Community learning - Database Structure 3

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  174



Columns: ???????? 10

Number of indexes: ???? 0

Foreign key: ???? 0

Programs: ???????? e_id

Code: ???????? 0

Column data type allows NULL value / range E_ID INT Not allowed? E_COMMUNITYID INT is not allowed? E_TO NVARCHAR (250) is not allowed? E_SUBJECT NVARCHAR (250) is not allowed? E_BODY NTEXT is not allowed? E_ishtml bit is not? Allow? E_sendPriority Int is not allowed? E_ENTRYDATE DATETIME? E_SENTDATE dateTime Allow?

(12) Community_events

Columns: ???????? 6

Number of indexes: ???? 0

Foreign key: ???? 1

Programs: ???????? Event_ContentPageID

Code: ???????? 0

Column data type allows NULL values ​​/ ranges allowed Event_ContentPageID int? Event_Link nvarchar (250) is not allowed? Event_FullDescription ntext allowed? Event_Location nvarchar (100) is not allowed? Event_Speaker nvarchar (100) is not allowed? Event_SpeakerBiography nvarchar (500) is not allowed?

Foreign key details (sub)


Definition: ???????????? Father Event_ContentPageID ?????? Comminity_ContentPages.ContentPage_ID

Allow NULL: ????? Not allowed

Reference integrity when updating: ?????? None action

Reference integrity when deleting: ??????

(13) Community_haasread

Columns: ???????? 4

Number of indexes: ???? 0

Foreign key: ???? 1

Main key: ???????? 1. hr_userid ?????????????????? 2.? Hr_contentpageid

Code: ???????? 0

Column data type allows NULL Value / Range HR_USERID INT Not Allow? HR_CONTENTPAGEID INT is not allowed? HR_DATEFIRSTREAD dateTime is not allowed? HR_DATELASTREAD DATETIME is not allowed?

Foreign key details (sub)


Definition: ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Allow NULL: ????? Not allowed

Reference integrity when updating: ?????? None action

Reference integrity when deleting: ??????

(14) Community_htmlpages

Columns: ???????? 2

Number of indexes: ???? 0

Foreign key: ???? 1

Programs: ???????? HTMLPage_SECTIONID

Code: ???????? 0

Column data type allows NULL / Range HTMLPage_SECTIONID INT is not allowed? HTMLPAGE_PAGE NTEXT is not allowed?

Foreign key details (sub)


Definition: ????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Mr. ????? is not allowed

Reference integrity when updating: ?????? None action

Reference integrity when deleting: ??????

(15) Community_Links

Columns: ???????? 4

Number of indexes: ???? 0

Foreign key: ???? 1

Programs: ???????? link_contentpageid

Code: ???????? 0

Column data type allows NULL Value / Range LINK_CONTENTPAGEID INT Not allowed? LINK_URL NVARCHAR (255) is not allowed? LINK_SORTORDER INT is not allowed? LINK_CLICKCOUNT INT is not allowed?

Foreign key details (sub)


Definition: ????????????? ?????????????????????????? ? Father LINK_CONTENTPAGEID ????????? Community_ContentPages.ContentPage_ID

Allow NULL: ????? Not allowed

Reference integrity when updating: ?????? None action

Reference integrity when deleting: ??????


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