Detailed description of the Windows system error

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  146

Windows System Error Code 1002 window cannot be used to send messages. 1003 Unable to complete this feature. 1004 Sign is invalid. 1005 volumes do not contain identified file systems. Please confirm that all required file system drivers have been loaded, and the volume does not damage any. 1006 Volumes of a file have changed outside, so open files are no longer valid. 1007 The required operation cannot be executed in full screen mode. 1008 Attempts to reference the symbol that does not exist. 1009 Configuring the Registry Database is corrupt. The 1010 Configuration Registration The primary key is invalid. 1011 Unable to open the configuration registry primary key. 1012 Unable to read the configuration registry primary key. 1013 Uncomfortable Configuration Registry Primary Key. 1014 You must use a log file or another copy to resume a file in the registry database. Restore success. 1015 The registry is damaged. It may be that the structure containing the registry data file is corrupted, or the system image of the file in memory is corrupted, or because the backup copy (or log) does not exist (or corrupted), the file cannot be restored. 1016 The I / O operation caused by the registry has an unrecoverable error. The registry will not be able to read, write or refresh one of the files containing the registry system image. 1017 System Attempts to load or restore files in the registry, however, the specified file is not a registry file format. 1018 Attempts to complete the operation illegal in the registry key (already marked as delete). 1019 The system cannot assign the required space in the registry log file. 1020 Unable to create a symbolic link in a registry key that already have a subkey or key value. 1021 Cannot create a fixed subkey under the volatile parent key. 1022 The change request notified has been completed, and the return information has not been sent to the caller's buffer. The caller needs to list all the files to find the contents of the change. 1051 The stop control has been sent to services related to other running services. 1052 The control required is invalid for this service. 1053 The service does not respond or control the request in time. 1054 Unable to create threads for the service. The 1055 service database is locked. 1056 The instance of the service is running. The 1057 account name is invalid or does not exist, or the password of the specified account name is invalid. 1058 The service cannot be started, possibly because it is disabled, or because there is no associated available device. 1059 The dependence of the loop service has been specified. 1060 The designated service is not the installed service. 1061 This service cannot receive control messages at this time. The 1062 service has not yet started. The 1063 service process cannot be connected to the service control program. 1064 When processing a control request, the service has an unexpected situation. 1065 The specified database does not exist. 1066 Service returns a service-specific error code. 1067 The process is unexpectedly terminated. 1068 Unable to start the slave service or group. 1069 Due to the failed login, the service is not started. After the 1070 is started, the service remains in the start of the suspend state. 1071 The specified service database lock is invalid. 1072 The specified service has been marked as delete. 1073 The designated service already exists. 1074 The system is currently running the successful configuration of success. 1075 The slave service does not exist, or it has been marked as delete. 1076 Accept the current boot as the final effective control setting. 1077 Since the last startup, the service did not start again. 1078 This name has been used as a service name or service display name. 1079 This service is different from an account that runs on other services on the same process. 1080 can only set a failure for Win32 service settings, and cannot be set for driver. 1081 The process and service control manager running in this service are the same. Therefore, if the service process is accidentally suspended, the service control manager cannot perform any operation. 1082 This service does not set a recovery program. 1083 A service configured to run in this executable cannot perform the service. 1100 The physical end of the tape has arrived. 1101 Tape Access to the file tag. 1102 Arrive at the tape or partition head. 1103 Tape Access to the end of the file group. There are no other data on the 1104 tape. 1105 tape cannot be partitioned. 1106 When the new tape of multiple roll partitions is accessed, the current block size is incorrect.

