RedHat AS3.0 configuration

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  149

Telnet: vi /etc/xinetd.d/krb5-telnet Modify disable = no to log in with a non-root account. (Switch to root with su command)

Samba: / sbin / service SMB Start

[root @ localhost /] # cat / etc / passwd |> / etc / samba / smbpasswd [root @ localhost /] # chmod 600 / etc / samba / smbpasswd [root @ localhost /] # SMBPasswd Liufeinew SMB Password: Retype New Smb Password: [Root @ localhost /] # vi /etc/samba/smb.conf Add: Encrypt Passwords = YES SMB Passwd File = / etc / Samba / SMBpasswd

/ sbin / service SMB RESTART To start the SMB service while boot, use the following command: / sbin / chkconfig --level 345 SMB ON


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