Mohadas Gandhi - On Non-Violent

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  154

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One side is truth and non-violence, while it is fallacy and violence, there is room for harmony between the two. We may not be able to completely non-violence in ideology and behavior, but we must always close the non-violent as our goal. Whether it is a person's freedom or a nation or the freedom of the whole world, it is necessary to pass this person, the nation or the world's non-violence.


Non-violent is not a piece of clothes that can be put on and off, and its status is in the soul, it must be part of the inseparable part.


Non-violent resistance, is a long-term training in self-denial and appreciation of hidden power in our own, it changes a person's life ... It is the greatest force because it is the highest performance of the soul.


If a person is struggling to work with worship, it is necessary to use only means with the worship of the Waiter's customary means.


in principle:

Non-violent means that people may have a complete self-purification.

In people, non-violent power accurately correspond to the ability to apply violence without using violence, not his will.

A force that does not use violence is always greater than if he uses violence.

Non-violent never be defeated.


Non-violence (AHIMSA) is the only true power in life.


If love or non-violence is not the rules we exist, my arguments will fail.


When non-violent practices become common, God will treat people like him to govern the heavens.


I know that this is impossible to be proved by arguments, but it will prove the living people that all in their lives are completely indifferent to the consequences of them.


My consistent experience makes me convinced that in addition to truth, there is no other God. If each page of these chapters did not declare the only way to realize the truth is non-violence, I will feel that I have written this book. Even if I have not received any effect in this area, the reader should understand that fault is in the way, not the principle. My pursuit of non-violence, whether it is so sincere, I have not reached a good place. Therefore, I am very difficult to disclose its unable to describe the glorious brilliance, which is a glorious, and the sun is brilliant. In fact, what I caught is just this great bright line. However, I can guarantee that according to the results of all the experiences, only fully realize non-violent people can fully see the truth.


Non-violence is the highest rule, in my half a century experience, I haven't encountered such a situation - in this case I think it will help it through non-violence.


When people are cruel as animals, as a spirit of spirit is non-violent, once he is in spiritual awakening, he cannot use violence.


If Jesus did not teach us to dominate the entire life with the eternal law of love, then he is living and dead in a white earth.


Brave is dying, not killing.


The principle of non-violent resistance movement is that the name of this movement has already existed before the invention. I really said that when this name is born, even I don't know what it is. In Gu Tulartic, I also used the word "negative resistance" in English to describe it. Once I found "negative resistance" at a rally of the European, the meaning of "negative resistance" is too narrow. I also found that it was as a weapon that was a weak person, and it was characterized by hatred, and finally it could finally become violent. So I have to oppose these explanations, and explain the true nature of this movement of Indians. Obviously Indians must create a new word to represent this struggle.

I ram my brain, or I can't find a proper name, so I will reward the high opinions of the reader on "Indian public opinion". As a result, Movarah Gandhi provided "Saddagraha" ("Sartad" means truth, "Agraha" means to strength) This word has award. But in order to make it clearer, I change this word to "Satyagrha", which has become the general presentation of this struggle in the ancient launde. 16

Non-violence is the nature of the soul, it is impossible to obtain it through the brain.

In one

In the non-violent kingdom, every real thoughts are respected, and each real voice has sufficient value.


A non-violent revolution is not a process of drawing power, but a relevance of a relationship, ultimately reaching peace of power.


In non-violent resistance, the means and purpose are equally just and pure.


The ideal of non-violence (Satyagrha truth) is not just a minority selected - for Saints and prophet, it is for everyone.

twenty one

This is a self-truth for me: it seems that freedom will be shared by everyone, and all people will definitely contribute the same power in the defense of freedom - even those physical weakness and disabled people. in this way. ... so I have an oxide, and will continue to explode to use non-violence, just use spiritual power. Here, the shortcomings of the body do not constitute an obstacle, or even a weak woman or child is equally better.

twenty two

The first principle of non-violent behavior is to do not participate in any mood.

twenty three

Dedicating life to what they think is justified, is the core of non-violent resistance.

twenty four

Non-violent resistance is always superior to armed resistance. ... non-violence can never be used to protect an evil career.


