) (J) AVG 64 0739 - The Pink Panther (e) (Pink Black Leopard) < Naughty Leopard> (M) ACT 64 0740 - The Revenge of shinobi (U) (Ninja Revenge) (E) ACT 64 0741 - Rocky (U) (Rocky Boxing) (M) SPG 64 0742 - Korokke Yume No Bunker Survival (J) (pocket fantasy) (J) FTG 64 0743 - Hot Wheels Velocity X (U) (Invincible Wind Rotor Far Racing X) (E) RCG 64 0744 - Mary-Kate and Ashley - Sweet 16 (U) ( Mary Kate and Ashley - Sweet 16) (E) RCG 32 0745 - Rugrats - I Gotta Go Party (Small Naughty - I want to participate in banquet) (e) Puz 32 0746 - Hamster Guakubu 3 (j) ( warehouse Mouse 3) (j) TCG 64 0747 - Super Robot Taisen Original Generation (j) (Super Robot GF) (J) SLG 64 0748 - Monster Rancher Advance 2 (U) (Monster Farm A 2) (E)

TCG 64 0749 - Island Xtreme Stunts (U) (Lego Cumber Island Extreme Stunt) (M) RCG 32 0750 - Galidor - Defenders of The Outer Dimension (U) (Di - Defenseer) (M) ACT 320751 - Rocket Power - Beach Bandits (U) (Rapid - Beach Robber) (E) ACT 32 0752 - The Wild Thornberrys - The Movie (U) (Wild Jungle - Movie) (E) PUZ 32 0753 - Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance (U) (U) Reality Strike - Fatal Alliance) (M) FTG 128 0754 - Shrek Hassle At The Castle (E) (Strik in Castle Guild Guild Wars) (M) ACT 32 0755 - Metroid Fusion (e) (Galaxy Warrior) (M) ACT 64 0756 - Shin Megami TENSEI - Devil Children Hikari No Sho (J) (Truth of Great Looks - Devil's Subgrade) (J) RPG 64 0757 - Pokemon Sapphire (j) (Pocket Monster Sapphire) (J) TCG 64 0758 - Dungeons And Dragons - Eye of the Beholder (e) (Dragon and Dungeon - Magic Eye) (M) RPG 32 0759 - Napoleon - L''Aigle de Guerrre (f) (Napoleon) (f) RTS 64 0760 - Pokemon Ruby (J) (pocket monster ruby) (J) TCG 64 0761 - Fantastic Marchen - Keaki Okusan Monogatari (J) (Cake House Story - Animal Psychology) (J) ECT 64 0762 - Scan Hunter (J) (Scan Hunter - Chasing Millennium Fish) (J) ECT 64 0763 - Super Monkey Ball JR (U) (Very Monkey Ball) (E) PUZ 32 0764 - Tsukande! Mawashite! Dossun Pazuru Eggo Mania (j) (Fight Egg Square) (J) PUZ 32 0765 - MOTO GP (J) (GP Motorcycle) (E) SPG 32 0766 - Card Party (J) (J) CAG 64 0767 - Silent Scope (J) (Silent Sniper) (E) FPS 64 0768 - Earthworm Jim 2 (E) (蚓 Jim 2) (M) ACT 64 0769 - Tarzan Return to the Jungle (f) (Taishan returned to the jungle)

(F) ACT 64 0770 - Phantasy Star Collection (U) (Dream Star 123 Agent Set) (E) RPG 64 0771 - Gauntlet Dark Legacy (U) (Dark Heritage) (E) ACT 64 0772 - Disney ''s Kim Possible - Revenge of Monkey (U) (Disney Kam - Monkey Revenge) (E) ACT 644 0773 - Minority Report (U) (Minority Report) (E) ACT 64 0774 - Altered Beast - Guardians of The Realms (U) (Beast King - Kingdom Guardian) (E) ACT 64 0775 - Kirby Nightmare In Dreamland (U) (Kobe Star - Temperate Dream) (E) ACT 64 0776 - The Legend of Zelda - Link To THE PAST (U) (Selda Legend - Temporal Tunnel) (E) A · RPG 64 0777 - Disney ''s Treasure Planet (E) (Disney Star Yin Yin Shin) (M) ACT 64 0778 - Street Fighter Alpha 3 (E) (e) (Chienda Street Birth A 3) (E) FTG 64 0779 - Titeuf - Ze Gagmachine (f) (Bad Kid) (f) PUZ 32 0780 - Legends of Wrestling 2 (U) (Wrestling Legend 2) (E) SPG 64 0781 - Choro Q Advance 2 (J) (Q version of the car A 2) (J) SPG 32 0782 - Jikkyou World Soccer Pocket 2 (J) (Live World Foot Pocket Edition 2) (J) SPG 64 0783 - Medal of Honor Underground (U) (Honor Medal) (E) FPS 64 0784 - Star Wars - The New Droid Army (E) (Star Wars Prequel - New Imperial Army) (M) ACT 64 0785 - Zapper (u) (蜢 zapper) (E) PUZ 32 0786 - Carrera Power Slide (e) (Power Tips) (M) RAC 32 0787 - Rockman EXE 3 (J) (Locke EXE 3) (J) A · RP G 64 0788 - WORMS BLAST (E) (M) (M) PUZ 64 0789 - LES RAZMOKET - A MOI LA Fiesta (f) (Little Naughty - I want to participate in the banquet) (f) Puz 32 0790 - Qui Veut GAGNER DES MILLIONS? (F) (f)

Who wants to make a millionaire? ) (F) Tab 32 0791 - Hardcore Pinball (U) (unlimited bouncing table) (E) Tab 32 0792 - Ballistic Ecks vs Sever 2 (e) (surprisingly win 2) (M) FPS 64 0793 - Turok Evolution (u) (Dinosaur Hunter Evolution War) (e) ACT 64 0794 - Dave Mirra FreeStyle BMX 3 (U) (Dave Mira Technology Bike 3) (E) SPG 64 0795 - Derby Stallion Advance (J) (Dharma) J) TCG 32 0796 - Kinnikuman Nisei Seigi Choujin He No Michi (J) (Gliper II - Ji Superman) (J) SPG 128 0797 - Harry Potter to Himitsu No Heya (J) (Harry Potter - Disappearing room) (J) A · RPG 64 0798 - Shaman King CHOU SENJIRYOKKETSU 3 (J) (Tongling King - Super · Member 3) (J) CAG 128 0799 - Woody Woodpecker in Crazy Castle 5 (e) (Woodpecker Woody Crazy Castle) (M) AVG 32 0800 - Tir et But (f) (Football) (F) PUZ 32 0801 - Monster Maker 4 Flash Card (J) (Monster Manufacturers 4 - Flash Card) ( J) RPG 64 0802 - MONSTER MAKER 4 KIRA DICE (J) (Monster Manufacturers 4 - Dice Killer) (J) RPG 64 0803 - Darius R (J) (Dr. Barri R) (J) SPG 32 0804 - MAGI Nation (J) (J) (J) RPG 64 0805 - Klonoa Heroes - Densetsu No Star Medal (J) (Croantian Heroes - Legend of Stars) (J) A · RPG 128 0806 - Battlebots - Beyond The Battlebox (U) (Fighter - Beyond Battle Space) (E) ECT 64 0807 - Hajime No Ippo - The Fighting (J) (One Steps in the Curtain - Fighting) (J) SPG 64 0808 - Lunar Leg END (U) (Luna Legend) (E) RPG 64 0809 - Pinball Tycoon (U) (Ne) Tab 32 0810 - Monster Bass Fishing (U) (Monster Bath Fishing) (ECT) ECT 32 0811 - I spy challenger! (U) (u)

Intelligence Challenge) (e) Puz 64 0812 - Disney All-Star Sports - Basketball (U) (Disney All Star Sports Series - Basketball) (E) SPG 128 0813 - Disney All-Star Sports - Skateboarding (U) (Disney Star Motion Series - Skooting) (E) SPG 128 0814 - Disney All-Star Sports - American Football (U) (Disney All Star Motion Series - Rugby) (E) SPG 128 0815 - Sonic Advance 2 (J) (Sonic A 2) (M) ACT 128 0816 - Sega Rally Championship (J) (Sega Rally Championships) (E) RAG 64 0817 - DORA The Explorer - The Search for Pirate Pig ''s Treasure (U) (Adventure Gala - Looking for Pirate pig's treasure) (e) ACT 32 0818 - Karnaj racing (u) (combat racing) (E) RAG 64 0819 - The Invincible Iron Man (u) (invincible steel superman) (E) ACT 32 0820 - Acrobat Kid ( J) (Bat Child) (J) ACT 32 0821 - UCHUU DAISAKUSEN Chocovader - Uchuu Kara No Shinryakusha (J) (Universe Battle - Avanture Aggressor) (J) RPG 64 0822 - Toukon Heat (j) (fight soul (J) ECT 64 0823 - ELEVATOR Action - Old & New (J) (Elevator Battle - New & Old Edition) (J) ACT 64 0824 - Chocobo Land - Game de Dice (J) (Lu Xi Bird Continent - Dice Game ) (J) PUZ 64 0825 - Cabela ''s Big Game Hunter (u) (E) ECT 64 0826 - Super Bubble Pop (U) (Super Stereo Bubble) (E) PUZ 32 0827 - JAZZ Jackrabbit (U) (noisy ears of hares) (E) ACT 32 0828 - SEA Trader - The Rise of TAIPAN (U ) (商 商 海 - t) (e) SLG 32 0829 - The Revenge of shinobi (e) (Ninja revenge) (M) ACT 64 0830 - Ohanaya-San Monogatari (J) (Floor Sound) (J) TCG 64 0831 - DUAL Blades (j) (double blade)

