Some instructions about RULER in Installanywhere

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  130

Metacharacters There is a ruler option on the Action in Installanywhere, one of which is Match Regular Expression, which explains some of these symbols:

The period (.)

Point, representing any character here. For example, you wrote B.T, BAT bit b3t, what is all of this expression?

The backslash (/)

The backslash is in this, such as "." To restore its original meaning. For example, you have to match 3.1415 You have to write 3 / .1415. Remove the special meaning of using "." In IAW.

The Question Mark (?)

Question mark, indicating that it can appear in the previous character. For example: Do you want to write S? Lice, "SLICE" and "Lice" match this expression. Is it "?" The "S" before you can have no

The star (*)

The asterisk, indicating that the characters in front can have once and any number, such as what "AB * C" "AC" "ABC" "ABBC" matches this expression. The middle b can have a number of times.

The Plus plus, indicating that one of its characters can have more than one or more include zero (this point is different from the "*" above)

For example, you wrote "AB C", "ABC" "ABBC" matches, and "AC" does not match this and "*"

If there is any error, I hope to correct. For details, please see the page



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