Configure CVS servers and clients

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  136

1: I use Linux RedHat9.0

2: Create CVS User Group #groupadd CVS 3. Create CVSRoot User and Content of CVS Group #useradd -g CVS -G CVS -D / Home / CVSROOT CVSROOT4: Add Crypts to CVSRoot Use Password #passwd Cvsroot 5: Change / Home / cvsroot Directory Properties #chmod 775 / Home / CVSROOT 6: Initializing the CVS Source Library, this action generates directory / home / cvsroot / cvsroot, under the initialization file #CVS -D / home / cvsroot init7: Create to log in CVS service user and password, you need to create file passwd #vi / home / cvsroot / cvsroot / passwd file content as follows: Steven: xxxxx: cvsroot8.xxxxx is a password, generated by the following file: vi /home/cvsroot/ file Content: #! / Usr / bin / perl srand (time ()); My $ randletter = "(INT (Rand (26)) (INT (Rand (1) .5)% 2? 65: 97)) "; MY $ SALT = Sprintf ("% C% C ", Eval $ Randletter, Eval $ randletter); My $ plaintext = shift; my $ crypttext = crypt ($ plaintext, $ salt); print" $ {CRYPTTEXT} / n "; 9. If you need a password to: Some, you will be knocked: #" some "Enter the encrypted password, use it to replace the XXXXXXX 10 in the passwd file. Add CVS service (my redhath9 default There is a CVS service, so don't add) #vi / etc / services CVSPServer 2401 / TCP #Pserver CVS ServiceCvspServer 2401 / udp #pserver CVS Service 11. My redhat9 is used by xinetd, so adds you in the xinetd.d directory Started service: #CD /etc/xinetd.d #vi cvspserver file content: service cvspserver {disable = No flags = reuse socket_type = stream wait = number = rootserver = / usr / bin / cvsserver_args = -f - allow-root = / home / cvsroot pserverlog_on_failure = userid} 12. Restart xinetd: # / etc / rc.d /init.d/xinetd restart 13. Check if the CVSPServer service has started #NETSTAT -L | grep cvspserver results as follows: TCP 0 0 *: CVSPSERVER *: * Listen The above results, but in my client (redhat9) Execute #CVS -D: PServer: Steven@ / home / cvsroot login Enter the password, return to the connection confuse message: #CVS -D: PServer: Steven@ / home / cvsroot login Enter the password No news is received, that is, it means successfully on the client, set the environment variable as follows: #EXPORT CVS_RSH = SSH # export cvsroot =: pserver: username @


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