1-80 list of RFC84 NWGRFC

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NetWork Working Group J. B. North

Request for Comments: 84 23 December 1970

NIC 5620

NWG / RFC 1-80 list (List of NWG / RFC's 1-80)

NWG / RFC 1 April 7, 1969 NIC 4687

Host software

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 2 April 9, 1969 NIC 4688

Host software

B. Duvall (SRI)

NWG / RFC 3 April 9, 1969 NIC 4689

Documentation specification

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 4 March 24, 1969 NIC 4690

Network schedule

E. Shapiro (SRI)

NWG / RFC 5 June 2, 1969 NIC 4691

Decoding Code Language (DEL)

J. Rulifson (SRI)

NWG / RFC 6 April 10, 1969 NIC 4692

Talk with Bob Kahn

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 7 May 5, 1969 NIC 4693

Host / IMP interface

G. Deloche (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 8 May 5, 1969 NIC 4694

ARPA network function details

G. Deloche (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 9 May 1, 1969 NIC 4695

Host software

G. Deloche (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 10 July 29, 1969 NIC 4696

Documentation specification

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 11 August 1, 1969 NIC 4718

Host - Host Software Program in Gordo

G. Deloche (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 12 August 26, 1969 NIC 4697

IMP / host interface traffic chart

M. Wingfield (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 13 August 20, 1969 NIC 4698 Reference to NWG / RFC11

Vint Cerf (UCL)

NWG / RFC 14 (not published)

NWG / RFC 15 September 25, 1969 NIC 4754

Network subsystem of time division host

C. Stephen Carr (UTAH)

NWG / RFC 16 August 27, 1969 NIC 4719

MIT (Address)

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 17 August 27, 1969 NIC 4699

Reply to some questions: Host-IMP protocol

John E. Kreznar (SDC)

NWG / RFC 18 September NIC 4720, 1969

(Use of the first second link)

Vint Cerf (UCL)

NWG / RFC 19 October 7, 1969 NIC 4721

Recommendations of two related protocols that define exchange contacts congestion

John E. Kreznar (SDC)

NWG / RFC 20 October 10, 1969 NIC 4722

ASCII format for network exchange

Vint Cerf (UCL)

NWG / RFC 21 October 17, 1969 NIC 4723

(Network Conference Report)

Vint Cerf (UCL)

NWG / RFC 22 October 17, 1969 NIC 4724

Host - Host Control Information Format

Vint Cerf (UCL)

NWG / RFC 23 October 16, 1969 NIC 4725

Multi-control information transmission

G. Greg (UCSB)

NWG / RFC 24 November 21, 1969 NIC 4726

Documentation specification

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 25, October 30, 1969 NIC 4727

No high-link

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 26 is not published

NWG / RFC 27 December 6, 1969 NIC 4729

Documentation specification

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 28 January 13, 1970 NIC 4730

Time standard


NWG / RFC 29 January 19, 1970 NIC 4731

Response to the RFC of Bill ENGLISH

Robert Kahn (BBN)

NWG / RFC 30 February 4, 1970 NIC 4732

Documentation specification

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 31 in February 1968 NIC 4733

Binary information in the computer network

Daniel Borrow (BBN)

William R. Sutherland (linc)

NWG / RFC 32 January 31, 1969 NIC 4734 connected M.I.T. Computer to ARPA - Computer Communication Network

Dietrich vedder (Mac)

NWG / RFC 33 February 12, 1970 NIC 4735

New host - host protocol

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 34 February 26, 1970 NIC 4736

Some brief preliminary records about ARC clock


NWG / RFC 35 March 3, 1970 NIC 4737

online meeting

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 36 March 16, 1970 NIC 4738

Agreement annotation

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 37 March 20, 1970 NIC 4739

Online conference, etc.

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 38 March 20, 1970 NIC 4740

Comment on network protocols in NWG / RFC 36

Stephen M. Wolfe (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 39 March 25, 1970 NIC 4741

Reply to NWG / RFC 36 agreement

E. Harslem (Rand)

J. Heafner (Rand)

NWG / RFC 40 March 27, 1970 NIC 4742

More comments about future agreements

E. Harslem (Rand)

J. Heafner (Rand)

NWG / RFC 41 March 30, 1970 NIC 4743

IMP-IMP telephony typewriter communication

John Melvin (ARC)