J) ftg 32 0832 - the king of fronters ex2 - howling blood (j) (King EX2) (E) FTG 64 0833 - Chi Vuol Essere Milionario (i) (Who wants to become a millionaire?) (I) Tab 32 0834 - Samurai Deeper Kyo (J) (Ghost Eye Carrier - Beijing) (J) ACT 64 0835 - Bobobohbo Bohbobo Ougi 87.5 Bakuretsu Hanage Shinken (J) (Brake Nose Hair Dumps) (J) ECT 64 0836 - Tennis No Ouji-Sama - AIM At the Victory (J) (Tennis Prince Shoot Beyblade 2002 - Daichi Version (J) (Explosive Given) - Huanglong's Chapter) (J) S · RPG 64 0839 - Bakuten Shoot Beyblade 2002 Takao Version (J) (Explosive Givet Given 2002 Fighter - Qinglong Chapter) (J) S · RPG 64 0840 - Doki-Doki Cooking Series 1 - Komugi-Chan No Happy Cake (J) (Cooking Series 1 - Happy Pastries) (J) PUZ 64 0841 - Godzilla Domination (u) (monster Rule) (e) FTG 32 0842 - Higanbana (J) (Tribal flower) (J) AVG 64 0843 - Inspector Gadget Racing (e) (杰特 赛车) (M) RCG 32 0844 - F1 2002 (U) (F1 Award Said 2002) (e) RCG 32 0845 - Medabots Metabee Version (e) (Metal Robot Battle - Blue] (E) S · RPG 64 0846 - K-1 Pocket Grand Prix 2 (J) (K-1 Poofer Grand Prix 2) (J) FTG 64 0847 - Kururin Paradise (J) (Rolling Ball Heaven) (J) PUZ 64 0848 - CRA SH Bandicoot 2 N-TRANCED (U) (Poly Wolf 2) (E) ACT 64 0849 - DIE MONSTER AG (G) (Monster Company) (G) ACT 32 0850 - Kotoba No Puzzle Mojipittan Advance (J) (Intelligence Fight Word a) (j) Puz 64 0851 - Disney ''

S the Jungle Book 2 (E) (Disney - Jungle 2) (M) ACT 64 0852 - Little Buster q (j) (small gram Q) (J) RPG 64 0853 - Micro Machines (E) (Mini Racing ) (M) RCG 32 0854 - Digimon Battle Spirit (U) (Digital Baby - Bat Soul Legend) (E) FTG 32 0855 - Taxi 3 (f) (Ultimate Kill 3) (f) RCG 64 0856 - International SuperStar Soccer (E) (International Super Star Football) (E) SPG 64 0857 - Power Pro Kun Pocket 5 (J) (Pocket Market 5) (J) SPG 64 0858 - Marie, Elie & Anis No Atelier - Soyokaze Kara No Dengon ( J) (Alchemist Marily Alie & Andes Studio - Raw Nethone) (J) RPG 64 0859 - Boulder Dash EX (J) (Push Stone Kid) (J) Puz 32 0860 - Inuyasha Naraku No Wana Mayoi NO Mori no shoutaijou (j) (dog night * - Nairu set! Psychedelic forest invitation) (J) ACT 64 0861 - Elemix! (J) (Magic Adventure) (J) ARPG 32 0862 - DareDevil (u) Night Magic Man) (E) ACT 32 0863 - GT Advanced 3 Pro Concept Racing (U) (GT Racing 3) (E) RCG 64 0864 - Minimoni ONEGAI OHOSHI-SAMA! (J) (Mini Good Morning - Falling on the Ridge Star) (J) AVG 64 0865 - Battle Netword Rockman EXE 3 Black (J) (Locke EXE3 - Black Version) (J) RPG 64 0866 - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (J) (Final Fantasy Strategy Edition) (J) SLG 128 0867 - YU-GI-OH! Dungeon Dice Monsters (U) (Game King - Monster Dragon Gate) (M) SLG 64 0868 - SHINING SOUL (E) (Light Ming Soul) (M) ARPG 64 0869 - International Karate Plus (e) (International Karate Contest) (E) SPG 32 0870 - Demon Driver (E) (E) RCG 32 0871 - Super Dropzone E) (Super Moon Strip) (

E) STG 32 0872 - Stadium Games (e) (Athm Flight) (E) SPG 32 0873 - STRIKE Force Hydra (e) (Decisive Bad Snake) (E) STG 32 0874 - World Tennis Stars (E) (World Star Tennis (e) SPG 32 0875 - Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc (e) (Lehman 3) (M) ACT 64 0876 - Iord of the rings futatsu no tou (j) (referring to ring king - double tower) (J) APRG 128 0877 - Metroid Fusion (J) (Galaxy Warrior) (J) ACT 64 0878 - Manga-Ka Debut Monogatari (J) (Comic Story) (J) TCG 32 0879 - Fushigi No Kuni No Alice (J) (Alice Dreaming Wonderland) (J) Tab 32 0880 - Spyro Advance (J) (小龙斯派罗) (J) ACT 64 0881 - Bubble Bobble - Old & New (E) (Bubble Dragon New Year) (M) PUZ 32 0882 - Mugenborg (J) (Dream Burg) (J) RPG 64 0883 - The Legend of Zelda - a Link to the Past - Four Swords (e) (Legend of Selda - Time and Space Tunnel) (M) ARPG 64 0884 - Tennis No Ojisama 2003 Rasssion Red (J) (Tennis Prince 2003 - Fire Red Edition) (J) SPG 128 0885 - Tennis No Oujisama 2003 Cool Blue (J) (Tennis Prince 2003 - Free Blue Edition) (J) SPG 128 0886 - Total Soccer Advance (J) (Champion Football) (J) SPG 32 0887 - Lode Runner (J) (J) (J) (J) PUZ 32 0888 - Butt Ugly Martians Bkm Battles (e) (Shen Yong Mars - Anti-Battle) ( M) STG 32 0889 - All Star Baseball 2004 (U) (All American Star Baseball 2004) (E) SPG 64 0890 - Phantasy Star Collection (E) (Dream Star Collection) (E) RPG 64 0891 - Wings (U) (E - air Wings) (E) STG 64 0892 - Wagamama Fairy Mirumo de Pon Ougon Maracas No Densetsu (j) (J)

The legend of the murumo-golden gourd) (J) AVG 32 0893 - Zapper (e) (蜢 zapper) (M) PUZ 32 0894 - Virtua Tennis (e) (virtual tennis) (M) SPG 64 0895 - TALES OF 64 0895 The World - Summoner's Lineage (J) (World Legend - Summon Distrack) (J) SLG 64 0896 - Toca World Touring Cars (E) (Toca World Tour "(E) RCG 64 0897 - Eitangohen - 2000 Words (J) (college test strengthening series - English words - 2000 words - red version) (j) ECT 64 0898 - Pokemon Saphire (u) (Pokemon Sapphire) (E) RPG 128 0899 - Street Fighter Alpha (Junior Street A3) (e) ftg 64 0900 - The Legend of Zelda gods triforce and four swords (J) (SARDA legend - the triangle strength of the gods and four swords) (J) ARPG 64 0901 - Tom and Jerry - Infurnal Escape (U) (Tom and Jeri - Escape Hell) (E) ACT 32M 0902 - Megaman & Bass (U) (Rock and Florid) (E) ARPG 64M 0903 - Sega Rally ChampionshipShip (U) (Sega Rally Championships) (E) RCG 64M 0904 - Defender (e) (Defense) (M5) STG 32M 0905 - Crash Bandicoot 2 N-TRANCED (E) (Poly Wolf 2) (M6) ACT 64M 0906 - Sonic Advance 2 (U) (Sonic 2) (M6) ACT 128M 0907 - Pokemon Ruby (U) (Pokemon Red Gem) (E) RPG 128M 0908 - YU-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 8 (J) (Game King 8 - Worn Great evil god) (J) RPG 128m 0909 - Made in Wario (J) (Vario Manufactured) (J) PUZ 64M 0910 - James Bond 007 - Nightfire (U) (Master 007 - Night Fire) (E) FPS 64M 0911 - Bratz (U) (Dancing Machine) (M3) ECT 32M 0912 - MuppetS - On With SHOW (U) (Sesame Street - Starting ! ) (M6) PUZ 64M 0913 - Piglet '