1107 When loading a tape, the tape partition information cannot be found. 1108 Unable to lock the media exit function. 1109 Unable to unload media. The media in the 1110 driver has changed. 1111 has reset the I / O bus. There is no medium in the 1112 driver. 1113 There is no mapping for single code characters in the target multi-byte code page. 1114 Dynamic Link Library (DLL) initialization routine failed. 1115 is turning off the system. 1116 Unable to terminate the system shutdown because there is no shutdown operation in progress. 1117 This request cannot be run due to an error in I / O devices. 1118 Serial Equipment initialization failed. A serial driver will be uninstalled. 1119 Unable to turn on the device that is shared with other devices to share the interrupt request (IRQ). At least one device that uses the IRQ has been opened. 1120 Since the serial port is written again, the serial I / O operation has ended. (IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER is zero.) 1121 Due to timeout, the serial I / O operation has ended. (IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER does not reach zero.) 1122 Can't find the identifier address tag on the floppy disk. The 1123 floppy district identifier field does not match the floppy controller track address. 1124 Floppy Controller Reports a floppy disk driver unrecognizable error. 1125 The result of the floppy controller returns and registration is inconsistent. 1126 When accessing the hard disk, the calibration operation fails, and then the trial is not possible. 1127 When visiting the hard disk, the disk operation failed, and there is still no effect after trying again. 1128 When accessing the hard disk, you need to restart the disk controller, but it is still not successful. The 1129 tape has been wounded. 1130 The available server store is insufficient and the command cannot be executed. 1131 Detected a potential deadlock. 1132 The base or file offset specified is not properly aligned. 1140 Attempts to change the system power status is prohibited by another application or driver. 1141 System BIOS cannot change system power status. 1142 Attempts to create a link that exceeds the system allows for an amount over a single file. 1150 The specified program requires a new Windows version. 1151 The specified program is not a Windows or MS-DOS program. 1152 Unable to start multiple instances of the specified program. 1153 The specified program is written for earlier versions of Windows. 1154 Run a library file required for this application has been damaged. 1155 No application is associated with the file specified in this operation. 1156 An error occurred while sending commands to an application. 1157 Can't find a library file that runs this app. 1158 The current process has used all the handles allowed by the system of the Window Manager object. 1159 Message can only be used with synchronization operations.

0133 For drivers that include the connected drive, you cannot use Join or SUBST commands. 0134 Attempts to use Join or SUBST commands on the already connected drive. 0135 Attempts to use Join or SUBST commands on the drive already replaced. 0136 The system attempts to delete the Join in the driver that has not been connected. 0137 The system attempts to delete the replacement of the driver that has not been replaced. 0138 System Attempts to connect the drive to the directory under the connected drive. 0139 The system attempts to replace the driver to replace the directory under the replaced drive. 0140 System Attempts to connect the drive into a directory of the replaced drive. 0141 The system is attempting to replace the drive to a directory under the connected drive. 0142 The system does not run Join or Subst. 0143 The system cannot connect the drive or replace the directory under the same drive. 0144 This directory is not a subdirectory of the root directory. 0145 This directory is not emptied. 0146 The specified path is already used in the replacement. 0147 Resources is not enough to execute this command. 0148 The specified path cannot be used at this time. 0149 Attempts to connect or replace a driver directory, a directory on the drive is the last replacement target directory. The 0150 config.sys file does not specify system tracking information or prohibit tracking. 0151 DOSMUXSEMWAIT's specified signal event is incorrect. 0152 DOSMUXSEMWAIT is not running; too many logo has been set. 0153 DOSMUXSEMWAIT list is incorrect. 0154 Enter the volume of the volume exceeds the label character length limit of the target file system. 0155 Unable to create other threads. 0156 Receive process rejects the signal. 0157 The area has been abandoned and therefore cannot be locked. 0158 This area has been unlocked. 0159 The address error of the thread identifier. 0160 is transmitted to the parameter string error of dosexecpgm. 0161 The specified path is invalid. The 0162 signal has been suspended. 0164 The system cannot create other threads. 0167 Unable to lock the scope of the file. The resources required by 0170 are being used. 0173 Lockup is not important for the provided cancellation area. 0174 file system does not support automatic changes to the lock type. The 0180 system detects the wrong area number. 0182 Operating system cannot run% 1. 0183 Can't create an existing file. 0186 The flag transmitted is incorrect. 0187 Can't find the specified system signal name. 0188 Operating system cannot run% 1. 0189 Operating system cannot run% 1. 0190 operating system cannot run% 1. 0191 Unable to run% 1 in Win32 mode. 0192 Operating system cannot run% 1. 0193% 1 is not a valid Win32 application. 0194 Operating system cannot run% 1. 0195 Operating system cannot run% 1. 0196 Operating system cannot run this application. 0197 The operating system is currently unable to configure this application. 0198 Operating system cannot run% 1. 0199 Operating system cannot run this application. The 0200 code segment should be less than 64K. 0201 operating system cannot run% 1. 0202 operating system cannot run% 1. 0203 The system cannot find the entered environment option. 0205 There is no signal handle in the process in the command subtree. 0206 file name or extension is too long. 0207 Ring 2 Stack is being used. 0208 Enter global file name character * or? Incorrect, or specified global file name characters too much. The signal sent by 0209 is incorrect. 0210 Unable to set the signal handler. The 0212 area has been locked and cannot be reassigned. 0214 There are too many dynamic link modules attached to this procedure or dynamic link module. 0215 Unable to call loadModule. 0216 Image file% 1 is valid, but it does not apply to this type. 0230 Pipeline is invalid. 0231 All pipe instances are all busy. 0232 Pipe is closed. 0233 There is no process in the other end of the pipe. 0234 There is more available data. 0240 has been canceled. 0254 The specified extension attribute name is invalid. 0255 The extended attribute is inconsistent. 0258 Wait for operation. 0259 There is no other available data. 0266 Unable to use replication function. 0267 The directory name is invalid.

