PHP5 installation (1)

zhaozj2021-02-16  106

PHP 5.0.0 and PHP 4.0.38 were published simultaneously on July 13, 2004, which is a great news worthy of our PHP enthusiast. I hope that the long-lasting PHP5 is finally coming, we can further enjoy the pleasure of PHP new features and use development. I also used PHP5 in the first time. Let's briefly introduce my installation process, share with friends who love PHP. In fact, there is nothing new in the installation process of PHP5, and it is similar to PHP4. First, CGI mode 1, unzip to x: / PHP, rename php.ini-dist for PHP.INI, COPY to X: / WinNT (x: / windows) or Apache installation folder. Copy x: /php/php5ts.dll to WinNT (Windows), or Winnt / System32 or Apache installation folder. 2, modify the httpd.conf file of Apache. Plus the following lines: scriptalias / php / "x: / php /" addtype application / x-httpd-php .php action applibility / x-httpd-php "/ php/php-cgi.exe" 3, modify PHP. INI. Set cgi.force_redirect = 1 two, module mode 1, with the top 1. 2, the above 2 is changed to: loadModule PHP5_MODULE PHP5APACHE.DLL ADDMODULE MOD_PHP5.C AddType Application / X-httpd-php .php Do not step 3, the module extension completed the above process, basically installed, but if you Also use its extension function, you have to configure it. For example, using mysql. 1, set php.ini. Generally, "INCLUDE_PATH =" and "extension_dir =", especially the latter, and the path is customized, and at least at least the x: / php and x: / php / ext. Set "extension =" generally remove the front; 2, COPY The corresponding DLL file to WinNT (Windows), or Winnt / System32 or Apache installation folder. Take a way to load MySQL as an example: modify php.ini, configure extension_dir = "x: / php / ext", remove extension = php_mysql.dll, ";", copy x: /php/libmysql.dll to Winnt (Windows) , Or WinNT / System32 or Apache installation folder. Note that after the configuration or any time is modified, you can restart the web server can take effect. The PHP4 program can run. There is X represented partition in the above path, please replace it. I am installed under Win2K, Apache1.3.31.


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