Vampire simple history

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  152

Vampire simple history

Any tragedy has the origin, just like the history written by humans, the vampire has its own history, although most of them belong to the legend.

The earliest origin of vampire is said to be the hidden in the Bible. According to the Bible record, Adam and Eve have come to the wilderness after the Garden of Eden and have a lot of children. This hidden is old, and it is also the first humanity in the world. He is a farmer, and the brother of Shepherd lives together. There were two people sacrificed to God, because the younger brother's animal husbandry, the rich meat, the hidden green radish recruited God dissatisfaction. The vision and murder her brother, the next day God asked where his brother went, he argued that I didn't know. God angered: "Record! Your brother's soul crying your atrocity, so you have to accept my punishment!" The hike is to give money to God, but God said: "No, I will not kill you, and I know You will definitely be cast aside. So I will give you a different mark, so you will let others know that you shouldn't be killed ---- just try to get you touched you. "In the thousand-year hidden vampire legend, The hidden condemn is a life-ended blood, and the life is not dead, and the generation of the world is tortured by this curse. And God makes his mark become people, it can be seen, this is different from the Bible. In the book, he and Satan's lover (Lilith, the first wife of the Summere, the first wife of the Jewish Jajata, and left the Eden) to stand up, say lilia It is a high-strength witch and teach you how to use blood to produce strength to use it. Because of this, some people think that Lili is a real first vampire.

Under the driving of loneliness, Gay created the second generation of vampire. And they have 13 processes. The third generation is the survivor of Noah's flood, which established 13 major classes, and later rebellious and destroyed the second generation of blood. The ancient third generation claimed to have power than God. Today, after thousands of years, the blood of the vampire has reached the tenth to the fifteenth generation. Before the medieval, vampire members can often become a hegemony, even mutual power and cause the average people. Until the fourteenth century, the existence of vampires in the Catholic Holy See religious trial, and immediately made a remediation. Although the vampire has an abilities, any vampire cannot block the threat of thousands of mortal cooperation. So the survival of the vampire is in an unprecedented crisis. In response to bad situations, several vampires (about sixth to eighth generations) had to allocate, so they produced Camarilla (Ministry of Commodity). This is the allies of the seven people, and it is also a larger alliance. At the beginning of the party, the six strict protossus of the Six Trise, which requires the future vampire in the allies to follow. The highest tenet of the entire arbitrace is that the vampire must be hidden in human society, and it is absolutely not exposed to avoid the crisis of vampire survival, this is the "世".

Another allies outside the party is the Sabbat. Although each clan can join the Magic Party, it is mainly controlled by two clan. The Magic Party is the enemy of Karmalira. They don't recognize the guidelines of the world. They use fear, force and threats as a dominant way, the legend of the Magic Party will burn newly added vampires, causing fear, and re-ceremonies and blood (Blood Bound) Control. The Magic Party also regards humans as a low animal, and will drive the disability. Members of the Party usually call Samt special "Dark Hand".

In addition, there are no four classes of the Ministry of Commodities or the Magic Party, usually in the two allies' struggles to be kept neutral or act.

The Sixth Six Requisivation of the Sixth Rings Sixth Sixty Bidi Team Introduction The Party Six Rings BY ARTY & GECKO Party In Creating, the Six Tradition is set up, and the Six Traditions will be strictly observed. Some vampires believe that these six traditions have been formed in the extreme time (can be pushed to the earliest vampire), but there is no clear text, and the party's founding length is, it is a formal stroke culture, formation. Specific commandments. However, regardless of the strict precepts, after a long time, how many will be rebounded. Although the elders have strongly maintained these traditions, the young generation always has some rebels, and the part or all of these dogmas is. These unexpected lengths, despise traditional Anarchs, if they are caught, usually being punished by the elders or light or heavy. Of course, the vampire belonging to the Magic Party is completely ignorant of these traditions. The first quarter: The Masquerade does not expose his true face to the non-vampire ghost, otherwise, other vampires will disseminate all the relationships with you. The first tradition is the most important thing is also the core vampire command: hesitation. Violation of this traditional vampire will be severely punished, and the entire vampire society may also be injured.

Second Ring: The Second Tradition: The Domain You have its own right in your territory, and you can respect this right in your territory. In your territory, no one can violate your words. Most of the medieval vampires have their own sites, but the contemporary vampire field usually refers to the jurisdiction of the prince. Some of the princes of some places have not arhened, will temporarily seal the jurisdiction to the elderly management, which contains most political interactions. Some young rebels will distort this traditional idea, want to set up local forces. Just like a street black, these little gangs often fight each other. However, as long as they don't violate the mutual arms of the hidden, they don't make things a lot, and the elders will not be overconstrained at this point. In fact, princes usually try to make these street gangs not unheeded, let the rebellious vampire members press each other.