Non-violence is a process of educating the public, which penetrates all aspects of society, and ultimately makes themselves.


The necessary conditions for the success of non-violent resistance are:

1. Non-violent reactors should not hate their opponents in their hearts;

2. The problem must be true and substantive;

3. Non-violent reactors must be prepared to suffer.


Humans can only get rid of violence by non-violence, overcome hate through love.


I don't ask anyone to follow me, everyone should follow him his inner voice.


The most valuable thing that a pure person can give is his life.


Non-violence is not an excuse of the embarrass, but the highest virtue of brave.

... 懦 is completely incompatible with non-violence. Non-violence is premised on the ability to implement hit.


Can not face death with non-violent protecting himself or his most intimate, most precious things or honor, can and should resist the violations in violence, and people who can't do it are a burden.


In my opinion, there is no direct active action, and non-violence is meaningless.


If there is violent, then use violence, it is good to cover weakness than violence. In any case, violence is more effective than weakness. A violent response is the hope of non-violent reactors, but a weakness is not such hope.


Non-violence is the quality of a brave, and it is not compatible with non-violent.


I want to make the weak's non-violent turn of the brave's non-violence, which may be a dream, but I have to work hard.


We should learn to face danger and death, restraint of the desire of the flesh, and get the ability to endure all kinds of difficulties.


As long as a person still wants to keep his sword, he has not yet reached a complete fearless.


In Kaida, people who constantly curse the government, but now I feel that the truly power is not the government, but the power of the representative truth that is willing to be truth. So they have no longer feel pain, they think that the government should be a government for the people, because when people feel unfair, this government can tolerate the orderless and respectable disadvantages. ... If I can promote this spiritual power - in fact, this is the alias for love - instead of violence, I know that I can presen an evil behavior of the world to curb the world. India. 39

A non-violent anti-violent rebellion must not evade the danger, whether he is in many companions, or alone, as long as he is fighting, he is full of his duties.


It is impossible to avoid non-violence in life. So, this problem will appear, one person wants to limit the boundaries? This limit is impossible to be the same. ... The essence is a sin for me. However, there is no misopery for another person with carnivorous habits, just to mimic me and give up this habit will be a sin.


Nothing is the greatest and most active power in the world. A non-violent reactor cannot be negative ... A non-violent person in its lives is using a power that is better than all barbaric power.


If India wants to restore the glory of the ancient times, it can only be obtained later. As far as I know, our struggle causes the attention of the world, not because India is fighting for their liberation, but because we take the means for liberation, it is unique, and has not been recorded in history. Any nation adopted.

The means we use is not violence, no need to bleed, no need to take the diplomatic means to people's understanding, we use pure truth and non-violent. We attempted to successfully carry out the unblocking revolution, there is no wonder the attention of the world to us, so far, all countries' struggles are barbaric. They retaliated from the enemy in their minds.

Check out the national anthem of major countries, we found that the lyrics contain the curse of the enemy. The lyrics vowed to destroy the enemy, and do not hesitate to quote God's nominal and pray for God to destroy the enemy, our Indians are trying to reverse this process. We feel that the rule of ruling the wilderness should not be the rules of guiding humanity. The rule of the rule of the wilderness has a dignity.

As far as I personally, if I need it, I would rather wait, and I don't want to use blood bleeding to give my country freedom. After continuous continuously for more than 30 years, I feel sincerely, and the whole world is deeply sick for bleeding. The world is looking for a way out, I dare to say, perhaps India's ancient Congress will be able to find out the way for this hunger world.



I know that non-violence has made it seems a quite slow development, but experience tells me that it is the most reliable way to achieve a common goal.


That person who is in the face of death and never hit full of his duties, and the result is in the hands of God.


If reasoning is a big role in violence, it plays a greater role in the non-violent field.

