ASP.NET application planning and design (1)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  149

This is a series of articles. In this series, we will gradually describe how to design, implement and deploy typical web applications using Microsoft ASNET and Microsoft Visual to explore the most common application practices in practical applications. Several factors. We don't just place some web forms, nor is it limited to only have some data bindings on the backend database. Data binding and web form layout are important, but there are many other problems.

For example, no matter what target platform or language, all well-encoded projects include some basic planning steps, such as target declarations, user program documents, and even architectural documents for identifying physical boundaries and logical boundaries of solutions. In addition, the security plan is included in the early days of the solution lifecycle. These contents are designed with a good database model, a well-designed middleware component, and a concise user interface design, ensuring that the application you finally deploy in production is safe, reliable, and user friendly.

At this point, some readers may think that this article belongs to a highly high-tech article, and the target is targeted in some super large enterprise programs, and this solution is not suitable for general small factories, enthusiasts, or personal development groups. Actually, not this! Even if you just create a web-based small solution that yourself use, a perfect plan will help ensure the final easily and deployment of the process. Moreover, these techniques can not be used for advanced programmers or Web developers. Whether your technical level is, no matter which type of target reader you belong, I believe you will find this series of articles to you, it provides you with rich information, and (please let me say this) is very interesting . We will generate a sample knowledge base Web application called DotNetkb, which will run through the entire series. In this article as the first article, we will introduce the design phase of the typical project, including basic planning, application architecture and implementation. After learning this article, you will already have all documents and will not wait to start creating solutions. The preparatory work is very simple, we skip this part of the content, start the first step "application plan". Planning Basic ASP.NET Applications Use Visual Studio .NET to create a web-based ASP.NET application to develop basic application planning (APs). The development plan is essential not only for large solutions established by multiple developers, but even for minimal applications, a perfect AP is also very important. Creating an AP helps you can consider some common problems carefully when you start coding ". This way, you can fully understand challenges and solutions in the early days of the application lifecycle, rather than discovering problems after fully fell into a dilemma. In the book "Software Project Survival Guide", the author Steve McConnell pointed out that the former may be the latter 50 compared to the cost of correcting errors in the later stage of the software project and the cost of finding and correcting these errors in the early stage. 200 times. What is the content of a perfect project plan? Many content can be included, but the most basic is to include the target declaration and a series of user solutions. There are many other useful materials, including demand documents, coding standards, delivery progress, testing processes, etc. For the simple sample solution we have to build, you will mainly introduce a simple application declaration and some user solutions. Other issues will also be solved. The application declares that this series of articles (called DOTNETKB) is a simple knowledge base Web site. In this site, users can improve various issues and can be authorized to answer. Thus, the next time the visitor finds a solution to the common ASP.NET problem, search and filtering the resulting result data. This is a basic target statement for our DotNetkb project. DotNETKB is a web-based application that lists a series of issues proposed by visitors and displays reply to these issues. Visitors can add new issues to the system, and can search and filter these issues in accordance with the keywords, questions, and / or answers. Visitors can also sort the questions list by topic or by adding the date added to the system. Authorized experts can log in to the part of the installed security mechanism, review issues, add, edit, and delete one or more answers to a question. Application administrators can also create expert login permissions and login profiles, as well as add, edit, and delete problem topics. In addition, some basic statistics, including problems and answers in the system, and the number of responses to each expert and the number of pages that have been accessed.


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