EMETRIX Developer Support Reply

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  169

Emetrix Developer Support's reply, I hope to help you

http://www.cnsw.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1711&highlight=emetrix Email me the general content: I'm a new shareware developer and have no experience These days I write two software and submit them to. Several Sites (Such As Soft32.com, Softpedia.com) .But Two Weeks Past, I don't succeed to sell one. Could you give me some advice how to change this state? Have time to help test, give a point Amended comments (QQ: 10110554, have a total of comrades to make friends) http://www.coolextractor.com Emetrix Developer Support Request: Hello, Thank you for your message.unfortunately, it is not always easy to launch a Software Business - Especially these Days as there there is so much compocation.

Sometimes it takes many months of hard work to get your first sale.However, it is possible to build a successful software business. You must be willing to work hard, and be patient during the difficult times.I have attached a document that might give you some ideas in marketing your products.Please let me know if you have any other questions - I would be happy tohelp it is document: MY MARKETINGIntroductionIn our pursuit to help maximize your success in the software industry, emetrix offers a wide variety of low. -cost marketing services. Initially, we begin by providing you with our powerful marketing tools that are part of our complete registration service package (at no additional charge) .We also offer fee-based and custom marketing services designed to fit your specific needs. Each of these Services IS provided by US or OUR affiliates at low cost and generally these charges can be be deducted from your emetrix account. (Please be aware tratrix) roducts and that prices are per product.) Taking many of the burdens from you as we help you execute a cohesive marketing plan will allow you to focus your efforts towards the development of new products, upgrades, technical support and solutions, and in managing your . web site Developing products, technical support, and maintaining a web site keeps most of our developers very busy.We believe in a true win / win philosophy: The more successful you are - the more successful we are We look forward to working. With you and helping you Effectively Sell Your Products.Web Site Developmentit Is Vital That You Maintain A Clean, Organized, And Professional-Looking Website. Your Site '

s design can either make or break a sale. A well-maintained site provides the customer with an atmosphere of security and comfort and allows for easy navigation through the site.Most of our clients have found it more effective to use the words BUY NOW or . PURCHASE on your site rather than REGISTER Also, make it clear where the customer should go to locate your contact information and technical support assistance You can take a look at the following web sites for ideas:. www.blue-pac.com - Blue pacific Softwarewww.totalidea.de - Totalidea Softwarewww.automation-specialists.com - Automation Specialistswww.chatblazer.com - Pendulab Softwarewww.tunespark.com - Papayatech Softwarewww.bytecool.com - ByteCool Softwarewww.qwerksoft.com - QwerksoftAlso, the following site may be helpful in designing your site: www.websitesthatsuck.com - Explains what not to do in order to improve your web siteIf you're looking for help with web design, check out www.screamdesign.com or www.eyeball-design.com for some tips and tricks. Please contact emetrix.com "> info@emetrix.com if you're looking for a professional design artist.For those of you looking for someone to revise the English language throughout your site, please contact David Arner at emetrix .com> arner @

emetrix.com. We will be glad to help! If you are looking for a good place to host your site, we recommend www.myhosting.com. They offer unlimited bandwidth for only $ 10 / month and are very reliable. If you do not have a credit card, we can set up an account for you, but you must pay for 12 months of hosting in advance. We can deduct the amount from your emetrix account.Now that your web site is up and running, you are ready to begin selling your software. in order to do this, you need people to find your product. It's time to market your software! Built-in ToolsInitially, we begin by providing you with our powerful built-in marketing tools that are a part of our complete registration service package (at no additional charge): • Customer Management Database: As an emetrix shareware author you have access to an easy-to-use customer management system for customer retention as well new product announcements and upgrades This tool is provided in. An Easy-to-Use Interface. this Tool Has Allowed . Some of our developers to make upgrade announcements that have brought in several hundred new orders in a single day Visit My Customers> Email Updates for more information • Upsell Rules:. The method this tool provides has proven time and time again that revenues can be Significantly increased with a Simple Special Offer Presented to your customer on their way to checkout. Visit My Storefront>

Upsell Rules to configure your products to be presented to customers as an upsell • Referral ID:. This tool will track how each customer found your product (s) You can use this tool to help determine which of your marketing methods yields the highest return. . on investment Visit our Referral ID FAQ to see how to use this tool • CD Sales:. If your product (s) is fulfilled by Full Version Download we can also make your product available on CD at no extra cost to you This feature. will give you additional revenue, as research has indicated that many people prefer to purchase programs on a CD rather than download • Affiliate Program:... We support 3rd party Affiliate Programs Please go to My Affiliates in your emetrix account for more information • Customer Service: We are committed to supporting your customer company process with friendly and thoragh phone service and quick response email (see our testimonial page) Download Sites &

