How to make ADSL dial under Linux

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  173

How to make ADSL dial under Linux



table of Contents


Install dialing software

Configuring a network card

Configuring dialing software

Test dial



It was very simple and old was asked. I just wrote it. Another moving mouth.

Command line mode, easy to describe. More importantly, use the command line mode to look more like a master. : P.

Install dialing software

First, you have to install the appropriate ADSL dial software. In the usual redhat release version, with PP

PoE this RPM package.

We implemented the following command:

[root @ www root] # rpm -qa | grep pppoe


The output of this command will determine if PPPoe package has been installed in the system. RPM -QA is the package that lists already installed in the system. Through the pipeline | Output of this command, the input of the second command

. GREP PPPoE is a row that lists containing PPPoE. If returned to empty, the description is not installed. If installed,

Will return the version number of the PPPoE installed. If you haven't installed it yet, install it by the following command.

[root @ www root] # rpm -ivh redhat / PPP-2.4.1-7.i386.rpm

This way, you have installed the software that dials you need.

Configuring a network card

Dial-up needs to set the dialing network card to dynamically get IP. And the dynamic acquisition of IP will cost it when the IP is activated.

For a long time to get IP. Therefore, we'd better not activate the NIC settings when it is not activated.

Set the network card, use the command NETCONFIG to configure network related information. Of course, you can pass

Modify the configuration file implementation of the NIC:

[root @ www root] # VIM / etc / sysconfig / network-scripts / ifcfg-eth


Configuring dialing software

Install the dial-up software, next, set the setting, tell PPPoE how to dial. Start setting, by the following


[root @ www root] # ADSL-SETUP

First, you will see welcome information.

Welcome to the ADSL Client Setup. First, I Will Run Some Checks ON

Your System to Make Sure The PPPoE Client Is Installed Properly ...

Then ask us to enter the login name.

Login Name

Enter Your Login Name (Default Root):

Then, we ask us to choose the network interface used. At this time, fill in the NIC we just set up. Large

Most friends with only one network card, the default eth0 is OK.


Enter the Ethernet Interface Connected to the ADSL MODEM

For Solaris, this is Likey to Be Something Like / DEV / HME0.

For Linux, IT Will Be Ethx, WHERE 'X' Is A Number.

(Default Eth0):

Next, inquiry is that after the ADSL connection is continuously held. Or automatic disconnection, at the specified

Time (in seconds). In most cases, we want to open the closed connection manually. So select the default N here


Do you want the link to com up on demad, or stay up continuously?

If you want it to come up on demad, enter the idle in secondsafter which the link shouth be dropped. If you want the link to

Stay Up Permanently, ENTER 'NO' (Two Letters, Lower-Case)

Note: Demand-Activated Links Do Not Interact Well with Dynamic IP

Addresses. You May Have Some Problems with demand-activated links.


Come down, it is DNS. I found a lot of time, PPPoE couldn't get DNS information correctly. I built

It is the case you enter the DNS address. This information is generally published on ISP's website.


Please enter the ip address of Your ISP's Primary DNS Server.

If Your Isp Claims That 'The Server Will Provide Dynamic DNS Addresses',

Enter 'Server' Here.

If you just press, i will associum you know what you are?

Doing and not modify your dns setup.

The account password is a must, enter twice. The password display style is the same as other places, not displayed on the screen. for this I

I don't know how to fill in. Too deeply. I hope you share your answers and I share. : P.


Please enter your password:

Please re-enter your password:

The following settings are to indicate whether ordinary users are allowed to enable / close the ADSL connection. It is allowed by default.

Please enter 'yes' (Two letters, Lower-case.) If you want to allow

Normal User to Start or Stop DSL Connection:

Let's take a look at the firewall option. The firewalls provided here can provide you with basic security. I don't recommend you to use -

- You'd better choose "NONE" option. No matter what kind of user is used, I recommend you to use additional tools.

Configure firewall rules (iptables currently seem to be a very good tool).


Please Choose The FireWall Rules To Use. Note That Sse Rules Are

Very Basic. You are strongly encouraged to use a more songhistated

FireWall Setup; However, Thase Will Provide Basic Security. if you

Are Running Any Servers on Your Machine, You Must Choose 'None' and

Set up firewalling yourself. Otherwise, The FireWall Rules Will Deny

Access to All Standard Servers Like Web, E-mail, FTP, etc. if you

Are Using SSH, The Rules Will Block Outgoing SSH Connections Whichallocate a privileged source port.

The FireWall Choices Are:

0 - None: This Script Will Not set Any Firewall Rules. You are responsible

For Enssuring the security of your machine. You are strongly

Recommended to Use Some Kind of FireWall Rules.

1 - Standalone: ​​Appropriate for a Basic Stand-Alone Web-Surfing Workstation

2 - Masquerade: Appropriate for a Machine Acting as an in Internet Gateway

For a lan

Choose a type of firewall (0-2): Start this connection at boot time

Do you open this connection when booting?

Do you want to start this connection at boot time? **

After all configuration information is completed, the system will give a report that shows the configuration information you entered. Such as

As you are sure that the configuration information you entered is correct, enter your YES write configuration file. Enter NO to abandon the configuration.

Summary of what you entered **

Ethernet Interface: Eth0

User Name: root

Activate-on-demand: no

DNS: Do Not Adjust

FireWalling: None

User Control: YES

ACCEPT THESE SETTINGS AND AdJust Configuration Files (Y / N)?

Please enter no or yes (Default NO):




Type '/ sbin / adsl-status / etc / sysconfig / network-scripts / iFcfg-ppp

0 '

TO See the link status.

Test dial

Now, we need to test whether our dial is configured correctly.

Enter the ADSL-START dial. Under normal circumstances, I will ping my ISP's primary WWW server. such as


If you are not afraid of trouble, open your browser test, or you can. If everything is OK. Then we can end our matching


Of course, if you close the connection, use the command ADSL-STOP.


This article ends the general method of the ADSL dial in the command line mode in the Linux operating system. in case

Do you have any questions, welcome and discuss.


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