JDK1.3 predefined package

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  184

JDK1.3 predefined package

LinuxAid.com.cn?01-09-17 11: 16? 1426p?


Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, V 1.3 API SPECificationJava 2 SE V 1.3 Predef Pack Description Java.applet provides class sets necessary to create a small application and a small application that is running with its running environment. Java.awt provides an interface set for creating a user window and a classset that is required to draw graphics. Java.awt.color provides a collection of color spaces. Java.awt.DataTransfer® provides a collection of interfaces and classes for data transfer between applications and applications. Java.awt.dnd Drag and drop "DRAG AND DROP" is a mechanism provided by many graphical user interface systems, which can be used to communicate between two applications with graphical performance elements in the GUI. For example, drag and drop operations in Macintosh, etc. Java.awt.event provides a collection of interfaces and classes that handle different types of events triggered by the AWT component. Java.awt.font provides classes and interface collections associated with font. Java.awt.geom provides a Java 2D collection that can define and perform operations on objects associated with two-dimensional geometry. Java.awt.im is a collection of interfaces and classes provided by the input method framework. Java.awt.im.SPI provides a collection of development interfaces that can be used for any Java runtime environment. Java.awt.Image is a basic class collection that creates and modify the graphics operation. Java.awt.Image.Renderable provides a collection of classes and interfaces that produce image of shades. Java.awt.print is a collection of classes and interfaces provided by General Print API. Java.beans contains basic collections related to Java Beans development. Java.beans.beanContext provides a collection of interfaces and classes associated with the execution environment of the bean. Java.io provides a collection of interfaces and classes related to system data stream input, serialization, file system related interfaces. Java.lang provides the most basic class set required for designing the Java program language, which is the default introduction. Java.lang.Ref provides a reference object class collection that can interact with the garbage collector. Java.lang.Reflect provides classes and interface collections for reflection information for acquiring classes or objects. Java.math provides a collection of categories supported by a Biginteger an integer (Big Decimal) operator. Java.net provides a support for network applications. Java.RMI provides RMI packages. Java.rmi.Activation provides support for RMI object activation. Java.rmi.dgc provides classes and interfaces that support RMI distributed garbage collection (DGC). Java.rmi.Registry provides a class and two interfaces that support RMI registration. Java.rmi.Server provides a collection of classes and interfaces that support server-side RMI. Java.security provides a collection of classes and interfaces that support the security framework. Java.security.acl? The class and the interface in this package have been replaced by the classes in the java.security package. Java.security.cert provides a collection of parsing and management certificates. Java.Security.Interfaces provides a collection of interfaces that generate RSA (Rivest, Shamir and Adleman Asymmetriccipher Algorithm) keys and DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm). Java.security.spec provides classes and interfaces describing key specifications and algorithm parameters. Java.sql provides a Java programming interface API that accesss data in a particular data source. Java.Text provides a language independent processing text, date, numbers, and messages collection. Java.util includes applications such as collector framework, relic collection, event model, date and time application, internationalization, and multi-purpose classes (such as character string to log, random number generator, and bit array). Java.util.jar provides a collection of classes to read and write JAR format files. Java.util.zip provides a collection of read and write ZIP and Gzip format files. Javax.accessibility defines a contract between user interface components and support for access to these components.

Javax.naming provides a class and interface collection that provides access to the naming service. Javax.naming.directory Extensions Javax.naming package to provide access to the directory service. Javax.naming.event provides prompts and alarm events for the operation of the Actions to Naming and Directory Services. Javax.naming.LDAP provides extended operations and controls that support LDAP V3. Javax.naming.SPI provides a dynamic insertion support method for naming and directory services through javax.naming and related package access. Javax.RMI contains user APIs that support RMI-IIOP. Javax.rmi.corba? Contains portable APIs supporting RMI-IIOP. Javax.Sound.midi? Provides an interface and class collection that supports I / O, serialization and synthesis of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface). Javax.Sound.Midi.SPI provides an interface to be implemented for service providers, which provide support for new MIDI audio devices, MIDI file readers, etc. Javax.sound.sample provides interfaces and class collections that support capture, processing, playback audio sampling data. Javax.Sound.sampled.SPI provides an abstract class inherited to service providers, which can provide new audio devices drivers, audio file readers and audio format converters. Javax.swing provides the maximum possible guarantee that there is a set of lightweight components that have the same behavior and performance on any platform. Javax.swing.border? Provides a class collection and interface that draws a special boundary around the SWING component. Javax.swing.colorchooser includes classes and interface collections that can be used by JColorchooser components. Javax.swing.event provides events that can be triggered by Swing components. Javax.swing.filechooser contains classes and interface collections that can be used by the JFilechooser component. Javax.swing.plaf provides an interface and a lot of abstraction class for providing swing to provide an insertable Look-Feel capability. Javax.swing.Plaf.basic is in accordance with the user interface object built by the basic Look-And-Feel. Javax.swing.Plaf.Metal • User interface object constructed in "Metal Sensing" LOOK-AND-FEEL. Javax.swing.Plaf.multi? Allow users to combine more Look-And-Feels on the default Look-And-Feel basis. Javax.swing.table? Provides processing javax.swing.jtable classes and interface collections. Javax.swing.text provides classes and interface collections for processing editable and non-editable text components. Javax.swing.text.html provides HTMLDITORKIT classes and supports a support class collection that creates an HTML text editor. Javax.swing.text.html.Parser provides the default HTML parser and the corresponding support class. Javax.swing.text.rtf provides an RTFeditorKit class for creating a Rich-text-format text editor. Javax.swing.tree provides classes and interface collections for processing javax.swing.jtree. Javax.swing.undo provides deduplication and undo operational capabilities for applications such as text editors. Javax.Transaction contains three exceptions thrown by the ORB mechanism when the decgroup is dected. Org.omg.corba provides mapping of OMG CORBA APIs to Java programming languages, including ORB classes that users can request a proxy as full-featured objects. Org.omg.corba_2_3corba_2_3 Package Defines the feature attached to the existing Java 2 Standard CORBA interface. These changes follow the latest modifications to the Corba API in accordance with the OMG. The new method is added to the interface evolved from the corresponding interface in the CORBA package. This ensures downward compatibility and JCK testing. Org.omg.corba_2_3.portable provides a support for input and output, which also contains some updates to the ORG / OMG / CORBA / Portable package.


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