Vampire common problem set

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  148

Vampire common problem set

※ Vampire common problem set

Q: What is the vampire?

A: In short, the vampire can be said to be some degree of living dead, they have died in physiologically, no heartbeat, no longer breathing, cold skin is cold, and will not agreed. But they will think, speak, event, and even injure and (final) death. In order to maintain this state of "living", they must take blood. Usually human blood, but there are also vampires that canify the blood of the animal, and even a small number of vampires that break the blood vampire blood. However, most of the vampires are still human and human blood.

Q: How did the vampire become?

A: The average person thinks that as long as it is vampire, it will become a vampire, which is wrong! If the above statement is correct, then this world is full of vampires. Vampire will break the blood, the subject of being smoked may be died, but the victim is a bloody and blood, and it will not also become a vampire. If you want to become a vampire, you must accept blood of the snaker (that is, the original vampire). In other words, after the vampire bite the vampire, give the other party's drinking blood, then the person being sucking will become a vampire. This process of transforming into a blood ghost is completely mysterious, and the transformation will experience unprecedented experience. This whole process is known as "The Embrace".

Q: Is the vampire of evil?

A: This question is a bit complicated. The vampire itself does not represent evil, people who have just become a vampire usually have nature, he will think that he can act as before living, with the original life. However, he will slowly find his strong desire to blood, he will find that he has need to take the blood of human blood, which is so strong, so that he is hard to resist. Gradually, his ideological way will gradually change. Vampires were initially trying to struggle against their desires, but as the time increases, he will gradually habitually get used to new lifestyle, and hunting to him is more and more easily. He usually becomes a lonely predator, and he will stay away from human society because he understands that he is different from mortal, or hides the identity in the city. He deceived others and did not believe in others. The vampire won't be aging. As the years passed, he will witness the change of Zain Sangtian. His loved ones will die, but he can only reject the prey in unsatisfactory life. One day, the people surveyed were only like "feed", or just like a group of annoying. Most of the vampires are holding this kind of mentality. Strictly speaking, these long-standing old ages have not been different from evil demon.

Q: What is the vampire?

A: Sunlight. Although some vampire ghosts can be slightly resistant to daylight, there is no vampire can completely endure the sun's exposure, usually as long as you suffer from a dot, you will have strong damage to the vampire, the most serious end is the final death. Therefore, vampires are nightient, they are difficult to keep awake on the day. In fact, hot high temperatures will also make the vampire fear. As for other rumors about restraint, most are wrong. Vampire is completely not afraid of garlic, holy water. If someone has strong sincere religious beliefs, maybe you can use a cross to temporarily cause the blood of the blood, but will not kill the vampire. Wooden piles also kills the vampire, but if the vampire can be nailed from the heart, it can temporarily paralyze it until it is removed.

Q: Is the vampire ghosts have a strange power?

A: The vampire does have the ability to have different people, but it is necessary to depend on their age. The ability to have a young vampire has almost similar to the mortal. But with years old, the vampire will slowly find yourself to master the more powerful abilities (specially known as disciplines). The famous best-selling novel "Night visit to the blood ghost", Lestat and the most familiar vampire Dracula are a lot of elderly vampires. The vampires of the ancestors Methuselahs and Antediluvians have lived in the world for thousands of years, and their ability to have it is almost like god. In other words, the most fundamental difference between vampires and humans is the object of feeding. Vampire does not require a general food, they need blood - to exchange eternal life. In order to absorb blood, some blood-compensants will raise their feed, which is voluntarily supplying blood, and these people seem to be "pleasure" when they are being taken. Some vampires hide in the city, using the bar. The theater and other occasions, the opportunity to seduce or temptize the human beings; others are hiding between the dark roads in the dark, get food in the way. ※ Bloody six major rings The Six Tradition of the Kindred

When Camarira was created, it was clearly submitted to Six Traditions and demanded that the post-emulsion was strictly abolished. Some blood people believe that these six traditions have been formed in the extreme time (can be pushed to the earliest blood family), but they have not settlement, and the founding length of Karmalira is to formally become cultured. , Form a specific command. However, regardless of the strict precepts, after a long time, how many will be rebounded. Although the elders have strongly maintained these traditions, the young generation always has some rebels, and the part or all of these dogmas is. These unexpected lengths, despise traditional Anarchs, if they are caught, usually being punished by the elders or light or heavy. Of course, the blood family that belongs to the magic banquet is completely ignorant of these traditions.

