LINUX novice entry and installation configuration FAQ200 (on)

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LINUX novice entry and installation configuration FAQ200 (on)

Installation Configuration Basic Guidelines:

1. Care.

In the process of configuration, be able to determine if the modified is correct, it is best to change the similar articles when modifying, it is possible to verify it.

To ensure the correctness of the modification.

Before installation, you must be prepared. If it is not very familiar, you can find an experienced person to teach, or find a book.

Hand side. Be sure to know what you are doing, what is the meaning of what you choose, so if you have a problem, you also know how to ask others.

Suggestion: No matter what method (of course, it), must ensure that there is a book to be put on hand, try to understand some basic

Knowledge, this question is what others have answered.

2. Always make backups.

Whether you modify any configuration file, you should develop a good habit of backed up, whether it is a way of comments, or the way the file backup can be

. This way, if there is a problem, you can immediately restore the original system configuration.

3. Practice

Frequent practice configurations can deepen the understanding and understanding of the system. There are a lot of things, even if you don't have to find it from the book, you can find a solution.

Novice Getting Started and Installation FAQ (1)

<1> How to install Linux?

You can see here, there are RH installation methods, and multi-system installation, more detailed

Since most people are Windows, this will be helpful.

<2> How to install a new kernel?

Six steps below:

Make MrProper (used to eliminate the effects of the original compilation)

Make Menuconfig (can be used in config, xconfig)

Make Dep

Make Bzimage

Make Modules (if you set up a module)

Make modules-install

Then you can add guidance in LILO.

<3> How to access Windows hard disk partition?

Mount -t vfat / dev / hdax / yourpath

HDAX is the hard drive you want to mount. Note If you use NTFS format, you have to change the vfAT to NTFS, and you still have to

Use 2.4 kernel.

If you want to support Chinese display:

Mount -o codepage = 936, octharset = cp936 -t vfat / dev / hdax / YourPath

<4> How to install software?

If you are a tar.gz file, use tar zxvf * .tar.gz to extract. Then look at the INSTALL file inside. Generally

Next steps:



Make Install

Or look at the install file, because there are some parameters inside. And detailed installation steps.

If it is an RPM file, use


You can also use rpm --help to see what parameters.

<5> How to modify the resolution?

Under the console


You can see a lot of options, select XConfiguration

By the way, there are still many other options in this, you can use it to modify the network, configure the sound card, etc. Go and see yourself.

<6> How to Chinese Rhlinux?

Look at our Chinese forum, there is Chinese articles, you can succeed.

<7> How to get the XWindow when you start it? Modify /etc/inittab.conf

ID: 5: ... become

ID: 3: ... you can!

<8> How to get from XWindow to the console?

CTRL Alt F1 ... F6

Where F7, F8 is used by xwindow. such as:


Is the use of CTRL Alt F7


Is the use of Ctrl Alt F8

Novice Getting Started and Installation FAQ (2)

<9> LILO launched error prompt information?

No prompt: LILO is not installed or installing the partition of LILO is not activated.

L : LILO's first part has been loaded and running, but it cannot be loaded into the second part of the boot program. Two digits

The error code indicates the type of problem (see "Disk Error Code"), which is usually in the media access failure or hard disk parameter error.

LI: LILO The first part is correct but the second part is executed. This is usually the hard disk parameter is incorrect or /boot/boot.b is not moved.

Run the MAP installer.

LIL: LILO The second part begins, but cannot read the descriptor table from the "MAP" file. This pass

Often due to media errors or disk parameters.

LIL ?: Lilo loaded in the wrong place. The reason is substantially the same as "Li".

LIL-: Descriptor Table error. Typical reason is that hard disk geometric parameters are subtle mismatch or /boot/boot.b

Move without running the MAP installer.

LILO: LILO is correct.

10 ?? 10101010: Partition situation has changed until reinstalling LILO, in addition, overclocking may also come.

<10> How to back up LILO?

FDFORMAT / DEV / FD0H1440 (formatted a blank floppy disk)

DD if = / boot / vmlinuz of = / dev / fd0 (replacing VMLinuz with your own kernel file name)

RDEV / DEV / FD0 / DEV / SDA3 (replacing / dev / sda3) with your root partition device

RDEV -R / DEV / FD0 1 (installation root file system into read-only mode)

Role: This time when the system LILO fails, the floppy disk can be used and the hard disk file system is installed.

<11> How to delete LILO in MBR?

Start with Windows boot disk, run fdisk / mbr. Or run Lilo -u under Linux

<12> How to reload LILO to MBR?

Start with floppy disks or disc to boot: Linux 3, # / sbin / lilo

<13> GRUB usage?

For details, please refer to: Docid = 2154

<14> How to install a sound card?

Run SNDCONFIG or SETUP in character mode, if this is not yet, please download the Sound Card Configuration Tools ALSA (ALSA Toolkit)

Includes ALSA-Driver-0.5.10b.Tar.bz2, ALSA-LIB-0.5.10B.Tar.bz2,

ALSA-UTILS-0.5.10b.tar.bz2, 0.5.10 is the version number. ) Install in the order of DRIVE, LIB, and UTIL. You can also download OSS work

Bread to configure your sound card.

(OSS Installation Guide: docid = 1974;

ALSA installation configuration AC 97 sound card: Docid = 1251) <15> How to install the graphics card?

Use Setup or Xconfigurator. If you can't find your graphics card and display, you can choose the replacement of the indicator. You can also

Find the driver of for Linux on your XFree or to the manufacturer's website.

* Driver I810 graphics card: Docid = 1248)

How to drive Intel i740 graphics card?

If your Linux can't identify I740, you can do this:

1) Download a new graphics card database and I740 XBF driver:

Xf86config-glibc-1.0.0.i386.tgz and xfcomi740.tgz

2) Unzip these two packs, cover the original directory:

TAR XVFZ /TMP/XF86Config*.tgz

TAR XVFZ /TMP/XFcomi740.tgz

3) Perform CP / USR / X11R6 / BIN / XFCM_I740 / USR / X11R6 / BIN / XF86_XBF_I740;

4) Configure with XF86Config: Display horizontal scan frequency selection 6; vertical refresh frequency selection 2; when selecting the graphics library, select 311 (ie I740);

Graphics server type selection 5;

5) If the configuration is complete, run startX.

** How to drive SAVAGE4 graphics card?

1) Download the SAVAGE2000 driver to;

2) Unlock the driver using the TAR-XVFZ file name;

3) After decompression, you can see five files, one of which is XF86_svga;

4) Backup / usr / x11r6 / bin / xf86_svga, then copy the new XF86_svga to this directory, replace this file;

5) Run the XF86Config configuration, no graphics card, when selecting X-Server, select 3 (which is SVGA), and does not detect;

6) After completing, run startX -bpp32, you can.

*** How to drive SAVAGE3D graphics?

1) to Download the SAVAGE3D graphics driver: Savagex_0_1_4.tar.gz;

2) Unzip this program, replace the original file of / usr / x11r6 / bin with new XF86_svga;

3) When running Xconfigurator, select Unlisted Card when configuring the graphics, then select XServer as SVGA;

4) After the completion, run the StartX to run the X-win.