The unmovable power of non-violent resistance is - suffering and will never retaliate.


I believe this sentence is an immortal truth; it will be lost by the sword.


My most powerful weapon is silently praying.


"Non-violence" is a meaning of a wide range of principles. We are all helpless people living in flames who have kill each other. As a saying, life is born, this is very meaningful. If you don't consciously or unconsciously, people can't survive. People's lives themselves - eat, drink, and action - inevitably cause some kind of kill, that is, what is much about it is, even how minous is. Therefore, anyone who believes in "non-violence", as long as his actions are compassionate, as long as he tries to avoid the devastation of micro insects, and try to rescue, it is constantly committed to a terrible fancan from killing. It is a belief that he is loyal to his belief. He will continue to grow in homemade and grief, but he can't completely get rid of the killing of the outside world.

Also, because "non-violence" contains all the unity of life, a person's mistake cannot be waveless, so people can't get rid of the killing. As long as he is still a society, he inevitably participate in the presence of society. Once there has been a war in two countries, a person who believes in "non-violence" is to stop the war. Anyone who undertakes this responsibility. Anyone who has no strength to resist the war. If you don't match the resistance, you can participate in the war. At the same time, try to try himself, his country and the whole world from the war from the war. 49

Self-esteem and honor cannot be protected by others, but must be defended by everyone.


Democracy can only save it through non-violence, because democracy is maintained by violence, it is impossible to make the weak or protect the weak. The democracy I have understood is that the weakest in this system should have the same opportunity as the strongest. This can only be achieved by non-violent implementation.


Because non-violent, there is no despicable, fraud, and malicious, it will inevitably improve the moral level of self-defense.


If freedom inevitably, it must be achieved through our own inner strength, by canceling all levels of uniform society.


Sin is the same as other diseases, is also a disease. It is the product of the previous social system, so all crimes including murder will be treated as a disease.


In addition to truth and non-violence, we have no way out. I know that the war is evil, it is evil, I also know that it is inevitable, I firmly believe in freedom to pass blood and fraudulently.


The best preparation for non-violent and even referred to resolutely pursuing constructive goals


This kind of resistance is not allowed to wait for a non-violent resistant. He will use any material on your hand, purify, smelt, and transform into real gold.


It is impossible to do not have a kind of unsteady, truth and non-violence, which means a self-sufficient, whole, and an endless power, it exists in all other strengths known to this world, not dependence Any other power still exists after all other strengths can disappear or overwhelm.


If you want to truly save freedom and democracy, you can only carry out non-violent resistance, this non-violent resistance, the honor and glory will never resist less than violence, it will be even more brave and more glorious. Because it will give life without life.


Non-violent as a creed must be comprehensive. I can't use violence in a action, but in another action, I use violence, which is the power of non-violence as a strategy rather than a life.


There will be a constitutional or democratic government without a country's level of non-violence.


As long as the non-violent has not been recognized as a kind of life, a sacred creed is not a strategy, the democratic government is still a distant dream.


The real democrats defend himself with a pure non-violent means, and his country and even all human freedom.


You can't build non-violence in a industrial civilization ... If the rural economy I have comprehensively get rid of exploitation, and exploitation is the essence of violence. Therefore, before you can become non-violent, you must have a perennial spirit, and there are farmers' souls, you have to believe in the wroughtly.


Morality is the contraband in the war.


The ideal non-violent country will be an ordered anarchy.


At the moment of the slave, he no longer did the slave, his shackles fell off. He made himself free and showed it to people. Free and slavery is a state of spirit. Therefore, the first thing is to say to yourself: "I will no longer accept a slave, no longer obeying orders with my conscience." The so-called owner may whip you, trying to force you to serve him. You will say: "No, I no longer serve you for your money or threat." This may mean suffering. But your calm suffering will light the flare of freedom, this torch cannot be extinguished.


Any government is impossible to force people who recognize freedom in their own hearts to pay tribute to their will. 68

I don't agree with any underground activities. Military people cannot perform underground activities, they don't need underground activities.


