Zt Blog brings network new business opportunities (1)

zhaozj2021-02-16  112

If you still use the blog as a "article" or "Personal Home", he will miss the first online business opportunity in the new century.

BLOG develops from the initial "personal network" to today, it has become a network culture that cannot be ignored. Blog culture represents "freedom, open, exchange", which is undoubtedly with the Internet 's intentions. WWW inventors TIM John Berners-Lee Assessment Assessment -

◎ Editing Web is as important as browsing the web.

◎ Any expression of the Internet should be a mesh, not a tree structure.

Blog provides a simple, friendly editing interface, allowing users to easily publish web content; free aggregation and communication with contents of RSS, Ping, Comment, Trackback Ping. If you are out of the network society, there will be no thinking of the value of Blog in a long time. After blogger.com was acquired by Google, many foreign companies have begun to barely, desperately, intend to find business opportunities in the new generation of online culture representatives.

In this article, I don't intend to list the explanation of all related technical nouns. If you have a heartbele, you can easily understand it. My focus is: Blog is not a technology, but a way, a culture. Although the culture is difficult to say, the "way" and "process" existing "means" and "process" exists, but it contains a fake package. Let us look at the process of blog (or borrow the content of the blog mode):

First step, write articles using some kind of tool (desktop client or web)

In the second step, the article can provide services when ping (simple words is to tell a site, I have new content here)

In the third step, the reader uses the client, obtains a list of blog new articles through RSS (an XML protocol)

In the fourth step, the reader reads the article in the site and comments

The fifth step, the article reprints other BLOG sites, repeat the third to fourth steps, but comment will feed back to the original blog through Trackback Ping

OK, simple? Very simple. However, many people have found the operations that can be operated from these steps. Simply mention a few examples.

In the publishing phase, someone offers desktop tools (such as WBLogGar), supporting a variety of Blog implementations, which may be charged. There is also a WEB publishing tool (such as blogger.com), which is often combined with Blog hosting.

When the article is published, you can choose to ping actions to Service Center. At this stage, there is essentially other ways, such as service providers actively search polymeric blog content. I saw a service, BBC News aggregation. As long as you put a JavaScript on the site, the latest news headline of BBC will appear. In the form, this is different from before (remember Dangdang Bookstore's book advertisement in your personal site? In other words, BBC is just an RSS that opens the news headline to this service provider, and the service provider is published to other websites into JavaScript news headlines. What is this business opportunity? This service provider provides RSS-> JavaScript package for dozens of content websites, and the service is charged. The content site is more focused on the content construction, technical part, as long as the RSS specification is followed, it is given to the relevant professional service provider.

This example clearly reminds us that a fact - follow the unified RSS specification is the main line through the BLOG process. With RSS, there is a language that everyone knows between sites.

In the view of the service provider, the article publishing and reading phases are often inseparable. I simply list some of the recent services, it should have been inspired - 1, accept the site PING, released on the web;

2, accept the site ping, let your post can publish simultaneously to UseNet;

3, do search engines that provide RSS feeds;

4, provide desktop RSS aggregation and reading tools;

5. Let readers can read custom RSS channels on the web;

6. Translate the custom RSS channel into Email sent to subscribers;

7, ... (go to work in, write after get off work)


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