S BIG GAME (U) (Pig Game) (E) ACT 64M 0914 - The Lost Vikings (E) (Lost Viking) (M4) ACT 64M 0915 - Dr. MUTO (E) (Mad Dr.) ( M5) ACT 64M 0916 - Sonic Advance 2 (e) (Sonic 2) (M6) ACT 128M 0917 - Samurai Jack - The Amulet Of Time (U) (Japan Samurai Jack - Time Aguer) (E) ACT 64M 0918 - MLB Slugfest 20-04 (U) (US Roman Walk 2004) (E) SPG 32M 0919 - One Piece - Mezase! King of Paris (J) (One Piece - Target! Bounty King!) (J) Tab 64M 0920 - DareDevil (G) (Night Magic) (G) ACT 64M 0921 - Bruce Lee - Return Of The Legend (e) (Li Xiaolong - Legendary Heroes) (E) ACT 64M 0922 - Animal Snap - Rescue Them 2 BY 2 (e) (Animal Square - Save them) (E) Tab 64M 0923 - Ultimate Brain Games (U) (U.Soft Intelligence Game) (E) Tab 32M 0924 - Sister Princess Re Pure (J) (Sister Princess) (J AVG 64M 0925 - CastleWeen (e) (Castle Ghost) (M5) ACT 64M 0926 - Superman - Countdown To Apokolips (U) (Super: Back to Earth) (E) ACT 64M 0927 - Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (e (Super Street Oversics II) (E) Tab 64m 0928 - Shimura Ken No Bakatonosama (J) (Zhidun Jianzhi Dai Temple - Hilarious World Unified Game) (J) Tab 32m 0929 - Inukko Club Fukumaru No Bouken (j) (J) Puppy Club - Fu Pills Adventure) (J) ARPG 64M 0930 - Dragon Quest Monsters - Caravan Heart (J) (Brave Dragon Monster 3 - Biography) (J) RPG 64m 0931 - Jimmy Neutron vs. Jimmy Negatron (G) (Genius Boy Jimmy Central VS Jimmy Pass Electron) (G) ACT 32M 0932 - GREMLINS - STRIPE VS GIZMO (E) (Magic Elf) (

M6) ACT 32M 0933 - SHIN Megami TENSEI (J) (true. Gods reincarnation) (J) RPG 64M 0934 - Quiere Ser Millionario (S) (Who wants to become a millionaire) (s) Tab 32M 0935 - Driver 2 Advance U) (Crush 2) (E) RCG 64M 0936 - ED, EDD N EDDY - JAWBREAKERS! (U) (ED, EDD and EDDY - 唠 's guys) (U) ACT 32M 0937 - Super Monkey Ball Jr. E) (Super Monkey) (E) PUZ 64M 0938 - Santa Claus Saves The Earth (e) (Santa Saifu Earth) (E) ACT 32M 0939 - Medabots - Rokusho Version (e) (Metal Robot Wars - Six books (E) RPG 64M 0940 - Golden Sun 2 - The Lost Age (U) (Gold Sun 2 - Lost Times) (E) RPG 128M 0941 - Ninja COP (E) (Ninja Criminal Police) (E) ACT 32M 0942 - Disney Princess (U) (Disney Princess) (E) ACT 64M 0943 - Bomberman Max 2 Blue (e) (Bomb Man Marx 2 - Blue Edition) (M3) ACT 128M 0944 - Bomberman Max 2 Red (e) (Bomb Man Marx 0945 - WHISTLE (J) (whistling) (J) TCG SPG 64m 0946 - Aozoora to Nakamatachi - Yume No Bouken (J) (Dream Adventure) (J) ACT 32M 0947 - Hamtaro - Ham-Ham HeartBreak (U (Ham Taro 3 - Love Adventure) (E) AVG 64M 0948 - Crazy Taxi - Catch A Ride (U) (Crazy) (E) RCG 64M 0949 - DareDevil (e) (Night Magic) (M4 ) ACT 32M 0950 - FreeStyle Scooter (E) (E) SPG 32M 0951 - Mortal Kombat Advance (E) (Real Magnificent) (E) FTG 64M 0952 - DANCING SWORD (J) (Dance Blades - Flash) (E) ACT 64M 0953 - The Lost Vikings (U) (lost Viking) (E)

ACT 32M 0954 - YU-GI-OH! WorldWide Edition (E) (Game King - International Enhancement) (M6) CAG 128M 0955 - X-MEN 2 - Wolverines Revenge (U) (X Police 2 - Wolf Revenge) (E) ACT 64M 0956 - Bokujou Monogatari - Mineral Town No Nakama Tachi (J) (Pasture) (J) TCG RPG 64M 0957 - EXCITING BASS (J) (Stimulating Fishing) (J) ECT 64M 0958 - PINK PANTHER PINKADELIC Pursuit (U) (Pink Silly Leopard Pursuit) (E) ACT 64M 0959 - Sengoku Kakumei Gaiden (J) (Warring States Revolutionary Outth) (J) ARPG 64M 0960 - Medarot 2 Core Kabuto Version (J) (Metal Machinery 2 - 胄 胄) (J) RPG 64M 0961 - Colin McRe Rally 2 (U) (Urban Racing 2) (M3) RCG 32M 0962 - Slot! Pro 2 Advance Gogo Juggler (J) (Professional Bai Qing Dynasty game 2 - walk Open liar) (J) PUZ 32M 0963 - Sylvania Family 4 (J) (Forest House 4) (J) AVG 64M 0964 - JAPAN Pro Mahjong Tetsuman Advance (J) (Japanese Professional Mahjong - Trich) (J) TAB 64M 0965 - WATASHI NO Make Salon (J) (My Makeup World) (J) SLG 32M 0966 - Disney Sports Basketball (J) (Disney All Star Sports Series - Basketball) (J) SPG 128m 0967 - EIGO Kobuhen Eijukugo Hen 650 Phrases Blue Edition (J) (College Experiment Series - English Collection) (J) ETC 64M 0968 - Zoid's Saga II (J) (Mechanic New Century 2) (J) RPG 64M 0969 - Kisekko Gurumi (J) (Magic Adventure) (J) AVG 64M 0970 - MedaT 2 Core - Kuwagata Version (J) (Metal Robot 2 - Poetry Version) (J) RPG 64M 0971 - SHIN NIHON Pro Wrestling Toukon Retsuden Advance (J) (New Japanese Professional Wrestling - Biography) (J )

SPG 64M 0972 - Simple 2960 Tomodachi Series Vol. 2 - The Block Kuzushi (J) (Cheap 2960 Series 2 - Obstacles) (J) PUZ 32M 0973 - Bass Tsuri Shiyouze (J) (Fishing Tour Tour! - During the Strategy !) (J) AVG SPG 64M 0974 - Tomb Raider - The Prophecy (j) (Tomb Raider - Prediction) (J) ACT 64M 0975 - FANCY POCKET (J) (Pocket Boutique) (J) SLG 32M 0976 - Oshare Princess 2 and doubutsu Kyaranabi (J) (Osale Princess 2 and Animal Tarium) (J) PUZ TAB 64M 0977 - Superman - CountDown To Apokolips (E) (Super: Back to Earth) (M5) ACT 64M 0978 - Sega Rally ChampionshipShip (E) (Sega Truck) (E) RCG 64M 0979 - Fire Emblem - Rekka No Ken (j) (Flame Zip - Fire Sword) (J) SRPG 128M 0980 - SUMMON Night (J) (summon night - Cast sword titles) (J) RPG 64M 0981 - RPG Tsukuru Advance (J) (RPG Tool) (J) RPG 64M 0982 - The Sum of All Fears (U) (anti-terrorism general) (M5) RTS 64M 0983 - Hunter X Hunter - Minna Tomodachi Daisakusen (J) (Hunter X Hunter - Blood Friendly Battle) (J) RPG 128M 0984 - X-MEN 2 - LA VENGEANCE DE Wolverine (f) (X-war 2-Wolf Revenge) (f) ACT 64M 0985 - Rayman 3 - Hoodlum Havoc (U) (Lehman 3 - Mobs) (M3) ACT 64M 0986 - Azumanga Daioh Advance (J) (AIDo King) (J) AVG 64M 0987 - Disney Sports Motocross U) (Disney All Star Sports Series - Bicycle) (E) SPG 128M 0 988 - Bouken Yuuki Plaston GP (J) (Adventure Travel GP Racing) (J) RCG 64M 0989 - Zero One (J) (J) (J) AVG 128M 0990 - Rockman Zero 2 (j) (Lock Zero2)

