Apache Jakarta major use and brief description

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  147

Http://jakarta.apache.org/ In order to let everyone enter Jakarta, there is no language boundary, there is no language limit, and there is a special purpose of the past items, and JAKARTA project mainly has the following items (1) Shared library, tool set and General API ◎ BCEL - This is used to analyze your Java Code to become Class Class, you can learn about the JVM operation mode by this shared form ◎ BSF - this is a set of Java Application to use Scripting Language Tools ◎ Commons - This item is a set of components that are reused, easy to expand, allowing other items to use !! ◎ ECS - This is a tool for producing Markup Language, currently supporting HTML 4.0 and XML! ◎ Jmeter - This is usually used to do pressure testing, and for measurement results, you can use many format output to watch. ◎ Log4j - This is the best tool for Java logging, don't use system.out.println () ◎ ORO - he support Perl5 compatible RE and other regular expressions are the current fastest Java Regular Expression parsers ◎ Poi - Processing Windows OLE2's file format and M $ Excel (XLS) file read modification, etc. API ◎ regexp - this It is also a 100% pure Java regular expression ◎ Taglibs - here collects JSP Taglibs written here, including JSTL's work. ◎ Watchdog - Test for Servlet / JSP Container Compatibility (2) Development Frameworks Frameworks and Development Engine Engines ◎ CACTUS - This is the successful JUnit special test server-side Java code ◎ gump - continuity integration in all Jakarta and related items ◎ Lucene - Search Engine, but Chinese need himself ◎ Struts - MVC Framework , With JSP and Struts Taglib, Controller for ActionServlet ◎ Tapestry - MVC Framework, let Web Designe R and software engineers can be more simple, and the program code has little way. ◎ Turbine - MVC Framework, support Velocity and JSP, many project development completed. ◎ Velocity - Template Engine, you can dynamically generate various page integration methods ( 3) SERVER Application Already independent complete system ◎ Alexandria - is a development file management system ◎ JetSpeed ​​- is a Portal Server (Based On Turbine Framework) ◎ Slide - File Management System similar to WebDAV (www.webdav.org) ◎ Tomcat - JSP / Servlet Containerps: (1) Commons There are many items below, enough to illustrate the entire year (2) taglib, there are many items, but only the concept, match the Commons-EL, in the imitation of JSTL Writing to better (3) Turbine has a lot of projects that have completed, suitable for people who don't want to rebuild the wheel directly

Source source: http://www.javaworld.com.tw/jute/post/view? Bid = 11 & id = 1672 Author Name: Jini


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