0275 Extended attribute does not match the buffer. The extended attribute files on the file system loaded 0276 have been corrupted. The 0277 extension attribute form file is full. 0278 The specified extension attribute handle is invalid. 0282 The installed file system does not support the extended attribute. 0288 Attempt to release multiple synchronization signals that are not belong to the caller. 0298 The number of times the signal is too much. 0299 Complete some readprocessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request. The 0300 operation lock request is rejected. The 0301 system receives an invalid operation lock confirmation. 0317 In% 2's message file, the system cannot find a message text for the message number 0x% 1. 0487 Attempts to access invalid addresses. 1078 This name has been used as a service name or service display name. 1079 This service is different from an account that runs on other services on the same process. 1080 can only set a failure for Win32 service settings, and cannot be set for driver. 1081 The process and service control manager running in this service are the same. Therefore, if the service process is accidentally suspended, the service control manager cannot perform any operation. 1082 This service does not set a recovery program. 1083 A service configured to run in this executable cannot perform the service. 1100 The physical end of the tape has arrived. 1101 Tape Access to the file tag. 1102 Arrive at the tape or partition head. 1103 Tape Access to the end of the file group. There are no other data on the 1104 tape. 1105 tape cannot be partitioned. 1106 When the new tape of multiple roll partitions is accessed, the current block size is incorrect. 1107 When loading a tape, the tape partition information cannot be found. 1108 Unable to lock the media exit function. 1109 Unable to unload media. The media in the 1110 driver has changed. 1111 has reset the I / O bus. There is no medium in the 1112 driver. 1113 There is no mapping for single code characters in the target multi-byte code page. 1114 Dynamic Link Library (DLL) initialization routine failed. 1115 is turning off the system. 1116 Unable to terminate the system shutdown because there is no shutdown operation in progress. 1117 This request cannot be run due to an error in I / O devices. 1118 Serial Equipment initialization failed. A serial driver will be uninstalled. 1119 Unable to turn on the device that is shared with other devices to share the interrupt request (IRQ). At least one device that uses the IRQ has been opened. 1120 Since the serial port is written again, the serial I / O operation has ended. (IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER is zero.) 1121 Due to timeout, the serial I / O operation has ended. (IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER does not reach zero.) 1122 Can't find the identifier address tag on the floppy disk. The 1123 floppy district identifier field does not match the floppy controller track address. 1124 Floppy Controller Reports a floppy disk driver unrecognizable error. 1125 The result of the floppy controller returns and registration is inconsistent. 1126 When accessing the hard disk, the calibration operation fails, and then the trial is not possible. 1127 When visiting the hard disk, the disk operation failed, and there is still no effect after trying again. 1128 When accessing the hard disk, you need to restart the disk controller, but it is still not successful. The 1129 tape has been wounded. 1130 The available server store is insufficient and the command cannot be executed. 1131 Detected a potential deadlock. 1132 The base or file offset specified is not properly aligned. 1140 Attempts to change the system power status is prohibited by another application or driver. 1141 System BIOS cannot change system power status. 1142 Attempts to create a link that exceeds the system allows for an amount over a single file. 1150 The specified program requires a new Windows version. 1151 The specified program is not a Windows or MS-DOS program. 1152 Unable to start multiple instances of the specified program. 1153 The specified program is written for earlier versions of Windows. 1154 Run a library file required for this application has been damaged. 1155 No application is associated with the file specified in this operation. 1156 An error occurred while sending commands to an application. 1157 Can't find a library file that runs this app.

