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Network Working Group Charles Hornig

Request for Comments: 894 Symbolics Cambridge Research Center

April 1984

IP packet through Ethernet network transmission standard

(RFC894 A Standard for the Transmission of IP DataGrams over Ethernet NetWorks)

The status of this memo:

This RFC document describes a standard method for encapsulating IP [1] in Ethernet [2]. This RFC document tells the ARPA

A standard protocol of the online community.

table of Contents

One. Introduction:

This memo is used for 10MB / s, 48-bit address. IP packets in Ethernet of 3MB / s, 81/2 address

The transmission process is seen [3].

Frame format:

The IP packet is transmitted in standards of the standard. Ethernet frame data must be œ contains a hexadecimal number 0800h

To represent its class. The frame data should contain IP number in front of the IP.

The minimum length of the packet sent to the Ethernet is 1,500 bytes, so send it to the IP packet of the Ethernet.

The maximum length is 1500 bytes. In practice, the maximum length package is recommended. The design of the gateway must be able to receive €

The large length of the package, and in the case of necessary, it can cut the excessive package. If a system cannot receive the maximum length

The bag should take steps to reduce the bag length when sending, for example using TCP maximum length [4].

Note: Packets on Ethernet may no longer be the maximum of 576 bytes on the general Internet. connection

When sending a packet on an Ethernet host to another Ethernet, you should pay attention. Comparison

The method is to send a smaller packet to avoid unnecessarily segmentation at the intermediate gateway. At this point, please refer to [4]

To get more information.

April 1984

two. Address mapping:

32-bit IP addresses are mapped to 48-bit Ethernet addresses. You can use a static table or one

Dynamic program.

2.1. Static form:

A form of an Ethernet address and an IP address can be developed in a local area network.

2.2. Dynamic program:

32-bit IP address and 48-bit mapping between the Ethernet address can pass through ARP [5] (address resolution protocol)

to fulfill. The IP address is in some Internet, which is assigned. Every host must know its IP address and

Suitable responding to its Ethernet address to work properly. It should also use the ARP to map the IP address to

Ethernet address.

2.3. Broadcast address:

The broadcast address on the Internet (the address on the local area is 48 full 1) can be mapped to broadcast Ethernet

Address (FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF).

It is highly recommended to use the ARP dynamic resolution program.

three. Tracking format: Some versions of UNIX 4.2BSD uses a different cover method, in order to get better under VAX virtual memory structure

Performance. Compatible systems in the same Ethernet may be used in them.

The host does not require this way. No packet can be sent to other hosts in this way unless

Affirmative acceptor will be able to explain them.

(Note: Now UNIX 4.2BSD system can use tracking methods, or you can use them, depending on

Guided options. This situation hopes to be changed in the future. UNIX 4.2BSD system also uses all 0 Ethernet address

This will also be changed in the future. )

April 1984

four. Documentation convention:

As described in Appendix B illustrated in the Internet protocol, IP packets sent to Ethernet are 8 bits.

For one byte.

Fives. reference:

[1] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", RFC-791, USC / INFORMATION

Sciences Institute, September 1981.

[2] "The Ethernet - a Local Area Network", Version 1.0, Digital

Equipment Corporation, Intel Corporation, Xerox Corporation,

September 1980.

[3] Postel, J., "A Standard for the Transmission of IP DataGrams

Over Experimental Ethernet NetWorks, RFC-895, USC / INFORMATION

Sciences Institute, April 1984.

[4] Postel, J., "The TCP Maximum Segment Size Option and Related

Topics, RFC-879, USC / Information Sciences Institute, November 1983.

[5] Plummer, D., "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", RFC-826,

Symbolics Cambridge Research Center, NOVEMBER 1982.

[6] Leffler, S., And M. Karels, "Trailer Encapsulations, RFC-893,

University of California at Berkeley, April 1984.

RFC894 A Standard for the Transmission of IP DataGrams over Ethernet NetWorks IP Packets via Ethernet

Network transmission standard


RFC Document Chinese Translation Program


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