How-to] Install Oracle 8.0.5 under FreeBSD 3.x

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  141



Sender: (cyberexistence), Word: BSD Title: [How-to] Install Oracle 8.0.5 in FreeBSD 3.x: Mini Circle Station (THU Jan 6 01 : 16: 41 2000) Transmission Station: bbs.yzu! News.yzu! News.ncu! News2.csie.ncu! News.csie.ncu!

-1. This article is a saying that the younger brother refers to many documents. Plus a little experimental results, the success of 3.3-stable, although it has established success, but also made DB, but due to the relationship that it is unfamiliar , So I don't have a comprehensive test with Benchmark, interested friends can try :)

0. "Before installation"

0-1. "Kernel Adjustment" first check your KERNEL setting file, please add the following settings

options SHMMAL = 4097options SHMMAXPGS = 4097options "SHMMAX = (SHMMAXPGS * PAGE_SIZE 1) options SEMMAP = 255options SEMMNI = 100options SEMMNS = 200options SEMMNU = 235options SEMMSL = 61options SEMOPM = 201options SEMUME = 201options SEMSEG = 10

Replay Kernel, first "don't" restart, vi /etc/rc.conf, join

Linux_enable = "yes" ibcs2_enable = "yes"

Restart, there is a environment that can run Linux simulator

0-2. "Installing Linux Simulator", please find a FTP station to catch the following DistFiles


Find a FTP station with Linux, caught the following RPM


Use pkg_add to install Linux_Base-5.2.tgz with Linux_Devel-0.2.tgz, and then install it in the RPM:


PS: Installation method is rpm -i --ignoreos --root / compat / linux - dbpath / var / lib / rpm

If you encounter the message installed, please

RPM -U - IGNOREOS - ROOT / COMPAT / Linux --Dbpath / VAR / LIB / RPM

0-3. "Establishing the USER" VI / ETC / Group required for Oracle, join a line

DBA: *: 82: Oracle

Vi / etc / shells, join a line

/ compat / linux / bin / bash

VIPW joins a line


: 82: 82 :: 0: 0: Oracle DBA: / usr / local / oracle: / compat / linux / bin / bash


Mkdir / home / oracle; ln -s / home / oracle / usr / local / oraclemkdir -p / usr / local / oracle / etc / oracle: Y> / usr / local / oracle / etc / oracaN -S / usr / local / oracle / etc / oratab / etc / oratabchown -r oracle: DBA / Home / Oracle grab Source, unope


Look for a Source directory unpack

Mkdir / usr / local / oracle / source; cd / usr / local / oracle / source -xzspvf /usr/local/oracle/oracle8051ee_intel.tgz (to solve a while, you can go to the cup of tea to take a break)

0-4. "Establish an environment variable of Oracle users" first SU into Oracle, editor /usr/local/oracle/.profile joins the following lines

ORACLE_BASE = / home / oracle; export ORACLE_BASEORACLE_HOME = / home / oracle; export ORACLE_HOMELD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ ORACLE_HOME / lib; export LD_LIBRARY_PATHORACLE_SID = WHATEVER; export ORACLE_SIDORACLE_TERM = 386x; export ORACLE_TERMCLASSPATH = $ ORACLE_HOME / jdbc / lib /; export CLASSPATHPATH = / compat / linux / bin: / compat / linux / sbin: // compat / linux / usr / sbin: / bin: / usr / usr / bin: / usr / sbin: / USR / local / bin: / $ oracle_home / bin;

Please don't be wrong !!

1. "Start installation"

1-1. "Detailed installation process"

CD / usr / local / oracle / source / orapct; ./orainst

a) Please choose Custom installb) press twice OK will see Installation Activity Choice Please select Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Softwarec) Installation Options Please choose Install New Product - Do Not Create DB Objectsd) ORACLE_BASE and ORACLE_HOME please fill / USR / local / oraclee) Logging and status Please press ENTAL Source, please select Install from staging areag) Source Staging Area, please fill in / usr / local / oracle / sourceh) NLS Select All Languagesi), then press OK After you will enter Software Asset Manager, don't hesitate, all the elections J), then ask the DBA Group after the OK will be asked to fill in DBAK. ENTER Over N) Documentation Format is free to set it. Then it officially started installed. Any error occurs on the installation of Ignore it will slowly solve these problems.

