(Original) class

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  150

Drawing chart, this class is output VML code based on the submitted data information, generating a VML map. Such a variety of traces can be drawn, but it is not very beautiful.

类 类. (====================================================================== = 'Class name: The class of draw chart' ============================================ Class DrawClassdim D_ColData, D_LowDatadim picWidth, picHeight, PicLeft, PicTopdim X, Ydim D_Infodim LowUbdim D_isShowTipdim D_BoxData, Highest, Lowestdim D_Positiondim D_TipColor, D_InfoColor, D_TitleColordim D_BoxColor, D_LineColor, D_BgColordim D_LineType, d_Type '============= ========================== function function: initial class' ================== ==========================, ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Highest = 0 Lowest = 0 D_BoxData = "" D_Position = "left" D_TipColor = "# 0000FF" D_InfoColor = "# FF0000" D_TitleColor = "# FF0000" D_BoxColor = "# 000000" D_LineColor = "# AAAAAA" D_BgColor = "# D7EEFF "D_LINETYPE =" Solid "D_TYPE =" 1 "end sub '==================

===================== 'function function: release class' ============================================================================================================================= ================ private sub class_terminate d_coldata = "" D_LowData = "" D_INFO = "" D_BoxData = "" End Sub

'=====================================================================================00 以下Value 'external usage: obj.lowdata = "1, 12, 3, 4, 4' External usage: obj.coldata =" 1, 12, 11, 3 "'External Usage: Obj.title =" 2002 trend map] '=============================================== "horizontal diagram data coordinates Public Property Let LowData (bNewValue) D_LowData = bNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get LowData LowData = D_LowDataEnd PropertyPublic Property Let ColData (bNewValue) D_ColData = bNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get ColData ColData = name D_ColDataEnd Property 'Chart of Public Property Let Title (bNewValue) D_Info = bNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get Title Title = D_InfoEnd Property 'aspect provided Public chart of Property Let width (bNewValue) picWidth = bNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get width width = PicWidthEnd PropertyPublic Property Let Height (bNewValue) picHeight = bNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get Height Height = PicheightenD PropertyPublic Property Let Left (BNewValue) Picleft = BNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get Left = Picleftend PropertyPublic Property Let top (BNewValu e) PicTop = bNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get Top Top = PicTopEnd Property 'displays the text color chart Public Property Let TipColor (bNewValue) D_TipColor = bNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get TipColor TipColor = D_TipColorEnd PropertyPublic Property Let InfoColor (bNewValue) D_InfoColor =

bNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get InfoColor InfoColor = D_InfoColorEnd PropertyPublic Property Let TitleColor (bNewValue) D_TitleColor = bNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get TitleColor TitleColor = D_TitleColorEnd Property 'line and the border color charts of Public Property Let BoxColor (bNewValue) D_BoxColor = bNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get BoxColor BoxColor = D_BoxColorEnd PropertyPublic Property Let LineColor (bNewValue) D_LineColor = bNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get LineColor LineColor = D_LineColorEnd PropertyPublic Property Let LineType (bNewValue) select case bNewValue case 1 D_LineType = "Dot" case 2 D_LineType = "DashDot" case else D_LineType = "Solid" end selectEnd PropertyPublic Property Get LineType LineType = D_LineTypeEnd Property 'set the background color of the page Public Property Let BgColor (bNewValue) D_BgColor = bNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get BgColor BgColor = D_BgColorEnd Property' ordinate of the chart show the position of a tag 'is 1 or left It is the left, otherwise it is the right PUBLIC Property Let Tipposition (BNewValue) Select CA se lcase (cstr (bNewValue)) case "left", "1" D_Position = "left" case else D_Position = "right" end selectEnd PropertyPublic Property Get TipPosition TipPosition = D_PositionEnd Property 'whether a prompt Public coordinates Property Let showTip (bNewValue ) D_isShowTip = bNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get showTip showTip = 'parameter trend graph frame, receiving an array of strings and Public Property Let BoxData (bNewValue) D_BoxData = bNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get BoxData BoxData = D_BoxDataEnd Property' D_isShowTipEnd Property chart style values: 1 Ordinary with arrow,

2 enclosing rectangle Public Property Let sType (bNewValue) select case cstr (bNewValue) case "2" D_Type = "2" case else D_Type = "1" end selectEnd PropertyPublic Property Get sType sType = D_TypeEnd Property '======= ===================================================================================================================================================================== ======================================= Private sub dress ()%>