(J) ACT 64M 0991 - SIMPLE 2960 Vol. 1 - The Table Game Collection (J) (Cheap 2960 Series 1 - Desktop Game Complete Works) (J) Tab 32M 0992 - Lego Drome Racers (E) (Le High Crazy Racing) (E ) RCG 64M 0993 - SPLINTER Cell (U) (Split Cell) (M3) ACT 64M 0994 - Naruto (J) (Naruto - Because of Holding! The Strongest Ninja Fund) (J) ACT 64M 0995 - Super Puzzle Fighter II (u) (super street 5) (E) PUZ 64M 0996 - Castlevania - Minuet of Dawn (J) (Demon City - Xiaoyue Round Dance) (J) ARPG 64M 0997 - Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (e) (Devil City - Sadness) (M3) ARPG 64M 0998 - Lufia The Ruins of Lore (U) (Sikiş) (E) RPG 64M 0999 - Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (U) (Demon City - Sadness) (E) ARPG 64M 1000 - Medal of Honor: Underground (e) (Honor Medal) (M4) FPS 64M 1001 - Tom and Jerry In Infurnal Escape (e) (Tom and Jerley - Escape Outlook of Crown (M5) ACT 641002 - YU-GI-OH! Duel Monsters International (J) (Game King - Monster Duel International Edition) (M6) CAG 1281003 - Sutekina Obentou (J) (Gourmet Kitchen) (J) ACT 641004 - Finding Nemo (U) (Looking for Lombo) (E) ACT 641005 - WARIO WARE INC (U) (Vario Manufactured) (E) PUZ 641006 - Matchbox Cross Town Heroes (E) (City Fire Heroes) (E ACT 641007 - Spirit - Stallion of The Cimarron (E) (Pony King) (G) AVG 321008 - FIN Ding Nemo (G) (Looking for Lombo) (G) ACT 641009 - IRIDION II (U) (IIden Fighting II) (E) STG 641010 - IRIDION II (E) (Eden Fighting II) (M3)

STG 641011 - BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER - RETURN of the DARK KING (G) (Vampire Killer Buffy - Back Dark World) (G) ACT 321012 - Wario Ware Inc. (E) (Vario Manufactured) (M5) Puz 641013 - DONKEY KONG Country (E) (M5) ACT 641014 - Sega Arcade Gallery (E) (Sega Street Game Collection) (M5) ECT 641015 - BRITNEY's Dance Beat (e) (small Sweet Brandi Dance Beat) (M2) ECT 641016 - WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE (N) (Who wants to become a millionaire) (D) PUZ 321017 - Bratz (e) (Dancing Machine) (M5) ECT 321018 - AGASSI TENNIS Generation (U (E) SPG 321019 - YU-GI-OH! Worldwide Edition - Stairway To The Destined Duel (U) (Magno 6-T) (M6) Tab 1281020 - Disney Sports Skateboarding (e) (Disney All-Star Sports Series - Skating Board) (M5) SPG 1281021 - Disney Sports Football (E) (Disney All Star Sports Series - Football) (M5) SPG 1281022 - Midnight Club Street Racing (E) (Harbor Bay Late Night Club - Street Mania) (M5) RCG 321023 - Tottoko Hamutaro 4 - Nijiiro Daikoushin Dechu (J) (Ham Taro 4 - Hongzhi Dynamic) (J) AVG 641024 - Disney Sports Snowboarding (E) (Disney All Star Sports Series - Ski) (M5) SPG 1281025 - Chessmaster (U) (Western Chess Master) (E) Tab 321026 - Spirit - Stallion of The Cimarron (E) (Pony King) (E) ACT 321027 - Hamster Monogatari 3 (j) (Hammer 3) (J) AVG 641028 - Woody Woodpecker in Crazy Castle 5 (J) (Woodpecker Woody Crazy Castle 5) (J) ACT 641029 - Okaitoku Series 5 - Puzzle & Tantei Collection (j) (Squares and detective game collection) (J)

ECT 641030 - GetBackers Dakkanoku - Metropolis Dakkan Sakusen (J) (灵 二 人 - 首 还 作)) (J) RPG 641031 - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (G) (Tony Hof Career Skateboard 3) (G) SPG 641032 - PRO Beach Soccer (e) (professional beach football) (M6) SPG 321033 - The Incredible Hulk (U) (changing geek green giant) (E) ACT 641034 - WING COMMANDER Prophecy (U) (Galaxy) (E) AVG STG 321035 - Bouken Yuuki Densetsu Plaston Gate (J) (Adventure Traveler - Unconfrared Legend) (J) RPG 641036 - Rugrats Go Wild (U) (Ruati Field Directory) (E) ACT 321037 - Medabots AX: Metabee Version (E) (Metal Robot Wars AX-Blue] (M5) FTG 641038 - Zen-Nippon Shounen Soccer Taikai 2 - Mezase Nippon-Ichi! (J) (All Japanese Teenage Football Conference 2- Target Japan First) (J) SPG 641039 - Scooby Doo - Das Spiel Zum Film (g) (Sino Ghost House Insurance - Reality Photo Edition) (G) AVG 321040 - GT Advanced 3 Pro Concept Racing (e) (GT Racing 3) (e) RCG 641041 - Sonic Pinball Party (U) (Sonic Pull Pieces) (M6) PUZ 641042 - Spider-Man - Der Film (g) (Spider - Movie Edition) (G) ACT 641043 - Tom CLANCY's SPLINTER Cell (E) (Split Cell) (M6) ACT 641044 - FORTRESS (E) (Fort) (E) ACT 321045 - Wolfenstein 3D (E) (3D German Headquarters) (E) FPS 641046 - Megaman & Bass (E (Lock and Florid) (E) ACT 641047 - GE Kitou Densetsu NOAH - DREAM Management (J) (Fighting Legends Boxing - Dream Manager) (J) SLG 641048 - Ultimate Muscle: The Path of The Superhero (U) (Ultimate Grote Meat - Super Heroes) (E) FTG 1281049 - The Incredible Hulk (e) (e)

Magnificent Green Giant) (M5) ACT 641050 - WAKEBOARDING Unleashed (U) (E) SPG 641051 - Angel Collection - MEZASE! GAKUEN NO FASHION LEADER (J) (Collection of Angels) (J) TCG 641052 - Mahou no pumpkin (j) (Magic Pumpkinou) (J) ACT 321053 - Crazy Taxi - Catch A Ride (E) (Crazy Taxi) (M5) RCG 641054 - Frogger's Adventure 2 - The Lost Wond (e) Frog Adventure 2 - Lost Scepter) (M5) ACT 641055 - DONKEY KONG Country (U) (Super Diamond) (E) ACT 641056 - Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku II (E) (Dragon Ball Z-Goku Heritage 2) (M5) A · RPG 641057 - Sega SMASH PACK (E) (Sega Arcade Game Collection) (E) ECT 641058 - Disney Sports Motocross (J) (Disney All Star Sports Series - Motorcycle) (J) SPG 1281059 - Disney Sports Snowboarding (J) (Disney All Star Sports Series - Ski) (J) SPG 1281060 - Advance Wars 2 Black Hole Rising (U) (Senior War 2 - Black Cave) (E) SLG 641061 - Little League Baseball 2002 (U) (Small Baseball League 2002) (M2) SPG 641062 - Ninja 5-0 (U) (Ninja Criminal Police) (E) ACT 321063 - MONSTER GATE 2 DAI Inaru Dungeon (J) (Monster Gate 2) J) A RPG 641064 - EGGO Mania (E) (Fight Egg Square) (M6) PUZ 321065 - Stuntman (e) (M5) RCG 321066 - Battlebots - Beyond The Battlebox (E) (Fighter - Beyond Combat space) (M3) ACT 64106 7 - Disney Sports Basketball (e) (Disney All Star Sports Series - Basketball) (M5) SPG 1281068 - Disney Sports Motocross (e) (Disney All Star Sports Series - Motorcycle) (M5) RCG 1281069 - Mother 1 2 ( J) (Mommy 1 2)

(J) RPG 1281070 - METAL MAX 2 KAI (J) (2D rear-drums 2) (J) RPG 321071 - Space Channel 5 - Ulala's Cosmic Attack (U) (Space Channel 5 - Dance Laying Show Off) ( E) ETC 641072 - Lego Drome Racers (U) (Leguo crazy racing) (E) RCG 641073 - The King of Fighters EX2 - Howling Blood (U) (Fighting King EX2 - Roaring Blood) (E) FTG 641074 - Justice League - Injustice for All (e) (US Superman Justice) (M5) ACT 641075 - Hamtaro - Ham-Ham HeartBreak (e) (Ham Taro 3 - Love Adventure) (M5) AVG 641076 - ROCK N 'ROLL RACING (U) (rocker) (E) RCG 321077 - Pirates of the Caribbean (U) (Caribbean pirate) (E) ACT 641078 - Megaman Battle Network 3 Blue Version (U) (Rock Battle Network 3-Blue Edition) ( E) RPG 641079 - Punch King (E) (knocking king) (M3) SPG 641080 - Megaman Battle Network 3 White Version (J) (Lockebravan 3 - white version) (J) RPG 641081 - Stuntman (u) (Stunt Man) (M3) RCG 321082 - Jet Grind Radio (e) (Jet Kid - Street Graffiti) (E) SPG 641083 - SIMPSONS Road Rage (U) (Simpson Crazy Avenue) (E) RCG 641084 - Dragon Ball Z The Legacy of Goku II (U) (Dragon Ball Z-Wu Emperor 2) (M5) A · RPG 641085 - Buffy The Vampire Slayer (U) (Vampire Killer Buffy - Back to Dark World) (U) ACT 321086 - Disney Princess G) (Disney Princess) (G) ACT 641087 - Frogger Mahou No kuni no daibouken (J) (Frog Adventure - Magic Guo Adventure) (J) ACT 641088 - Hachimon (J) () (J) AVG 321089 - Hamster Monogatari Collection (J) (J) (J) (J) (J) )