Search EnginesA great place to begin marketing your software is by submitting your software to the major download archive sites and search engines. You can either do this manually yourself or use one of our recommended affiliates to do this for you for a small fee. Click here to see a list of recommended download sites and search engines you can submit your software to if you would like to do it yourself.Shareware Promotions (www.sharewarepromotions.com) is a leader in the software marketing industry and can submit your software to 30 of the main software download sites, 20 of the major search engines, post announcements to relevant newsgroups, and provide fully detailed activity reports. This offer is only available to emetrix clients at a special price of $ 175. For more information, please visit Shareware Promotion's Website or Contact US At Emetrix.com> INFO @

emetrix.com.When you are ready to order, make sure you go to this URL to receive the special pricing.We also recommend the software program Submitus for those of you who prefer to not use a fee-based service to submit your software to download sites. Submitus can save you a great deal of time and effort by allowing you to quickly and easily submit your software to hundreds of download sites on the Web. emetrix clients are eligible for a 10% discount on Submitus. Please click here if you would like to purchase the software and visit www.officetune.com for more information on Submitus: Another great service to increase product exposure and get your software listed on the major search engines is Overture (www.overture.com - formerly known as Goto. com). Overture allows you to bid on search terms among many of the major search engines and you pay on a per click-through basis. The top three bidders for each search term are also featured on AOL, Lycos, Netscape, AltaVista, HotBot And more! in order to maximize your success with the search engines, it is also a good idea to spend time thinking of the best meta tags and page titles for each of your web pages in your web site. For more information on this and all methods of optimizing your Site On Search Engines, Check Out deadlock design at www.deadlock.com.press Releases &

Opt-in EmailAfter this, you may want to try sending out a press release. Press Releases are an effective and inexpensive way to get your software recognized by thousands or even millions of potential buyers. We work directly with DP Directory to submit your press release to over 1000 computer editors. The normal price for this service is only $ 129, but if emetrix is ​​listed as your primary order processing service, you are eligible for a $ 20 discount.Contact David Arner at emetrix.com "> arner@emetrix.com for the Press Release Submission form. Please complete this form and return it to us at least 10 working days prior to your intended release date.Al Harberg and his team of professionals can also write your press release for you for an additional $ 250. Please contact al directly at al@dpdirectory.com for more specific details.For more ideas and information on press releases, writing press releases, and DP Directory, please visit www.dpdirectory.com.There are also a number of sites that a llow you to post your press release for free (we recommend using them in conjunction with DP Directory in order to be effective). You can go to http://www.softwaremarketingresource.com/pressreleases.html for a list of such sites. After sending out a press release, you may want to try email marketing (opt-in lists only, not spam!). opt-in mailing lists can be a great way to contact potential customers directly via email. emetrix will help you distribute an Email Marketing Campaign To As Many People As you '

d like. Please contact us for more specific details if you are interested in marketing to an opt-in email list. Cost generally runs $ 0.20- $ 0.30 per name with a $ 1000 to $ 2500 minimum charge.emetrix is ​​a subsidiary of Qwerks.com, Inc ., and as such, has access to the weekly Qwerks newsletter that highlights various shareware programs. This is a very targeted email and if you would like to submit your software to us to review for one of the upcoming email newsletters, please send us a 750-1500 character description of the software along with information as to where it can be downloaded to emetrix.com "> newsletter@emetrix.com. We will review your software and hopefully get you a spot in one of the upcoming email newsletters. The newsletters are in plain text format (no graphics allowed) .Web Site Analysis & MoreBy this time, you should be seeing some traffic coming your way. One of your keys to success is analyzing this traffic to see what marketing methods prove to be most effective for you . We assist you in this by providing you with a referral ID in your receipt of each sale of your product. This tool will track how each customer found your product. You can use this tool to help determine which of your marketing methods yields the highest return on investment. We also recommend that you thoroughly review your log files on a regular basis.> There are a number of log analyzers on the market. We have found 123LogAnalyzer to be very complete and easy to use. It is available to emetrix clients For Only $ 84.47 (Regular Price =

$ 129.95). You can go to www.123LogAnalyzer.com for more information or to download a free trial version of the software. By analyzing your web site statistics, you can realize where you should be focusing your efforts.To purchase 123LogAnalyzer at the special price, click here.You may also want to try bundling your software with complimentary software products currently on the market. You can check out Software Bundles at www.softwarebundles.com for more information and search for partners. Also, it doesn '

t hurt to get as much help as possible through your affiliates. We can implement support for nearly all 3rd party Affiliate Programs. Visit My Affiliates in your emetrix account for more information.It is also helpful to discuss ideas with others who currently are or have been in your situation. For this reason, we recommend you check out newsgroups and discussion groups. One of the most useful newsgroups is the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP), but there are also others that may prove to considerably help you in building your business.Here is a list of some of the news and discussion groups: Discussion Groupswww.asp-shareware.org - Association of Shareware Professionalswww.euro-share.com - EuroShare - Moderated email discussion groupwww.wugnet.com - Windows Users Group NETworkRelated Newsgroupscomp.software.shareware.Authors - MODERATED NewsGroup for Shareware Developers.comp.software.Shareware.announce - Moderated NewsGroup to Announce New Software Release.edu.educationa l_software_coop - Unmoderated newsgroup for shareware developers in the education market.alt.comp.shareware.authors - Unmoderated newsgroup for shareware developers.Some other good resources can be found at the following sites: www.softwaremarketingresources.com - The most complete resource for software . developers This site contains information on everything you need to know in order to succeed in the shareware industry.www.upload.it - ​​Great resource for shareware developers - This site offers information on marketing, web site tips, programmers'


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