1-2. "Solve Linked questions first"

The solution to this problem is very useless, but it is very useful ...

Cp / usr / local / oracle / source / bin / * / usr / local / oracle / bin2. "Modify Error"

When you install, you will have six errors, we must solve it by one by one, please use the Oracle User to do.

2-1. "Modify" Oracle Names "error"

CD / usr / local / oracle / source / libvi sysliblist, cut "-lnsl -lm" partial, change the content below

/compat/linux/lib/ /compat/linux/lib/ 6/compat/linux/lib/

CD / USR / LOCAL / ORACLE / NETWORK / libvi, modified part of the following

150C150, 151 # eslibs = -ldl> EXSYSLIBS = 223C224, 225 # elibs = -LDL> EXSYSLIBS = 632C634, 635 # my_tmp_flags = -ldl -lc> my_tmp_flags =


2-2. "Modify" WARP EXECUTABLE "error"

CD / usr / local / oracle / plsql / libvi, modified part of the following

149C149, 150 # EXSYSLIBS = -LDL> EXSYSLIBS = 222C223, 224 # elibs = -ldl> embsybslibs =


2-3. "Modify" Oracle TRACE "error"

CD / USR / LOCAL / ORACLE / OTRACE / LIBVI ENV_OTRACE.MK, modified part of the following

149C149, 150 # EXSYSLIBS = -LDL> EXSYSLIBS = 222C223, 224 # elibs = -ldl> embsybslibs =


2-4. "Modify" Oracle8 Standard RDBMS "error"

CD / usr / local / oracle / rdbms / libvi, modify the following part

149C149, 150 # EXSYSLIBS = -LDL> EXSYSLIBS = 222C223, 224 # elibs = -ldl> EXSYSLIBS = 680c682, 684 #LIBS = - LDL $ (Netlibs) $ (Netlibs) $ (Netlibs) /> # $ (llibsql) $ (LLIBSQL)> LDLIBS = $ (NetLibs) $ (Netlibs) $ (Netlibs) /> $ (Llibsql) ) Make -f INS_RDBMS.MK INSTALL

2-5. "Modify" Oracle Intelligent Agent "error"

CD / usr / local / oracle / network / libvi, modify the following part

149C149, 150 # EXSYSLIBS = -LDL> EXSYSLIBS = 222C223, 224 # elibs = -ldl> EXSYSLIBS = 477,478c479,482 # libtcl = / usr / lib /> # llibtcl = -ltcl> libtcl = /compat/linux/usr/lib/> LlibTCL = / Compat / Linux / USR / LIB / LIBTCL.SO

Vi INS_OEMAGENT.MK, modify the following part

27c27, 28 # my_tmp_flags = -ldl -lc> my_tmp_flags = -lcrypt


2-6. "Modify" SQL * PLUS "error"

CD /us/local/oque/sqlplus/lib/env_sqlplus.mk150c150, 151 # e =libs = -ldl> EXSYSLIBS = 223c224, 225 # excsyslibs = - LDL> EXSYSLIBS =


He has already completed the six mistakes in the installation !! Tired ?! Drink cups, it is fun !!

3. "Start playing Oracle bar"

3-1. "ROOT.SH modification"

CD / usr / local / oracle / orapostvi, modify the following part

1C1 <#! / Usr / bin / sh ---> #! / Compat / linux / bin / sh34c34 chown = / usr / sbin / chown

Use "root" Run /us R / OTT.SHA) "Y" B) "Y" B) Fill in / usr / local / oracle / bin3-2. "Let Oracle run"

Cp /usr/local/oracle/dbs/ininit.ora /usr/local/oracle/dbs/initwhatever.oravi /usr/local/oracle/dbs/initwhatever.ora, change Default to Whatever

/ Usr / local / oracle / bin / svrmgrl, should enter the correct svrmgrlconnect internalstartupcreate database WHATEVER character set WE8ISO8859P1; alter tablespace SYSTEMadd datafile '/usr/local/oracle/dbs/dbs2WHATEVER.dbf'size 10M autoextend on; @ $ ORACLE_HOME /rdbms/admin/catalog.sql@ /oacle_home/rdbms/admin/catproc.sql@@ioracle_home/sqlplus/admin/pupbld.sql (here there will be Error, don't take him ~~)

Then you can SQLPLUS SYS / Manager can also select * from Tab; of course, you can also complete it !!!

Is it fun?!

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