The first quarter: The progeny only can create new vampires only when you get your elderly. If you have not got the consent of the elder, you have created a new vampire, you and your descendants will be killed. The so-called elders in this tradition, I originally referred to my respect, but now the party usually explains the prince of the land. That is to say, if the vampire must create new blood, the consent of the princes belonging must be obtained. Princes have absolute disposal rights for newly created vampires, he can recognize its qualifications, is coming to yourself, exile or even kill it. The secret party gives the prince's power to control the quantity of the rebels.

Fourth Ring: Responsible The Fourth Tradition: The Accounting Those Vehicles You Create is your late generation. Before they have been transferred, you should teach them in all aspects. Their crime should be patience as your own. The vampire is obliged to fully take care of the younger generation you create until the introduction gives the prince to release the identity. In the vampire society, the younger generation is a teachings that are as children like children, and the respectedness must do their best to guide the education and make them mature. Once approved by the Prince, the lifelong has been independent, with the same rights as other official vampire society. Of course, if the new vampire members who are released will be laughing in other vampires if they still engage in some "naive" behavior. The new vampire members must prove their own adults in the vampire society.

Fifth Ring: The Fifth Tradition: hospitAlity should respect each other. When you arrive at a strange city, you should introduce yourself to managers there. If you don't get his approval, you can't do anything there. Usually, the blood-blood ghosts are very far away, but as long as they enter other vampire territories, they must accept its rule. The contemporary territory refers to the jurisdiction of the prince. When the vampire enters the jurisdiction of a prince, it is usually necessary to know. The process of Jin see is different from the different princes. Some princes require formal conventional ceremonies and must notify the blood of the blood, and some will understand each other in a simple way. Vampires that have not been reported in the territory of others. If they are discovered, they will not be greatly punished, they will only be caught in front of the prince and then pay back. This tradition is mainly to protect the princes, so the Prince will usually not reject the outside person, unless it is a bad name. Rebel often is unwilling to take the initiative to comply with this tradition. In addition, Methuselahs also ignored the power of the prince, because they usually live more than the princes, it is very powerful, in their eyes, general vampires and humans have no different. Sixth Ring: Killing the Sixth Tradition: destruction is strictly prohibited to kill you. The power of hunting is only your old age. Only the older of the elders have the right to hunt to hunt. This tradition is always controversial, and the past Elder refers to the respect, but contemporary significance has gradually turned into special referredity to the prince. In other words, only the prince has the power of the vampire under the decision, this power is recognized by the party, as long as the prince is used to maintain the tradition, it usually supports him. This is also the main conflict between contemporary young vampires and young people. The vampire members who commit "murder" will usually be arrested by the prince to hunt. For vampires that violate traditional arms, the so-called punishment usually only one word: kill innocent. Prince has the right to kill the hunter, he usually secretly ordered some or all of the blood-blood ghosts to make a crime. If there are other vampires, they will be escaped by the hunter, which will be considered a serious adversity of the authority of the prince, and successfully capture the vampire of the hunter, usually get a certain reputation, and may have the right to hunt Killer's blood, so many young vampires are often willing to participate in the hunting action. In general, as long as the prince has reached the hunter, it is always effective in the jurisdiction. However, the Ministry of Party allows the high-level secret meeting (Conclave) to veto the prince's order, members involved in the secret meeting as a voting basis for the vocabulary. If the Prince does not comply with the secret meeting resolution, although it will not be punished, it will inevitably lose the prestige.

The vampire family class by Arty in the world of blood, representative status and ability. Of course, because the blood family will not be aging, the actual live age and the appearance does not matter. Childe has not been introduced to the vampire approved by the Prince, and they have not been released by their own residence (SIRE). Usually Childe is treated as a child-friendly care. Neonate is a newly introduced new blood group member just introduced to the prince, but has not yet been in the name of the blood family. They are the youngest blood, and contemporary Neonate is usually the tenth generation. ANARCH has a very rebellious new member who has become a rebellion. They will pay attention to the elders because of the rebellion. But they can't enter the official political operation. After 50 and 100 years, Ancilla will be affiliated to the law, it may be concerned about the elders. Although they are still very young, they have considerable ability. This is the middle stage of the advanced to the elder. Elder elders usually have lived for two hundred to one thousand years. They have powerful abilities, and most of them have occupied a place in the blood family. They have mastered considerable power. Methuselah This is the legendary blood family, they live a long time for a long time, regarding the fourth or fifth generation of blood groups. It is said that their body has a large change in the years of long-term years. However, few people determine if they exist. After all, after all, after all, even if they are not dead, they may be destroyed because they are crazy or tired. If you really have survived, you must not ask for an event, and you will not join any organization. Moreover, there is no doubt that they absolutely have very powerful abilities. Antediluvian They are the oldest morning vampire and may be the most powerful creatures in the world. Generally, they are the hidden grandson (the first generation of vampire), no one knows if this is just a legend, but it can be sure that if they really exist, and involve the transaction of contemporary blood, then they will not let things. Good dead. Because since ancient times, these ancient vampires have been in Jyhad, and all the post-empty blood people are just embarrassing in their eyes. As long as they say a word, they may cause the entire blood class to flipping. In the Camarira custom, "Antediluvian" is even a banned word. Vampire clan introduction