**** Universal graphics driver method

Since the graphics card manufacturer supports limited, it is a problem that drives the graphics card under Linux. In order to solve this problem, Linux 2.2.x or later

For a new solution --- use Frame Buffer equipment, through VESA VBE 2.0 standard, using graphics card SVGA features,

XFree86 XF86_FB ?? dev, drive your graphics card. This can indeed help you. 1) Confirm that you have XF86_FBDEV files, if not downloaded from;

2) Perform "MKNOD / DEV / FB0 C 29 0" to establish a Frame Buffer device;

3) Modify the /etc/lilo.conf file, join:

Image = /BOOT/VMLINUZ-2.2.5-FB (new compiled kernel)

Label = Linuxfb (launch mark, available)

Root = / dev / hda2 (other part of lilo.conf)

VGA = 0x314 (display mode, refer to the table below)

Attachment: display mode table

640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024

256 color 0x301 0x303 0x305 0x307

32K color 0x310 0x313 0x316 0x319

64k color 0x311 0x314 0x317 0x31a

16M color 0x312 0x315 0x318 0x31b

4) Execute / Sbin / LILO to make the configuration take effect, then restart the system to start the system with a new kernel. Of course, if your kernel has been supported,

There is no need to make this modification, plus VGA = that line.

5) Next, Frame Buffer Server configuration: Refer to the configuration of VGA in / etc / x11 / xf86config, add a Screen section,

As follows:

Section "Screen"

Driver "fbdev"

Device "My Video Card"

Monitor "MAG XJ500T"

Subsection "Display"

DEPTH 16 (deep, must be consistent with the color depth of the previously selected display mode)

MODES "default"

Viewport 0 0



6) Point X to XF6_FBDEV:

CD / ETC / X11

MV X.bat

Ln -Snf / usr / x11r6 / bin / xf86_fbdev x

<16> How to install a network card?

Configure your network card and network environment with NetConf and NetConfig. The general network card can be selected as the NE2000 compatible network card.

* How to drive D-Link DE220 NIC?

D-LINK's DE220 is a cost-effective, supported ISA network card for plug-and-play. But it is because of the plug and play function makes it under Linux.

Package encounters some troubles:

1) In the DOS environment, it is set to non-PNP with a tool setup in the Drive of the DE220 NIC.

2) Get its IO address and interrupt number in the Windows control panel, in general, the IO address is 240, the interrupt number is 10;

3) Start Linux, after logging in, execute "NetConf", set the first network card to Enable, the device is named Eth0, the module is NE, IO address

0x240, IRQ is 10;

4) After the deployment is exited, run /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart. ** How to drive D-Link DFE530 TX NIC?

D-Link 530 TX network card is a cost-effective 10M / 100M adaptive PCI network card with vast number of user groups, then Linux is installed

The wizard is not listed in the list.

In fact, general Linux already contains the drive module of this NIC: Tulip.o, you can perform "Insmod Tulip" to complete the network

The installation of the card.

*** How to drive D-Link DFE540 TX NIC?

If your network card is D-Link DFE540 TX, do not choose the NIC when installing, otherwise some unnecessary trouble may be caused.

1) from

Download the latest Tulip.c files and copy it to / usr / src / tulip;

2) Perform the following command to build Tulip.o:


#gcc -dmodversions -dmodule -d__kernel__ -wall -wstrict-prototypes -o6 -c tulip.c

3) Execute insmod tulip.o;

4) Execute /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart to make the NIC take effect.

**** How to drive the Davicom 9201 NIC?

Davicom 9201 PCI network card cannot be done directly when installing Linux. In fact, most Linux distributions provide this NIC's

Drive module --- DMFE.O, if your machine is also this network card, can you?? Skate the network card configuration during installation of Linux, install the boot system

After logging in, execute: "InSmod DMFE" command Add the drive module, then execute "/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart"


***** How to drive the second network card?

In the Linux system, you can easily use the Configuration Tool NetConf to install the second block, select the second block, device in NetConf

Name: Eth1, select its driver module, enter the IO address and IRQ interrupt number, after the storage exit, execute:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart

<17> How to use RPM and TAR (installation method of package)?


1) Display progress when installing the RPM package: Use -VH parameters, such as rpm -ivh ipchains-1.3.6-1.i386.rpm, do not have to be used with GLINT or XRPM.

2) Install the RPM package directly from FTP: RPM -I

3) Check all RPM packages to find lost files: rpm -va

4) Find a file which rpm package belongs to: RPM -QF / USR / BIN / WHO

5) List the description of an RPM package: for example: rpm -qpi mon-0.37j-1.i386.rpm

6) List the file information of an RPM package: for example: rpm -qpl mon-0.37j-1.i386.rpm


TAR ZVFX XXX.TGZ / XXX.TAR.GZ expands this package in the current directory

TAR ZVFT XXX.TGZ / XXX.TAR.GZ only test does not expand

TAR ZVFX XXX.TGZ / XXX.TAR.GZ -C / New DIR is started after the / new dir directory, TAR ZVFC XXX.TGZ / XXX.TAR.GZ / TEST puts all the files under the / Test directory and packaged from the directory Test.tgz

<18> use CD and floppy disk?

Mount -t ext2 / dev / fd0 / mnt / floppy (mounted floppy disk with Linux file system)

Mount -t vfat / dev / fd0 / mnt / floppy (mounted FAT32 file system floppy disk)

Under normal circumstances, you can use: mount / mnt / floppy

Mounting CDs: mount / mnt / cdrom (Remember: To uninstall first before the custom disk and floppy disk, use the command umount)

<19> How to access the Window partition?

First build a mount catalog: MKDIR / MNT / XXX

Then mount command: mount -t vfat / dev / hdax / mnt / xxx (HDAX is partitioned under Windows, HDA1 is C:, logical points

From HDA5 from HDA5, general D: is HDA5, afterwards. Specific you can view partitions with CFDisk under Linux)

You can also use LinuxConf to mount your Windows partition, enter LinuxConf at the command prompt, select File System under File System

Access Local Drive, add your new assembly point

<20> How to Chinese RedHat7.2?

First, select Chinese support during the installation. Then disable the XFS service.

After the installation is complete, load the directory where Windows is located, copy the font file SIMSUN.TTF (Win98)

Or SIMSUN.TTC (Win2000) to / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / truepe directory,


Modify the fonts.dir file,

Add two lines under SIMSUN.TTTTF -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-Normal - 0-0-0-0-P-0-ASCII-0:

SIMSUN.TTTF -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-r-Normal - 0-0-0-0 -P-0-GB2312.1980-0



Modify / etc / x11 / xf86config-4 to make it similar to:

Section "Files"

# Fontpath "UNIX /: 7100"

Fontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / misc: unscaled"

Fontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 75dpi: unscaled"

Fontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / misc"

Fontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / type1"

Fontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / speedo"

F ?? ontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 75dpi"

Fontpath "/ usr / share / fonts / default / trueType"


Section "Module"





Then enter / etc / gnome edit all fontset = "-Misc-fixed-medium-r-NORMAL - 14 - * - * - * - * - * - GB2312.1980-0"

All modified

FontSet = "-Misc-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - 14 - * - * - * - * - * - GB2312.1980-0"

Archive exits.

Here GNOME has the ability to display 98 and 2000 beautiful Simsun fonts. Since we have selected the default, it is chosen

Text. So it is not better than the use of local_config. Just open a text document with a program, it is best to Chinese, such as Gedit settings

The fonts are SIMSUN, 14.

You can see the effect. Other programs are similar.

Next to switch to KDE, choose China, Chinese GB2312.1982-0, open the control center, select the sense of view - font, change all of these fonts

It is possible to save, save, and exit. Inquiry KDE and enter it.

