FreeBSD-5.2 Install Oracle9i Instructions:

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  125

Undender to freeBSD is one of the best operating systems, but the lack of large commercial database support hinders FreeBSD to high-end and corporate applications, Oracle as the leader of the database, if you can enjoy it in FreeBSD, it is for FreeBSD Fans. An inspiring. After two days of effort and referring to an introduction to Oracle8i, installing Oracle8i on FreeBSD, successfully installed on FreeBSD 5.2. The following is an installer.

One core configuration

# Add for oracle options NBUF = 2048 options MAXDSIZ = "(1024UL * 1024 * 1024)" options MAXSSIZ = "(1024UL * 1024 * 1024)" options DFLDSIZ = "(1024UL * 1024 * 1024)" # options SYSVSHM options SHMMAXPGS = 65536 options SHMMIN = 2 options SHMMNI = 256 options SHMSEG = 256 # options SYSVSEM options SEMMAP = 512 options SEMMNI = 512 options SEMUME = 512 options SEMMNS = 1024 options SEMMNU = 512 options SEMMSL = 256 options SEMOPM = 256 # options SYSVMSG # SYSV- Stylmessage Queues Options MsgMnb = 8192 Options Msgmni = 8192 Options Msgssz = 16 options msgtql = 128 # add end

In addition, MaxUsers is set to 512, and I choose the ULE scheduler when the kernel is customized, and now ULE is already the default scheduler.

Second system configuration? 1 SWAP partition size is 1G, RAM256M, Oracle_Home requires 5G or more space.

2 Install the Linux simulation environment.

Two pkgs must be installed in Linux_base-7.1 and Linux_DevTools-7.1, but I found that DevTools-7.1 from Ports was installed at the time of installation, so I was forced to be entirely based on the two ports in a machine installed. RH7.3 system CP is in FreeBSD. No matter how you build the / compat / linux directory tree, you must ensure that there are Ar, AS, LD, NM, TR, CPP, CHMOD, G , Printf, Find, ChGRP, Chown, etc. in the simulation environment. ? 3 Adjust the Linux Simulation Environment

a Link to the MTAB to / ETC / FSTAB in / compat / linux / etc

LN -S / etc / fstab / compat / linux / etc / mtab

b Create links to awk, sed, chown in / compat / linux / bin

LN -S / Compat / Linux / USR / BIN / AWK / COMPAT / Linux / BIN / AWK LN -S / COMPAT / Linux / USR / BIN / SED / COMPAT / Linux / BIN / SED LN -S / USR / SBIN / CHOWN / COMPAT / Linux / BIN / CHOWN? The above configuration is to meet some of the requirements of Oracle9i at the time of installation. I know the above configuration when running, but can also modify this script before running. .

c Create an ARCH executable file in / compat / linux / bin? The content is:? #! / compat / linux / bin / bash echo i686 # According to your machine is I586 or I486 hits the executable tag:


4 Open Linux Simulation Support, modify the rc.conf file can also kldload Linux module

Enable_linux = "yes"

5 mount linux proc file system

Mkdir / compat / linux / proc mount -t linproc / dev / device / compat / linux / proc

The second step can be placed in the / etc / fstab file to automatically intercept when booting

6 Add Oracle User Group and User

PW groupAdd -n dba -g 94 pw groupadd -n oinstall -g 95 pw useradd -n oracle -u 94 -c "oracle daem" -d / home / oracle -s / compat / linux / bin / bash -g dba - G OinsTall, Wheel

7 Configuring Oracle User Environment


Edit .Profile Configuring Oracle User Environment: • Path = / compat / Linux / bin: / compat / linux / sbin: compat / linux / usr / bin: / compat / linux / usr / sbin: / home / oracle / 920 / bin : / sbin: / bin: / usr / sbin: / usr / bin: / usr / local / sbin: / usr / local / bin: @ omet path oracle_base = / home / oracle; export oracle_base

# The following is a directory where Oracle is installed.

ORACLE_HOME = / home / oracle / 920; export ORACLE_HOME LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ ORACLE_HOME / lib: $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH ORACLE_SID = ORCL; export ORACLE_SID ORA_NLS33 = $ ORACLE_HOME / ocommon / nls / admin / data; export ORA_NLS33 export DISPLAY =: 0

Three installation preparations

Download Oracle9i (9.2.0) for Linux's three files in a sufficient size (> 2g) space unzipped last three directories: Disk1, Disk2, Disk3.

Four installation

1 Log in with Oracle User

2 into X


3 Open a terminal window in X and run the installer in the window

CD / path / disk1 ./runinstaller

The installer starts running. After the interface appears, press the prompt selection to make installation, just like the typical Windows program, the default temporary file is installed in the / tmp directory, at this time, you can see Oracle9i installation directory and some temporary files .

4 must be manually intervention when installing

A At the beginning of the installation, there is a window prompt to run a script. At this time, you can create a file called ORAINST.LOC in / compat / linux / etc in another terminal window and will be the owner to Oracle CD / Compat / Linux / etc Touch ORAINST.LOC Chown ORACLE: DBA ORAINST.LOC then runs the script as an Oracle, followed.

b There is an error in the process of connecting the database after the installation section is complete (related to INS_CTX.MK), and it is optional to ignore, and the basic function of the database is not reflected, but it will be wrong in the Agent configuration. I don't know if every installation will have this error, and I don't know why this error has caused this error. ? C The last place where the manual intervention is required to run $ oracle_home / as root before database configuration. At this time, it is observed that there is no error. If it is because it is caused, it can be Modify this script will specify the correct path of the program prompted. • After installing the database configuration as needed, this is the same as Windows. Start database after five installation

1 restart system

2 Log in as Oracle

3 launch database

When starting the database for the initial starting database, you must first copy the IRACCL.ORA file (in the PFILE directory in the directory you specify) to the $ ORACLE_HOME / DBS directory and will be ORAPW in the DBS directory. A file replicates a file called ORAPW, then start the database normally. ? Six summary

From use, use SQLPLUS directly on the machine to query, it doesn't feel different, as for efficiency has not been tested.


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