Brujah generally believes that Brujah is the most suitable fighting clan in the blood family. It is indeed, Brujah member's physical foundation is the best in all blood. However, Brujah members believe in complexity is also a number of blood in the blood family. From Nazist to an environmentalist can be found here. Old people seem to be only a group of glutinous people, just because of the contempt of authority, they have come together. This kind of saying is not completely correct, but it is too far from facts. There is a joke that Brujah is still in the only reason for the party is that there is no one in them to fully represent them to fill the party agreement. In fact, Brujah's non-uniform is mainly because of their members. No other clan has so many members like Brujah become anarchist (anarchs). It can be said that there is a member of Brujah members from the Party every night. Those who still stay in the party's Barten Party is also some troubled guys for the elders and princes. Despite this, Brujah members are also considered an important warrior - because in the face-to-face battle, there is no kind of vampire than they are more terrible.

This clan is mainly divided into three factions: iconoclast (The True Anarchs): They dismused any institution or authority for all everything. They follow the hidden commandments, but it is only for the purpose of protecting themselves. Idealist: Most older Brujah members and almost all Brujah elders belong to this. They have been from the past

History learned wisdom and guidance, I believe that Brujah should unite to build a new carthage.

Individualists: The fold between the two factions, they work together for the future. But they are not asked to take someone from their commands as Idealist. Gangrelgangrel may be the closest to natural inner class. These drifting monators don't like the shackles of society and like the wild comfortable life. However, how do they avoid the offense of the waswolf in the wild? Maybe they have the ability to change their shapes to deceive others. If someone says he sees a vampire to become a wolf or bat, then the ten eight nine of him seen is Gangrel. Like Brujah, Gangrel members are usually a powerful warrior. However, different from brujah is that the brave in Gangrel is not coming from a violent violent but from their own animal energy. Gangrel members are eager to understand the beast in their own soul. They will communicate with other animals at night. When Gangrel members are out of control (FRENZY), their body will irreversibly have some animals, and sometimes their eyes will become like cat eyes, their feet may become like a paw, or even a long Tail. So, many years long Gangrel members look more like some kinds of animals rather than humans. In some fewer situations, their awareness will also have an animal's tendency.

Malkavian is also very afraid of Malkavian members even if there is other recruits hateful guys. They were polluted by the cursed blood. A Malkavian member will become neuro disorder soon after being embraced (of course, the premise is that they have no nerve before this). The symptoms of these guys can be described as a variety of people, from malfunctions to domestics, it is very common, in fact, there is no symptoms never appeared. Malkavian is often considered very dangerous. Since they are often dominated by sudden desires and inexplicable hallucinations, sometimes they will even give the blade to the blood family. And because of their madness, they have lost their fear of pain and final death, so they are also very difficult to uniform. For this reason, they are also excluded by the entire blood society. But in fact behind the madness, Malkavian members often have people's insight and even be said to be wisdom.

Nosferatu must stay away from human society because of their ugly distorted appearance, Nosferatu must stay in underground life in the human society, but can hide in human society like other vampires. Nosferatu has become ugly every day after being embracing, and other blood people have rejected these guys who live in sewers or underground tomb, think they are something that is getting tired, not necessarily, they will not be with them. Due to their ugly and stamites, they try to avoid being discovered during ground action, which makes them understand the dark lanes and corners than any other creatures. Coupled with their superb sneak and sneak detection technology, there is no wind blowing in the city to escape the NOSFERATU's eyes. And due to common disability and contempt, NOSFERATU's members are extremely united, which will not have a battle that can be seen everywhere in other classes. Because of their unity, if you are sinned, a member of them is equivalent to all Nosferatu members - this is a very terrible thing.

