(26) Correction of damaged test procedures
l After modifying the ProductManager class, the original TestProductManager needs to make a corresponding modification to test DAO's use.
l First Creating an analog database lasting DAO implementation MockProductManagerDaoImpl class
Package tests;
Import bus.product;
Import java.util.list;
Import db.productmanagerdao;
Public Class MockProductManagerDaoImpl Implements ProductManagerdao {
Public void setProducts (List P) {
Products = P;
Public List getProductList () {
Return Products;
Public Void Increaseprice (Product Prod, Int PCT) {
Double newprice = prod.getprice (). doubleValue () * (100 PCT) / 100;
PROD.SETPRICE (New Double (NewPrice));
l Modify TESTS / Web-InfspringApp-XML, define the reference to the ProductManagerDao interface, and the analog data uses the data defined in the original bean configuration.
- Application Context Definition for "SpringApp" DispatcherServlet.
l Finally modify TestProductManager, use DAO in the setup () method
Package tests;
Import java.util.list;
Import java.util.arraylist;
Import junit.framework.testcase;
Import Bus.ProductManager;
Import bus.product;
Public Class TestProductManager Extends Testcase {
Private productManager PM;
Public void setup () {
PM = new productManager ();
Product p = new product ();
P.SetDescription ("chair");
P.SETPRICE (New Double ("20.50");
ArrayList Al = New ArrayList ();
Al.Add (p);
P = new product ();
P.SetDescription ("Table");
P.SETPRICE (New Double ("150.10"); Al.Add (p);
MockProductManagerDaoImpl Pmdao = New MockProductManagerDaoImpl ();
Pm.SetProductManagerDao (PMDAO);
PM.GetProducts ();
Public void testgetProducs () {
List l = pm.getProducts ();
Product P1 = (Product) L.GET (0);
Assertequals ("chair", p1.getdescription ());
Product P2 = (Product) L.GET (1);
Assertequals ("Table", P2.GetDescription ());
Public void testincreaseprice () {
PM.Increaseprice (10);
List l = pm.getProducts ();
Product P = (Product) L.GET (0);
Assertequals (New Double ("22.55"), p.GetPrice ());
P = (product) L.GET (1);
Assertequals (New Double ("165.11"), P.GetPrice ());