Talking (QQ, MSN, etc.) Solutions (QQ, MSN, etc.)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  187

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- This article is original, copyright Author zxhong all, anyone needs to reprint articles, must be certified by Zxhong authorization. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------

QQ and MSN are not patented under WIN. After the efforts of the big cattle, there is already a tool that can implement QQ chat under Linux, it is OpenQ.

OpenQ is an attempt to implement QQ chat on a non-Windows platform. It is currently based on GAIM's QQ plug-in, also known as Gaim QQ; can be simply, OpenQ is the Linux version of QQ client.

1, download

Under / root under (directory you can choose):

OpenQ 0.3-SRC, OpenQ


-p2 (file name: OpenQ-0.3.tbz, QQ-VER-0.3.0-P2.TBZ)

2, decompression

[root @ localhost root] # tar jxvf openq-0.3.tbz

[root @ localhost root] # tar jxvf qq-Ver-



3, delete and copy

(1) Put the QQ-VER-


The content replication in the -p2 folder is overridden to OpenQ-0.3 / GAIM-0.77 / SRC / Protocols / QQ. command:



-p2 / * /Root/openq-0.3/gaim-0.77/src/protocols/qq/

-f parameter indicates that it is not prompted when it is overwritten, and it will not be able to overwrite the file-by-file prompt.

(2) Find GAIM with command rpm -qa | grep gaim

If there is a stuff, use the command rpm -e gaimname to delete the GAIM existing in the system.

The step (2) can also be not done, but it is more troublesome to run GAIM in the installation directory.

4, compile:

CD OpenQ-0.3

* Install OpenQ main program

2. CD GAIM-0.77

3. ./configure --prefix = / OPT / OpenQ (setting according to the installation)

4. Make

5. Sudo make install

* Install QQ smile

6. MKDIR -P $ HOME / .GAIM / Smileys

7. CP -R QQ2003iii $ Home / .gaim / Smileys

* Install QQ Show


* Install the IP address file (you can install any directory, but must set it in "Preferences")

9. CP QQWRY-20040330.Dat $ HOME / .GAIM /

5, run

If the 3 (2) steps are not done

Directory / BIN / GAIM (/ OPT / OpenQ / Bin / Gaim)

Run Gaim

If you do 3 (2) steps, you can run GAIM6 directly, set

Add users to choose the right protocol

QQ users choose QQ protocol

MSN users choose MSN protocol

If you simose QQ and MSN, you need to build a QQ user to build a MSN user when you build a user, at least in my release (Redhat Linux 9), otherwise there will be error prompt box, more annoying, huh,

Ok, you can enjoy the fun of QQ and MSN under Linux.

Online reference documentation: HEAD-470011D337FA3CB5ED95860726D69276B92E9027


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