RFC864 Character Generation Agreement

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  124

Organization: China Interactive Publishing Network (http://www.china-pub.com/)

RFC Document Chinese Translation Program (http://www.china-pub.com/compters/emook/aboutemook.htm)

E-mail: Ouyang@china-pub.com

Translator: Gu Guofei (GGFEI GGFEI@263.net)

Translation time: 2001-4-8

Copyright: This Chinese translation copyright belongs to China Interactive Publishing Network. Can be used for non-commercial use free reprint, but the translation and copyright information of this document must be retained.

Network Working Group J. Postel

REQUEST for Comments: 864 ISI

May 1983

RFC864 Character Generator Agreement

(RFC864 Character Generator Protocol)

This RFC specifies the standards on ARPA Internet Community. All hosts on the ARPA Internet should adopt and implement this standard.

Character generator server A useful debug tool. Regardless of the received, it returns a specific data.

* Character generator service based on TCP

This service can be a TCP-based service, and the TCP port 19 is for this service. Once the connection is established, the server will transmit a character stream. This connection until the client disconnects.

Character flow will abort in user requests. Users may not have a connection, so this service must be prepared to process this situation.

The speed of transmission will be responsible by the TCP stream control mechanism, and the user does not have to care too fast, and the user does not process.

* UDP-based character generator service

This service can be performed on the UDP protocol, the port is also 19, the response data is a size random datagram, and the received message is ignored.

UDP has no order, and this service does not require any order, so the response data is not continuous.

This service sends another package when receiving a package, so it is not necessary to worry that the transfer is too fast, and cannot be processed.

* Data Format

The data content is unlimited. It is best to be an orderly content.

A popular character row is a 72-character ASCII printed character. ASCII prints are 94, which can be taken, 72 each time, the first time is 0 to 71, the second time is the first to 72, and so on. Each line has not ended in the return line of the carriage return.

Below is an example:

! "# $% & '() * , -. / 0123456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _` Abcdefgh

"# $% & '() * , -. / 0123456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _` Abcdefghi

# $% & '() * , -. / 0123456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghij

$% & '() * , -. / 0123456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijk

% & '() * , -. / 0123456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijkl &' () * , -. / 0123456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ _ `Abcdefghijklm

'() * , -. / 0123456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmn

() * , -. / 0123456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmno

) * , -. / 0123456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnop

* , -. / 0123456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopq

, -. / 0123456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqr

, -. / 0123456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqrs

-./0123456789:; => @abcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz[/]In? `abcdefghijklmnopqrst

./0123456789:... @@abdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[/]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrStu

/ 0123456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `AbcdefghijklmnopQrstuv

0123456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `AbcdefghijklmnopQrstuvw

123456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwx

23456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `AbcdefghijklmnopQrstuvwxy

3456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

456789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz {

56789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz {|

6789:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz {|}

? 789:; <=> @ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [/] ^ _ `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~ 89:; <=> @ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [/] ^ _` abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~?

9:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~!

:; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~!"

; <=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~!" #

<=>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $

=>? @ @ AbcdefghijklmnopQrstuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $%

>? @ AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $% &

@Abdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $% & '

@AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $% & '(

AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $% & '()

BcDefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $% & '() *

CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [/] ^ _ `AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $% & '() *

Defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $% & '() * ,

Efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $% & '() * , -

Fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $% & '() * , -.

Ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $% & '() * , -. /

Hijklmnopqrstuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $% & '() * , -. / 0

IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [/] ^ _ `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|}! ~" # $% & '.! () * , - / 01JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [/] ^ _ `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~" # $% &' () * , -. / 012

KlmnopQrstuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $% & '() * , -. / 0123

Lmnopqrstuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $% & '() * , -. / 01234

Mnopqrstuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $% & '() * , -. / 012345

Nopqrstuvwxyz [/] ^ _ `Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|} ~!" # $% & '() * , -. / 0123456

RFC864 Character Generator Protocol RFC864 Character Generator Protocol



Chinese document translation plan


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