The control of the page is generated in the CS and operates
1) page Add a button
2) Execute CreateTab in Page_Load to ensure that when you refresh the leaves, the dynamic form will not disappear. If you click on the incident, you will find the button once a button will be redrawn.
Private void page_load (Object sender, system.eventargs e) ?? {??? if (! page.ispostback) ??? {?????} ??? Else ??? {??????? CreateTab (TextBox1.text, TextBox2.text); ???} ?????? // Place the user code here to initialize the page?
3) Generate a dynamic table button Click the event does not need to write any code
Private void button1_click (object sender, system.eventargs e) ?? {??}
4) Generate a dynamic form ?? ///
?? // / Generate a dynamic table ?? ///
?? ///
?? ///
Column number
?? Private Void CreateTab (String Rows, String Cols)
?? {
??? if (rows! = "" && colors! = "")??
??? {
???? Table table1 = new table ();
???? for (int i = 0; i
???? {
????? TableRow TR = new tableRow ();
????? for (int J = 0; J
????? {
?????? Tablecell td = new TableCell ();
?????? td.width = 100;
?????? textbox txt = new textbox ();
?????? = "txt" i.toString () j.toString ();
?????? txt.width = 100;?
?????? txt.borderStyle = borderstyle.groove; ?????
?????? IF (i == 0 || j == 0)
?????? {
??????? txt.backcolor = system.drawing.color.lightyellow;
??????? txt.readonly = false;
?????? ELSE
?????? {
??????? TXT.BACKCOLOR = system.drawing.color.silver;
??????? txt.readonly = true;
??????} ?????? IF (i == 0 && j == 0) ?????? {??????? txt.backcolor = system.drawing.color.silver ;? ?????? txt.readonly = true; ??????} ??????????????????????? Td.controls.Add (TXT) ; ??????????? tr.cells.add (TD); ???????????????} ????? Table1.Controls.Add (TR); ????} ???? = "Temptab"; ???? Table1.cellpadding = 0; ???? Table1.cellspacing = 0; ???? Table1.BorderWidth = 1;??? TABLE1.BORDERWIDTH = UNIT.PIXEL (1); ??????????????? Table1.backcolor = system.drawing.color.fromname ("# D4D0C8"); ???? Table1 .BackColor = system.drawing.color.fromname ("# D4D0C8"); ???? Tab1.controls.add (table1); ???} ?????} 5) Take the value of dynamic controls
Request.form.get ("txt00")
Request.form.get ("txt11)