Avg 641090 - Boku no kuwagata 3 (j) (everyone's raising series 3 my armor. Knife) (J) AVG 641039 - Scooby Doo - Das Spiel Zum Film (g) (Sino Ghost House Insurance - Reality Photo Edition) (G) AVG 321040 - GT Advanced 3 Pro Concept Racing (e) (GT Racing 3) (E) RCG 641041 - Sonic Pinball Party (U) (Sonic Pull Party) (M6) PUZ 641042 - Spider-Man - DER Film (g) (Spider - Movie Edition) (G) ACT 641043 - TOM CLANCY'S SPLINTER Cell (E) (Split Cell) (M6) ACT 641044 - FORTRESS (E) (Fort) (E) ACT 321045 - Wolfenstein 3D ( E) (3D German Headquarters) (E) FPS 641046 - Megaman & Bass (E) (Lock and Florid) (E) ACT 641047 - Gekitou Densetsu Noah - Dream Management (j) (Fighter Legend Boxing - Dream Manager People) (J) SLG 641048 - Ultimate Muscle: The Path of The Superhero (U) (Ultimate Grote Meat - Super Hero) (E) FTG 1281049 - The Incredible Hulk (e) (M5) (M5 ACT 641050 - WAKEBOARDING Unleashed (U) (E) SPG 641051 - Angel Collection - Mezase! GAKUEN NO FASHION LEADER (J) (Angel Collection) (J) (J) (J) (J) (J) (J) (Magic Panah) (J) ACT 321053 - Crazy Taxi - Catch A Ride (E) (Crazy Taxi) (M5) RCG 641054 - Frogger's Adventure 2 - The Lost Wond (E) (Frog Adventure 2 - lost Scepter ) (M5) ACT 641055 - DONKEY K ONG Country (U) (E) ACT 641056 - Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku II (E) (Dragon Ball Z - Hardware Heritage 2) (M5) A · RPG 641057 - Sega Smash Pack (E (Sega Arcade Game Collection) (E)

ECT 641058 - Disney Sports Motocross (J) (Disney All Star Sports Series - Motor Branch) (J) SPG 1281059 - Disney Sports Snowboarding (J) (Disney All Star Sports Series - Ski) (J) SPG 1281060 - Advance Wars 2 Black Hole Rising (U) (Senior War 2 - Black Cave) (E) SLG 641061 - Little League Baseball 2002 (U) (Small Baseball League 2002) (M2) SPG 641062 - Ninja 5-0 (U) (Ninja Criminal police) (E) ACT 321063 - MONSTER GAT 2 DAI Inaru Dungeon (J) (Monster Gate 2) (J) A · RPG 641064 - EGGO MANIA (E) (Fight Egg Square) (M6) PUZ 321065 - Stuntman (e ) (M5) RCG 321066 - Battlebots - Beyond The Battlebox (E) (Fighting Machine - Transcendence Battle Space) (M3) ACT 641067 - Disney Sports Basketball (e) (Disney All Star Sports Series - Basketball) M5) SPG 1281068 - Disney Sports Motocross (e) (Disney All Star Sports Series - Motorcycle) (M5) RCG 1281069 - Mother 1 2 (J) (Mum 1 2) (J) RPG 1281070 - METAL MAX 2 Kai (J) (re-dried artifper 2) (J) RPG 321071 - Space Channel 5 - Ulala's Cosmic Attack (U) (Space Channel 5 - Dance La Sport Attack) (E) ETC 641072 - Lego Drome Racers U) (Lego crazy racing) (E) RCG 641073 - The King of Fighters EX2 - Howling Blood (U) (Fighting King EX2 - Roaring Blood) (E) FTG 641074 - Justice League - Injustice For All (e) American Superman Justice Alliance) (M5) ACT 641075 - Hamtaro - Ham-Ham HeartBreak (e) (Ham Taro 3-Love Adventure) (M5) AVG 641076 - Rock N 'Roll Racing (U) (Rolling Racing) (E) RCG 321077 - Pirates of the Caribbean (U) (Caribbean Pirates) (E)

ACT 641078 - Megaman Battle Network 3 Blue Version (U) (Rock Battle Network 3-Blue Edition) (E) RPG 641079 - Punch King (E) (Fallow King) (M3) SPG 641080 - Megaman Battle Network 3 White Version (J) (Lock Battle Network 3 - White Edition) (J) RPG 64 1081 - Stuntman (U) (MTR) (M3) RCG 321082 - Jet Grind Radio (e) (Spraying Kid - Street Graffiti) (E) SPG 641083 - SIMPSONS Road Rage (U) (Simpson Crazy Avenue) (E) RCG 641084 - Dragon Ball Z The Legacy of Goku II (U) (Dragon Ball Z - Hardware Heritage 2) (M5) A · RPG 641085 - BUFFY THE Vampire Slayer (U) (Vampire Killer Buffy - Return Dark World) (U) ACT 321086 - Disney Princess (G) (Disney Princess) (G) ACT 641087 - Frogger Mahou No Kuni No Daibouken (J) (Frog Adventure - Magic National Adventure) (J) ACT 641088 - Hachimon (J) () (J) AVG 321089 - Hamster Monogatari Collection (J) (Hamster Tailang Collection) (J) AVG 641090 - Boku No Kuwagata 3 (j) Everyone's raising series 3 my armor. Cutter) (J) AVG 641091 - F1 2002 (U) (F1 Grand Prix 2002) (E) RCG 321092 - Pokemon Saphire (g) (Pocket Monster Sapphire) (G) RPG 641093 - Super Mario Advance 4 (J) (Super Mario 4) (J) ACT 321094 - Spy Kids 3D Game Over (U) (Spy Boss 3D) (U) ACT 321095 - TOTUFF - The Gagmachine (E) (Ding Ding Adventures (M6) AVG 321096 - Disneys Magical Quest 2 (J) (Di Sni Mouse 2) (j) ACT 321097 - Croket 2 - Kindan no bank to banjyu (J) (Tart 2 - Dark Bunke and Bang Princess) (J) RPG 1281098 - Nakayoshi Pet Advance Series 4 - Kawaii Koinu Kogatainuhen (J)

Animal companion series four - cute puppy) (J) TCG 321099 - GET! BOKU NO MUSHITSU (J) (Catch! My Clay Diary) (J) RPG 641100 - Hamster Paradise - Pure Heart (j) (Ham Taro Paradise Clear heart) (J) TCG 64 1101 - Wing Commander Prophecy (E) (Galang Flying) (M6) STG 321102 - Bokura No Taiyo (J) (Our Sun) (J) RPG 1281103 - Sonic Pinball Party (J) (Sonyke Pull Party) (M5) Tab 641104 - Pokemon Rubino (i) (Pokemon Red Gem) (i) RPG 641105 - Pokemon Zaffiro (i) (Pokemon Sapphire) (I) RPG 641106 - Pokemon Rubin (G) (pocket monster ruby) (G) RPG 641107 - Onimusha Tactics (j) (ghost warfare strategy version) (J) SRPG 641108 - Hamster Club 4 (J) (Hamster Tailang Club 4) (J) AVG 641109 - Pokemon Zafiro (s) (Pokemon Modification Edition) (S) RPG 641110 - Pokemon Rubi (S) (Pokemon Modified Edition) (S) RPG 641111 - Pokemon Saphir (f) (Pokemon French Edition) (f) RPG 641112 - Dragon Drive (J) (J) RPG 641113 - Shining Soul II (J) (Bright Soul 2) (J) ARPG 1281114 - Pokemon Rubis (f) (Pocket Monster French Edition) (f) RPG 641115 - Disney's ALADDIN (J) (Disney - Aladdin) (J) ACT 321116 - CT Special Forces 2 (E) (CT Special Forces 2) (M6) ACT 641117 - TALES OF PHANTASIA (J) (J) (Fantasy Legend) (J) ARPG 641118 - Pokemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire (j) (Pocket Monster Poster) (J) Tab 641119 - Detective conan (j) (Name detective claw detective) (J) RPG 641120 - Super Robot Taisen D (J) (Super Robot D) (J)

SLG 641121 - Rockman EXE BATTLE Chip GP (J) (Lock EXE Battle Chip Championships) (J) Tab 641122 - Top Gear Rally SP (J) (World Top Ratings) (J) RCG 641123 - Card E-Reader (J) (card reader ) (J) ETC 321124 - Shin Megami TENSEI - Devil Children - Puzzle de Call (j) (true goddess transhesive - Devil's Son) (J) RPG 641125 - Expedition der stacheeren Zoff IM ZOO G) (Wild Jungle - Hunting Chimpanzee) (G) ACT 321126 - Shrek Reek 'HAVOC (U) (Srik - Stinking Big Disaster) (M6) ACT 641127 - Cyberdrive Zoids (J) (J) (Network Mechanical Beast) (J) RPG 641128 - DUEL MASTERS (J) (Game King - Card Duel Master) (J) CAG 641129 - Genso Maden Saiyuki (J) (Fantasy Magic " Doubutsu BYOUIN (J) (Pet Hospital - Animal Doctor Education) (J) TCG 321131 - Madden NFL 2004 (U) (American Football 2004) (E) SPG 321132 - Monster Truck Madness (U) (Crazy Big Checker) E) RCG 321133 - Digimon Battle Spirit (E) (Digital Tyrannosaurus) (M5) ACT 321134 - Rock N 'Roll Racing (E) (Rock Racing) (E) RCG 321135 - Pokemon Pinball Ruby and SAPPHIRE (U) (Pocket Monster, bead table - ruby ​​and sapphire) (e) Tab 641136 - shinyaku seiken densetsu (j) (J) (J) ARPG 1281137 - Boboboubo_boubobo 2 (j) (burst nose hair) (J) ECT 641138 - Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition (u) (real person Fast-fighting field) (M5) FTG 1281139 - Disney's Magical Quest 2 (E) (Disney Mouse 2) (m3) ACT 321140 - Rescue Heroes Billy Blazes (U) (Rescue Hero - Pilbrez) (E)