RedHat7.2 has come with CHINPUT to input Chinese as long as you call it with Ctrl Space.

Newcomer entry and configuration forum FAQ (3)

Installing Linux (7.3 cases of Redhat Linux)

<21> How to install Linux in PC?

When the computer system is started, press the DEL key (or f2, depending on the motherboard), set the startup item to priority from the IDE CDROM device.

Start, save and exit. Put the DISK1 of the Linux system installation disk into the CD-ROM drive, RESET your computer, go to the Linux installer. Press directly

After the vehicle key, if you have a Linux distribution update, and the version containing XFree86 can support your graphics card, then enter the graphics installation

Face, like all WINDOW $ users, you can click Next to complete your installation.

<22> Boot: What are the following options? What means?

Boot: Text Start Text Mode Setup (when you don't know if your Linux version supports computer graphics equipment, it is highly recommended to make

Use this mode; high efficiency installation mode)

Boot: NOFB This option allows you to use a Frame buffer to use a graphic installer (if you encounter problems in the graphics installation interface,

And you can try this option if you don't have a graphical interface.

Boot: Linux MediaCheck Tests the integrity of the inspection value of the ISO image (Little Red Hat 7.3 ISO file embedded MD5SUM, you can check

Value test)

Boot: Linux NOPROBE installer does not have correctly detected your hardware device to boot into expert mode (which can also make

With Boot: Text Noprobe, you can choose to load driver options in the installation.

Boot: Linux console = Performed installation in Serial Mode mode

(You can also use boot: Linux text console =, Device is TTYS0 or TTYS1 you are using)

Boot: Linux Mem = 128M Let Linux identify all of your RAM (also can use boot: Linux text mem = 128m, if Linux is not

You can identify all your memory, you can do this)

Boot: Linux HDX = CDROM // x value is: A First primary IDE device, B first idE device, C second primary IDE device, D second time Ide device If your ATAPI optical drive cannot be If you find, please specify a location.

Boot: Linux Rescue enters the rescue mode, and rescue when the system crashes.

Boot: Linux Single enters single mode, single mode easy to use the system administrator root to forget the password, due to security

Question, so the server usually modifies the boot profile makes it unable to use Single.

Boot: Expert enters the expert mode, the expert mode does not check most of the hardware, but allow you to choose the driver at the time of installation.

Boot: LowRes Start 640x480 resolution mode with graphics

<22> How to guide the installer from MS-DOS?

Start entering the MS-DOS mode, A: /> E: Enter the CD-ROM E disk, E: /> E: /DOSUTILS/autoboot.bat Enters yourself to booting.

(Use this method to solve the use of this method directly from the CD-ROM drive or use non-ISO hard drive installation)

<23> How to install Linux from the SCSID drive

If you have a SCSI CD drive, you may not find the optical drive when you detect, the installer will ask and let you choose

A SCSI driver, select the closest driver with your adapter (mostly supported).

<24> How to make installation disks?

You can use two middle methods to make installation disks. Under m $ -DOS, you can use the Rawrite command specially developed (install the disc / DOSUTILS),

Transfer Boot.IMG (Mounting Disc / Image) Image file to the floppy disk; you can use the command DD under Linux, but do not put the floppy drive Mount into the system.

The specific syntax is as follows:

E: /> E: / dosutils / rawrite

Enter Disk images Source File Name: ../Images/boot.img


Please Insert a formatted diskette Into Drive a and press [Enter]


# DD if = boot.img of = / dev / fd0 BS = 1440K

Other Note: Boot.img is installed based on CD, BootNet.Img is based on network installation, pcmcia.img and pcmciaadd.img based on PCMCIA boot disk

installation. Rawrite tools only accept 8.3 class (short file name. Triple extension)!

<25> How do I determine which installation type should I choose?

Workstation, if you are an novice or need a graphical interface, you can use the workstation installation mode; server (Server),

The system has an appropriate server function module, based on system security factors, the default state is not added to the mode;

Portable Computer (Laptop), settings for the features required for laptops; custom (CUSTOMER), you define your system yourself, you can define your

There are various types of features or completely installed; upgrade (UPDATE), when your system is important and you want to install new versions to your computer, use this type.

<26> While installing Linux?

Workstation, / boot is 50m, / partition size is self-defined according to the installation package; server, / boot is 50m, / for 384m, / usr storage local users

Set, program files, depending on the need to define the size; / Home stores all user data files, depending on the need to define the size; / var is 256m, store the log.

Custom installation is convenient for multi-system coexistence, you can use partition mode such as workstations.

<27> SWAP partition size?

There is a passage that is twice the memory size. But if you already have a RAM of 256M, and the purpose of your computer is just a personal entertainment.

Learning, you don't have to take a 512M switch area (SWAP), it is recommended to use more than 32m or more of 128m or more.

<28> Why do I want to use EXT3 file system format?

The EXT3 file system format is based on EXT2 system, and it has a big advantage that - billing. Reduce the file system using a bill

After the crash, the time spent on the system, because there is no need to run FSCK to prosecute the file system. Strongly recommended.

<29> What is MBR?

Master Boot Record, there is such a MBR for each hard disk, responsible for the computer system leader after the BIOS completes POST

Guide the request for the system. Because of this, no hard drive is not MBR.

(Of course, the MBR destroyed by Cih is just a bad MBR), so, if you want to uninstall GRUB or LILO, you can only use another MBR tool.

Alternative (FDISK / MBR).

<30> Tip "Kernel PANIC: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on xx: yy" What does it mean?

First, please check Device XX: YY in accordance with the Device Code list; Is it the correct root device? If not, then you may

Didn't do RDEV -R, or you are a wrong image to perform RDEV -R. If the device code is correct, please carefully

Check the Device driver in your Kernel. Please make sure it does not support FileSystem.

<31> How to use the Disk Druid tool partition?

It is highly recommended to use PowerQuest PartitionMagic (Hard Distribution Magic) to manage the hard disk partition. Graphical interface

The Disk druid tool is operability is also very operability. You can first remove a partition (dele) and then re-partition adaptate your Linux system.

Universal (multiple system coexisting), you can also edit the existing partition, or you can create a partition for new (New). reset

(Reset) Button can restore your original partition status.

<32> How to use FIPS?

The FIPS (First Interactive Partition Splitter program is a very powerful MS-DOS tool program, it can be

Retreat a partition on the hard disk in the case where the original data on your hard disk is deleted. This program can only split MS ?? - DOS's primary partition, and cannot split MS-DOS extension partitions. The detailed document of FIPS is assumed in the dosutils / fipsdocs directory of the Red Hat CD, assumes that the hard disk is not divided

The district has all been distributed to DOS / Windows.

Please create a DOS boot disk, fix the fips.exe, restorrb.exe on the / install / fips directory of CDROM, and

Errors.txt copies to the floppy disk, we do not recommend direct use of FIPS directly on the hard disk. Please use DOS before you run the fips or

Windows95 provides ScanDisk (or Norton's latest version of NDD) to check the hard drive to be divided, fix the error, then make

Using DEFRAG (Norton's latest version of Speedisk) to make the hard disk to ensure that there is no MS-DOS file in the second half of the hard disk,

Note that the program like mirror or image will re-put some files on the last side of the hard disk, please use "Attrib -R-S -H Image.IDX"

Or "attrib -r-h mirorsav.fil" change the properties of these files to readable and delete them, in addition to autoexec.bat or

In Config.sys, Image or Mirror and other anti-virus programs are removed, such as NAV, prevent them from restoring the original hard drive when fips restarts the machine.

