MessagQueue sends a picture

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  126

Excerpt from MSDN

Using; using system.drawing; using;

Namespace myproject {


/// provides a container class for the example. /// public class mynewqueue {

// ******************************************************** ** // provides an entry point info the application. ///////// a Queue. // ******************** *****************************

Public static void main () {// create a new instance of the class. mynewqueue mynewqueue = new mynewqueue ();

// Create a Queue on the local computer. Createqueue (".// myqueue"); // send a message to a queue. Mynewque u.sendMessage ();

// receive a message from a queue. Mynewqueue.RecEceptage ();


// ******************************************************** ** // Creates a new queue. // ************************************************* ***********

public static void CreateQueue (string queuePath) {try {if {MessageQueue.Create (queuePath) (MessageQueue.Exists (queuePath)!);} else {Console.WriteLine (queuePath "already exists.");}} catch (MessageQueueException e) {console.writeLine (E.MESSAGE);}}

// ******************************************************** ** // sends an image to a queue, using the binarymessageformatter. // **************************************************** **************** PUBLIC VOID SendMAG () {Try {// Create a New Bitmap. // The file must be in the / bin / debug or / bin / retail folder , or // you must give a full path to it = bitmap.fromfile ("SentImage.BMP");

// Connect to a queue on the local computer. MessageQueue myqueue = new messagequeue (".// myqueue"); message mymessage = new message (MyImage, New binaryMessageFormatter ());

// send the image to the queue. Myqueue.send (mymessage);} catch (argumentexception e) {console.writeline (E.MESSAGE);


// ******************************************************** ** // Receives A Message Containing An Image. // ********************************************************* ************* PUBLIC VOID ReceiveMessage () {TRY {

// Connect to the a queue on the local computer. MessageQueue myqueue = new messagequeue (".// myqueue");

// set the formatter to indeicate body contacts an order. MyQueue.formatter = new binaryMessageFormatter ();

// Receive and format the message System.Messaging.Message myMessage = myQueue.Receive ();. Bitmap myImage = (Bitmap) myMessage.Body; // This will be saved in the / bin / debug or / bin / retail folder. myImage.Save ( "ReceivedImage.bmp", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);..} catch (MessageQueueException) {// Handle Message Queuing exceptions} // Handle invalid serialization format catch (InvalidOperationException e) {Console. WriteLine (E.MESSAGE);

Catch (IOException E) {// Handle File Access Exceptions.} // Catch Other Exceptions as Necessary.


Also pay attention, MessageQueue is a separate tool that does not install together with VS.NET. So if you want to use, pay attention to install it.


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