NWG / RFC 42 March 31, 1970 NIC 4744

Information data type

E. I. Ancona (LINC)

NWG / RFC 43 April 8, 1970 NIC 4745

Proposed meeting


NWG / RFC 44 April 10, 1970 NIC 4746

NWG / RFC33 and 36 Comments

A. Shohani (SDC)

R. Long (SDC)

A. Kandsberg (SDC)

NWG / RFC 45 April 14, 1970 NIC 4747

New agreement will come

J. Postel (UCLA)

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 46 April 17, 1970 NIC 4748

ARPA network protocol annotation

Edwin W. Meyer Jr. (Mac)

NWG / RFC 47 April 20, 1970 NIC 4749

BBN Note to NWG / RFC 33

J. Postel (UCLA)

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 48 April 21, 1970 NIC 4750

A possible protocol peak

J. Postel (UCLA)

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 49 April 25, 1970 NIC 4728

Dialogue with Steve Crocker

E. W. Meyer Jr. (Mac)

NWG / RFC 50 April 30, 1970 NIC 4751

Comment on Meyer Agreement

E. Harslem (Rand)

J. Heafner (Rand)

NWG / RFC 51 May 4, 1970 NIC 4752

Proposal for network exchange language

M. Elie (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 52 July 1, 1970 NIC 4753

Updated distribution list

S. Crocker (UCLA)

J. Postel (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 53 June 9, 1970 NIC 4755

An official protocol

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 54 June 18, 1970 NIC 4756

An official agreement suggestion

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

Jon Postel (UCLA)

John Newkirk (HARV)

Mike Kraley (HARV)

NWG / RFC 55 June 19, 1970 NIC 4757

Typical implementation of NCP

J. Newkirk (HARV)

M. Kraley (HARV)

J. Postel (UCLA)

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 56 June 19, 1970 NIC 4758

Third layer agreement


Dave Black (HARV)

Bob Flegal (Utah)

Lamar G. Farquar (UTAH)

NWG / RFC 57 June 19, 1970 NIC 4759

Ideas and considerations for NWG / RFC54

Mike Kraley (HARV)

John Newkirk (HARV)

NWG / RFC 58 June 26, 1970 NIC 4760

Synchronization of logical information

T. P. Skinner (Mac)

NWG / RFC 59 June 27, 1970 NIC 4761

Flow control - fixed and need to be assigned

Edwin W. Meyer Jr.

NWG / RFC 60 July 13, 1970 NIC 4762

A simplified NCP protocol

Richard Kalin (LINC)

NWG / RFC 61 July 17, 1970 NIC 4961

Notices on the communication process of resources on resources

Dave Walden (BBN)

NWG / RFC 62 August 3, 1970 NIC 4962

Notices on the communication process of resources on resources

Dave Walden (BBN)

NWG / RFC 63 July 31, 1970 NIC 4963

Normal network meeting report


NWG / RFC 64 (dead date) NIC 4964


M. Elie (UCLA) NWG / RFC 65 August 29, 1970 NIC 4965

Comment on the Host Host Agreement No. 1

(S. CROCKER Published on August 3, 1970)

Dave Walden (BBN)

NWG / RFC 66 August 26, 1970 NIC 5409

Third level ideas and other noise

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 67 (dead date) NIC 5410

Suggested changes to host / IMP speculation to eliminate imprints

W. Crowther (BBN)

NWG / RFC 68 August 31, 1970 NIC 5411

Comment on memory allocation control command

(Cease, ALL, GVB, RET) and RFNM

M. Elie (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 69 September 22, 1970 NIC 5412

MIT distributed list change

A. Bhushan (Mac)

NWG / RFC 70 October 15, 1970 NIC 5413

Note on Padding

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 71 September 25, 1970 NIC 5414

Enter the wrong position

Tjaart Schipper (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 72 September 28, 1970 NIC 5415

Advise to network protocol changes


NWG / RFC 73 September 25, 1970 NIC 5416

Reply to NWG / RFC 67

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 74 October 16, 1970 NIC 5417

Use a Xiang of the UCSB online system for the network

J. White (UCSB)

NWG / RFC 75 October 14, 1970 NIC 5418

online meeting

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 76 October 28, 1970 NIC 5180

Joint name: User Adaptation Agreement

J. Bouknight (ILL)

J. Madden (ILL)

G. Grossman (ILL)

NWG / RFC 77 November 20, 1970 NIC 5604

Network conference report

J. Postel (UCLA)

NWG / RFC 78 (total date) NIC 5199

NCP Status Report: UCSB / RAND

E. Harslem (Rand)

J. Heafner (Rand)

J. White (UCSB)

NWG / RFC 79 November 16, 1970 NIC 5601

Log agreement error

Edwin W. Meyer, Jr. (Mac

NWG / RFC 80 December 1, 1970 NIC 5608

Agreement and data format

E. Harslem (Rand)

J. Heafner (Rand)


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