SMTP, POP3, NNTP, FTP, HTTP server directive (STT)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  165

SMTP, POP3, NNTP, FTP, HTTP server instruction

SMTP, POP3, NNTP, FTP, HTTP server instructions 1, Mail from: ; to the recipient identifies the sender address. 2, RCPT TO: ; Identify the recipient address. 3, DATA; request to send message data, end each line, end with a line of only ".". 4, quit; turn off the connection. The HTTP Common Directive generally only needs to send a get command for the HTTP server, the format is as follows: GET HTTP / 1.0 where the path is a valid path on the server or a file name with the full path, the command will return a server will return one. Group data is disconnected from your connection. This group of data is generally divided into two parts: header and file data. The header generally expresses success with the "http / 1.x 200 ok" beginning, and "200" "404" means that the file is not found, such as other numbers. Both said unsuccessful. The header is over, the next is the file data you need. The following is an instance of IE5.0 issuing a request: get / http / 1.1 accept: * / * accept-language: zh-cn accept-eNCoding: gzip, deflate if-modified-swepers: mon, 07 aug 2000 04:02 : 46 GMT IF-NONE-MATCH: "0B7E757240C01: 1BCE" User-agent: mozilla / 4.0 (compatible; msie 5.0; windows 98; digext) host: dong connection: Keep-alive The following is an HTTP service returned data instance: HTTP / 1.1 200 OK Server: Microsoft-IIS / 4.0 Content-Location: Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 02:15:07 GMT Content-Type: Text / HTML Accept-Ranges : Bytes last-modified: mon, 07 aug 2000 04:02:46 GMT ETAG: "0B7E757240C01: 1C5A" Content-Length: 628 POP3 Common Directive POP3 server response is generally: " OK" means success, "- ERR" means failure. 1, user ; user login. 2, pass ; send user password. 3, Stat; Return to the mailbox list (number of emails, bytes). 4, dele ; Delete the specified message. 5, List Back to the specified mail header. 6, Retr ; End of the specified message to only one ".". 7, quit; turn off the connection. NNTP Common Directive 1, Article [

]; Returns the specified article, ending only the line of ".". 2, List; return a list of news groups. 3, group Select a newsgroup. 4, Last; move the current article to the previous article. 5, newgroup; return the newsgroup created after the specified time. 6, NewNews ; return the article created after the specified time.


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