First Ring: 世 The first tradition: The masquerade

Thou Shalt Not Reveal Thy True Nature To Those NOT OF THE BLOING. DOING SUCH SHALL RENOUNES.

The first tradition is the most important thing is the core of the most important blood circulation: Violation of this traditional blood family will be severely punished, and the entire blood group may also be injured.

Second Ring: Conscription The Second Tradition: The Domain

Thy Domain is Thine OWN Concern. All Others Owe Thee Respect While In It Challenge Thy Word While In Thy Domain.

Most of the blood family in the medieval have their own sites, but the contemporary blood field usually refers to the jurisdiction of the prince. Some of the princes of some places have not arhened, will temporarily seal the jurisdiction to the elderly management, which contains most political interactions.

Some young rebels will distort this traditional idea, want to set up local forces. Just like a street black, these little gangs often fight each other. However, as long as they don't violate the mutual arms of the hidden, they don't make things a lot, and the elders will not be overconstrained at this point. In fact, princes usually try to make these street gangs not unqualified, let the rebellious blood groups press each other.

Third Rings: Descent The Third Tradition: The Progeny

Thou Shall ONLY SIRE ANOTHER WITHE Permission of Thine Elder. IF THOU CREATEST Another WITHUT Thine Elder's Leave, Both Thou And Thy Progeny Shall Be Slain. This tradition is the so-called elder, which originally refers to his respect, but now Karmani The pulling is often explained as the prince of the ground. That is, if the blood family wants to create new blood, the consent of the princes belonging must be obtained. Prince has a newly created blood family, with absolute disposal rights, he can recognize its qualifications, nake itself, will be exiled or even killed. Karmalira gives the prince's power to control the quantity of the rebels.

Fourth Ring: Responsible The Fourth Tradition: The Accounting

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The blood family is obliged to take care of the younger generation you create until the introduction to the prince released the identity. In the blood-class society, the younger generation is a teachings that are treated as children, and their respected must try their best to make their education and make them mature. Once you are approved by the Prince, you will get independent body, with the same rights as other official blood groups. Of course, if the released new blood family members will be shameful by other blood groups if they still engage in some "naive" behavior. New blood group members must prove their own qualifications into adults in the blood society.

Fifth Ring: 客 尊 The Fifth Tradition: Hospitality

Honor One Another's Domain. When Thouest to a Foreign City, Thou Shall Present Thself to the One Who Ruleth There. Without The Word of Acceptance, Thou Art Nothing.

Usually the blood family is very far away, but as long as you enter the territory of other blood groups, you must accept its rule. The contemporary territory refers to the jurisdiction of the prince. When the blood family enters the jurisdiction of a prince, it is usually necessary to give him awareness. The process of Jin Xiang has different princes, and some of the princes require a formal conventional ceremony and must notify the blood of the blood, and some will understand each other in a simple way. The blood family who entered the territory of others did not report, if found, usually will not be greatly punished, will only be caught in front of the prince and then returned. This tradition is mainly to protect the princes, so the Prince will usually not reject the outside person, unless it is a bad name.

Rebel often is unwilling to take the initiative to comply with this tradition. In addition, Methuselahs also ignored the power of the prince, because they usually live longer than the princes, the ability is very powerful, in their eyes, the general blood family and human beings have no different.

Sixth Ring: Killing the Sixth Tradition: Destruction: DESTRUCTION


This tradition is always controversial, and the past Elder refers to the respect, but contemporary significance has gradually turned into special referredity to the prince. In other words, only the prince has the power to decreasing the preparations, this power is recognized by Karmalira, as long as the prince is used to maintain the tradition, usually the long veteran will support him. This is also the main conflict point for contemporary young blood and olders. Male members who commit "murder" will usually be arrested by the princes to hunt. For the blood family that seriously violates traditional commandments, the so-called penalties usually only three words: kill innocent. Prince has the right to kill the hunter, he usually secretly ordends some or all of the blood groups in the land. If there is other bloody people to help the hunter fugitive, it will be considered a serious adverse touch to the authority of the prince, and successfully capture the blood family of the hunter, usually get a certain reputation, and may have the right to hunt The blood of the kill, so many young blood people are often willing to participate in the hunting action.

In general, as long as the prince has reached the hunter, it is always effective in the jurisdiction. However, Kamarira allows the high-level secret meeting (Conclave) to veto the prince's order, and members participating in the secret meeting are based on the voting basis for the evidence. If the Prince does not comply with the secret meeting resolution, although it will not be punished, it will inevitably lose the prestige.