1158 The current process has used all the handles allowed by the system of the Window Manager object. 1159 Message can only be used with synchronization operations. 1160 The source element pointed out without the media. The target element pointed out in 1161 has a medium. 1162 The element pointed out does not exist. 1163 The element pointed out is part of the unsconssed storage resource. 1164 The equipment pointed out needs to be reinitialized because the hardware has an error. The 1165 device shows that you need to clear before trying further operation. 1166 The device shows that its door is still open. 1167 The device is not connected. 1168 can't find the element. The 1169 index does not match the items that match the specified items. 1170 There is no specified property set on the object. 1171 The point passed to getMouseMovePoints is not in the buffer. 1172 Tracking (Workstation) Service is not running. 1173 can't find the volume ID. 1175 Unable to delete files to be replaced. 1176 Unable to move the replacement file to the file to be replaced. The file to be replaced keeps the original name. 1177 Unable to move the replacement file to the file to be replaced. The file to be replaced has been rentered as the backup name. The 1178 volume change record is deleted. The 1179 volume change record service is not in the event. 1180 Find a file, but may not be the correct file. The 1181 log entry has been removed from the log. 1200 The specified device name is invalid. 1201 The device is currently not connected, but it is a memory connection. 1202 Attempts to remember the equipment already remembered. 1203 Network vendors do not accept a given network path. 1204 The designated network supplier name is invalid. 1205 Unable to open the network connection profile. 1206 Network connection profile is corrupt. 1207 Unable to list non-inclusive classes. 1208 Extended error occurred. 1209 Specify the format of the group name invalid. 1210 Specifies the format of the computer name invalid. 1211 Specifying the format of the event name is invalid. 1212 Specifies the format of the domain name invalid. 1213 Specifies the format of the service name invalid. 1214 Specify the format of the network name is invalid. 1215 Specifies the format of the shared name invalid. 1216 Specify the format of the password is invalid. 1217 The specified mail name is invalid. 1218 Specify the format of the mail destination is invalid. 1219 The credentials provided are conflicted with existing credentials. 1220 Attempts to establish a session with the web server, but there are too many sessions established with the server. Other computers on the 1221 network have already used this working group or domain name. 1222 The network does not exist or does not start. 1223 Users have canceled this operation. 1224 The operation required cannot be run in a file that has already been opened. 1225 Remote system rejects network connection. 1226 Network connection has been closed. 1227 The endpoint of network transmission has an address that is associated with it. The 1228 network end has not been associated with the address. 1229 Attempts to operate in a network connection that does not exist. 1230 Attempts to operate in an active network connection. 1231 You cannot access the network location. For information on network troubleshooting, see Windows Help. 1232 You cannot access the network location. For information on network troubleshooting, see Windows Help. 1233 You cannot access the network location. For information on network troubleshooting, see Windows Help. 1234 The target network endpoint of the remote system is not running any service. 1235 This request has been terminated. The 1236 local system has terminated the network connection. 1237 Unable to complete the operation. please try again. 1238 Unable to create the connection of the server because the maximum number of simultaneous connections to this account has been reached. 1239 Attempts to log in within the time of the account unauthorized. 1240 Not Authorized This account is logged into the network from the station. The 1241 network address cannot be used for the required operation. 1242 Service has been registered. 1243 The designated service does not exist. 1244 Due to the failure to verify the user identity, the required operation cannot be performed. 1245 Due to the user has not logged in to the network, the requirements cannot be run. The specified service does not exist. 1246 Continue work. 1247 After completing the initialization operation, try to run the initialization operation again. 1248 No other local equipment. 1249 The designated site does not exist. 1250 The domain controller with a specified name already exists. This operation is only supported when 1251 is only connected to the server. 1252 Even if there is no change, the Group Policy framework should also call the extension.


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