Apache SOAP2.3 - Run HelloWorld Service

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  154

Apache SOAP2.3 - Run HelloWorld Service

Sending station: BBS Shuimu Tsinghua Station (MON OCT 20 17:11:14 2003)

Install Apache SOAP

Download required resources:

Apache soap 2.3 http://apache.linuxforum.net/dist/ws/soap/Version-2.3.1/soa


Mail.jar from javamail http://java.sun.com/products/javamail

Activation.jar from javabeans activation framework http://java.sun.com/prod

UCTS / Beans / Glasgow / Jaf.html

A jaxp compatible, namespace-aware XML Parser Such As Apache Xerces (V1.1.2

Or Later http://xml.apache.org/xerces-j

Tomcat 4.1.x http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat

Install Tomcat:

There are many articles introduced online, and details will not be described here.

Install Apache SOAP:

Unzip the SOAP-2.3.1.zip from the download back to C: / SOAP-2_3_1. Two of C: / SOAP-2_3_1 / LIB

Document copy to% tomcat_home% / common / lib; put C: / SOAP-2_3_1 / WebApps soap.war

Copy to% tomcat_home% / WebApps; put other few JAR files (mail.jar, Activation.jar, X

Ercept.jar) Copy it below% Tomcat_Home% / Common / Lib.

Set the ClassPath variable:

Add the above four JAR file paths to the ClassPath variable

% Tomcat_Home% / Common / Lib / SOAP.jar

% Tomcat_Home% / Common / Lib / Mail.jar

% Tomcat_Home% / Common / Lib / Activation.jar

% Tomcat_Home% / Common / lib / Xerces.jar

PS: My approach is to synthesize these four JAR files a soap-all.jar file, and do not path to CLAS

Spa in spath, so you can save.

Test client configuration:

1. Open web browser, visit, if

Tip: "Sorry, I don't speak Via http get- you have to use http post to tal

K to Me ", the first test passed.

2. Command line test: Enter the following command on the command line

> java org.apache.soap.server.serviceManagerClient

0 / soap / servlet / rpcrouter List

If the output is just "Deployed Services:", no other output information is obtained, otherwise check

ClassPath configuration is correct

Run HelloWorldService service



Public Class HelloWorldService


String getMessage ()


Return "Hello World!";



________________________________ created a deployment descriptor:

The deployment descriptor is actually an XML file. When the SOAP request is sent to org.apache.soap.server.htt

When the P.rpcrouterServlet, the RPCRouterServlet uses the deployment descriptor to decide where to route the request. under

The command line tool registration service with Apache SOAP will be described.





Enter the command line (note to the directory where the HelloWorldService.xml file is located)

> Java org.apache.soap.server.serviceManagerClient

AP / servlet / rpcrouter Deploy HelloWorld.xml

If there is no error message, the registration is successful, you can use the following commands to view the registered service

> Java org.apache.soap.server.serviceManagerClient

AP / servlet / rpcrouter List

A prompt "deployed services: URN: HelloWorldService"

Logout service:

> Java org.apache.soap.server.serviceManagerClient

AP / servlet / rpcrouter Undelpoy "URN: HelloWorldService"

You can also query service properties:

> Java org.apache.soap.server.serviceManagerClient

AP / servlet / rpcrouter Query "URN: HelloWorldService"

HelloWorld service client



Import org.apache.soap.constants;

Import java.net.URL;

Import org.apache.soap.fault;

Import org.apache.soap.rpc.call;

Import org.apache.soap.rpc.response;

Import org.apache.soap.rpc.parameter;

Public class helloworldclient {

Static string default_endpoint = "http: // localhost: 8080 / soap / servlet / rpcrouter";

Public static void main (string args []) throws exception {

String endpoint = default_endpoint;

// Process Arguments

IF (args.length == 1)

Endpoint = args [0];

Else IF (args.length> 1)

System.out.Println ("Java HelloWorldClient [endpoint]");

// build the soap rpc request message using the call object

Call call = new call ();

Call.SetTargetObjecturi ("URN: HelloWorldService);

Call.SetMethodName ("getMessage");

Call.setencodingstyleuri (constants.ns_uri_soap_enc);

// Create a URL Object, Which Repesents the endpoint

URL URL = New URL (Endpoint);

// send the soap rpc request message using invoke () Method

Response Resp = CALL.INVOKE (URL, ");

// Check The Response.

if (Resp.GeneratedFault ()) {// error Occured

Fault fault = resp.getfault ();

System.out.println ("The Following Error Occured);

System.out.println ("Fault Code =" Fault.getFault ());

System.out.println ("Fault String =" Fault.getFaultString ());

} Else {// Completed SuccessFully

Parameter Result = Resp.getReturnValue ();

System.out.println (Result.getValue ());





Run service:

First pack the helloWorldService.class to the JAR file to put it until the% Tomcat_Home% / Common / LIB or

Put the helloWorldService.class directly to the% Tomcat_Home% / Common / Classes

Register the service according to the method described above, then run the HelloWorldClient, the screen output "HelloWorld!"


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