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- Joy Division, "The Eternal"

※ Blood

Vampires did not call themselves for Vampires, and usually claimed to be Kindred (blood). A mortal wants to be a member of the blood family, first of all, "the embrace" process. In other words, he must first succeeded by a blood group, and then immediately accept blood on the bloody feeding (even if only a few drops) can become a freshman blood family. It is often brought about a very strong feeling, and it will make the blood family to never forget the emotions of fear and ecstasy.

Once a member of the blood family, it is a "dead body", or a "living dead". The blood family is a biological organism, and the body tissue changes. The teeth of the blood group can be random, although most of the time is hidden in order to conceal the identity. When the blood of the blood is bleeding, as long as the wound in the sacrifice, the wound can be healed to cover the traces. The blood of the blood is stopped, the blood in the body flows in a diffusion, and since the microvascular is no longer full of blood, the blood of the blood is particularly pale. Sometimes, even when you cry. The blood family can use blood to cure themselves. When they are hurt, the blood in the body will concentrate on the injury, and the wound is spread out of the wound, which will be healed quickly.

The blood family does not eat, but it is necessary to continue to absorb blood. When the blood family feels hunger, it will have a strong desire to blood, and the strong level of this desire is not that people can understand. Although mortals will have a variety of desires, but the hunger and thirst of the blood family is nothing. The blood family is the sum of all desires on the hunger desire to eat blood, reproduction, ambition, etc., is the sum of all desires. Vampire will bring wonderful feelings for the blood family, just like drug users, the blood family usually painfully addictive.

The blood group is like living in a beast. When the hungry desire is burst, it may not be able to fall into the violent. The blood family that has not been completely reduced to the beast is often struggling. Many new blood group members have tried to find a balance between humanity and animal nature, some bloody people even believe that there is a way to restore into human beings. However, the body of the blood family has become a fact. Most of the blood group members can only look at themselves, and finally become a mad beast. "As a monster, it is desperate to stop it more like a monster" this is the contradiction between most newly introduced people. Redemption may be extremely embarrassing, but it seems that it is not completely no hope. "The final death" may be another way out. The blood group is still dead, the original source of life - the sun - can make the blood family to be completely destroyed, the dead blood group will be instant to fly ash. In the face of the fear of sunshine, the blood family can often be violently violent.

In short, becoming a bloody body, not just taller, psychological, mentally, will be twisted at the same time, followed by eternal struggle, this is not a blood family to control. In other words, becoming a blood group, that is, the beginning of tragedy.

※ End of the blood group

In the world of the blood group, generations represent the status and the ability. Of course, because the blood family will not be aging, the actual live age and the appearance does not matter.

Childe has not been introduced to the vampire approved by the Prince, and they have not been released by their own residence (SIRE). Usually Childe is treated as a child-friendly care.

Neonate is a newly introduced new blood group member just introduced to the prince, but has not yet been in the name of the blood family. They are the youngest blood, and contemporary Neonate is usually the thirteenth generation.

ANARCH has a very rebellious new member who has become a rebellion. They will pay attention to the elders because of the rebellion. But they can't enter the official political operation.

After 50 and 100 years, Ancilla will be affiliated to the law, it may be concerned about the elders. Although they are still very young, they have considerable ability. This is the middle stage of the advanced to the elder.

Elder elders usually have lived for two hundred to one thousand years. They have powerful abilities, and most of them have occupied a place in the blood family. They have mastered considerable power.

Methuselah This is the legendary blood family, they live a long time for a long time, regarding the fourth or fifth generation of blood groups. It is said that their body has a large change in the years of long-term years. However, few people determine if they exist. After all, after all, after all, even if they are not dead, they may be destroyed because they are crazy or tired. If you really have survived, you must not ask for an event, and you will not join any organization. Moreover, there is no doubt that they absolutely have very powerful abilities.

Antediluvian They are the oldest morning vampire and may be the most powerful creatures in the world. Generally, they are the hidden grandson (the third generation of vampire), no one knows if this is just a legend, but it can be sure that if they really exist, and involve the contemporary blood family, then they will not let things Good dead. Because since ancient times, these ancient vampires have been in Jyhad, and all the post-empty blood people are just embarrassing in their eyes. As long as they say a word, they may cause the entire blood class to flipping. In the Camarira custom, "Antediluvian" is even a banned word.