Human is in the split mouth, which must choose human laws or jungle rules.


Non-violent resistance calls for non-retaliation to endure pain and strike strength and courage. But it's not only. At that time, the bureau requested that all truths and corresponding actions, silent is awkward.


("Their Society") - their goal is the progress of the substance. There is no personal freedom in their socialist. You have nothing, even for your body. You may be arrested at any time, even if you have not made any sin, they will give you anything will give you something.

("My Society Larger") - I am a socialist, and my claim will still exist after the disappearance of their socialists. My Society is responsible for "always fair". I don't want to rise from blind, deaf and lame. ... I want to fully express my freedom of my personality. I have to build the freedom of the ladder to Tianfu, as long as I want to go there ... I am lighter, the country doesn't have anything.


I have a friend of a total owner. Some people are like my child. However, they did not seem to distinguish between the public and the evil, truth and falsehood ... they appeared to get the instruction from Russia, regarding there, not India as their spiritual home. I can't agree with this dependence on external forces.


The unproductation of the means will inevitably lead to unprofitable purposes.


This "non-violent" is the basis of pursuing truth. I am increasingly understanding unless it is based on "non-violence", this pursuit is often unrequited. A system of resisting and attacking a system is very justified, but to resist and attack this system, it is equal to resisting and attacking themselves. Because we are all people who have been brushed by the same brush, they are the children of the same Creator, but in this way, the power of the gods in our hearts are endless. It is a contempt of a common person to despise the power of the god. It is not only that person who is hurt, and there is also the whole world with him.


The essence of true religious teachings is: a person should serve everyone, and everyone is friends. Friendly treats your own friends is easy, and friendly talents who treat themselves as your enemy are the essence of truly religious, the former is just a transaction.


Only sincerity, non-violent and pure socialist responsibility can build a socialist society in India and the world, I know that there is no pure social country in the world.


I only linked myself to a religious life with the entire humanity. I only pass politics to connect myself to the entire humanity. All people today are an indiscrunable whole. You can't strictly divide the society, economical, politically, and pure religious work.


Non-violent is most effective in facing maximum violence. Its nature actually proves in this case. The suffering does not have to see the result.


People's behavior is two different things. A good behavior should be thumbs up, and a bad behavior should be condemned, and people who make such a behavior, whether he is good or bad, always because his behavior is good or bad Dear or pity. Although "evil guilty is not evil", although it is very easy to understand, there are very few people who do it. This is why the rejuvenation of the drug is all over the world.


There is no enemy in the dictionary in non-violent resistance.


Just like a person in violence, learning killing art, a person must learn the art of death in non-violent training.


The two basic points of non-violent are:

1. Non-violent is the highest law or universe.

2. There is no other method except the truth.


Non-violent rebellion is a weapon of honest people. A non-violent anti-violent anti-violent principle, and unless the people abide by this principle in terms of thinking, debate and actions, I can't carry out mass non-violent anti-motion.


A non-violent reactor should use a hunger only as a final means, and it is used after all other corrective methods. 85

Non-violent resistance in Japan aggression. Non-violent reactors will refuse to give them any help, and even give them water. Because helping any people who gain their countries, they are not their obligation. ... assuming that Japanese can force the resistance to give them water, anti-people must die in the resistance ... In this non-violent resistance, the fundamental belief is: the aggressor will be tired of killing in the spirit and body at some time. Non-violent reactors. He will start pondering that this new unqualified hard force force is what is in order to give up further slaughter. But the resistance may find that the Japanese are completely unmanned, they don't care how many people they have killed. Due to non-violent reactors, they would rather be killed, they will win the victory.


I firmly believe that those who want to lead the people to conduct non-violent anti-sports should be able to keep the people within their non-violent boundaries. Until Today, I also hold this the same opinion.


