1: Assign a value to the server side control:
To assign a value to a server control from a client script, such as the following script
Document.all ["OID"]. Value = "AAA"
The server-side control must be visible, such as:
If you want to assign a value to the server-side control OID above, the error that cannot be found can be found.
You can write the control into the following form:
When receiving the server, you must receive the following form.
String oidstr = Oid.Value.trim (); or: string oidstr = request.params ("OID")
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2: Type conversion problem:
Int num = int.parse (lblcount.text) is: Digital strings are numbered (the lblcount.text it gets is digital data);
INT Num = system.convert.toint32 (lblcount.text) is: Force type conversion.
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3: Use the DataView to make a LIKE filter:
When writing a DataView condition, you should pay attention to the LIKE statement.
such as:
DataView CDV = New DataView (Childdata);
String CBM = PBM "-";
cdv.rowfilter = "BM Like '" CBM "%'"; // correct
cdv.rowfilter = "BM Like '" CBM "%'"; // error, both sides can not be spaced
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