And The Lord Set a Mark Upon Cain, Lest Any Finding Him Should Kill Him.

- Bible, Genesis 4:15

※ Power game

Any tragedy has originated, just like the history written by human beings, the blood family also has its own history, although most of them belong to the legend. The earliest origin of the blood family is allegedly the hike in the Bible. He was exiled because of the death of the killing of the brothers. Then, because of the mysterious encounter, he transformed him into the first generation of blood. It is said that the thirteen third-generation blood family is the source of the 13th clan (CLAN). Today, after thousands of years, the blood of the blood family has reached the 13th to 15th generation.

Before the Middle Age, the blood group members can often become a hegemon, even mutual power, or even the average person. Until the fourteenth century, the existence of the blood family was only aware of the presence of the Religious trial of the Catholic Holy See. Although the blood family has an abilities, any blood family cannot block the threat of thousands of mortal cooperative threats. The survival of the blood family is in a unprecedented crisis. In response to poor situation, several blood groups (about sixth to eighth generations) have to be collected, so they produced Camarilla (Kamarira) Allies. This is the allies of the seven people, and it is also a larger alliance. Kamarira founded a six strict protosight tradition (Six Traditions), requiring the reincarnation of the reincarnation. The highest tenet of the entire discipline is to specify that the blood family must be hidden in human society, and must not expose the identity, so as to avoid the crisis of the bloody family, this is the origin of "avoiding".

Karmalira's political operation is not simple. Mainly consolidated by the Ventrue clan, the seven clamps of the seven clamps regularly hold the high-level meeting (Justica) of each clan in the conference. The Judges can say that it is the highest authority of Karmalira, most of which is a higher than generations (this means they have a powerful abilities), they are responsible for cutting and punishing all the behaviors that endanger Karrira, in principle They are the rulers of the entire Karmar (of course, they can't manage the old age participating in the high-level meeting). Dafa is sometimes cracked by himself, but will invite local important blood groups to hold a secret meeting (Conclave) to ruling a transaction in voting. At the same time, there is no doubt, the judge usually has its own eyeliner. Among the entire political operation process, it is usually full of political struggles and conspiracy between peaks, and young blood is mostly in the role of the pawn.

Another allies outside Camarira is the Sabbat. Although each clan can join the magic banquet, it is mainly controlled by two clan. The magic banquet is the enemy of Karmalira. They don't admit the hever-directed dogmas. They use fear, force and threats as the dominance. The legend of the magic banquet will burn newly added blood groups, causing their fear, and reinforcement and blood system ( Blood bound is controlled. The magic banquet also regards humans as low animals, and will drive the disability. Camarira member usually calls Samt special as "dark hand".

In addition, the remaining four classes of the Karmalira or the magic banquet are not added, and it is usually maintained in two allies' struggles.

Under the Kamari Lady, the blood group members also divided the place forces. In general, the blood group will use the city as concentrated, because the city is very suitable for food. In principle, there is a bloody family every 100,000 people in the urban population (such as 20 in Taipei), so the proportion is very suitable for blood hub.

There will be a prince of a Blood Prince in each city, which does not matter, and it is not necessarily male. Prince is the leader of all blood people in the city, generally called a certain city of princes, such as Prince of New York. At the beginning of its establishment, Camarira did not set the position of "Prince". However, due to the rebellion of the blood family in London, the rebellion of the inside of the London city, he severely destroyed the defense of the world, so it was a responsible jurisdiction in each city to prevent rebellion.

Principles are often served by many generations, and his main job is to maintain the traditional land of the land. He is the only power in the land of the jurisdiction, and the blood family under the jurisdiction must be recognized by him to create a new descendant. Prince will be supported by the Yuanxian Club in the field, and the members of the Elder Council provides recommendations on the one hand, and on the one hand, he also guards the power of the prince. Usually, as long as the prince can maintain the traditional tradition of the millennium, the veteran will be supported. However, of course, the elders who can participate in the elder meeting must be a dedication.

In addition, as long as there is a foreign blood family to enter the jurisdiction, it is necessary to accept the control of the prince. Princes can keep the world for the order of the bloody to restrict the fasting command for some or all of the blood people in some or all of them. Although the prince cannot kill the members of the blood family, there are still some princes who will hire the blood hunter. Finally, the princes have the opportunity to promote their status in the political structure of Kamarira.


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