JSF, JPF, Struts, SDO (reproduced)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  152

The Struts: The embodiment of the MVC framework Service Data Object (SDO) is a configuration of a simplified data access discussed by JSR235. In web applications, the data source can be transparent to the developer. J2EE Standard Java Server Faces (JSF), BEA JPF is based on struts, then what is the difference? JSF is more focused on the performance of the page, many structures and Struts very similar. In fact, JSF's felt is the author of Struts. It can be seen very clearly in JSF, design ideas are improved and improved on Struts. For example, in Struts, ActionForm is actually a bean, which is stored. In JSF, the concept of managed-bean is introduced directly, and these storage with data can be placed directly on the page, these beans are completed by the programmer, and the art is only dragged and dropped directly to the page, so that further divided Model And View, simplifying the development process, making it easier for collaborative development. The BEA's JPF pays more attention to the page and data binding. In fact, the vast majority of dynamic web pages involve data reading and storage, JPF encapsulates a large amount of data binding function, but also simplifies this type of development. As can be seen from the IBM's red book, all of the IBM's examples involved in JSF use WDO (WebSphere Data Object). I understand, this is one of SDO. In fact, SDO is only in a JSR state, IBM implements a part of the SDO specifications. In an example of IBM, it can be seen that the page can be easily bind data to display data through JSF and WDO / SDO. This, and the JPF of the BEA has the same work. Coincidentally, the leader of the JSR235 SDO specification expert group is BEA and IBM. As a result, I conclude that JPF is based on Struts, and JPF will be based on JSF2, JPF and Struts / JSF. JPF is more advanced than the next two frames 3, JPF in a certain Degree, it is the SDO implementation of BEA. In the future, SDO is in the specification, and there will be JPF shadow 4, although IBM is now pushing JSF, but its red book acknowledges that JSF is still very new, not Improve, it still needs to be widely supported. Apache is developing a JSF-STRUTS library for migration of struts to JSF. So, now you don't have to catch JSF, with solid struts knowledge, migration to JSF is not too difficult 5, learning JPF is safe, future SDO will have JPF shadow.

This article makes even what is SDO, dizzy, every day, will not every day.


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