Partition Table. Also, if you want to divide the DoubleSpace, Stacker, you can only divide the host disk of the compression disk when the disk is compressed by DoubleSpace, Stacker, and Drivespace.

Next, start the machine with your Detailed FIPS boot disk. Run FIPS, when the user starts FIPS, the program allows the user to put the hard disk on the Boot area.

And backup of the root area is written to the rootboot.00x on the floppy disk (where X represents a number from 0 to 9) files. If you are using FIPS

Any error occurs, the user can start and execute RestorrB from the floppy disk to restore the original configuration on the hard disk. Please note: If the user is more than one

Use FIPS secondary (this is generally unnecessary, but may happen), the program will write more than one rootboot file to the floppy disk.

RestorrB will make users choose which configuration file to be restored. RESTORRB.000 This file contains the original configuration.

Users must now enter which magnetic column should be started from the new partition. Use the left / right direction keys to increment or decrement counts of magnetic columns. The rest of the partition and new

The size of the partition will be displayed in the program, so selecting the correct magnetic column is not difficult for the user. Users can use up / down direction keys to increment ten

Magnetic column. After ready, press Enter to continue. After that, you can choose to re-edit the partition table (this will allow the user to reselect the partition) or

It is continuing. If the user is type "C", the FIPS will calculate the changed boot partition, check once and prompt whether the user wants to continue. If used

Buy "Y", FIPS will write these changes to the hard disk and end. Restart the machine and use FDISK to see if the new configuration has played.

Now, there should be two FAT partitions on your system. The first is your DOS / Windows file system, the second is empty partition, can be made by Linux.

For your partition.

Also, if you have a version of PATIICAGIC 4.0, this is a very professional and powerful partition editing software, you can also

Use this tool to re-divide your hard disk partition.

<33> How to use fdisk?

FDisk contains a simple and useful online help. This is a tip:

The help command is m.

List the current partition with the P command

Add a partition with N.

The partitioned default type created by Linux fdisk is Linux Native. Don't forget to change the type with T command when you create a partition of the Linux swap type. The value of Linux native is 83. The value of LinuxSwap is 82.fat16 is 6. Use the l command to see the partition type and the corresponding value.


Linux allows a hard drive to four partitions. If you want to create more partitions, one must be an extensted partition, which can contain one

Multiple logical (Logical) partitions. Because the extension partition is a container, all its size cannot be less than the sum of the size of the logical partition it contains.

You most should write down which file system (such as / usr) that corresponds to the partition (such as / dev / hda2) when creating a partition.

Note: All changes have not taken effect before you use the W command store and exit FDISK. You can exit FDISK with Q commands.

<34> How to install Linux using NFS?

If you want to install Red Hat Linux from the NFS server, select NFS Image and select OK. Then, the installer checks for your system attempt to identify

Your network card. Most of the cases will automatically identify your NIC. If you don't work, let you choose a driver that supports your network card and specifies

Some must have options.

After configuring your network card, there will be several dialogs to configure your TCP / IP network. First? One screen makes you one of the three network methods:

Static IP Address - You must manually set the network information.

Bootp - Network information is automatically provided by BOOTP requests.

DHCP - Network information is automatically provided by DHCP requests.

Please note: Bootp and DHCP selection requires that there is a configured BOOTP (or DHCP) server on your LAN is running.

If you choose Bootp or DHCP, your network configuration will be set automatically, you can skip the rest.

If you choose Static IP Address, you must set your own information. If you are in progress NFS installation, please read it.

The next dialog requires NFS server information. Enter the name or IP address of the NFS server, and the directory name containing the Red Hat Linux CD.

For example, the NFS server will be equipped with the Red Hat Linux CD in / mnt / cdrom, in the Red Hatdirectory domain input / mnt / cdrom. in case

The NFS output is not a CD but an image of the Red Hat Linux installation tree, and enter a directory name containing the Red HAT directory. For example, if your NFS service

Worker contains directory / mirrors / red hat / i386 / red hat, input / mirrors / red hat / i386

After short delay, the next dialog appears and continues to install Red Hat Linux.

<35> What is the dependency (dependency) of the RPM package installation?

The full name of RPM is Redhat Packages Management. When you use the rpm command to install an RPM package, the system will prompt you a package or .o

Must be installed by xxxxx, this is the dependency problem for the RPM package installation. Solution is very simple, according to the system prompts you no package

It is possible to install first. If you encounter a Packet dependence B, B is also dependent on A, please use the parameters --Nodeps, force the RPM without checking the installation file

Dependency installation.

Novice Getting Started and Installation FAQ (4)

<36> After installed Linux, what is the rest of the root directory?

/ bin: Store the most common command;

/ boot: Start the core file of Linux;

/ dev: device file;

/ etc: store various profiles;

/ HOME: User Home Directory;

/ lib: The most basic dynamic link sharing library of the system;

/ MNT: Generally empty, mount other file systems when used to temporarily; / proc: virtual directory is a mapping of memory;

/ sbin: System Administrator Command Staves Directory;

/ usr: The largest directory, survival application and file;

/ usr / x11r6: x-window directory;

/ usr / src: Linux source code;

/ usr / include: system header file;

/ usr / lib: Storage common dynamic link sharing library, static archive;

/ usr / bin, / usr / sbin: This is a supplement to / bin, / sbin;

<37> How to use VI (Vim)?

You can use VI to edit a file file, which is the most popular text processing tool in UNIX, almost all UNIX machines have this


1) Start VI: Execute "VI file name", start the VI in the command state, you can enter a variety of VI commands, can not be edited;

2) Stock: W, save exit: WQ, no disk exit: Q !;

3) Enter Edit Status: Insert: I, Add: A;

4) Exit Edit: Press the ESC key;

5) After entering the editing state, edit it like the edit under DOS;

6) There are some common commands in the command state:

x Delete the cursor where the cursor is located;

DD Deletes the column where the cursor is located.

In fact, if you can do it in English, what can be more detailed than MAN VI?

<38> How does Linux operate?

You can use the ls -l command to list the details of the directory, which is equivalent to the DIR command of the DOS. The output of the LS command is as follows:

Total 2

DRWXR-XR-X 2 XU User 1024 Mar 13 0:34 SUB1

-rw-r ----- l xu user 678 jun 15 1:45 hodo.txt

The leftmost list is the file / directory permissions, D is the directory, R is readable, X is executable, W is writable. Since the second letter begins to every three,

The user | group | other attributes

The size of the space is the size, the next is the date, the last column is the file / directory name. Here are some common file operation commands: RM: Delete

Part: Browse files CP: Copy file

<39> What does the 0xxxx disk error code prompt at startup? (LILO error prompt to see the front post)

1,0x00 "Internal error". Generated from the LILO sector reading subroutine. It may be a crucial file to rebuild the Map file. Another reason

Licen, when using the linear parameter, the cylinders exceeding 1024 are used.

2,0x01 "illegal order". It should not happen, if it appears, means lilo to visit the hard drive that the BIOS does not support. When I organize this document,

One of my friends met the L010101 ..., because he put Linux in the second IDE port (/ dev / hdc), plus the disk parameter.

