A simple e

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  148

----------------- '| Author: i94self |' | E_mail: i94self@hotmail.com | '| http://www.i94self.com |' | please save Author Information | '-----------------' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ' '' Determination E_mail input is correct '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' FUNCTION ISVALIDE_MAIL (E_MAIL) 'Judgment E_MAIL Address Is there a @ symbol, if there is no @ symbol or @ symbol in the E_MAIL character first or last, the function returns false and exits the function. E_mailarray = split (E_mail, "@") if Ubound (e_mailarray) <> 1 TenisValide_mail = falseExit functionend if 'determines if there is a connection in the E_MAIL address .. Symbol (including ... or countless. Connection symbol ), If there is, the function returns false and exits the function. If ISTR (E_MAIL, ".")> 0 Thenisvalide_mail = falseExit functionend if 'determines whether the @ @ @ @ 字, in the E_MAIL address is not. Symbol or. Symbol is in the E_MAIL character, then the function returns FALSE, and exit the function. IF INSTR (E_MAILARRAY (1), ".") <= 0 TENISVALIDE_MAIL = falseExit functionendiff if 'Decoes the E_MAIL address. Whether the following string is equal to 2 characters or 3 characters, if not equal, the function returns false, and exits function. Number = Len (E_mailArray (1)) - InStrRev ( "." E_mailArray (1),) If Number <> 2 And Number <> 3 ThenIsValidE_mail = FalseExit FunctionEnd IfFor Each E_mailArrayContent In E_mailArray 'if a character is determined E_mail address before @ If not, the function returns FALSE and exits the function.


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