Using net session from .net .net

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  167

Ever wanted to get information about who's logged on to your machine This example shows you the interop way to get hold of active sessions on your box using System;?. Using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

Namespace NetSession {[Flags] public enum sessusrflgs {guest = 0x00000001, // session is logged on as a guest noencryption = 0x00000002 // session is not use encryption}

[StructLayoutAttribute (LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public struct SESSION_INFO_502 {public string Computer; public string User; public int NumOpens; public int Seconds; public int IdleSeconds; public SessUsrFlgs UsrFlags; public string LmType; public string Transport; }

public class NetSessionTest {[DllImport ( "netapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern int NetSessionEnum (string srvName, string cltName, string usrName, int level, out IntPtr bufPtr, int prefmaxlen, out int entriesread, out INT TOTALENTRIES, REF INTPTR RESUME_HANDLE);

[DLLIMPORT ("Netapi32.dll", Exactspelling = true)] Public Extern Static Int NetapUfferFree (INTPTR BUFPTR);

PRIVATE const Int error_more_data = 234;

Public static void main () {Int Read, Total, S; INTPTR PTR, RHANDLE = INTPTR.ZERO; TYPE TYP = TypeOf (session_info_502); int size = marshal.sizeof (TYP); session_info_502 si;

S = NetsessionNum (NULL, NULL, NULL, 502, OUT PTR, -1, OUT Read, Out Total, Ref Rhandle); if ((S! = 0) && (s! = error_more_data) Return;

Console.writeline ("Computer: User: Opens: Seconds:"); int run = (int) PTR; for (int i = 0; i


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