Toreadortoreador has a lot of alias, including "fallers", "artist", "decoction work", and even "happyists". However, any outlined classification is a distorted and harm to this clan. According to their personal circumstances and the emotions, Toreador members covers elegant and gorgeous, talented and stupid and stupid, fooling between fantasy and idle swings. Perhaps the only overall feature of this clan is that members have a sense of triumph. The members of Toreador are full of passion anything. In their view, eternal life should be enjoyed. Many members in the middle are painters, musicians or poets before. And other more members take the time for century century in a ridiculous attempt to art creation. Toreador members and Ventrue members like to stay in the top society. However, unlike the members of the Ventrue of the Leaders, Toreador members do not like those who are boring. They are in order to be eye-catching and praised - and this is from their vivid words, beautiful behaviors and simple but full of passion. TremeretRemere is one of the most historical people in the known clan, which is established in the early Dark Ages. The initial member of Tremere is a group of human magicians who are eager to live. They don't know what the power is helped. It actually through alchemist, magic and a Tzimisce's ability to suck blood. However, they quickly found their original spells no longer so much power. But by learning and dedication, they have mastered a new form of magic - Thaumaturgy. This magic is done with the strength of blood. Since they become a vampire method, they have become the enemy of other vampire clan. However, due to the contribution of Tremere members in the "Super Natural Biological Dinning War" in the "Inquisition", and they strictly adhere to the masquerade, Tremere finally had a place in the party. In the party, Tremere proved that he is a strong allies - of course, may also be a dangerous enemy. In fact, Tremere is not too much for the number of monsters to use their magic and the number of times they use.

Ventrue, elegant, archer, is the leader of the party. They safeguard the foundation of the party and command members to spend the difficulties when the party is most dangerous. Even in modern, the princes of most cities are also held by Ventrue members. In ancient times, new Ventrue members should choose in aristocrats, richers, or other upper social members. When it comes to modern, it is elected from a member of the commercial family, a community leader or a political persons. No matter what they are doing, Ventrue members are responsible for the implementation of the ancient arms, and determine the direction of the party. If you ask a Ventrue member to use it, then he will answer the hidden command to maintain the implementation. If there is no hidden commandment, it will not be executed. If the hidden command is not executed, then the blood family will not exist. . Although they often appear in the top society as members of Toreador, they are not interested in showing off themselves and chat. Some other blood family mistakenly think they are arrogant, greed, but for Ventrue members, the burden of leaders is much more than honor.

The Magic Party Lasombralasombra is an elegant fall, and the members are also very satisfied with this. In their body, elegant and cruel coexistence, noble and decadent. Lasombra is also a born leader, and they believe that they have to be stronger than others. After the original Brujah leader betrayed anarchist (Anarchs), Lasombra began leading the Magic Party. Almost all of the magic party relicors are from lasombra. They guidance (sometimes whipping) is the magic party, making it a force that does not alleviate. Lasombra members believe that they have the power and authority of the Embrace, murder, and beast eruption - a lot of Lasombra members asked, if you want to be a vampire, are you afraid of these things? In addition, Lasombra members have participated in a group (PACK) and rely on this to enhance their strength. Lasombra and Tzimisce are different, they don't contempt to resist all humans, but feel interesting from themselves to control those guys. Tzimisce If Lasombra is the heart of the Magic Party, then Tzimisce is the soul of the Magic Party. They used to be the most powerful in all clan, but they have been hit hard in the fight against Tremere and in the unsurveth. After the revolution, Tzimisce established a magist party with Lasombra. Tzimisce can change its own appearance by different performance, which makes the blood family around them is always the heart. The outer number of "Devil" is the frightened blood giving Tzimisce. But in fact, Tzimisce is the most temperament in all blood groups, and the members of them have been higher education. They have a strong desire for knowledge, and the elderly Tzimisce members may be one of the highest levels of knowledge in the world. Tzimisce is like science like science, but the level is less than Tremere. Tzimisce In order to understand the essence of the vampire, Tzimisce has made countless terrible tests, and the subjects of the trial include people and other vampires.

Neutral's Assamite comes from the Middle East Desert Assamite is the killer in the blood family. Assamite members work for employers who have rewards, and reward is usually the blood of employers. After accepting the employment, they started to track the goals until they kill the target, or they found that the employer deceived him, for example, the employer told him that this goal was a ninety-generation blood family and actually the 6th generation. If the employed Assamite member is killed by the target, the Assamite clan will not find him to revenge, and will not pick up any assassination contract with him. Because of their special background, Assamite's belief is a mixture of a variety of Middle Eastern religions and vampire myths. They think that the only way to arrive at paradise is to close the initial vampire ("the one") as much as possible, which is to reduce the gap between herself and the initial vampire. This is achieved by squeezing (Diablerie), which is more than yours. In order to prove the legitimacy and correctness of its behavior, Assamite claimed that their clan founders have passed the two 2nd generation blood ghosts. For Assamite, the blood of squeezing other vampires is like a holy community.


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