3,0x02 "Did not find address tag". Usually a media problem, try a few times. 4,0x03 "Write protection". The appearance is only when the write operation is written.

5,0x04 "Sector is not found". Typical causes is that the hard disk parameters do not match.

6, 0x06 "Activation Sequence Change". This should be a short error, try again.

7,0x07 "invalid initialization". BIOS is not properly initialized, and the hot start may be helpful.

8,0x08 "DMA is out of limits". This should not occur, restart.

9, 0x09 "DMA tries to cross the 64K boundary". This should not occur, it is recommended to ignore the Compact parameter.

10,0x0c "invalid media". This should not happen, restart to see.

11,0x10 "CRC error". The medium error was detected. It is recommended to start a few times, run the MAP installer, write the MAP file from the bad block to normal media


12, 0x11 "ECC correction success". Read the error occurs and then correct, but LILO does not know this situation and terminates the startup process.

13,0x20 "Controller Error". Should not happen.

14,0x40 "Positioning failed". This may be a media problem and try again.

15,0x80 "Disk timeout". Disks or drives are not ready. The medium is broken or the disk is not turned, and if it is started from the floppy disk, it may not be closed.

16, 0XBB "BIOS error". This should not happen, if it occurs repeatedly, consider the removal of the Compact parameter or add / cancel

<40> Why can't I start using Linux in VMware?

First go to, come over the latest version of the VMwareFor Window $, click "Next"

Install it smoothly. Start the VM to set the relevant RAM size, drive and network card and other devices, start the virtual machine icon you set up.

Pack Linux. Then press the Alt Ctrl key Use the mouse to click on the VM's menu bar settings, select VMware Tools Install ..., return

Virtual machine, mount / dev / cdrom / mnt / cdrom, you will find a package called VMware-Linux-Tools.Tar.gz under / mnt / cdrom.

#cp /mnt/cdrom/vmware-linux-tools.tar.gz / TMP // You have no way to submit package in / mnt / cdrom

#gunzip /tmp/vmware-linux-tools.tar.gz

#TAR -VFX / TMP/VMware-linux-tools.tar

# / TMP / VMware-Linux-Tools /

The system will prompt you to add the previous X configuration file in the back .OLD to save it, recommend [YES]

#startx // If your display card has been supported, enjoyed IT

<41> How to delete Linux?

We often say that Linux has two parts. One is to delete the Linux system; additionally restore other operating systems boot program.

The method that is often used is to remove the Linux partition to remove the Linux system. MS-DOS command fdisk can do this. selected

Select Dele All Non-DOS Partition (Delete all non-MSDOS partition) to delete the partition of the EXT2 / 3 file system format. of course,

It is highly recommended to use PowerQuest PartitionMagic (Hard Disposal Magic) to complete this work. Then FDISK / MBR can be restored

A bootstrap for Window $ 95/98 / ME system, for Window $ 2000, you need to use the "disaster recovery disc" in advance, start with 2000 boot disk (soft disk disc does not matter), and then repair.

<42> How to use roller mouse under Linux?

Generally use mouseconfig to configure your mouse, select the model of your mouse. How to be invalid, please try in / etc / x11 / xf86config-4

"Protocol" "PS / 2" in Input Device in Mouse is changed to "IMPS / 2", and you can use your roll after the setting is complete.

<43> I have a Linux ISO installation file, what should I install?

You can use the ISO installation file in two ways. The first is to engrave the ISO file to the disc, then start installation from the optical drive (see the front);

The second is to install directly from the hard disk. First use software Winiso (assuming your download platform is M $ Window $) to put loading in Disk1,

Autoboot.bat and the entire autoboot directory copy to the same directory where the ISO installation file is stored (strongly suggested in the root directory of a dish),

Then start with the MS-DOS boot disk, and run the autoboot.bat file, it is possible to specify the location of the installation medium based on the prompt.

<44> I am in the 8.4G external Linux system, what does Ilo can't boot?

Some BIOS cannot recognize a hard disk greater than 8.4G, and the old LILO cannot identify the system kernel (kenerl) that is greater than 1024 cylindrical. Maybe

The problem is: LILO is loaded into MBR, and the hard disk partition prepared for Linux is far from 1024 cylinders, so Linux cannot boot.


Maybe you have already installed Linux, don't delete it, you can use it! Ok, start now:

1. Use partitionMagic5.0 to start a 10M EXT2 partition, formatted in the start of the first hard disk. It is best to put the partition prepared for Linux.

It is ready to save the trouble.

2. Boot and RESCUE disk boot system with loadlin or linux. Mount 10m partition - / dev / hda1, suppose I use Boot and

RESCUE disc, Mount to / MNT / TMP. Copy / Boot / * and kernel image files to / dev / hda1 in the same directory, edit /etc/lilo.conf,

Add the / dev / hda1 Mount path before all directories, and install LILO to / dev / hda1.

Put the lilo.conf

Boot = / dev / hda


Message = / boot / bootmsg

MAP = / boot / map

Image = /BOOT /VMLINUZ-2.2.13

change into

Boot = / dev / hda1

INSTALL = / mnt/tmp/boot/boot.b

Message = / mnt / tmp / boot / bootmsg

MAP = / mNT / TMP / BOOT / MAP

Image = / mnt/tmp/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.13

Call the lilo -v command and reinstall LILO.

Note: In fact, today, today's release Linux tape, the above method is really "very" old. You only need to be in lilo.conf

Add a line of LBA32.

Furthermore, use GRUB ~ Beautiful use <45> how to set the resolution of the graphical interface?

There are two methods:

Execute the Xconfigurator plenary screen. Then choose OK Enter, and the program automatically finds the graphics. OK, display list, select the display class

Type, or select Custom from define a display. Next, select the memory size, and one window appearing later is the configuration of the identification clock.

NO Clockchip setting. Then OK, then select three groups of color and resolution, then select OK Enter, then test it. At last

One Yes and NO are asking you to get directly to X for the next startup. Yes ok again.

Or directly change / etc / x11 / xf86config-4 and / etc / x11 / xf86config file!

Use the right key to select the above file, select the high-level editor (of course, you can edit with the vi command in the command line), modify the last few lines of the file:

Modes "800x600" --- is a visual analysis

Virtual 800 600 --- The size of the virtual desktop

<46> How to set the refresh rate of the graphical interface? (Note: Please be careful!)

If you use redhat, your x window profile is

/ ETC / X11 / XF86Config

Slackware's X WINDOW configuration file is

/ etc / xf86config

In that file, you will see something like this:

