Let the program run as a service

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  156

Want a program automatically run when the system is started, what is the good way? Add to the startup group? Then, if others delete it, no matter. If you use Windows NT / 2000 / XP, you can try to add this program as a service, so that only personnel can change the service, as long as you set the permissions, you don't have to worry that you will be removed by others.

To add an application as a service, you need two small software: INSTSRV.EXE and SRVANY.EXE. INSTSRV.EXE can install and delete services to the system, and SRVANy.exe allows the program to run in a service. Both software are included in Windows NT Resource Kit, if you don't, you can also click here to download.

Save the two programs in a convenient location, such as the C root directory. We will explain that the OE is added to the Windows XP Professional operating system as a service and name this service "Mail". Enter "CMD" in the run, enter, open the command line window, enter directly after the prompt: "C: /instsrv.exe mail c: /srvany.exe" then carries back, "C: / INSTSRV. EXE "and" c: /srvany.exe "indicate the location of these two programs, and mail is the service name you want to add.

Run Regedit Open the Registry Editor, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services, Mail found just added, right-click and create a new key named "Parameters", click on the new Parameters, and again a new name for the "Application "The subkey, the data type" REG_SZ ", the value is the location of the program that is hoped as the service run, if your Windows system is installed under C, then the OE program location is C: / Program Files / Outlook Express / Msimn.exe, add this path to the value. To now, this service has been successfully added and set it. If you want to do more professional, you can create a sub-key called Description under the Mail service. The data type is also reg_sz, and the value can write some description of this service, which we can see later. Next, you need some additional settings to the service, enter "Services.msc" in the run, enter the MAIL service we just added, double-click open, and do a detailed settings. On the "General" tab, we need to set up this service, you can see it in Figure II, as a service, "Automatic", "Manual" and "Disabled" three Start type, according to need, we are usually set to automatic. Under the "Logon" tab, you can set this service, which can generally don't pay attention to the default settings. The "Recovery" tab is under recovery settings, you can specify what measures taken after the first, second and third error. "Dependencies" shows the dependence relationship between services, allowing you to see which other services depend on this service, and what services depend on this service. There are no significance of these general users. After these settings, your service is fully working properly.


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