Develop Spring MVC Applications (3-1)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  150

(20) Increase unit testing for SpringAppController

l SpringAppController depends on HttpServletRequest, HttpservletResponse, and application Context

l The controller does not use Request and Response, so it is simply set to null

l Application Context can be loaded outside of the web container, here FileSystemXmlapplicationContext

Package tests;


Import java.util.list;


Import javax.servlet.http.httpservletRequest;

Import javax.servlet.http.httpservletResponse;

Import javax.servlet.servletException;

Import junit.framework.testcase;

Import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;


Import org.springframework.Web.Servlet.ModelandView;

Import Web.SpringAppController;

Import bus.product;

Public Class TestspringAppController Extends Testcase {

Private applicationContext ac;

Public void setup () THROWS IOException {

AC = New FileSystemXmlapplicationContext ("SRC / TESTS / Web-INF / SPRINGAPP-Servlet.xml");


Public void testHandleRequest () throws servletexception, ioException {

SpringAppController sc = (SpringAppController) ac.getbean ("SpringAppController");

ModelandView MAV = Sc.HandleRequest NULL, (httpservletResponse) NULL);

Map m = mav.getmodel ();

List pl = (list) ((Map) M.Get ("model")). Get ("products");

Product P1 = (Product) PL.GET (0);

Assertequals ("lamp", p1.getdescription ());

PRODUCT P2 = (Product) Pl.get (1);

Assertequals ("Table", P2.GetDescription ());

PRODUCT P3 = (Product) Pl.get (2);

Assertequals ("chair", p3.getdescription ());



l This is just testing the handleRequest method, check the data returned in Model.

l Load the application context in the setup method; copy the springapp / web-inf / springapp-servlet.xml to the src / web - web-inf directory, remove Messagesource, Urlmapping, ViewResolver entry L (Translator: Eclipse) JUnit, so it is easy to perform unit testing in Eclipse)

(21) Increase unit testing and new features to ProductManager

l Increaseprice in ProducTManager increasing growth price ()

Package bus;


Import java.util.listiterator;

Import java.util.list;

Public Class ProductManager IMPLEments Serializable {


Public void setProducts (List P) {

Products = P;


Public List getProducts () {

Return Products;


Public void increaseprice (int PCT) {

Listiterator Li = Products.ListItIn ();

While (li.hasnext ()) {

Product p = (product) ();

Double newprice = p.getPrice (). doubleValue () * (100 PCT) / 100;

P.SETPRICE (New Double (NewPrice));




l This test case is the test getProducts and Increaseprice methods, and some product information is initialized in the setup () method.

Package tests;

Import java.util.list;

Import java.util.arraylist;

Import junit.framework.testcase;

Import Bus.ProductManager;

Import bus.product;

Public Class TestProductManager Extends Testcase {

Private productManager PM;

Public void setup () {

PM = new productManager ();

Product p = new product ();

P.SetDescription ("chair");

P.SETPRICE (New Double ("20.50");

ArrayList Al = New ArrayList ();

Al.Add (p);

P = new product ();

P.SetDescription ("Table");

P.SETPRICE (New Double ("150.10");

Al.Add (p);

Pm.SetProducts (al);


Public void testgetProducs () {

List l = pm.getProducts ();

Product P1 = (Product) L.GET (0);

Assertequals ("chair", p1.getdescription ());

Product P2 = (Product) L.GET (1);

Assertequals ("Table", P2.GetDescription ());

Public void testincreaseprice () {

PM.Increaseprice (10);

List l = pm.getProducts ();

Product P = (Product) L.GET (0);

Assertequals (New Double ("22.55"), p.GetPrice ());

P = (product) L.GET (1);

Assertequals (New Double ("165.11"), P.GetPrice ());




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