ACT 321141 - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (U) (Final Fantasy Strategy) (E) SLG 1281142 - Disney Extreme Skate Adventure (U) (Disney Grade Skateboard) (E) SPG 641143 - DENSETSU NO STAFI 2 (J) (Legend) Stafe 2) (J) ACT 1281144 - Get Backers - Dakkanoku Jagan FuUin (J) (灵 二 人 - Evil Eye Seal) (J) RPG 1281145 - FreeKstyle (U) (Crazy Cross Country) (E) RCGT POWER: ZERO GRAVITY: ZERO GRAVITY ZONE (U) (Rapid Power: Zero - gravity Stadium) (E) RCG 641147 - Power Rangers Ninja Storm (U) (King Kong Warrior - Samurai Storm) (E) ACT 32 1147 - Power Rangers Ninja Storm (U) (Diamond Warrior - Samurai) (e) ACT 321148 - Starsky and Hutch (E) (M5) RCG 321149 - Gem Smasher (u) (gestone is also crazy) (e) Puz 321150 - Denki Blocks (U) (Electric Square) (M2) Puz 321151 - Naruto Konoha Senki (J) (Naruto - Wood War) (J) Adv 641152 - Bionicle - The Game (U) (Le High Desk Exploration) (E ACT 641153 - SCOOBY DOO - MYSTERY MAYHEM (U) (Sporty House "(E) AVG 321154 - Banjo Kazooie - GRUNTY's Revenge (U) (Qin Yin Flute - Grant Grant Revenge) (e ADV 641155 - Golden Sun 2 - Die Verlorene Epoche (G) (Gold Sun 2 - Lost Era) (G) RPG 1281156 - Advance Wars 2 (E) (Evolutionary War 2) (M5) SLG 641157 - Oshare Princess 3 J) (O'Sal Princess 3) (J) PUZ 321158 - Polly Pocket (E) (Po Lili Poetry (M5) PUZ 321159 - Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure (E) (Disney Grade Skateboard) (M2) SPG 641160 - Mr. Nutz (e) (Squirrel Big Offense) (M5)

ACT 321161 - BOKTAI - The Sun Is in Your Hand (U) (Our Sun) (E) ARPG 1281162 - Golden Sun 2 (S) (Gold Sun 2) (S) RPG 1281163 - Golden Sun 2 (f) (Gold Sun 2) (f) rpg 1281164 - shin kisekae monogatari (j) (new replacement) (J) TCG 641165 - Ojaru Maru (j) (promenade Apperaging) (J) Adv 1281166 - Doubutsu no Shima no chobi gurumi J) PUZ 641167 - Disney's Party (U) (Disney Happy Party) (M5) ACT 64 1168 - Blackthorne (U) (Black Thorns) (E) ACT 321169 - Tantei Gakuen Q - Meitantei Hakimida! (U) (Detective College Q-Detective is you) (e) AVG 1281170 - Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children Hi No Sho (J) (the Book of the Zhenqi Gifts) (J) RPG 641171 - Shin Megami TENSEI Devil Children Honoo No Sho (J) (Real Great Great Giteon Reincarnation Devil's Subgraduated Book) (J) RPG 641172 - Barbie Horse Adventures (U) (Babi Ma Platy) (E) SPG 321173 - Road Rash Jailbreak (U) Violent motorcycle) (e) RCG 321174 - The Simpsons - Road Rage (E) (Simpson Crazy Avenue) (M5) RCG 641175 - Golden Sun 2 - L'Era Perduta (i) (Gold Sun 2) (I) RPG 1281176 - Koinu to Issho - Aijou Monogatari (J) (Love Talks) (J) SLG 641177 - Action Replay GBX (F) (GBA Gold Finger Tools) (F) Demo 321178 - Disney's Piglet's Big Game (e) (e) Disney pig BIG games) (e) ACT 32 1179 - Kirby - Nightmare in Dreamland (E) (Star Kati - Dream Springs Tirak) (e) ACT 641180 - Jimmy Neutron - Jet Fusion (U) (Jami Neutron - Jet Melt) (U)

ACT 321181 - LES RAZMOKET - RENCONTRENT LES Delajungle (f) (LES's Adventure) (f) ACT 321182 - Digimon Battle Spirit 2 (U) (Digital Baby Spirit 2) (U) ACT 321183 - Battlebots - Design & Destroy (U) (Robot Wars - Design and Destruction) (U) SLG 321184 - Jurassic Park Institute Tour (J) (Jurassic Park Founded) (J) ACT 641185 - ODDWORLD - Munch's Oddysee (U) (Oti World - World - Oti's Chewing) (U) ACT 321186 - Boulder Dash EX (E) (Push Stone EX) (E) Tab 321187 - Megaman Network Battle 3 - White Version (E) (Lockebrang Network 3- White Edition) ( E) rpg 641188 - zettai zetsumei dangerous jiisan (j) (new popularity) (J) RPG 321189 - shin megami TENSEI 2 (J) (true goddess 2) (J) RPG 641190 - Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario Bros . 3 (e) (Super Mario 4) (E) ACT 321191 - The Hobbit (e) (Hobbit) (E) RPG 321192 - Battle x Battle (J) (Fight X battle - huge fish legend) (J ACT 64 1193 - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (E) (Final Fantasy Strategy Edition) (E) SLG 1281194 - Pirates of The Caribbean (E) (Caribbean Pirate) (E) ACT 641195 - Disneys The Lion King 1.5 (U) ( Disney Lion King 1.5) (U) ACT 641196 - Blackthorne (e) (Black Thorns) (E) ACT 321197 - Quad Desert Fury (U) (Desert Rarting Athletics) (U) RCG 321198 - Namco Museum (e) Namco Classic Museum) (E) ACT 321199 - Backyard Hockey (U) SPG 32 1200 - Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (U) ACT 64 1201 - Demikids Dark Version (U) (true goddess Book) (U)

RPG 641202 - Demikids Light Version (U) (Truth Goddess Rehabilitation Devil's Submit) (U) RPG 641203 - Barbie Horse Adventures (E) (Babi Map) (E) SPG 321204 - Megaman Battle Network 3 Blue Version E) (Lock Battle Network 3-Blue Edition) (E) RPG 641205 - Mermaid Melody - Pichi Pichi Pitch (J) (Japanese Girl - Combination) (J) RPG 1281206 - Bomberman Jetters Game Collection (J) (Bomb Man Jet Tourist Athletics) (J) ACT 1281207 - Megaman Zero 2 (U) (Rock Zero2) (U) ACT 641208 - TAK AND The Power of Juju (U) (Tak and Cursing of the Power) (U) ACT 641209 - Wagamama Fairy Mirumo de Pon Taisen Mahoudrama (J) (Magical Ball Battle) (J) Tab 641210 - Kawaii Pet Game Gallery (J) (Cute Puppy Game Collection) (J) ECT 641211 - Matantei Loki Ragnarok (J) (Magic Detective Legend - Fantasy Magic) (J) RPG 321212 - Super Mario Advance 4 (U) (Super Mario 4) (U) ACT 32 1213 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (U) (Ninja Turtle) (U) ACT 641214 - Oriental Blue - AO NO NO TENGAI (J) (天 外 - - 青 天外) (J) RPG 1281215 - Power Rangers - Ninja Storm (e) (King Kong Warrior - Samurai Storm) (M3) ACT 321216 - Banjo Kazooie - GRUNTYS REENGE (E) (Qin Yin Flute - Grant Revenge) (E) AVG 641217 - Legend of Dynamic - GouShouden (J) (Hao Xiang - Crash of Crash) (J) RPG 641218 - Super Duper Sumos (U (Super Stupid Shan " ) (E) ACT1219 - BIONICLE The Game (E) (Le High Desk Exploration) (M4) ACT 641220 - Disney Princess (F) (Disney Princess) (F) ACT 641221 - Lizzie McGuire on the Go (U) (Lez Perform) (U) ACT 321222 - TOP Gear Rally (e)