# 640x400 @ 70 HZ, 31.5 kHz Hsync

Modeline "640x400" 25.175 640 664 760 800 400 409 411 450

# 640x480 @ 60 hz, 31.5 kHz hsync

Modeline "640x480" 25.175 640 664 760 800 480 491 493 525

# 800x600 @ 56 HZ, 35.15 kHz Hsync

Modeline "800x600" 36 800 824 896 1024 600 601 603 625

# 1024x768 @ 87 Hz Interlaced, 35.5 kHz Hsync

Modeline "1024x768" 44.9 1024 1048 1208 1264 768 776 784 817


# 640x480 @ 72 HZ, 36.5 kHz Hsync

Modeline "640x480" 31.5 640 680 720 864 480 488 491 521

# 800x600 @ 60 Hz, 37.8 kHz Hsync

Modeline "800x600" 40 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628


# 800x600 @ 72 HZ, 48.0 kHz Hsync

Modeline "800x6 ??" 50 800 856 976 1040 600 637 643 666


# 1024x768 @ 60 HZ, 48.4 kHz Hsync

Modeline "1024x768" 65 1024 1032 1176 1344 768 771 777 806

-HSync -Vsync

# 1024x768 @ 70 hz, 56.5 kHz hsync

Modeline "1024x768" 75 1024 1048 1184 1328 768 771 777 806

-HSync -Vsync

# 1280x1024 @ 87 hz interlaced, 51 khz hsyncmodeline "1280x1024" 80 1280 1296 1512 1568 1024 1025 1037 1165


# 1024x768 @ 76 hz, 62.5 kHz Hsync

Modeline "1024x768" 85 1024 1032 1152 1360 768 784 787 823

# 1280x1024 @ 61 HZ, 64.2 kHz Hsync

Modeline "1280x1024" 110 1280 1328 1512 1712 1024 1025 1028 1054

# 1280x1024 @ 74 hz, 78.85 kHz hsync

Modeline "1280x1024" 135 1280 1312 1456 1712 1024 1027 1030 1064

# 1280x1024 @ 76 hz, 81.13 kHz hsync

Modeline "1280x1024" 135 1280 1312 1416 1664 1024 1027 1030 1064

These things control this setting, such as

The following row of comments say that the resolution is 1280x1024, the refresh rate is 76 Hz, the sap frequency is 81.13 kHz

# 1280x1024 @ 76 hz, 81.13 kHz hsync

Below this line of specific settings display card:

Modeline "1280x1024" 135 1280 1312 1416 1664 1024 1027 1030 1064

The significance of each project in this line is as follows: (from left to right)

Mode line, resolution, pixel frequency (MHNAHHHZ), clock cycle of per line like element, row synchronization (blanking) pulse, row synchronization (blanking)

The clock cycle of the pulse end, the number of clock cycles per line, the number of images of each frame, the number of frame synchronization pulses start, ends

The scan line, the scan line of each frame.

Adjusting these numbers You can maximize your display cards and displays, for example, your display card has a megaby memory, you can set

The resolution of 1152x900. It is necessary to be careful to carefully check the scanning frequency allowed by your monitor, and some monitors have received too high sweep.

After the synchronization pulse, the scanning transistor is burned.

The next question is what the cell frequency can be used in your display card, such as the above line requirements 135MHz, but your card is only 125 megaz, how

What do you do? Also, the 135 is changed to 125 with Emacs or VI.

If you have multiple modes lines in your profile, you can use the lower mode rows of other frequencies to sealed,

Leave only the frequency you want to change the scan frequency.

Of course, you can also adjust the XvidTune software with XF86

Novice Getting Started and Installation FAQ (5)

<47> My 256M memory is not all used by Linux, what should I do?

You can boot the program configuration file (LILO user see /etc/lilo.conf, see / Boot/grub/grub.conf)

Into the Append = "MEM = 256M" pass parameters to the system allows Linux to fully identify your big memory.

<48> When installing the system, prompt XXX XXX Signal 11 Error then interrupts how to do? *** Signal 11 Error Tip may be because of hardware errors in your system bus memory. Memory hardware errors may be asked by executable files

The problem is caused, or the system's hardware problem (such as the ability of the CD-ROM drive). Please find the latest version of the image file. If you still can't solve the problem,

Try to turn off the CPU cache in the BIOS or to switch your memory or change your memory.

*** First install Linux and then load Window $ XP, start with the Linux Bootdisk floppy disk, the following prompt appears:


Mounting root filesystem

VFS: Cant Find Ext3 FileSystem On DEV IDE0 (3, 7)

MOUN: Error 22 Mounting EXT3

Pivotroot: Pivot_Root (/ sysroot, / sysroot / initrd) failed: 2

Freeing ?? unused kernel memory

280k freed


How to do?

This is because XP has changed the partition table after installation. You can start your computer with Linux bootdisk when you installed the first installation.

After BOOT: Add a "Linux root = / dev / hdyx" (Note: Y is A, B, C, D, X is natural), you can prompt in syslinux

Find a phase of the imitation of the imitation), because the partition table has been changed, so you can't transfer the position of the boot disk default / root as the kernel,

At this time, the value of X should be (x-1 or x 1). After starting, you will find that you can't activate SWAP, there is no relationship, you can modify / etc / fstab,

Also add "(/ dev / hdyx) swap swap default 0 0" x value plus 1 or minus 1, you only need Mount to this node, system will

Victory of "It Seems A Swap". Finally, you have to recover the multi-system boot with LILO or GRUB, remember to put the inside / root position

The project has been changed ~, there is still the most important thing, don't forget to re-mkbootdisk - DEVICE / DEV / FD0 X.x.xx-x is a new


<49> I missed the production boot disk during installation, what should I do if I want to do BootDisk?

Command uname -a allows you to see how much the core version is, generally expressed as ... kernel 2.x.xx-xx ..., then you can put

A blank (of course, there is also data information can also, huh) flush is placed in the floppy drive, don't get used to mount soft! Play directly

Command mkbootdisk - DEvice / dev / fd0 2.x.xx-xx is OK.

<50> How to recursively delete all subdirectories in a directory?

The RM -RF command can recursively delete all directory files in a directory without any hints (strong requirement that the ROOT users should use this command!).

<51> I have installed WINDOW $ 2000 / XP, now I still want to install Linux, what should I do?

A: If you already know how to install Linux (of course, don't know, please see the front of FAQ), you are fearful to have some problems when booting. Suppose you don't want GRUB or LILO to destroy your WinLoader without putting the bootloader (Yes "no installation",

Not installed in the first sector! ), If you have already trusted GRUB or LILO, please use it when you restart it after you start using Linux.

Launch disk launch Linux system to log in with root

# Grub-install / dev / hda // Install GRUB, assume your hard disk location is IDE0

# LILO -V / / Install LILO, if you have any version of GRUB, you don't recommend LILO for novices.

If you know that third-party software can boot the Linux system boot program installed in the First Sector, and you are already installed when installing GRUB or LILO

On First Seig, you should also know that 2K / XP is allowed to provide a multi-system boot mirror in the root location where the system disk is located.

Start with your Linux boot disk, then log in as root

# mount -t vfat / dev / hda1 / mnt / vfat // Put the C disk to any one

# DD if = / dev / hda4 bs = 512 count = 1 of = / mnt / vfat / linux.lnx // Assume your boot on / dev / hda4

# umount / mnt / vfat

Start entering 2000 / XP, modify the boot.ini file (XP can edit directly in the system properties)

Add a C: /Linux.lnx= "My Linux Loader Here"

Save and exit, start the next time you will see WinLoader can boot Linux.

<52> My KDE has chosen Chinese, why do Chinese seem to have some question mark in the FAT partition, what should I do?

Edit your / etc / fstab file Add a line

/ dev / hda1 / mnt / c vfat ocharset = GB2312, umask = 0, CODEPAGE = 936 0 0

Mount your C drive when starting. Of course, since you can certainly use the same interactive command to realize the identification of Chinese on the disc.

# mount -t ISO9600 -O IOCHARSET = GB2312, umask = 0, CODEPAGE = 936 / dev / cdrom / mnt / cdrom

<53> What should I do if I can't be soft?

It is also a problem with the APM settings in your BIOS, but we now discussed the system's problem, if you use the halt -p command If you can shut down smoothly,

Please modify your /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt file

Message = $ "HALTING SYSTEM ..."??

