CVS server installation configuration

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  152

I have seen a lot of installation instructions for the CVS server, I also started to start the installation of the CVS server, and the installation and configuration records are now as follows:

OS environment: redhat linux 9

CVS: CVS-1.12.9.tar.gz (download address:

First, source package installation

In general, Redhat Linux 9 default is installed with CVS, we can view the following command

[root @ VLINUX root] # rpm -qa | grep cvs

RPM-E CVS-1.11.2-10

If the display appears above, it means that CVS has been installed, we can uninstall it by the following command

[root @ VLINUX root] # rpm -e cvs-1.11.2-10

Ok, let's start formally installed.

[root @ VLinux SRC] # tar -zxvf cvs-1.12.9.tar.gz

[root @ VLinux SRC] # CD CVS-1.12.9

[root @ VLINUX CVS-1.12.9] # ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / cvs --Exec-prefix = / usr --disable-server-flow-control

[root @ VLinux CVS-1.12.9] # make

[root @ VLinux CVS-1.12.9] # make install

Second, the configuration service

Join CVS service

[root @ vlinux root] #vi / etc / servicescvspserver 2401 / tcp #pserver CVS ServiceCvspServer 2401 / UDP #pserver CVS Service

Generally Redhat9 has a CVS service by default, so you don't have to add

On Linux, CVS service can be launched by inetd, xinetd, or tcpwrapper, where inetd has been replaced by XINETD due to safety reasons. Here we use xinetd to start CVS services.

Create a profile for the CVS service in the /etc/xinetd.d directory, such as: /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver, edit /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver, enter the following:

Service cvspserver {disable = no socket_type = stream wait = no user = root env = home = server = / usr / bin / cvs server_args = -f --allow-root = / home / cvsroot pserver}


1) PSERVER is a password-certified approval method, which is the most common way, other Gserve, KServer, EXT, if you want more security, you can use SSH to encrypt passwords and data streams, but here for users Easy, still selecting PServer 2) - allow-root is the directory specified by Repository, can create multiple repository

Then restart xinetd:

[root @ VLINUX root] # /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart stopping xinetd: [ok] starting xinetd: [OK]

After restarting the Xinetd service, the CVS service has also started working.

Third, initialization CVS server

First, create a group called CVS and a user named cvsroot, and users who want to access CVS services join CVS group: [root @ VLinux root] # GroupAdd CVS [root @ VLinux root] # UserAdd -g CVS - G cvs -d / home / cvsroot -s / sbin / nologin cvsroot [root @ VLINUX root] # chmod 755 / home / cvsroot

Next, initialization:

[root @ vlinux root] # cvs -d / home / cvsroot init

This creates a cvsroot directory in the / home / cvsroot directory, where some configuration files are stored, such as config, then set permissions:

[root @ vlinux root] # chown -r cvsroot.cvs / home / cvsroot [root @ VLINUX root] # chmod -r ug rwx / home / cvsroot [root @ VLinux root] # chmod 644 / home / cvsroot / cvsroot / Config

Let's start building CVS users

Create a password generation file and set to executive

[root @ vlinux root] # vi /home/cvspsroot/

#! / usr / bin / perl srand (time ()); My $ randletter = "(INT (Rand (26)) (INT (Rand (1) .5)% 2? 65: 97)) MY $ SALT = Sprintf ("% C% C", Eval $ Randletter, Eval $ randletter; My $ plaintext = shift; my $ crypttext = crypt ($ plaintext, $ salt); print "$ {crypttext} / n" ;

[root @ vlinux root] # chmod x /home/cvspsroot/

The password to be generated is "123456", use the following command

[root @ VLINUX root] # /Home/cvsroot/ "123456"

MBQ2ian85u3mm results "MBQ2ian85U3mm" is the required password

Then create a configuration file separately: Passwd, Writers and Readers

[root @ vlinux root] # vi / home / cvsroot / cvsroot / passwd

Jasonseaver: MBQ2ian85u3mm: cvsroot

JACK: MBQ2ian85U3mm: cvsroot

[root @ vlinux root] # vi / home / cvsroot / cvsroot / write


[root @ VLinux root] # vi / home / cvsroot / cvsroot / readers

Jack has established account JASONSEAVER (password 123456) and read-only account JACK, respectively.

Finally, test it

[root @ VLINUX root] # cvs -d: pserver: jasonseaver@ / home / cvsroot login Enter the password, no message, that is, the successful reference article

CVS Server Quick Guide

Set safe CVS server


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