Top Rariya) (M5) RAC 641223 - Batman Rise of Sin Tzu (U) (ACT 641224 - Disneys Lion King (U) (Disney Lion King) (Disney Lion King) (M8) ACT 641225 - Spyro - Attack of the Rhynocs (U) (小龙斯派罗) (E) ACT 641226 - Tony Hawks Underground (U) (Tony Hoffside Sliding) (U) SPG 64 1227 - Operation Armored Liberty (U) Counterattack! Defend freedom) (U) STG 321228 - Megaman Zero 2 (E) (Locke Zero2) (E) ACT 641229 - Frogger's Journey - The Forgotten relic (U) (Frog Adventure - Forgotted Ruins) (E) ACT 321230 - TOP Gear Rally (U) (Top Racing Racing) (E) RCG 321231 - Harry Potter - Quidditch World Cup (U) (Harry Potter - Quiiti World Cup) (M5) SPG 641232 - Prince of Persia - The Sands Of Time (U) (Prince Persian - Time Sand) (M3) ACT 641233 - SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS BATTLE for Bikini Bottom (U) (Adventure in Bobs Bobs) (E) ACT 641234 - Hugo - BUKKAZOOM! (E) (Ladybug Car Range) (M12) RCG 321235 - Fire Emblem (U) (Sword of Fire) (E) 1236 - Lord of The Rings - The Ren of The King (U) (Refers to the King - King Atchange) (M5) ARPG 1281237 - Pokemon - SAPPHIRE VERSION V1.1 (E) (Pokemon - Sapphire) (E) RPG 1281238 - FIFA 2004 (U) (FIFA 2004) (E) SPG 641239 - Sonic Party E) (Sony Kei Pearl Party) (E) Tab 641240 - YU -Gi-oh! The Sacred Cards (U) (Game King - Sacred Card) (E) CAG 1281241 - Disney Brother Bear (U) (Disney Bear Brothers) (E) ACT 641242 - Pokemon Ruby V1.1 ( E) (Pocket Monster - Ruby) (E)

RPG 1281243 - FAIRLY ODD PARENTS BREAKIN Da Rules (U) (Justice Double Friends Rebellion) (E) ACT 321244 - DR Deuss The Cat in The Hat (U) (Cat Dr. Hat) (E) ACT 321245 - Pokemon Pinball Ruby and SAPPHIRE (E) (Pocket Monster Poster - Ruby and Sapphire) (M5) Tab 1281246 - Mario and Luigi - SuperStar Saga (e) (Mario and Louis - Super Skin Legend) (M5) RPG 1281247 - Shanghai (J) (Shanghai) (J) Tab 321248 - YU-GI-OH! DungeOndice Monsters (E) (Game King - Monster Dragon Gate) (M5) Tab 641249 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (U) (Thag Woods 2004PGA Tour) (e) Tab 1281250 - Buffy Contre Les Vampirees - La Colere de Darkhul (Vampire Killer Buffy - Back Dark World) (f) ACT 64 1251 - SSX 3 (U) (Mind Ski 3) (U) SPG 641252 - Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time (U) (Prince Persia - Time Sand) (U) ACT 641253 - Beyblade Vforce - Ultimate Blader Jam (U) (Explosive Gallery King) (U) SPG 641254 - Slime Morimori Dragon Quest - Shougeki No Shippo Dan (J) (Brave Dragon Emmrets "Slem - Impact Tail) (J) AVG 641255 - Minna No Mahjong (J) (National Major) (J) Tab 321256 - Sanrio Puroland All Characters (J) (San Len Comics All-Star) (J) Tab 321257 - Zooo (J) (Animal Feeder) (J) PUZ 321258 - Onimusha Tactics (U) (Ghost Dancer Strategy Edition) (U) S · RPG 641259 - Justice League Chronicles U) (Justice League Distolus) (U) ACT 641260 - Cartoon Network - Speedway (U) (Cartoon Network - High Speed ​​Car) (U) RCG 321261 - Disney's Magical Quest 2 Starring Mickey & Minnie (U) (Disney Mouse 2 ) (U) ACT 321262 - Crash Nitro Kart (U) (Panzoli Racing)

(U) RCG 641263 - ULTIMATE BEACH SOCCER (U) SPG 321264 - The Hobbit (U) (Hobbit) (U) RPG 641265 - Spirits and Spells (u) (ghost and spell) U) ACT 321266 - Double Dragon Advance (U) (Double Dragon) (U) ACT 321267 - SWORD OF MANA (U) (New Testament Legend) (U) RPG 1281268 - Harvest Moon - Mineral Town (U) (U) Pasture national language) (U) TCG RPG 641269 - Finding nemo (e) (Looking for Lombo) (E) ACT 641270 - Spyro Adventure (E) (小龙斯 派)) (E) ACT 641271 - LOONEY TUNES - Back in action (U) (Warner Star Mobilization) (U) ACT 641272 - Disneys Magical Quest 3 (J) (Disney Mouse and Donald Duck 3) (J) ACT 321273 - Spy Kids 3-D (E) (Spy Small 3D) (E) ACT 641274 - Disney's Kim Possible (E) (Disney Kam - Monkey Revenge) (E) ACT 641275 - James Bond 007 Everything or Nothing (u) (James Bad 007- Who and Strong) (U) ACT 641276 - Medal of Honor Infiltrator (U) (Honor Medal - Permeaters) (U) STG 1281277 - Mario & Luigi SuperStar Saga (U) (Mario and Louis - Super Skin Legend) (U) RPG 1281278 - Terminator 3 Rise Of the Machines (E) (Terminator 3) (E) ACT 641279 - Beyblade V-Force Ultimate Blader Jam (U) (U) Tab 641280 - Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines (U) (end 3) (u) ACT 641281 - CIMA THE Enemy (U) (Hemaker) (U) ARPG 641282 - Star Wars Flight of the Falcon (U) (Star Wars - Falcon Flying Team) (U) STG 641283 - Mario and Luigi RPG (J) (Mario and Louis - Super Skin Legend) (J)

RPG 1281284 - Star Wars Flight of The Falcon (E) (Star Wars - Falcon Flying Team) (M3) STG 641285 - Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup (J) (Harry Potter - Quiiti World Cup) (J) SPG 641286 SIM City 2000 (E) (Simulated City 2000) (E) SLG 321287 - Mucha Lucha Mascaritas of The Lost Code (U) (Mu Xia Chi - Maca Triple Group lost) (U) ACT 321288 - DR Seuss - Green Eggs And Ham (U) (Susse - ham plus green egg) (U) Tab 321289 - American IDOL (U) (US I) (U) Tab 1281290 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (E) (Ninja God Turtle) (M5) ACT 641291 - Hot Wheels - World Race (e) (Hot Flying - World Racing) (E) RCG 321292 - F-ZERO - Falcon Densetsu (J) (Zero Racing - Falcon Legend) (J) RCG 1281293 - Crash Nitro Kart (e) (Pwrapping Wolf Racing) (M6) RCG 641294 - SD Gundam G Generation Advance (J) (SD Great G Cord) (J) SLG 1281295 - Hot Wheels - World Race (U) Fire Wheel - World Racing) (E) RCG 321296 - Oddworld - Munch's Oddysee (G) (Abie Escape - Singular World) (G) ACT 641297 - Dragon Ball Z TAIKETSU (U) (Dragon Ball Z-Vell) (E) FTG 641298 - CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON (E) (虎 藏龙) (M5) ACT 641299 - WORMS World PARTY (U) (Bar War Worm) (M5) PUZ 321300 - Dora The Explorer - Super Spies (u) Explorer Dora - Super Spy) (E) ACT 32 1301 - Premier Manager 2003-04 (E) (Foot Ball Manager 2003-04) (M4) SLG 321302 - Mission Impossible - Operation Surma (e) (Disc Spi - 马 Action) (M5) AVG 321303 - Gachaste! Dino Device 2 Dragon (J) (Monster Egg 2 - Dragon ) (J)

S · RPG 321304 - Gachaste! Dino Device 2 Phoenix (J) (Monster Egg 2 - Phoenix) (J) S · RPG 321305 - Onimusha Tactics (e) (Ghost Warrior Strategic Edition) (E) SLG 641306 - Lizzie McGuire (e ) (Civilians) (M4) ACT 321307 - Power Pro Kun Pocket 6 (J) (live pockets 3) (J) TCG 641308 - Yu Yu Hakusho Spirit Detective (U) (Secret Book - Spirit Detective) (E) ACT 641309 - Sonic Battle (J) (Sonic Battle) (J) ACT 1281310 - Pazunin Uminin No Puzzle De Nimu (J) (Magic Elastic Ball) (J) Puz 321311 - Deutschland Sucht Den Superstar (G) (Super Sprinter) ) (U) ECT 1281312 - TCG 1281313 - AntiVision Anthology (U) TAB 641314 - ULTIMATE WINTER GAMES (U) TAB 641314 - ULTIMATE WINTER GAMES (U) (U.S. U.S. U.S. Ultimate Winter Games) (U) SPG 64
1315 - Game Watch Gallery 4 (U) (Game Museum 4) (U) Tab 32
1316 - Koinu-Chan No Hajimete No Osanpo - Koinu No Kokoro Ikusei Game (J) (Cute Puppy Hourring Plan) (J) TCG 32
1317 - Cinnamoroll Kokoniiruyo (J) (Long Ear Dog - Ji) (J) PUZ 32
1318 - Sitting Ducks (e) (e) Sitting on duck) (M6) AVG 32
1319 - Rockman EXE 4 Tournament Blue Moon (J) (Lock EXE4 Championship - Blue Moon) (J) ARPG 64
1320 - Rockman EXE 4 TOURNAMENT RED Sun (J (Lock EXE4 Championship - Red Sun) (J) ARPG 64
1321 - Peter Pan - THE MOVIE (U) (小飞侠 - Movie Edition) (E) AVG 32
1322 - Card Captor Sakura - Sakura Card de Mini Game (j) (Kulo Magic's Mini Game) (J) ACT 32