Command = "halt"

Change this line's halt command to "Halt -P" and save exit.

<54> How to guide multiple Linux systems?

A: It is very difficult to use LILO boot multi Linux system (in fact the third-party boot program is also very good). Here is how to use GRUB pairs

Boot a plurality of Linux systems on the same hard disk. The configuration file used by GRUB is grub.conf.

# more /boot/grub/grub.conf // You can see your grub's detailed profile

Then you will find that it is actually a very simple thing to boot the multi-Linux system on the same hard disk. What should be noted is installed

When two Linux, don't put any Linux system boot program (LILO / GRUB)! Because you will boot it using the first Linux boot program. After the installation is complete, just copy the guidance item in the GRUB once, modify its details parameters OK. I put me

Grub.conf wrote down, let's take a look.

# ......

# This symbol is used to comment out

# ......

# Boot = / dev / hda

Default = 0


SplashImage = (HD0, 6) /BOOT /GRUB/SPLASH.XPM.GZ

# This is the beginning of a guiding item, guiding the small red cap

Title Redhat Linux 7.3

Root (HDA0, 5)

Kernel /Boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-3 Ro root = / dev / hda6

Initrd /Boot/initrd-2.4.18-3.img

# 以下 below The following guidance item Please mount to the area to view the record, otherwise you can't boot!

# Guide XTeam

Title Xteam Linux 2.4

Root (HDA0, 7)

Kernel /Boot/vmlinuz-2.4.8 rtm Ro root = / dev / hda8


# Guide Mandrake

Title Mandrake Linux 8.0

Root (HDA0, 8)

Kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.16-3mdk Ro root = / dev / hda9

Initrd /Boot/initrd-2.4.16-3mdk.img

# Boot Window $

Title Microsoft Window $ 2K Pro / Data Center

Rootnoverify (HD0, 0)

ChainLoader 1

After saving, you can see the multi-start item. I wish you all good luck.

<55> After replacing the new sound card, why root can be SNDCONFIG, and ordinary users can't vote in KDE?

Because your system's ordinary users are still old profiles, you only need to delete the system user's old profile

(Generally, in the .kde implicit directory), then restart the KDE setting is ok. In fact, if you have a KDE

The status bar is invisible, the icon problem, etc., you only need rm -rf .kde (absolutely do not recommend ROOT users to do this!) Yes.

This method is also available under GNOM.

<56> How to open the hard disk 32-bit DMA mode (improve hard disk efficiency)?

A: Command HDPARM can adjust the various efficiency modes of the hard disk. HDPARM -C 1 -K 1 -d 1 / dev / hda can be opened

(In order to face it, Linux is not open by default). If you want to achieve this effect when your computer is started,

Please add such a sentence in the /etc/rc.local file.

Novice Getting Started and Installation FAQ (6)

<57> What is the function of Linux system boot service?

1, Alsasound

ALSA Sound Card Driver Support. The ALSA sound card driver is originally written for a sound card Gravis Ultrasound (GUS), which is accessed

It's very good, so the author starts writing drivers for the general sound card. ALSA and OSS / Free and OSS / Linux are compatible, but have their own interface,

Even excellent than OSS.

2, AMD

Run the Automount Elf program, which automatically installs some local devices and NFS file systems if necessary.


APMD is used to monitor the system's electricity status and write related information to the log through Syslogd. It can also be used to shut down when the power is insufficient.


This program is mainly used to maintain the correspondence between the Ethernet physical address and the IP address.

5, Atalk

AppleTalk wizard. Be careful not to run the program in the background, the data structure of the program must be initialized for a certain period of time before running other processes.

6, ATD

Run the task of the user scheduling with the AT command. Batch tasks are also run when the system load is relatively low.

7, autofs

Automatically reprint the file system when you need it, and automatically uninstall when you don't need it.

8, bootparamd

This service allows old Sun workstations to start from Linux network, which is rarely used now, basically being replaced by bootp and DHCP.

9, crond

CRON is a traditional program under UNIX that periodically runs the user scheduling task. The Vixie version is added compared to the traditional UNIX version.

Less attributes, and safer, more simple configuration.


This wizard provides access support for dynamic host control protocols (Dynamic Host Control Protocol).

11, Gated

Gated provides network routing function support through a database. It supports various route protocols, including RIP versions 1 and 2, DCN Hello protocols,

OSPF version 2 and EGP versions 2 to 4.

12, GPM

GPM provides mice support for Linux programs such as MC (Midnight Commander) for text mode. It also supports copy of the mouse under the console,

Paste operation and pop-up menu.

13, httpd

HTTP is a famous WWW server that can be used to provide HTML files and CGI dynamic content services.

14, inetd

The Internet Operation Server. Monitor the network's needs of various services that are managed, and start the corresponding service programs when necessary. usually,

Onetd management procedures have Telnet, FTP, RSH and RLogin. Turning off inetd also closes these services managed by it.

15, Innd

Inn is the most popular user group news server. It allows you to build a local news server. Configuring a certain difficulty, you can welcome

Read / USR / DOC / INN * Document acquisition help.

16. The function of the keyTable The program is to reproduce the keyboard mapping table that you speak in / etc / sysconfig / keyboards.

Choose through the KBDConfig tool. You should make the program in an activation state.

17, LDAP

LDAP represents the LightWeight Directory Access Protocol, implements industry standards for the directory access protocol.

18, Linuxconf

LinuxConf is a valid system configuration tool under Linux that allows remote operation.

19, LPD

LPD is the system print daemon, which is responsible for submitting LPRs to the print job.


The Midnight Commander service process allows users on the remote machine to operate this unit file through the Midnight Commander File Manager.

The service process uses PAM to verify the user, and "user name / password" needs to be given to verify.

21, MySQL

A quick and efficient and reliable light SQL database engine.

22, Named

Domain name server, resolve the Internet hostname into points of the IP address.

23, Netfs

Responsible for loading / unloading NFS, Samba, NCP (NetWare) file system.

24. NetWork activates / closes the various network interfaces at startup.

25, NFS

NFS is a popular file sharing protocol based on TCP / IP network. This service provides NFS file sharing services, specific configuration

In / etc / exports file.

26, NSCD

This service is responsible for password and group query and buffer query results. If your system has a relatively slow service (such as NIS and NIS ), it should

Start the service.


PCMCIA is primarily used to support laptops. 28, Portmap

Portmap is used to support RPC connections, and RPC is used for NFS and NIS and other services.

29, PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL Relational Database Engine.

30, Proftpd

Proftpd is a Flexible FTP daemon under UNIX.


Routing broadcast program.

32, Random

The high quality random number generator for saving and recovering the system is provided by some random behavior of the system.


The daemon supports automatic IP routing table maintenance of the RIP protocol. RIP is mainly used on a small network, and the big network needs to be complex.

Point protocol.


The RSTAT protocol allows users on the network to get performance parameters of each machine on the same network.


This service allows network users to locate other users on the same network.

36, rwalld

The RWALL protocol allows remote users to send messages to terminals active in the same system, similar to Wall local behavior.


Allows remote users to get a list of all logged in users on machines running the RWHO wizard, similar to finger.

38, Sendmail

Deding Mail Server.

39, SMB

Start and close the SMBD and NMBD wizards to provide SMB network services.


Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Guardian Wizard.

