JScript.net creates a multi-threaded program example.

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  183

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* CopyRight (C) 2004 Ming Run.


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/ *

* Compile Sample:

* JSC / T: EXE /OUT :THReading.exe threading.js

* /




Import system;

Import system.threading;

Import system.windows.forms;


Var thethread: WriteconsoleThread = new writeconsolethread ();

// Standard Thread

Application.run (new form ());

// stop the thread


// Thread Runner Class

Class WriteconsoleThread


// Thread Start

Private Var ThreadStart: threadstart;

// thread

Public var singlethread: thread;

// stop flag

Public var stopthread: boolean;

// conncture

Public Function WriteconsoleThread ()


THIS.STOPTHREAD = false; this.threadstart = printdot;

This.singLethread = New Thread (this.threadstart);



// Print '.' To console screen

Private function printdot ()


While (! this.stopthread)


Console.write (".");

Thread.sleep (1000);


Console.writeline ("");

Console.write ("Stopping Thread ...");





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