1323 - Konjiki No Gashbell !! - Unare! Yujyo no zakeru (j) (市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场 市场Pasture Story - Ore Town Partners - Girls' (J) RPG TCG 128
1325 - Spy MuppetS - License To (e) (Puppet Spy - Trend Frog) (M6) ECT 64
1326 - Croket! 3 - Gurateuoukuku Nazo (J) (Tart 3 - Summet King of King Country) (J) FTG 128
1327 - Gege No Kitarou - Kikiippatsu! Youkai Rettou (J) (Ghost Tailang - Crisis! Monster Island ) (J) ftg 128
1328 - The King of Fighters EX2 - Howling Blood (U) (Fighting King EX2 - Howling Blood) (E) FTG 641329 - Wagamama Fairy Mirumo de Pon! - 8 nin no toki No YOUSEI (J) (N) (J) FTG 64
1330 - Super Donkey Kong (J) (J) ACT 64
1331 - FINDING NMO (j) (Submarine Mobilization) (J) ACT 64
1332 - Astro Boy Tetsuwan Atom (J) (Iron Arm A Tongmu - A Tongxin Secret) (J) ACT 64
1333 - Disney Sports Snowboarding (U) Disney Skiing - Skirace) (E) SPG 128
1334 - Crash Bandicoot Advance 2 - Gurugurusaimin Dai Panic (J) (Confused Wolf A2) (J) ACT 64
1335 - Max Payne (U) (Hero Nature (E) ACT 1281336 - TETRIS Advance (J) (Russia Advance) (J) Tab 321337 - Ochaken No Heya (J) (Puppy Wo) (J) TCG 6 41338 - Need for speed Underground (U) (Need for Speed ​​- Underground Mania) (M4) RCG 641339 - Silvanian Family Yousei No Stick To Fushigi No Marroine No ONNANOKO (J) (Leprechaun Rod - Magic Big Tree) (J)

Puz 641340 - SIMPLE 2960 - VOL. 4 - The Trump (J) (Simple 2960 Episode 4 - Ace) (J) CAG 321341 - Wanwan Meitantei (J) (Wang Name Detective) (J) Puz 641342 - Ashita No Joe J) (Little Battle - Red Battle) (J) FTG 1281343 - SIM City 2000 (U) (Simulated City 2000) (E) SLG 321344 - Lego Racers 2 (E) (Le Gao Racing 2) (M8) RCG 641345 - Altered Beast (e) (Beast King - Kingdom Guardian) (M5) FTG 641346 - Tekken Advance (E) (I) FTG 641347 - Minna No Ojisama (J) (Tennis Prince - Ben) J) CAG 2561348 - GEKIDO Advance - Kintaros Revenge (U) (拳道) (E) FTG 641349 - ESPN International Winter Sports (E) (ESPN Salt Lake City Winter Olympics 2002) (E) SPG 321350 - Gojira Kaiju dairanto Advance (J) (Monster Big Dragonfly) (J) ACT 321351 - Sonic Battle (U) (Sony Battle) (M6) ACT 1281352 - Hyokkori Hyotanjima Don Gabacho Daikastuyuka No Maki (J) (National Game Series Hulu Cineral Island Drifting (J) Puz 321353 - SHINING SOUL (U) (E) ARPG 641354 - FreeKstyle (e) (Crazy Cross-country Motorcycle) (M5) RCG 641355 - Road Rash Jailbreak (e) (Violence Moto) (M5) ) RCG 32 1356 - BALDUR's GATE - DARK Alliance (U) (Bogen Gate) (E) ARPG 1281357-Gyakuten Saiban 3 (J) (Reverse Referee 3) (J) AVG 641358 - Tiny Toon Adventure Wacky Stacker (U) Binni Adventure - Ancient Egg Square) (E) Puz 321359-The SIMS (J) ( Simulated people birthday version) (j) SLG 1281360 - Pokemon Firered (J) | (Pokemon - Fire Red) (J) RPG 1281361 - Super Bubble Pop (E) (Super Bubble) (E)

Puz 321362 - Pokemon Leaf Green (J) (Pokemon - Leaf Green) (J) RPG 1281363 - Scooby-Doo - Mystery Mayhem (E) (Scour than - Mysterious injury) (E) ACT 321364 - YU-GI-OH The Sacred Cards (E) (Game King - Sacred Card) (J) CAG 1281365 - Disney's Brother Bear (E) (Disney - Bear Brothers) (E) ACT 321366 - YU-GI-OH! Duel Monsters Expert 3 Game King EXPERT 3) (J) CAG 1281367 - Spongeb Squarepants Bfbb (e) (Bobs Bobs - Bikini Adventure) (E) ACT 64 1368 - BALDUR's GATE DARK Alliance (e) (Golden Gate) (E) ARPG 641369 - MR Driller 2 (e) (Mr. Drill 2) (E) PUZ 321370 - Metroid Zero Mission (U) (Galaxy Warrior - Initial Task) (U) ACT 641371 - Puyo Pop (e) (Magic Bubble) (E) PUZ 321372 - Disney Principesse (I) (Disney - Princess) ACT 641373 - CORVETTE (U) (50th Anniversary of Kervet Cars) (U) ARC 641374 - Ozzy & DRIX (u) (?) (U ACT 641375 - MERMAID MELODY PICHIPICHI PITCH PICHIPICHI PARTY (J) (Mermaid Melody) (J) ECT 1281376 - Jet Set Radio (e) (Street Graffiti) (E) SPG 641377 - Need for Speed ​​Porsche Unleashed (E) (best Speed ​​- release Porsche) ARC 641378 - YU-GI-OH! World Championship 2004 (U) (Game King World Championship 2004) CAG 1281379 - CT Special Forces (U) (CT Special Forces US Edition) ACT 641380 - Bruce Lee Return Of The Legend (U) (Li Xiaolong - Legendary Hero Reproduction ACT 641381 - Famicom Mini 01 Super Mario Bros (J) (FC Edition Mio) ACT 81382 - Famicom Mini Vol 3 Ice Climbers (J) (FC Edition Snow Man) ACT 81383 - Famicom Mini Vol 7 Xevious (J) (FC Edition of the plate array) STG 81384 - Pitfall: The Lost Expedition (E) (?)

ACT 641385 - Famicom Mini Vol 2 Donkey Kong (J) (FC Edition Big King) ACT 81386 - Famicom Mini Vol 5 Zelda No Densetsu (J) (FC Edition Seloda Legend) A-RPG 81387 - Famicom Mini Vol 8 mappy J) STG 81388 - CHESSMASTER (G) (Western Chess Master) Puz 321389 - Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town (G) (Ranch Syntheate) SLG 641390 - Famicom Mini Vol 10 Star Soldier (J) (FC Edition) STG 81391 - Famicom Mini Vol 4 Excite Bike (J) (FC version off-road vehicle) Arc 81392 - Famicom Mi Vol 9 Bomberman (J) (FC version bomber) SLG 81393 - Famicom Mini Vol 6 Pacman (j) (fc) Mr. Swans) SLG 81394 - Peter Pan The Motion Picture (E) (小 飞侠) ACT 321395 - Pitfall The Lost Expedition (f) (?) ACT 641396 - Finding Nemo (e) (Submarine Mobilization) ACT 641397 - GAKUEN SENKI Muryou (J) (ョウ 学 战) RPG 641398 - Banjo Kazooie la Vendetta di Grunty (i) (?) ACT 641399 - MONSTERS Inc. (E) (Monster Company) ACT 321400 - Downtown - Nekketsu Monogatari EX (j) (Hot Blood EX) ACT 32 1401 - Atari Anniversary Advance (E) (Yadahi old classic) ETC 321402 - SNOOD (E) (Bubble) ETC 321403 - Megaman Battle Chip Challenge (U) (Rock Battle Chip Challenge Race) RPG 641404 - TAIKETSU Ultra Hero (J) (Divide! Ottman Heroes!) FTG 6 41405 - Personal Organizer PDA (U) (Nintendo Official Published PDA System) 1406 - Guilty Gear X - Advance Edition (U) (U) (U) FTG 641407 - SHININING SOUL II (E) (E) (E) " RPG 1281408 - SPLINTER CELL - Pandora Tommorow (e) (Split Cell - Tomorrow Pandora) ACT 641409 - One Piece - Going Baseball (J) (One Piece Baseball) 1410 - Disneys Aladdin (e) (Aladin Edition) 1411 - Pop IDol (E) (Popular idol)


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