41, Syslog

Syslog is a mechanism provided by operating systems, and daemons typically use this mechanism to write various information to each system log file. Usually

This service is started.

42, XFS

X Font Server.


NIS / ?? YP client daemon. If you need to use the NIS / YP machine, start this service, otherwise, close this service.

44, yppasswd

Let NIS users can modify the password. Run on the server in the NIS domain. The client program is also called yppasswd.

45, Ypserv

A standard NIS / YP network protocol is implemented. Allow host names, usernames, and other information to be distributed across the network. Run on the NIS server,

The client does not need.

Novice Getting Started and Installation FAQ (7)

<58> What Linux resources have there?

On the Internet, there are many websites on Linux, and the relatively excellent Chinese website is:

1) There is a Linux Forum, online Q & A, Knowledge Base, online training, solution and other columns;

2) Here you should be the most popular Linux forum;

3) is an updated Linux topic website;

4) It is a good Linux website;

5) China Linux Development Alliance;

6) Linux Database Application Guide.

<59> Redhat Linux 7.0 and Linux 2.4 which version is high?

I have recently introduced the latest version of Linux. What is the latest version of Linux? And many Linux beginners are using

It is Redhat Linux version 7.0. Which version is higher?

In fact, these two version numbers are different! Redhat Linux is some common supporting software for Linux kernels and Linux,

The release of the bundle together, 7.0 is the version number of this release. LINUX 2.4 refers to the version of the Linux kernel.

Linux core is maintained by Linus, its version number is generally composed of two to three parts, for example, now the most stable 2.4.18: 1) The first 2 is the main version number, which is generally more stable during one period;

2) The second 4 is the secondary version number, if it is an even number, the representative is a formal version, if it is an odd number, the representative is the test version during the development process.

If it is officially found in 2.4, 2.3.x is the version number of the beta version used between developers;

3) The last 18 is a modification number, such as 2.4.18 is a small modification of 2.4.17.

This special version of the nomenclature is to facilitate developing in the Internet.

<60> Install Linux, what is the requirements for hardware?

Linux is very low for hardware requirements, can run on the IBM PC on 386 CPUs, 8M or more memory. But due to the support of equipment manufacturers

Not enough, Linux is not very good for many new equipment, and the driver of the new device is always one step.

<61> What is needed to install Linux?

1) Collect system data: Record the memory size, CDROM interface type, SCSI card model, network card model, mouse type, graphics card chip

Group, clock chip, memory size, etc .;

2) Check the CMOS settings, turn off the virus development, set it from the CD-ROM drive;

3) If your Linux installation disk cannot be started from starting, you need to make a boot disk;

4) Take a hard disk space for the installation of Linux, preferably 1G

<62> How to configure Linux boot managers LILO?

Modify the /etc/lilo.conf file as needed, then execute / sbin / lilo allows the settings to take effect. Below is an example of a lilo.conf file:

Boot = / dev / hda

MAP = / boot / map

INSTALL = / boot / boot.b



Default = linux

Image = / boot / vmlinuz-2.2.5-15

Label = Linux

Root = / dev / hda1

INITRD = / boot / initrd-2.2.5-15.img


Other = / dev / hda2

Label = Windows

Among them, Timeout is used to set the time for LILO waiting input, indicating that if it is not selected for 5 seconds, it enters the default;

The Default option is used to specify which system that is started by default;

Image Section is used to specify the startup information of Linux, including startup position, name - Linux;

Other Sections are used to specify startup information for other operating systems, including startup position, name.

<63> Is there a MP3 playback tool under Linux?

There are many MP3 playback tools under Linux, where the MPG123 should be the most classic, which can be used in the console. Many graphics

The MP3 playback software of the interface uses this program to play MP3. Here is some of its basic parameters:

-A Device Set the sound device used, preset as / dev / audio or / dev / dsp

- @ file reads the MP3 file name list to play from the file file

-z random play

If ?? just want to play one or two songs simple, or to play the songs under the whole directory, use the MPG123 to be a good choice, if

To be a complicated function, such as selecting a specific MP3 file within a multi-directory, you may need to write Script to execute. <64> How do I check Linux hard drive usage?

In the Linux environment, you can use the DF command to view the use of the hard disk. Here is a DF -T -H (-T parameter: display file

The system type, the -h parameter is displayed in a high readability, and the information is displayed in the input instance of the command:

FileSystem Type Size Used Avail Use% MOUNTEDON

/ DEV / HDA1 EXT2 7.5G 4.7G 2.5G 65% /

/ DEV / HDA2 EXT2 653M 6.6M 613M 1% / root

/ DEV / HDB1 EXT2 7.5g 3.5g 3.7g 49% / usr

<65> How to manage processes?

The process is an execution of the program. You can use "PS -AUXW" to list the details of the process currently being executed, including each process

Some process ID number. You can terminate this process through the "Kill Process ID".

<66> How to manage users under Linux?

If you want to add a user:

1) Log in with root, then execute "AddUser User Account Name"

2) Execute "PasswD User Account Name" to set a password for this user account.

Execute "UserDel User Account" to delete a user;

Execute the "GroupAdd User Group Name" Add a user group;

Execute "GroupDel User Group Name" to delete a user group;

<67> How to make a Linux boot disk?

Under Linux, there is a tool mkbootdisk to make it easy to make a system boot disk:

1) View the version of the system, you can look at the LS / USR / SRC;

2) Insert an empty floppy disk;

3) Execute "Mkbootdisk --verbose 2.2.5"

<68> How to use Linux remote?

We can use telnet, rlogin, rsh, rcp, etc. to achieve remote use Linux, but this method is clear during transmission.

The text is transmitted, so it is possible to bring a lot of unsafe factors. Therefore, you should try to avoid remote use root account login systems.

<69> How to build a safe remote login?

Using SSH to achieve secure remote login because SSH implements encryption of data transmission.

1) Get the SSH-1.26.tar.gz file from;

2) Solve this package with TAR XVPF SSH-1.26.tar.gz;

3) to the unlocked directory / ru/local/src/ssh-1.26 directory execution ./configure;

4) Execute Make and make install to complete compilation and installation.

5) You can use SSH to create a secure remote connection with a server installed SSH.

<70> How to run a planned task?

It is much more familiar to planning tasks in Windows, which can complete some tasks at some simple settings.

In the maintenance of the Linux system, we will also need to perform some tasks regularly, which can be used:

1) AT command: It can read the instruction in the keyboard or file, then execute at the specified time;

2) CRONTAB Sighting Process: Perform some tasks by setting its profile.

<71> What did Linux's booting process do?

1) One boot, the CPU handed over the control to the BIOS, BIOS completes the power-on self-test; 2) Then the BIOS reads the first sector on the disk and loads the Lilo of the main boot sector;

3) LILO Selects a different kernel image according to the input, if you have selected Linux, read the core image under / boot;

4) The core starts hardware detection and initialization of the device driver, and then running init.

5) The init process runs a series of initialization scripts based on / etc / inittab;

6) After completing, start the Getty process to accept the user's login.

<72> How to set the boot automatic running program?

You can add the command you want to start the system in the following scripts:




<73> What is a dynamic kernel module?

The dynamic kernel module is a successful design of Linux, which makes Linux more flexible and easy to customize. In fact, the dynamic kernel module is one

The kernel module, which can dynamically add some functions to the kernel with the "Insmod Module Name" command without recompiling the kernel.

Use the "RMMOD Module Name" command to remove the kernel.


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