It is a natural prejudice to the part of the political struggle. ... Usually politicians take it into a vulgar insertion of politics, although it is always used by prisoners. ... My own hunger strike always strictly follow the principle of non-violence. ... The conclusion that I achieve is that hunger strikes is an indivisible part of non-violent resistance. It is the greatest and most effective weapon in some cases. If there is no proper training, it is not everyone eligible. it.


There is no room for imitation in hunger. Those who do not have intrinsic power should not use this means, and it will not succeed. But if a non-violent rebellion starts hunger through the beliefs, he must be unswerving regardless of whether his actions have produced ...


The hunger strike is wrong for selfish purposes, and in order to increase its salary. However, in some cases, hunger strike is allowed for the salary of the group belonging to a person.


An unfair law itself is a kind of evil, and it is a kind of evil because of others violating it. Now non-violent laws say violence should not be resistant to violence, but should use non-violent to resist ... In this way, I will do this by violating this law, and is arrested and imprisoned.


The people must thoroughly understand their profound meaning until they are suitable for non-violent anti-motion. Therefore, before re-initiating a mass non-violent anti-motion, volunteers must first establish a team of provenances, pureness and complete understanding of non-violent resistance. They can explain these principles to the people, and the day is warning to be executed correctly.


In the depths of my heart, I am always quarrus with God: I don't understand why he is allowed (like war). My non-violent seems to be almost impossible. But the conclusion of daily quarrel is: God and non-violence are not impossible. Incompetence is in the middle of people. Even if my attempt fails, I must adhere to my belief.


The National University of China has no firm belief in non-violence. Therefore, the non-violence of the National University of China is actually the non-violent power of the weak.


The future will depend on what we do now.


I admit my mistake. I thought that our struggle was based on non-violent basis, and in fact it was just negative resistance, essentially a weapon of the weak. It is naturally guided by armed resistance at any possible time.


Non-violent is my belief. But it is not the belief of the National People's Party, and the National Congress always uses it as a strategy.


If you do not perform self-purity, it is impossible to integrate with each organism; there is no self-purity, and it is necessary to follow the non-violent law. It is also a dream; a person who is unsolicited, I can't know God. Therefore, self-purity must include pureness in all aspects of life. Since pure is infectious, personal pure results must also make the surrounding environment purge.

However, self-purity journey is difficult and rugged. A person must reach complete pure, you must absolutely get rid of our feelings, debate and feelings; beyond your love, hate, welcome, and refused. I know that I have not reached these three aspects of pure, although I have been tireless in this regard. That's why the comment of the world can't make me move, sometimes it makes it sad. In my opinion, overcoming the subtle lust is much more difficult to conquer the world with force. Since I returned to India, I always feel that I have been in my heart. This feeling makes me feel embarrassed. But there is no discouragement. These experiences and try to make me know that there is a difficult road in front of me. I have to drop myself into zero. If a person cannot be automatically placed in the same kind, it cannot be relieved. Non-violence is the maximum modest. 98

Non-violent is always reliable. So when it seems to fail, this failed is due to the fault of the practitioner.


We have a deep price for confusing negatively fighting and non-violent resistance.


Experience teach me, civilization is the most difficult part of non-violent resistance. The civilization mentioned here is not to speak in this occasion, but refers to the enemy has an intrinsic kindness. This should be manifested in every action of the non-violent reactor.


The result of non-violent resistance, only when it makes the non-violent resistance more powerful than the beginning, it is worth it.


Therefore, let's take a look at the power of non-violent resistance. As the name suggests, its power is the pursuit of truth. This truth, uses a powerful word to express love. The law of love requires us not to complain, to violence against violence, and like Davi, Shah Road, to tell you, complaining with morality yesterday. The power of non-violent resistance is to confirm the true religious spirit and action coordinated with this spirit. Once you introduce the factors of religious beliefs, you will make your political views completely changed. So you can make reforms, not through people who resist the reform of reforms, but through their own suffering. Therefore, we hope that in this action, through the deep suffering we are, we can affect the government, so that the government delays the decision of these two opposed bills.

(Translation of He Huahong)


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