Community learning - Database Structure 1

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  176

1 database structure

1 .1 Name Rules

Any Table of Community_Sample Name is sample data

1.1.1 Database detail structure

The sample data table is not listed

(1) Database summary

Target DBMS: ?? Microsoft SQL Server

Number of pies: ??????? 41

Number of view: ???? 0

Columns: ??????? 302

Number of indexes: ???? 8s

Foreign key: ???? 36

(2) Community_ActivityLog

Columns: ???????? 7

Number of indexes: ???? 0

Foreign key: ???? 1

Programs: ???????? Activity_ID

Code: ???????? 0

Column data type allows NULL values ​​/ ranges activity_ID int identity allowed? Activity_communityID int allowed? Activity_sectionID int allowed? Activity_url nvarchar (250) is not allowed? Activity_briefEntry nvarchar (250) is not allowed? Activity_fullEntry ntext allowed? Activity_dateCreated datetime allowed?

Foreign key details (sub)


Definition: ???????? Sub Activity_CommunityID

????????????????? parent Community_Communities.community_ID

Allow NULL: ????? Not allowed

Reference integrity when updating: ?????? None action

Reference integrity when deleting: ??????

(3) Community_Articles

Columns: ???????? 2

Number of indexes: ???? 0

Foreign key: ???? 1

Primary key: ???????? Article_ContentPageID

Code: ???????? 0

The column data type allows null value / scope article_contentpageid int 不? Article_Article NTEXT is not allowed?

Foreign key details (sub)


Definition: ???????????????????????????????? parent Article_ContentPageID ???? Community_ContentPages. Contentpage_id

Allow NULL: ????? Not allowed

Reference integrity when updating: ?????? None action

Reference integrity when deleting: ??????

(4) Community_books

Columns: ???????? 9

Number of indexes: ???? 0

Foreign key: ???? 1

Programs: ???????? book_contentpageid

Code: ???????? 0

Column data type allows NULL values ​​/ ranges allowed Book_ContentPageID int? Book_ISBN nvarchar (50) allowing? Book_Author nvarchar (100) allowing? Book_Price money allowed? Book_FullDescription ntext allowed? Book_PurchaseLink nvarchar (250) is not allowed? Book_Publisher nvarchar (100) allows? Book_publisherlink nvarchar (250) Allow? Book_publicationDate DateTime is not allowed?

Foreign key details (sub)


Definition: ???????????????????????????????? Father BOOK_CONTENTPAGEID ?????? ? Community_ContentPages.ContentPage_ID Allow NULL: ????? Not allowed

Reference integrity when updating: ?????? None action

Reference integrity when deleting: ??????

(5) Community_Comments

Columns: ???????? 2

Number of indexes: ???? 0

Foreign key: ???? 1

Programs: ???????? comment_contentpageid

Code: ???????? 0

Column data type allows NULL value / range Comment_ContentPageID INT is not allowed? Comment_text ntext is not allowed?

Foreign key details (sub)


Definition: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? parent comment_contentpageid community_contentpages.contentpage_id

Allow NULL: ????? Not allowed

Reference integrity when updating: ?????? None action

Reference integrity when deleting: ??????


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